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Metropoliton Police


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Say what you want guys but I was just stopped by the Thai cops.............one took the cash I had out of my jeans pocket...appologised and put the cash back into my shirt pocket......I have no idea why they stopped me.........Quick search and good evening Sir!! ......obviously looking for someone else .........but talk about nice!!!!! Their conduct was impeccable..............I say be nice to Thais and they will be nice to you!!!.............all these stotries about Thai police....85% BS I say........................OK what's your experiences? Love to hear some stories !!

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Me too, Fist. I've had no trouble with them so far.

I was once stopped on the Udon-Korat road for crossing a continuous line. They checked my ID looked in the car, told me off and sent me on my way. All very polite and smiles and no fine.

Two policeman turned up at our wedding party and helped guests to park their cars. When the local whisky drinker who had gatecrashed staggered into the road to do a Thai dance they directed the cars around him until he'd finished. Great guys. Keep your nose clean, treat them with respect and you should be OK.

That's the country police, of course. The BKK boys have never even looked at me except to ask me to lower my camera as the King swept past in a motorcade.

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I have never had any problem in my four years here with the MIB.

I would not want to be a Brazillian Electrician going about my daily business in London though!!

They say corruption is rife here, well from what I am reading in the press some people in the Met in London are trying to do a pretty good cover up on the death of that young Man.

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:D As in everthing, there are good and bad. I have been stopped more times than I can remember while driving. Normally for no good reason. The best one was for turning right when the right filter was on ! :o This normally entails a bartering with them starting around 300 and generally accepting 100. On two occasions I have refused to pay tea money and this meant going to the expressway police station on the Rama IV turn off. Boring, time consuming and worrying when you are asked to sort through a shoe box full of DL's. Still, makes life interesting. :D
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:D As in everthing, there are good and bad. I have been stopped more times than I can remember while driving. Normally for no good reason. The best one was for turning right when the right filter was on ! :o This normally entails a bartering with them starting around 300 and generally accepting 100. On two occasions I have refused to pay tea money and this meant going to the expressway police station on the Rama IV turn off. Boring, time consuming and worrying when you are asked to sort through a shoe box full of DL's. Still, makes life interesting. :D

Perhaps traffic cops should wear a sign on their heads....Toll Pay Here LOL

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Never had any problems from the local police. Now the highway police are always looking for money. The last time I rolled through a highway police checkpoint I told my wife to tell him We didn't do anything wrong and we are not paying. He sent us on our way. The time before that cost me 400 baht.


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Can't believe nobody has mentioned this yet:

But what on earth were you doing being such an eager beaver with money when you didn't do anything wrong an nobody even accused you of anything???

If anything or anyone breeds corruption then it's you and your behavior.



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