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Overland 15 Or 30 Days?

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Hi forum,

I have a UK passport and i am currently on a mutiple (x3) entry tourist visa. By air if I go out and in again i get 60 days, however if I travel overland out the country and in again is it 15 days or 30 days for my second entry in? I think its 30....i hope so...any help would be appreciated.



Edited by mrastoney
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Met a Kiwi recently who got 30 days at a land border. He only needed 15, as he flew out a week later.

We live in a strange world.

Most likely a mistake by the official.

Vietnamese, Laotians and Malaysians get 30 days even when crossing overland. Most other nationalities that are eligible for 30 days on arrival by air, now only get 15 days by land, but only if they don't already have a visa in their passports. Kiwis used to get 90 days years ago but the Kiwi government shot itself in the foot by requiring Thais to obtain NZ visas prior to arrival since 1996; consequently the Thais responded (after a bit of a delay) and decided that although they still want/need Kiwi money they will now only issue 30 days rather than the previous 90 days. Since 1996 is a long time ago, the same 15 days that many other nationalities receive have also been applied to the Kiwis when arriving overland.

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