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How Do You Earn Money In Thailand?

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You're all gonna love this, especially those with a degree that can't find a job or are earning 25k per month. I have a year 10 education, am not particularly bright and I lied my way into a job 12 years ago. I am now a country manager of a huge international company, and despite being fairly incompetent, still manage to hold onto my job.

This is standard CV for Thai Managers, no need to feel special. There again we have Ben Bernanke in the highest Criminal Bankster position in the US whose solution to excessive debt is to....print money (you couldn't make this stuff up), might I suggest that many in positions of power are in fact imbeciles, albeit convincing imbeciles.

It's remarkable isn't it

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We dont ,its very hard to earn a living here for a Falang ,most of us have investments and pensions,thats why so many of us are older.

Thailand is a big drain for all our money, you just don't know it till is too late

You are dead right there, I am bankrupt, well nearly.

Not true. I came here 2.5 years ago and have more money now than when I first arrived. My money grows most months. It's difficult to overspend here, as most things are pretty cheap compared to back home.

well, as you stated above you made/make your money abroad so where is the point of your posts in regard to OPs question? Probably nobody is interested to know how much you spend or save here.

I agree with one of the above posters that good jobs for foreigners in Thailand are rare and if you are not bringing special skills or connections to the table then sorry to say chances are slim.

Not talking about internet based businesses (which is of course also a special skill) that can be run from anywhere.

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We dont ,its very hard to earn a living here for a Falang ,most of us have investments and pensions,thats why so many of us are older.

Thailand is a big drain for all our money, you just don't know it till is too late

You are dead right there, I am bankrupt, well nearly.

Not true. I came here 2.5 years ago and have more money now than when I first arrived. My money grows most months. It's difficult to overspend here, as most things are pretty cheap compared to back home.

Good for you ,if its true ,but for the average man ,what i said still goes,and if you want a good lifestyle here with a son in university ,a car and a nice home plus paying for health care when its needed ,it still doesnt come cheap.

Edited by thenervoussurgeon
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When people ask how do you make a living in Thailand they are often asking how to get a job in Thailand rather than building a business for which one needs capital.

And when they are asking how to get a job they are often asking from a position of having no technical skills or qualifications.

In short they are looking to finance their stay in Thailand rather than thinking about building a career.

It rarely works.

I agree with Yoshi.

Many foreigners fall in love with Thailand and are desperate to find any way to make money - hence bars, time share and scamming other foreigners.

Few have the skills or resources to invest into something over the long term.

They need quick solutions, and I'm afraid, there really are no easy or quick fixes for foreigners here.

Unless you have real money and real skills, go home, work hard, save up, and come back for a long holiday.

She will still be waiting....kind off.

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Not true. I came here 2.5 years ago and have more money now than when I first arrived. My money grows most months. It's difficult to overspend here, as most things are pretty cheap compared to back home.

Good for you ,if its true ,but for the average man ,what i said still goes,and if you want a good lifestyle here with a son in university ,a car and a nice home plus paying for health care when its needed ,it still doesnt come cheap.

Yes, it true. But if I was in your situation I'd be broke. I have a nice home and a good lifestyle, but don't have a car or any children (both very expensive things). But all you need to stay in the black is to spend less than you earn. It's understandable that having children is going to cost money, and there is no real way to avid that expense. But I see many needlessly spending money they don't have when they could easily cut back a little in order to stay in the black. Recently I heard two people complaining about how broke they were but then both went out and bought new card on credit, even though their current cars were under two years old. I also see people get new mobile phones at least once a year and then claim they don't have money. I could live with a two year old car and a year old phone, but it seems that many can't.

Many on here are from richer countries than Thailand, so if you can't make ends meet here, how did you ever manage back home. Just doesn't make much sense to me. Living a lifestyle you want but can't afford, until you're broke seems utter madness to me. Being broke isn't going to be much fun at all, so just plan ahead a little and try to avoid that fate.

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When people ask how do you make a living in Thailand they are often asking how to get a job in Thailand rather than building a business for which one needs capital.

And when they are asking how to get a job they are often asking from a position of having no technical skills or qualifications.

In short they are looking to finance their stay in Thailand rather than thinking about building a career.

It rarely works.

I agree with Yoshi.

Many foreigners fall in love with Thailand and are desperate to find any way to make money - hence bars, time share and scamming other foreigners.

Few have the skills or resources to invest into something over the long term.

They need quick solutions, and I'm afraid, there really are no easy or quick fixes for foreigners here.

Unless you have real money and real skills, go home, work hard, save up, and come back for a long holiday.

She will still be waiting....kind off.

Good realistic post.

This is what I did. First trip to thailand for a holiday I thought "what can I do to stay here?"

Went back home, quit my job, enrolled in college to study about oil production process.

Found a low paying, entry level job with a oil service company, studied everything I could about the job and said "yes" to every bit of overtime offshore, onshore or in the office

but when finally came to time off made them aware I was travelling to Thailand.

From the start they knew me as the thailand guy. 5 years later...

The plan worked.


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Saw your other post on the Hire Me/Job thread. I am posting here, totally disregarding your simple question.

Try to be practical for a while longer, keep stashing and investing while you are still young, finish those 8 uni courses and get that silly peice of paper under your belt! Coming out of the military, you have your foot in the door in Doha, which may lead to other things if that comes to an end (I assume you are Contract, but not sure?).

Start slow with your Thai Lady (or any woman for that matter). Even in a serious relationship at this point, as you noted, there is no rush to ditch what sounds like a reasonably good job, for doing "whatever possible to make it" in Thailand so you can be with your girl. Take your time with Thailand.

Regret if I've missed the target but maybe hit the tree, however I got a little bit alarmed when I saw the other post in Jobs thread.

Be smart, stick with it until you have all your ducks in a row. Best of luck to you.


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We dont ,its very hard to earn a living here for a Falang ,most of us have investments and pensions,thats why so many of us are older.

Thailand is a big drain for all our money, you just don't know it till is too late

Thailand is less of a drain on money than many other countries, especially USA, UK, etc. Most things are cheaper here.

If you don't know until it's too late then it obviously means you haven't been managing your money properly. It's quite simple to keep track of what you spend on a daily/weekly/monthly/annual basis, so not sure how you didn't find out until it was too late. Perhaps you can elaborate, as it may be helpful to others.

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One thing i haven't seen people mention is the power of a network. If you are able to, try to be sociable and build a network of friends and associates that operate in Thailand as a lot of companies like to hire from inside or from within their employees circle of friends. Having a lot of friends or at least knowing a lot of people doesnt guarantee a job, but its just another little thing that helps open doors sometimes.

Thinks thats 1'0'1 ........Jobs for the boys

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One thing i haven't seen people mention is the power of a network. If you are able to, try to be sociable and build a network of friends and associates that operate in Thailand as a lot of companies like to hire from inside or from within their employees circle of friends. Having a lot of friends or at least knowing a lot of people doesnt guarantee a job, but its just another little thing that helps open doors sometimes.

The power of networking is awesome in Thailand.

The primary law in Thailand is the law of relationships. This is because the law of relationships lends itself to the art of the possible.

It isn't simply 'jobs for the boys'. The words vouchsafe, known quantity, personal recourse and favour come to mind.

Edited by Trembly
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open a Laundrycoffee1.gif

Also a small massage shop . There never seem to be enough of them. I'm joking.

Open a good massage shop and you'll make money. The good shops are always full. It's the bad ones that are always empty. Plenty of bad ones around me and mostly always empty. But the good ones you sometimes have to wait an hour or book in advance. So there is definitely demand for good massage places, and good new shops could definitely make good money.

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Open a good massage shop and you'll make money

ahemm... i'm living in Pattaya, go twice a week for foot and Thai massages. have tried a zillion massage parlours in many years and found some good ones. whenever i go for a massage i'm the only client. not sure whether it is because of my timing which is around noon.

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Earn money in Thailand: Similar to back in the West, but needing to be a bit more flexible with the scope of roles.

Investing money: Similar principles to back in the West. Focus on what you know, but be flexible in applying your skills to new markets. Realise that if you live here, for many people it makes sense to make some investments here, such as Thai Mutual Funds and LTFs. Ignore the mantra of don't invest in Thailand blah blah blah, and apply the same common sense you would back home.


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Open a good massage shop and you'll make money

ahemm... i'm living in Pattaya, go twice a week for foot and Thai massages. have tried a zillion massage parlours in many years and found some good ones. whenever i go for a massage i'm the only client. not sure whether it is because of my timing which is around noon.

I know a farang in Phuket who owns two massage shops and they're full most of the time. He runs a pretty tight ship and the girls are not lazy. He's been making a good living for 15 years now.
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Earn money in Thailand: Similar to back in the West, but needing to be a bit more flexible with the scope of roles.

Investing money: Similar principles to back in the West. Focus on what you know, but be flexible in applying your skills to new markets. Realise that if you live here, for many people it makes sense to make some investments here, such as Thai Mutual Funds and LTFs. Ignore the mantra of don't invest in Thailand blah blah blah, and apply the same common sense you would back home.


You're right. Big companies like Prudential are investing in Thailand, so they must see some upside to the economy. Those that say don't invest here are the ones who don't have money or made a bad investment.

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Open a good massage shop and you'll make money

ahemm... i'm living in Pattaya, go twice a week for foot and Thai massages. have tried a zillion massage parlours in many years and found some good ones. whenever i go for a massage i'm the only client. not sure whether it is because of my timing which is around noon.

I know a farang in Phuket who owns two massage shops and they're full most of the time. He runs a pretty tight ship and the girls are not lazy. He's been making a good living for 15 years now.

It's good to hear some facts on here rather than the usual drivel of you can't make money here. Thailand is full of opportunities.

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Earn money in Thailand: Similar to back in the West, but needing to be a bit more flexible with the scope of roles.

Investing money: Similar principles to back in the West. Focus on what you know, but be flexible in applying your skills to new markets. Realise that if you live here, for many people it makes sense to make some investments here, such as Thai Mutual Funds and LTFs. Ignore the mantra of don't invest in Thailand blah blah blah, and apply the same common sense you would back home.


You're right. Big companies like Prudential are investing in Thailand, so they must see some upside to the economy. Those that say don't invest here are the ones who don't have money or made a bad investment.

I think it is a different show for companies like Prudential and the Japanese Auto manufacturers than the one person small enterprises.

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Earn money in Thailand: Similar to back in the West, but needing to be a bit more flexible with the scope of roles.

Investing money: Similar principles to back in the West. Focus on what you know, but be flexible in applying your skills to new markets. Realise that if you live here, for many people it makes sense to make some investments here, such as Thai Mutual Funds and LTFs. Ignore the mantra of don't invest in Thailand blah blah blah, and apply the same common sense you would back home.


You're right. Big companies like Prudential are investing in Thailand, so they must see some upside to the economy. Those that say don't invest here are the ones who don't have money or made a bad investment.

I think it is a different show for companies like Prudential and the Japanese Auto manufacturers than the one person small enterprises.

Yes, that's true. But Prudential are here, and in the rest of Asia, because there is a growing middle class and a general rise in people's income. These factors also make things easier for the single investor. Rising incomes mean rising property prices, new business opportunities, etc. The problem with the negative posters on here is that they don't have any skills or money, so can't take advantage of these opportunities. Maybe some also made bad investments, so now thing every investment is bad. I now many individuals who are making good money in Thailand. It goes without saying that not everyone is making money. But that doesn't mean there aren't any opportunities at all, which some posters seem to be saying. Also, it is utter garbage that property prices don't rise. Of course they do. Buy many on here don't have any experience of the property market here, so just repeat the garbage that others post. They just come across as bitter. None of them ever make positive suggestions; their tone is always negative.

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  • 2 months later...

"well, as you stated above you made/make your money abroad so where is the point of your posts in regard to OPs question? Probably nobody is interested to know how much you spend or save here.

I agree with one of the above posters that good jobs for foreigners in Thailand are rare and if you are not bringing special skills or connections to the table then sorry to say chances are slim.

Not talking about internet based businesses (which is of course also a special skill) that can be run from anywhere."

in almost all countries, not just thailand, companies would prefer to hire locals than foreigners (unless they bring special skill sets).

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As i posted originally months ago ,look around most guys living here are retired and live on pensions and investments ,of all my quite large circle of friends and those that i have met ,one has a successfull buisness here at age 51 and the other has lived here over 25 years and runs a succesfull club and owns quite a few buildings ,the rest as i said live on pensions.

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You're all gonna love this, especially those with a degree that can't find a job or are earning 25k per month. I have a year 10 education, am not particularly bright and I lied my way into a job 12 years ago. I am now a country manager of a huge international company, and despite being fairly incompetent, still manage to hold onto my job.

So you are like the majority of thai's in top jobs then.

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