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How To Deal With A Drunk Bar Manager.


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Soi Convent, 18:42

Sitting at the a table and getting out off the blue head bumped by a client at the bar because he had a issues with a guy sitting next to me.

This is my nice afternoon Sunday, did some golf in the morning,had a shower and go for a few drinks at MM at soi convent, i been joined by 2 people.

At one moment a guy standing next to my tab le and walked to me nad head bumped me in my face.

I realy did no what was going on walked back, grabbed my bag and whent to pay my bill.

I walked away.

I called the management and went back to the bar to talked with the manager, he was drunk and informed me that it was my risk as i was sitting next to a bad guy causes problems.

We asked for the video, he not allowed us to do.

How to deal with this low class bar managers ???

I give up and not going back their even as my staff at the office.

Thank you,

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You did the right thing, leave ! there are plenty more places, find another, life is too short.

stay safe, best way to avoid an issue is dont be there, there loss of custom, doesnt sound like a "good" place to be anyway. Find somewhere else mate.

Edited by CharlieH
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You did the right thing by walking away. Was one of your 2 friends who joined you there the guy that was the "bad guy"? If he was maybe ask him what the problem could be if no one else is telling you,I would.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Bars = trouble.

It is the odd idiot that often = trouble, not the bar(s). Many of us use bars to socialise and are very happy doing so with no trouble at all.

OP, yes, walking out of the bar was the right thing to do. find a better one with friendlier people.

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I agree that you simply don't go there again.

Much easier to stay away from trouble, than try and stand your ground and justify your principles.

Just like driving......look further ahead, spot the bad ones and give them a wide berth.

I was having a quiet beer by myself the other day while my wife was having her hair done, and these two guys sat down at my table. One was obviously more drunk than the other......who insisted on telling me anything and everything that popped into his alcohol infused mind.

I was tempted to just get up and leave, but I could see he wasn't a violent drunk (they are easy to spot), just an annoying drunk.....so I just sat there and agreed with everything he said until my wife came and "rescued" me. All in all he wasn't too bad.

But to have something happen like with the OP.......yeah, I definitely would've got up and left.


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Why would you let someone headbutt you and do nothing about it? You didn't even find out why? You really got attacked for simply sitting in a particular place?Did you know the guy next to you? Seems like a crazy story to me.If someone walloped me for no reason, there'd be drama.
Yes a agree, WHY.This guy was drunk and they sitting there with 6 guy's on a table next to me.The guy i know next to me, i see him ones a month.The guy i know who didn't do anything wrong been banned for 1 year, drunk manger told me to protect costumers as me. The guy who headbutt me was still at the bar and nothing been done.Staff told my wife later that evening that manager is many times drunk during work at his bar and no good time to talk with him, the 6 guys are drinking at the place few times a week as my wife been told by the staff so he isn't going to send them away, sadly.Ive been in that place few times a month from the day they opened 15-16 years ago never had any issues in the bar.I am just disapointed that nothing been done and they allowed drunk agressive people to stay.Thanks Edited by needforspeed
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Why did he headbutt you?

Did he split you open?

If you were so concerned why didn't you visit the nearby police...assuming you were cut.

Otherwise, why didn't you smash a stool over his head?

I don't understand the relationship with your staff or your wife and the bar.

...in fact, I don't really understand why you posted this.

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Is this post about the bar manager or the guy who issued the head butt ?

I personally would'nt have bothered with the bar manager.

Bar manager, he should send the guy headbutt me out of the bar and banned him for a while.

Instead he told me that it was my mistake as i was sitting next top a trouble maker who didnt do anything.

Management of a place like this should take action on bar manager and guy head butted me.

Anyway i not going back their and even avoid bars as much as possible.


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