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Brother In Law Missing


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pick up his mail, look for debits on his credit card, debit or checking account or cash withdrawls, these usually have a location listed as well.

if the funds are untouched you really know you have a problem.

the tone of your posts sounds like you are too lazy to really look into this. what country are you in?

nice assumption d#ck head we tried all that, nice thing to assume people who are spending all there time doing all they can are doing nothing or are lazy.

my bad, should have known better then to come here with the story, to the helpful ones thanks so much, mobile phone idea was covered already.

to lazy to look,what are you talking about.

Edited by payak
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You must mix with some very funny people ,my wife and i know a dozen or so normal Thai familes with normal jobs and take care of their kids ,and thats without my wifes familly where her three sisters have normal everyday loving housholds.

The normal Thai families I know seem to include murderers, thieves, jail-birds, drug dealers, prostitutes and corrupt policemen (mix and match). Either your 'families' are exceptional folks OR you don't know them as well as you think OR the village I live in is full of nutters.

(I assume you speak and understand Thai fairly well, as you won't hear any bad stuff EVER if you only understand English)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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my wifes not a happy girl right now, newborn is keeping her bus though.

Do you mean to say that the brother-in-law's daughter is actually a newborn baby (ie less than a couple of months old), and if he's been missing a few weeks...that means he was only actually been involved in the baby for a few weeks? Given this fact (single dude with a newborn baby) it may be that he just decided to do a runner.

It was payak's wife referenced I think.

By the by, why would a grown man phone a baby up two times a day if it was his??

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my wifes not a happy girl right now, newborn is keeping her bus though.

Do you mean to say that the brother-in-law's daughter is actually a newborn baby (ie less than a couple of months old), and if he's been missing a few weeks...that means he was only actually been involved in the baby for a few weeks? Given this fact (single dude with a newborn baby) it may be that he just decided to do a runner.

It was payak's wife referenced I think.

By the by, why would a grown man phone a baby up two times a day if it was his??

was my baby, yes, my baby is the newborn.

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You must mix with some very funny people ,my wife and i know a dozen or so normal Thai familes with normal jobs and take care of their kids ,and thats without my wifes familly where her three sisters have normal everyday loving housholds.

The normal Thai families I know seem to include murderers, thieves, jail-birds, drug dealers, prostitutes and corrupt policemen (mix and match). Either your 'families' are exceptional folks OR you don't know them as well as you think OR the village I live in is full of nutters.

(I assume you speak and understand Thai fairly well, as you won't hear any bad stuff EVER if you only understand English)

At the risk of going off track normal thai families don't include the degenerates you list but are as disfunctional as the similar ones found all over the world.

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pick up his mail, look for debits on his credit card, debit or checking account or cash withdrawls, these usually have a location listed as well.

if the funds are untouched you really know you have a problem.

the tone of your posts sounds like you are too lazy to really look into this. what country are you in?

nice assumption d#ck head we tried all that, nice thing to assume people who are spending all there time doing all they can are doing nothing or are lazy.

my bad, should have known better then to come here with the story, to the helpful ones thanks so much, mobile phone idea was covered already.

to lazy to look,what are you talking about.

i'm assuming you are not telling us what you have done, or giving details. why this is the case, i don't know.

hard to give advice to a blank slate, but i will keep trying, i may get lucky!

Edited by jacktrip
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Don't wish to sound like Rumsfeld in one of his more esoteric moments but there are many unknowns here.

Your brother-in-law was at best casually employed but you don't really know.

He had no fixed address but you don't really know.

He had a casual employer but you don't know his name.

He lived apart from his family with no partner but you don't really know.

I, personally, don't get involved with Thai's family business. Experience has taught me that you will not help despite all the best intentions, you can never understand what is really going on despite speaking good Thai and many situations are intractable.

Have you considered the fact that he may be hopelessly in debt, a common situation, and gone into hiding or locked up. No free phone call from friendly cops here.

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Don't wish to sound like Rumsfeld in one of his more esoteric moments but there are many unknowns here.

Your brother-in-law was at best casually employed but you don't really know.

He had no fixed address but you don't really know.

He had a casual employer but you don't know his name.

He lived apart from his family with no partner but you don't really know.

I, personally, don't get involved with Thai's family business. Experience has taught me that you will not help despite all the best intentions, you can never understand what is really going on despite speaking good Thai and many situations are intractable.

Have you considered the fact that he may be hopelessly in debt, a common situation, and gone into hiding or locked up. No free phone call from friendly cops here.

think i should have made it clear when i started this my intentions were not to find him here, my mistake sorry guys.

just expressing frustration at the system although its no surprise.

was not here to find him, he will not be found here, just talking about the lack of interest by authorities.

he has not done a runner from anything, read this from the start, he is not the average thai guy that splits from his children.

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If money isn't an issue, hire a P.I.

They do amazing things in Thailand.

My penny-thoughts: He's probably involved in an accident or any other event that cost his life without carrying any kind of ID.

Well aren't you a ray of sunshine.

Edited by necronx99
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I have lived in Thailand for many years.It is not uncommon for Thai males to "check out" for a while. Thai's cannot handle pressure like Farangs. My wife's uncle left home to work in Bangkok and was not heard from from for a couple of years. We had pretty much given him up for dead!. My wife was at her home vilage in Thailand at the time, and called me to say that her Uncle had shown up at the family compound.He was like the "Produgal Son", He arrived with a family in tow . A thai wife,with three childrenmand moved in the Granpa'a Hut.

I'm not sayoing that this situation is the same as ours,but remember, "this is Thailand" and anything is possible. I would say yhers ia better than 50% chance this guy will resurface again.


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If money isn't an issue, hire a P.I.

They do amazing things in Thailand.

My penny-thoughts: He's probably involved in an accident or any other event that cost his life without carrying any kind of ID.

Well aren't you a ray of sunshine.

this has crossed my mind, and is very likely i thought, but if the hospitals or temples came across a young guy with no id, they say they will call.

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If money isn't an issue, hire a P.I.

They do amazing things in Thailand.

My penny-thoughts: He's probably involved in an accident or any other event that cost his life without carrying any kind of ID.

Well aren't you a ray of sunshine.

this has crossed my mind, and is very likely i thought, but if the hospitals or temples came across a young guy with no id, they say they will call.

You probably have, but just checking, have you done any searches for him online, such as email, facebook and social networking accounts?

If you have tried all Avenues and still drawn a blank, than I’m afraid you have to fear the worst, as the situation is not looking good.

Another option, but it`s going to cost you, is to hire a lawyer and do some searches at the Amphur offices, driving license centres and tax offices to try and discover if the guy has registered anywhere, such as ID cards, house papers and new employers. The chances are slim, I know, but maybe worth a shot. Depends how keen and desperate the family are to find this guy.

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good news is every possible avenue has been checked, i mean everything that can be done.

bad news is we came up with nothing, this was one happy guy to, happy with his present situation at the time before he disapeared.

what did the pi and lawyer cost you, out of curiosity?

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This is a very strange thread, My brother in law is missing, please don't try to to help.

At least that is how I am reading it.

You would think the OP would appreciate that some of the members have shown concern and have made an effort.

Rescue guys often pinch wallets, so missing ID is not that uncommon from accident victims.

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This is a very strange thread, My brother in law is missing, please don't try to to help.

At least that is how I am reading it.

You would think the OP would appreciate that some of the members have shown concern and have made an effort.

Rescue guys often pinch wallets, so missing ID is not that uncommon from accident victims.

all threads are strange if you read only half the posts, I said thankyou to those who offered help, did you see that or are your eyes painted on. what i find strange are people that read back about oh, lets say 4 0r 5 posts then jumpin thinking they know whats what.

do you recall me writing i'm aware people here cant help, just venting my frustration at the police, did not read it did you, although you just wrote its strange thread as you read it, but you never reallyread it at all did you.

many people have been very kind and helpful, thanks again, but like all posts, how do things always turn into an issue here, got people on the other post fighting about boots for f sakes.

as for the families finances and costs for lawyers, i dont ask, they dont ask me for cash, they do alright, not my place to ask them.

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the cell phone options mentioned here are a joke. imagine trying to get a carrier in thailand to trace a cell phone, idiotic.

You and I probably couldn't do it, but the police can, and do so frequently.

It's not rocket science.

Unfortunately, they'll only do it in high profile cases, so it's probably not an option, but you can only ask.

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good news is every possible avenue has been checked, i mean everything that can be done.

LOL, are you serious? Well I guess that one is done and dusted then, back to the bat cave.

yeah, i will explain it because many things must be spelled out here for the simpler people, good news meaning having done everything it increases the chances of finding him, i dont mean good as in hey we can stop now because its hard work.

there are same great guys here, but some serious rejects, common sense is not in large supply here when some are reading posts, try reading between the lines a little, that way we dont have to write a virtual book each post

Edited by payak
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good news is every possible avenue has been checked, i mean everything that can be done.

LOL, are you serious? Well I guess that one is done and dusted then, back to the bat cave.

yeah, i will explain it because many things must be spelled out here for the simpler people, good news meaning having done everything it increases the chances of finding him, i dont mean good as in hey we can stop now because its hard work.

there are same great guys here, but some serious rejects, common sense is not in large supply here when some are reading posts, try reading between the lines a little, that way we dont have to write a virtual book each post

So you did the following already?

  • Hired a private investigator
  • Visited previous places of employment
  • Talked with co-workers/ex co-workers
  • Offered reward for information leading to his discovery
  • Checked phone records

If someone I cared about was actually missing I would never be able to say "I've looked at all avenues", there would always be another avenue to check, especially after only 2 weeks!

So don't make silly statements like that, just say "I've done as much as I'm willing to do" instead.

Edited by dave111223
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