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Video: Obama In Tonight's Late Show With David Letterman


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Giving the democrats more documents to nitpick about makes about much sense as appearing on Letterman. whistling.gif

Seriously Ulysses, if he'd released them in the first place, it wouldn't even still be a talking point - unless there is something unwelcome.

He's made them a focus by being secretive.

The question every voter should be asking is "What has he got to hide?".

The reason Paul Ryan cannot say anything about the deductions and loopholes that he says he will close to make up for a 20% reduction in federal income tax rates (revenue neutral he says) is because they are precisely the loopholes that Romney has been using over the past decades to accumulate and protect his wealth. Romney cannot release his tax returns because it will make him look like a hypocrite and Ryan look like an imbecile. Of course what would happen in a Romney presidency is that they would cut the taxes, the would not close the loopholes, then they would cry out that the Federal government is going broke and use that as an excuse to put the boot into fellow citizens who need a hand because they aren't doing as well as we are. It's the same game plan over and over again.

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If he didn't have something to hide, they would have been released by now.
Precisely what I have been saying about Obama hiding most of his personal records for over four years now.

"Giving the [Republicans] more documents to nitpick about makes about much sense as appearing on [Hannity]."blink.png

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funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes

That's rich. Where are Romney's tax returns and how much does he have in the Caymans, Switzerland, Australia, etc. ... and why?

Romney has never had tax problems with the IRS. The current Treasury Secretary has.

There is a saying making the rounds among Americans.

The problem isn't what Romney does with his money...it is what Obama does with the taxpayers money.thumbsup.gif


Geithner's Tax Troubles Are Serious

Brian Wingfield, 01.13.09, 07:22 PM EST

The issues surrounding Obama's choice for Treasury secretary may be worse than Democrats are letting on.

WASHINGTON, D.C.--Timothy Geithner has just run into a potentially serious obstacle on the road to his confirmation as Barack Obama's Treasury secretary.

Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee made public concerns about Geithner's tax obligations, which resulted in his recent payment of $42,702 in additional taxes and interest for tax years 2001 to 2004. In addition, the committee's report on the matter says that in 2005 Geithner employed a housekeeper for about three and a half months after her ability to work in the U.S. had lapsed.


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If he didn't have something to hide, they would have been released by now.
Precisely what I have been saying about Obama hiding most of his personal records for over four years now.

"Giving the [Republicans] more documents to nitpick about makes about much sense as appearing on [Hannity]."blink.png

Sort of like...What's good for the goose is good for the gander?clap2.gif

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If he didn't have something to hide, they would have been released by now.
Precisely what I have been saying about Obama hiding most of his personal records for over four years now.

"Giving the [Republicans] more documents to nitpick about makes about much sense as appearing on [Hannity]."blink.png

Sort of like...What's good for the goose is good for the gander?clap2.gif

What personal records do want to have released. Are they records that might show something establishing that Obama is ineligible to be president or perhaps that he doesn't deserve to be president. No idea really. But more to the point, I don't really want to unpack the meaning of the clapping hands above - but with your explicit permission I will do so smile.png But only with your explicit permission and consent.

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Speaking about Obama's many whoppers, how about the blatant lie he told reporter Jorge Ramos in a Univision interview.

Obama: “I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration. When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it.

Fast and Furious was initiated in September 2009 and was carried out starting in October 2009, well into President Obama's first term. The "previous administration" was long gone. Fast and Furious was shut down immediately after Brian Terry was killed on December 14, 2010. Attorney General Eric Holder told the DOJ Inspector General he didn't know about Fast and Furious until January or February of 2011. He told Congress in May 2011 he had known about the program only for "a few weeks." Based on that, how did Holder "shut it down" when the program was shut down before he admits to even knowing about it?

Interesting. Last weekend Univision decided to run an expose concerning the current administrations ill advised ill conceived gun walking scheme.

It seems Mexicans both in Mexico & illegal job seekers in the united states had never heard about how the obama administration was arming drug cartels in Mexico.

Nope Woodward & Bernstein no longer care about what the guy in the White House does nor the guy running justice.

Univision is doing the job the American media refuses to do & expose these bumbling crooks for what they really are, perjurers sworn in front of Congress. Just to recap holders biggest lie was "I only learned about this a couple of weeks before agent Terry was killed".

Mexicans should rightly be outraged.

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Cudos to President Obama, or as I like to call him, two-term Obama.

Don't count your chickens. A new report on voter registration trends finds that Democratic voter registration is down by more than 800,000 since 2008 in eight key battleground states. GOP registration has also declined — but by only 79,000, a tenth of the Democrats’ losses. For some strange reason, many democrats are not very enthusiastic about another 4 years of Obama.

Fallacious correlation. Without controlling for other factors, the number itself,does not necessarily imply the cause and effect you arbitrarily suggest. Another explanation could be that Demos who negelcted to register felt confident enough that Obama would be re-elected that they didn't bother. We don't actually know the reason simply from looking at the numbers.

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Sort of like...What's good for the goose is good for the gander?clap2.gif

What personal records do want to have released. Are they records that might show something establishing that Obama is ineligible to be president or perhaps that he doesn't deserve to be president. No idea really. But more to the point, I don't really want to unpack the meaning of the clapping hands above - but with your explicit permission I will do so smile.png But only with your explicit permission and consent.

I cannot give you permission to break a forum rule and would not do so if I could.

A personal record release would include, but not be limited to, Obama's school records from Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School. His medical records, reason for forfeiting his law license in Illinois, more details about his home purchase in Chicago, his real relationship with Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrne, Tony Rezko and George Marshall Davis, his Columbia University thesis, his Illinois Senate

legislative and scheduling history have been mysteriously lost, etc, etc.

Now I am preparing to drive to Pattaya from Isaan so I have little more time today to waste on your questions but I shall return later tonight or tomorrow to answer any further questions you might come up with.

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Romney has never had tax problems with the IRS.

Well he wouldn't do if he's hidden his cash in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland and Australia, now would he?

I see you don't understand how diligent the IRS is in rooting out big time tax cheats, as you seem to claim Romney is.

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Romney has never had tax problems with the IRS.

Well he wouldn't do if he's hidden his cash in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland and Australia, now would he?

It is not hidden. The IRS know exactly where it is and they also know exactly what is on his tax returns.

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Sort of like...What's good for the goose is good for the gander?clap2.gif

What personal records do want to have released. Are they records that might show something establishing that Obama is ineligible to be president or perhaps that he doesn't deserve to be president. No idea really. But more to the point, I don't really want to unpack the meaning of the clapping hands above - but with your explicit permission I will do so smile.png But only with your explicit permission and consent.

I cannot give you permission to break a forum rule and would not do so if I could.

I wouldn't presume that you could, and I'm pleased to see that you don't make that presumption. No, I was thinking more at taking a stab at elucidating your meaning. Nothing to do with a forum rule.

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Romney has never had tax problems with the IRS.

Well he wouldn't do if he's hidden his cash in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland and Australia, now would he?

I see you don't understand how diligent the IRS is in rooting out big time tax cheats, as you seem to claim Romney is.

Absolutely correct. Americans are taxed on their global incomes from any & all sources. Saying Romney or Buffet or Gates have Cayman accounts they would be AFTER tax. Any accounts over $10,000 must be reported yearly.

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Jon Stewart doesn't go for the throat as much as he could

That is probably why he is so funny. The "throat" grabbers usually aren't.

Check out this video. Jon rips the administration as bumbling liars who can't keep their story straight. State dept has pulled EVERYONE out of Benghazi so the murder of Amb Stevens will never be investigated. Not one eye witness has been interviewed. Notice how Jon rips the aptly named spokeskid "Carney" who will say whatever Axlerod tells him to.


This is why Jon is funny & lettermen & mahr are lameos.

Edited by snarky66
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Cudos to President Obama, or as I like to call him, two-term Obama.

Don't count your chickens. A new report on voter registration trends finds that Democratic voter registration is down by more than 800,000 since 2008 in eight key battleground states. GOP registration has also declined — but by only 79,000, a tenth of the Democrats’ losses. For some strange reason, many democrats are not very enthusiastic about another 4 years of Obama.

Fallacious correlation. Without controlling for other factors, the number itself,does not necessarily imply the cause and effect you arbitrarily suggest. Another explanation could be that Demos who negelcted to register felt confident enough that Obama would be re-elected that they didn't bother. We don't actually know the reason simply from looking at the numbers.

Or just as probable, Dems know they can go to the voting station and vote pretending to be anyone they want (dead or alive, human or pet) so why waste time registering? Or maybe these are the same people who can't find time over 4 years to get a photo ID.

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Cudos to President Obama, or as I like to call him, two-term Obama.

Don't count your chickens. A new report on voter registration trends finds that Democratic voter registration is down by more than 800,000 since 2008 in eight key battleground states. GOP registration has also declined — but by only 79,000, a tenth of the Democrats’ losses. For some strange reason, many democrats are not very enthusiastic about another 4 years of Obama.

Fallacious correlation. Without controlling for other factors, the number itself,does not necessarily imply the cause and effect you arbitrarily suggest. Another explanation could be that Demos who negelcted to register felt confident enough that Obama would be re-elected that they didn't bother. We don't actually know the reason simply from looking at the numbers.

Or just as probable, Dems know they can go to the voting station and vote pretending to be anyone they want (dead or alive, human or pet) so why waste time registering? Or maybe these are the same people who can't find time over 4 years to get a photo ID.

A never reported fact. You need a photo ID to register to vote.

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Check out this video. Jon rips the administration as bumbling liars who can't keep their story straight. State dept has pulled EVERYONE out of Benghazi so the murder of Amb Stevens will never be investigated. Not one eye witness has been interviewed. Notice how Jon rips the aptly named spokeskid "Carney" who will say whatever Axlerod tells him to.


This is why Jon is funny & lettermen & mahr are lameos.


This is the video. Segment begins around 8:40


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Just watched last night's Daily show with Jon Stewart. He had Bill O'Reilly on the show and Stewart asked him what was most surprising about Obama's performance in the debate. Bill said he was shocked that Obama didn't use the most powerful weapon he had which was the 47% stuff (in the process joking that Stewart's audience were all 47% slackers). Stewart spent the remainder of the show lambasting Obama for his showing, particularly in light of the highly aggressive fund raising by the Obama campaign. He likened it to Obama being selfish, asking everyone to dig deep to help, and then not giving a sh*t in return.

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More from the Daily Show..it's all good, but my favorite part starts at 2:25. The same Michigan governor who went wild for Obama at the convention, states that "Obama..is going to LOSE the first debate. He is just not a great debater" then Stewart follows that with her wild convention meltdown a month ago. smile.png


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Here's where having all those liberal pals in Hollywood comes in handy:

A film dramatizing the death of Osama bin Laden is set to debut next month on the National Geographic Channel, two days before the presidential election.


Romney's gonna have to come up with something better than an old guy talking to a chair to compete with these types of juggernauts...

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More from the Daily Show..it's all good, but my favorite part starts at 2:25. The same Michigan governor who went wild for Obama at the convention, states that "Obama..is going to LOSE the first debate. He is just not a great debater" then Stewart follows that with her wild convention meltdown a month ago. smile.png


out of interest, you know the way the left leaning have the daily show and the colbert report, are there any right winger comedy news shows besides the o'reilly factor?

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More from the Daily Show..it's all good, but my favorite part starts at 2:25. The same Michigan governor who went wild for Obama at the convention, states that "Obama..is going to LOSE the first debate. He is just not a great debater" then Stewart follows that with her wild convention meltdown a month ago. smile.png


out of interest, you know the way the left leaning have the daily show and the colbert report, are there any right winger comedy news shows besides the o'reilly factor?

There are really none. zero. With the lone exception of liberal-turned-conservative comedian Dennis Miller, who only gets airtime because of his pal Bill O'Reilly on Fox, and one very lame Fox News copy attempt featuring Greg Gutfeld called Redye, (whose panelists I suspect are closet liberals) there are none.

In addition to best known Stewart, Colbert, Maher, and Letterman, late night host Fallon, Kimmel, and even Leno (who pretends to pander to the right with equal-time jokes) and Conan, lefties dominate the comedic airwaves.

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In addition to best known Stewart, Colbert, Maher, and Letterman, late night host Fallon, Kimmel, and even Leno (who pretends to pander to the right with equal-time jokes) and Conan, lefties dominate the comedic airwaves.

Stewart, Colbert, Maher are liberals/Dems. I don't really consider the rest of those guys aligned, they're just hack comedians doing topical humor because that's what's in these days -- if suddenly toilet humor comes back big time they'll be all about wee-wee and doo-doo. If the political climate shifts they'll adapt to save their careers, like Dennis Miller.

Ben Stein, long-time Republican (worked in the Nixon WH), thinks he's a comedian sometimes, and sometimes his cracks are funny, but usually he's just banging the drum for team. Back when he had that game show he'd occasionally make a Nixon joke.

I don't know how many of you guys remember Bob Hope. He used to pal around with whoever was in the WH, I recall he played golf with Ike and remember photos of him shmoozing with JFK. He always did political jokes but I think he wasn't aligned until the Nixon years. He was also the initial spokesman for the Peace Corp, something friends of mine who are Peace Corps veterans refuse to believe.

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Sure, Bob Hope is among the most legendary comics in US history, and though was a kid watching him with my parents, I'm old enough to have seen and loved a lot of him. But, as I recall he was a long time Republican (or at least seemed so). Which begs the question: what happened to Republicans' sense of humor??

Regarding the other late night comedians, I agree they will go for laughs wherever, but I watched the "Slo-Jam" show where Fallon had Obama rapping with him in song, and they sure looked cozy. I think I read elsewhere that all of these guys are firmly liberals.

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I don't know how many of you guys remember Bob Hope. He used to pal around with whoever was in the WH, I recall he played golf with Ike and remember photos of him shmoozing with JFK. He always did political jokes but I think he wasn't aligned until the Nixon years.

Bob Hope - not aligned until the Nixon years? Maybe, but here's a classic from FDR's days...

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Absolutely correct. Americans are taxed on their global incomes from any & all sources. Saying Romney or Buffet or Gates have Cayman accounts they would be AFTER tax. Any accounts over $10,000 must be reported yearly.

Q: If you tell the US Government you have $1 million in your Caymans account that has come from, say, Italy, how can they tell that you don't have another account with $9 million in it?

Of course I realise that's illegal under US law, and one would like to think that Romney isn't doing that.

However, when he says he gets no personal benefit from having offshore accounts in tax havens, on that he's clearly lying through his teeth.

And it demonstrates he's capable of lying, which probably explains why he doesn't want the US public to know what is in his tax returns pre-2010.

I wonder if all the "tax loopholes" he said he's going to close include the ones he himself uses?

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Absolutely correct. Americans are taxed on their global incomes from any & all sources. Saying Romney or Buffet or Gates have Cayman accounts they would be AFTER tax. Any accounts over $10,000 must be reported yearly.

Q: If you tell the US Government you have $1 million in your Caymans account that has come from, say, Italy, how can they tell that you don't have another account with $9 million in it?

I think that the US Gov't now asks foreign banks to supply information on accounts held by American citizens. But if the American has more than one passport, and use their non-American passport to open the account I would guess there is nothing the US gov't could do?

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