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Video: Obama In Tonight's Late Show With David Letterman


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I hate to have to say 'told you so' after election day, so I'll say it before the election: Obama's going to win, by a large margin.

The only thing that remains to be seen is; Will Obama leave peacefully or will he stage a coup 'd etat & make himself dictator?

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Republican congressman Joe Scarborough put it best: ''[Republicans] are so depressed this morning, they just can't believe that Mitt Romney is blowing a race against a president who … It is too much for many Republicans to handle … I'm going to go put a bag over my head now.''

As long as it's Louis Vuitton. Gotta have a bit of Class.

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I hate to have to say 'told you so' after election day, so I'll say it before the election: Obama's going to win, by a large margin.

The only thing that remains to be seen is; Will Obama leave peacefully or will he stage a coup 'd etat & make himself dictator?

If voted out, he'll probably have a tantrum in the East Wing, and destroy every painting and china vase in the place. Then go up on the roof and kick the triple-A (anti-aircraft) array on down to the vege garden, where it will squash a gaggle of kindergardeners over on a school trip learning about planting carrot seeds.

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You got to hand it to the guy. He can go on there & claim he wasn't aware of the size of the deficit even though on the campaign trail he said it was 9 trillion dollars. Obama rarely gets called on his in your face outrageous lies.

In an appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman, President Barack Obama suggested that most of the country’s debt was accumulated under George W. Bush, pretended that he has offered a solution to these problems, said that he does not know the total U.S. national debt, and claimed that the debt is not a short-term concern for the country.

It was one of the most dishonest performances from this president in recent memory, and yet it has generated virtually no attention from a mainstream media.

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It is interesting what the Russians have to say about the current administration. From the mouth of Pravda:

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.


Another view from Pravda:

Why Obama does not deserve to be reelected

(1) First, Obama did not turn the economy around, as he promised four years ago. On the contrary, as of today, "three million more Americans are out of work than four years ago"; worse, "the national debt is $5 trillion bigger" to pass $16 trillion (on Obama's watch), as reported by The Economist on September 01, 2012. http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/05-09-2012/122077-barack_obama_reelected-0/

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The political positions of many of the regular posters on this thread has gotten even more extreme, and those same posters seem to be leaning ever more heavily on their go-to media sources for validation of their positions.

I've been watching and reading a lot of coverage of the fallout and implications of Romney's 47% gaffe, and his nosedive generally, from non-US news sources. Uniformly, most analysts seem to think that if Romney now wins it will be an upset. How his campaign could manage that, from what looked like a fairly easy win over a weak incumbent has everyone scratching their heads, and even lots of prominent Republican media folks (yes, even Fox News Bill Krystol) have been essentially saying how incompetent the campaign is. Taking a wider view, a lot of people believe the Republican party itself is morally bankrupt, that it has moved so far right that it wouldn't matter who the GOP finally nominated, they would lose. Romney has simply revealed his real colors, and he seems arrogant, uncaring, and blundering - and he has pissed off retirees, military and others in his 47% of losers comments. Obama doesn't have to do anything except act the statesman at this point it seems. I don't expect Obama has to do much at all as far as laying out specific plans for anything.

Romney is so off-balance doing damage control, "rebooting" the campaign, dealing with campaign management conflicts, and raising money, as he is now behind in fundraising, I look for the Obama people to really pour it on now in the swing states.

Sad state of US political affairs. The ineffective incumbent just stands and watches the challenger self-destruct. Well, if Obama does win, hopefully it will cause the GOP to restructure its platform, and try to return to the virtuous party it used to be under people like Reagan. I don't recognize this republican party. It's mean, and it's out of touch, and it appears to be going down, yet again this time.

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The political positions of many of the regular posters on this thread has gotten even more extreme, and those same posters seem to be leaning ever more heavily on their go-to media sources for validation of their positions.

I've been watching and reading a lot of coverage of the fallout and implications of Romney's 47% gaffe, and his nosedive generally, from non-US news sources. Uniformly, most analysts seem to think that if Romney now wins it will be an upset. How his campaign could manage that, from what looked like a fairly easy win over a weak incumbent has everyone scratching their heads, and even lots of prominent Republican media folks (yes, even Fox News Bill Krystol) have been essentially saying how incompetent the campaign is. Taking a wider view, a lot of people believe the Republican party itself is morally bankrupt, that it has moved so far right that it wouldn't matter who the GOP finally nominated, they would lose. Romney has simply revealed his real colors, and he seems arrogant, uncaring, and blundering - and he has pissed off retirees, military and others in his 47% of losers comments. Obama doesn't have to do anything except act the statesman at this point it seems. I don't expect Obama has to do much at all as far as laying out specific plans for anything.

Romney is so off-balance doing damage control, "rebooting" the campaign, dealing with campaign management conflicts, and raising money, as he is now behind in fundraising, I look for the Obama people to really pour it on now in the swing states.

Sad state of US political affairs. The ineffective incumbent just stands and watches the challenger self-destruct. Well, if Obama does win, hopefully it will cause the GOP to restructure its platform, and try to return to the virtuous party it used to be under people like Reagan. I don't recognize this republican party. It's mean, and it's out of touch, and it appears to be going down, yet again this time.

How many times in the past 100 years has virtue won out over Chicago politics?

As Obama said early on in his Presidency talking about the Republican Congress..."They bring a knife, I bring a gun."

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I've been watching and reading a lot of coverage of the fallout and implications of Romney's 47% gaffe, and his nosedive generally, from non-US news sources. Uniformly, most analysts seem to think that if Romney now wins it will be an upset.

Well, maybe you should start reading American new sources about the American election. That sounds like a bunch of wishful thinking - your sources are leading you astray. The candidates were just nominated a few weeks ago. The race is neck and neck and there is still one and a half months, two jobs reports and four debates before the election. It is not even close to being decided.

As to Bill Kristol, he wants Romney to come out and champion a bunch of his personal far-right causes, which would be a total disaster. He is a political commentator, not a campaign manager.

The reason that Romney is not trouncing Obama is because the president's campaign has been so dishonest and most of the media have bent over backwards to back them up, but there is still plenty of time to pull ahead. The debates, what looks like more bad economic news and the collapse of Obama's Middle East policy are issues that are going to make a big difference. Now all we can do is wait and watch.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I come from a long line of republicans, including a close relative who is a republican congressman. I've always been an independent, but lean toward the republican party. Until now.

I see the Republicans in general and Romney in particular, as very disingenuous. They are selfish, self-centered and very uncaring. I will not be voting for someone who has the interest of a few at heart, but ignores the interests of many. Much of what they are proposing is welfare for the wealthy and business. Nobody else seems to matter.

They are mean-spirited and they didn't use to be that way. Sad.

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Ah yes. We all miss the caring Republicans of the past. Where are Barry Goldwater, Spiro Agnew and Richard Nixon when we really need them? tongue.png

I keep hearing people - mostly democrats - lamenting the good old days when Republicans were such nice, caring guys. However, I don't remember them saying anything other than they were selfish, self-centered and very uncaring back then and I was a democrat.

Frankly, I think it is just more empty rhetoric and I rather take a chance on a successful businessman than a president who has completely failed at fixing the economy and has no real plan to do anything different than what he has been doing - which just does not work.

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lots of prominent Republican media folks (yes, even Fox News Bill Krystol) have been essentially saying how incompetent the campaign is.

Perhaps the campaign and its strategy is incompetant. Yet, I see it more emanating from the man himself. I think Romney is essentially a very good American, handsome, successful at business, Probably a great husband, father and grandfather also. Yet, his ideas, character and leadership qualities are what many (undecided) voters will likely be scrutinizing. They're going to have to make their own choices (not like Thailand, where they're told who to vote for and given 200 to 500 baht, with results checked later, and punishments meted out for those who didn't vote as told).

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And it is attitudes like yours and a few other posters who chose to not discuss anything in a rational manner that is why so many don't bother posting.

Huh? What is "not rational" about disagreeing with your opinion? I don't buy that argument that Republicans used to be great, but now they are heartless and greedy - it is a democratic talking point. I think that Jingthing was first to use that line of reasoning on the forum and I did not buy it from him either.

You think that Romney is selfish and uncaring. I think that Obama is a complete failure and I disagree with almost everything he has done since he has been in office. I resent the fact that he was so dishonest in his 2008 campaign and that he tricked me into voting for him. I can't believe that anyone would vote for four more years of this dismal economy. I just don't see how we are going to come to a "rational" conclusion together.

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And it is attitudes like yours and a few other posters who chose to not discuss anything in a rational manner that is why so many don't bother posting.

Huh? What is "not rational" about disagreeing with your opinion? I don't buy that argument that Republicans used to be great, but now they are heartless and greedy - it is a democratic talking point. I think that Jingthing was first to use that line of reasoning on the forum and I did not buy it from him either.

You think that Romney is selfish and uncaring. I think that Obama is a complete failure and I disagree with almost everything he has done since he has been in office. I resent the fact that he was so dishonest in his 2008 campaign and that he tricked me into voting for him. I can't believe that anyone would vote for four more years of this dismal economy. I just don't see how we are going to come to a "rational" conclusion together.

Just can't help yourself then - bought one grab bag of empty promises in 2008 and now want to buy a different grab bag of empty promises in 2012. You're just all rassled up at your own gullibility. Don't get too worked-up, it'll surely happen again if induction is any guide. Sounds like a nightmare Tolkien Novel: "To There and Back Again....and Again, and Again". Sounds like you might be too easily tricked to be trusted with a vote. thumbsup.gif

Koheesti and Chuckd knew that Obama was a drug addled Marxist without a birth certificate, a penchant, taste and even desire for thousands of crushed cranium abortions and no doubt a real liking for the destruction of personal responsibility and and individual initiative way back in 2008 if not in 1963. How come you got taken in by the hollow rhetoric? giggle.gif

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I learned about politics when I was 16, always hated the GOP.

I don't like the Dems, but I would vote for them if they kept the GOP in line. They don't, and even disparage those of their ranks that try to. I am not voting for O again because he fails at this.

Both Rove and Pelosi are slabs of fat cut from the same sow.

Gotta admit though, Saint Ronnie who they love to look back on comes off like a lefty labor organizer compared to the younger generation of GOP bottom-feeders coming up in the food chain of the party.

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Referring to posters as 'spiteful trolls' is inflammatory. Continued nasty posting is going to earn some posting suspensions.

Let's keep personal remarks at other posters out of the thread.

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Just can't help yourself then - bought one grab bag of empty promises in 2008 and now want to buy a different grab bag of empty promises in 2012.

Maybe, but fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. At least I learn from mistakes and Obama has turned out to be nothing but a big mistake. "Hope and Change" and Yes We Can" have proved to be nothing but empty rhetoric. Yes we can go bankrupt is more like it.

Obama has failed and IMO it is just plain stupid to sanction another four more years of someone who will just continue to blame all the country's problems on someone else and not take responsibility for his own policies - his Modus operandi.

It is time to give someone else a chance. Unlike Obama in 2008, Romney has been vetted by the media and when you get past the lies, spin and distortions of his rivals and look at his actual record, mostly I like what I see.

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Getting back to the OP topic, I've downloaded and watched all last week's Letterman shows. By Thursday, it was hilarious, with Letterman making a direct to the camera appeal to Mitt to please appear on his show, any time, at any notice, and he said he can even bring his little buddy, Gilligan, or whatever the VP too. They swung the camera to his producer, who confirmed they had asked Romney over 100 times to be on the show. His mocking of Romney will just increase until he shows up. Again, this is not a debate with hard news people - it's just a sitting on the couch of a late night entertainer. What is Romney afraid of?

On a related note, Romney was on 60 minutes, doing more damage control, defensively stating he did not need a turnaround, as suggested by some GOP pundits.

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