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Brother In Law Missing


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Sorry, but the OP lost all credibility some posts back.

He states that everything has been tried to find his brother in law, but continues to be vague and not go in to details.

Posters are asking perfectly reasonable questions, and if the OP feels these are imposing and has no intentions of answering, than why bother to start this thread?

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agreed with most posters.. for the sake of your own mental state of mind... log out from here and not come back so you not have to frustrate on the helpers/posters.. saves you a lot worries which you can spend elsewhere better..

btw. if he reached work already, its very common for the bodies of construction workers who had deadly accidents to cover everything up. saves lawsuits, time and money

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

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good news is every possible avenue has been checked, i mean everything that can be done.

LOL, are you serious? Well I guess that one is done and dusted then, back to the bat cave.

yeah, i will explain it because many things must be spelled out here for the simpler people, good news meaning having done everything it increases the chances of finding him, i dont mean good as in hey we can stop now because its hard work.

there are same great guys here, but some serious rejects, common sense is not in large supply here when some are reading posts, try reading between the lines a little, that way we dont have to write a virtual book each post

Nope, I read the whole thread and I find it strange. My condolences to your family.

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yeah, i will explain it because many things must be spelled out here for the simpler people, good news meaning having done everything it increases the chances of finding him, i dont mean good as in hey we can stop now because its hard work.

there are same great guys here, but some serious rejects, common sense is not in large supply here when some are reading posts, try reading between the lines a little, that way we dont have to write a virtual book each post

Nope, I read the whole thread and I find it strange. My condolences to your family.

What's strange?

Payak's brother-in-law has gone missing with no news for 2 weeks or more

He has discovered, to his surprise and frustration, that the police here are not interested.

Both of the above would be odd in a Western society and to someone with a view that Thailand is similar to a Western society. But they are not unusual for here.

Payak is sharing his negative discovery.

Unsurprisingly, and as he pointed out, you say anything on this forum, and you are immediately rounded upon.

Nothing strange here at all.

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He has discovered, to his surprise and frustration, that the police here are not interested.

Both of the above would be odd in a Western society and to someone with a view that Thailand is similar to a Western society. But they are not unusual for here.

So you are telling me if you walked into a local police station in the US and said "My single-dad brother law-in, who works causal out of state odd jobs in construction (don't know who he works for or where), and comes home every now and again (but usually calls a lot), hasn't called for 2 weeks" they would do what...? Send in a squat team while you go back to drinking a beer on the couch?

They would probably file a missing persons report in their database and then do nothing...

Edited by dave111223
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He has discovered, to his surprise and frustration, that the police here are not interested.

Both of the above would be odd in a Western society and to someone with a view that Thailand is similar to a Western society. But they are not unusual for here.

So you are telling me if you walked into a local police station in the US and said "My single-dad brother law-in, who works causal out of state odd jobs in construction (don't know who he works for or where), and comes home every now and again (but usually calls a lot), hasn't called for 2 weeks" they would do what...? Send in a squat team while you go back to drinking a beer on the couch?

They would probably file a missing persons report in their database and then do nothing...

I think the FBI and CIA would get involved in this case :cheesy:

Edited by yoslim
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He has discovered, to his surprise and frustration, that the police here are not interested.

Both of the above would be odd in a Western society and to someone with a view that Thailand is similar to a Western society. But they are not unusual for here.

So you are telling me if you walked into a local police station in the US and said "My single-dad brother law-in, who works causal out of state odd jobs in construction (don't know who he works for or where), and comes home every now and again (but usually calls a lot), hasn't called for 2 weeks" they would do what...? Send in a squat team while you go back to drinking a beer on the couch?

They would probably file a missing persons report in their database and then do nothing...

police dont have the resources to investigate missing persons in any country, there are just too many cases and they require lengthy research.

thats why we are giving payak some options about what to do. what's strange that he does not discuss or want the feedback.

he wants us to just write this guy off, know that he was a loving father who was close to his family?!?, and confirm his suspicions that there is no hope...

Edited by jacktrip
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i saw a man at the market. he was a large older guy, he sat down by a single lady who looked like she was freelancing due to her sitting alone by the street, manner of dress and body language.

after a short discussion, which i did not overhear, he left shaking his head. she had a blank look on her face.

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i saw a man at the market. he was a large older guy, he sat down by a single lady who looked like she was freelancing due to her sitting alone by the street, manner of dress and body language.

after a short discussion, which i did not overhear, he left shaking his head. she had a blank look on her face.


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if you read this thread from start to finish its lost its original plot, now somewhat looks like a game of chinese whispers, 2 times i pointed out i was simply complaing about the police.

it has now evolved into a thread about me being lazy and not caring about my brother in law.

this thread says more about some of you then me.

we know what needs to be done, thats a no brainer, we appreciate the respectful comments of help to, but it being delt with, post was about the system or lack of it.

tv guys will argue over almost anything.

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Then why have you bumped it again ?

Just forget about it, that is unless you want to argue yourself ?

natural reaction to fire up when people say you dont care about someone you love.

not about wanting to argue, think about it, we could all just begin again and talk civily, but has there ever been a thread were that happens, no.

there will always be someone who will jump in with something quite negative, everytime without fail, you know its true.

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Then why have you bumped it again ?

Just forget about it, that is unless you want to argue yourself ?

natural reaction to fire up when people say you dont care about someone you love.

not about wanting to argue, think about it, we could all just begin again and talk civily, but has there ever been a thread were that happens, no.

there will always be someone who will jump in with something quite negative, everytime without fail, you know its true.

I agree with you, however there will always be people on the internet that like to wind people up when they are feeling down.

It is usually better to share your frustration with friends and loved ones.

Sad really but many people acting under anonymous names tend to show their nasty side.

Don't let people who you will never know or even see wind you up :)

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his pics have been given to reporters who my wifes sisters boyfriend knows at the tv station he hosts his program at.

dont know why i'm answering you jacktrip, you were the one who kicked of the trouble in this thread, your still showing hints of sarcasm win your posts like the fact that youput in above the word obvious.

the obvious thing to do would be read this all again, read that we are doing what needs to be done, im not foolish enough to think i will find him on a site littered with many old alcoholic expats who get fooled in a nano second by uneducated bargirls.

mind you i'm not refering to all expats here, many champs here, but jacktrip i'm not interested in you i speak straight i dont like you.

after saying we are to lazy to look for him last week we have nothing to say, it's not a dispute just common sense when you cant speak civil you dont speak, and your playing games, move on to another thread.

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his pics have been given to reporters who my wifes sisters boyfriend knows at the tv station he hosts his program at.

dont know why i'm answering you jacktrip, you were the one who kicked of the trouble in this thread, your still showing hints of sarcasm win your posts like the fact that youput in above the word obvious.

the obvious thing to do would be read this all again, read that we are doing what needs to be done, im not foolish enough to think i will find him on a site littered with many old alcoholic expats who get fooled in a nano second by uneducated bargirls.

mind you i'm not refering to all expats here, many champs here, but jacktrip i'm not interested in you i speak straight i dont like you.

after saying we are to lazy to look for him last week we have nothing to say, it's not a dispute just common sense when you cant speak civil you dont speak, and your playing games, move on to another thread.

Why don't you both move on to another thread. I'll stay here and clean up later...

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his pics have been given to reporters who my wifes sisters boyfriend knows at the tv station he hosts his program at.

dont know why i'm answering you jacktrip, you were the one who kicked of the trouble in this thread, your still showing hints of sarcasm win your posts like the fact that youput in above the word obvious.

the obvious thing to do would be read this all again, read that we are doing what needs to be done, im not foolish enough to think i will find him on a site littered with many old alcoholic expats who get fooled in a nano second by uneducated bargirls.

mind you i'm not refering to all expats here, many champs here, but jacktrip i'm not interested in you i speak straight i dont like you.

after saying we are to lazy to look for him last week we have nothing to say, it's not a dispute just common sense when you cant speak civil you dont speak, and your playing games, move on to another thread.

After reading this, I start to understand why BIL left the building! w00t.gif
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I kinda get the feeling he is not looking for his BIL on here, but having a rant to help his frustrations, many posters on here do the same on a range of differing subjects, to a wide degree of outcomes.

his venting against posters is retaliation, unless someone can point out where he has attacked someone before a rather feckless response.

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Jacktrip has a point.

You will not find your bil on here. And venting your fustration on members is counterproductive and unecessary.

I understand what your saying absolutly, but people like him should not assume things, saying we are lazy and not really doing anything to find him.

kinda rude as no one here really knows each other, or can see what each other is doing throught the days am i right, comments like that are frustrating yes i will not deny it.

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