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Farang Ideal Age For Having Childern In Thailand


At what age you want to have your first copy?  

78 members have voted

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For me 36 was good for our first.

There is no limit really, but I wouldn't want to be a father when I was in my late 40s or 50s.

Then again, when I am 60, I may think differently.

I'd recommend having a good time first, travelling the world and all that before settling down with kids.

I'd say 30 is ideal age, but I had too much of a wild time before settling down.

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I had my first when I was 25 and the second last year 31. when I'm in my 40s/50s I'll be able to see my kids in work and have families of their own, got friends who have kids in their 40s/50s and they'll never see their kids grow up.

:D... they'll never see their kids grow up ...

Are they gonna die at 60 then ?

I'm sorry, but [at least] an 'unwise' remark.

(See below) :D

My first son was born when I was 30 and my second son was born when I was 60. I have a lot more time to spend with my second son than I did my first...Great Experience

:o Loads of fun !


I don't know, but, listen terdsak_12, I guess after I am 45 ...

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For me 36 was good for our first.

There is no limit really, but I wouldn't want to be a father when I was in my late 40s or 50s.

Then again, when I am 60, I may think differently.

I'd recommend having a good time first, travelling the world and all that before settling down with kids.

I'd say 30 is ideal age, but I had too much of a wild time before settling down.

I think 30 is too early, you won't have any time for yourself if you have to build your career meanwhile spend time with family

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I had my first when I was 25 and the second last year 31. when I'm in my 40s/50s I'll be able to see my kids in work and have families of their own, got friends who have kids in their 40s/50s and they'll never see their kids grow up.

:D... they'll never see their kids grow up ...

Are they gonna die at 60 then ?

I'm sorry, but [at least] an 'unwise' remark.

(See below) :D

My first son was born when I was 30 and my second son was born when I was 60. I have a lot more time to spend with my second son than I did my first...Great Experience

:o Loads of fun !


I don't know, but, listen terdsak_12, I guess after I am 45 ...

Marriage and health had direct relevancy, I think one have to diagnose his health and how long he can live before dying naturaly.

I have diabet and expected to die at 55 yo, because i was feeling like shit when i woke up everyday, Now i feel i will live at least 65 yo, because of termoundes changes i did to my diet, type of training and lifestyle and strees handling, I might take some pills if i need to, but not any yet.

Edited by BKKDUDE
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My son made his appearance when I was 33, he's now 17. While he was growing up I was still young enough to roll around on the floor with him, play footie, tear round the park, have swim races....all the energetic things kids love to do. Even now I can do energetic things with him, not quite so intense as when I was in my 30's/early 40's though! It helped to develop a very strong bond between us, and we're still very much father/son/very close friends.

I wouldn't even consider having a child now, I don't believe it would be fair on the child having an old codger for a Dad, too knackered to do the 'kid' things with them, IMHO.

I know many people do have children at a late? age, that's their decision and nothing to do with me.

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I have a friend who had a kid in his sixties. He is now suffering heath-wise at 74. His son is 8 years old and although he gets everything he wants financially, I think it is a shame for him not having a young, or normal aged father. When he comes swimming with us, itงs obvious.

One of the greaqtest joys of my life are sharing experiances with my father, and his granchildren.

There are some who say that 70 is fine to have a kid, but ALL the guys I know, and have known who had kids in their later years did not plan it, it was a quite a shock.

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I had my first child when I was 40. Now I'm just onto my 4th at aged 47!

My father had his first child at 40 years as well. And the same goes for his father. So I had a grandfather who was born about 120 years ago!!

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It is good to have 4 generations around at the same time. Even though I had my daughter late(36), my granmother is still healthy enough to throw her around.

I have a friend with a 27 year old daughter, he is 42! He also has a 9 year old grandson.

He could be a great grandfather at 48, and still young enough to run around with his great grandkids.

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Don't think you can put an age limit on this. I think if you can handle the financial and physical challenges of raising a lil one at an older age then why not? Life expectancy is increasing, so the age of having a lil one is prob is changing too.

My grandad had my last uncle when he was in his 70(s) - couldnt been a better dad.

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My father is 60 this year, as I approach my quarter life. I was only thinking the other day that it's a good thing my partner and I are the same age, as neither one of us will be too old for a child. It scares me to think that my father could pass away in a maximum of 20 years - I'll only be 45! A good age for a female is 30, whereas the maximum age for a male should be 35 for the first child. I'd like to have one earlier, but career choices are restraining me at the moment. Australia doesn't have very good maternity leave laws, and I'm banking on being in more demand the higher up the tree I am.

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I was only thinking the other day that it's a good thing my partner and I are the same age, as neither one of us will be too old for a child. It scares me to think that my father could pass away in a maximum of 20 years - I'll only be 45! A good age for a female is 30, whereas the maximum age for a male should be 35 for the first child.

Welcome to Female Biology 101, or, The Things They Don't Tell You Until It's Too Late.

Women are designed to have children young. A 30 year old having her first child is called an "elderly primipara" and is a high medical risk. Fertility drops very sharply for women at the age of 25. Yes, I said 25. It continues to decline rapidly from there on out. From a strictly biological point of view, the optimal childbearing years are ages 19 to 21.

The current trend to delay childbearing is the absolute and direct cause of the high rate of infertility in women desiring to start a family. If you wait until you are 36, the odds are high that you will never have a child without spending tens of thousands of dollars in fertility treatments. Women over 35 have a steeply increased risk of having a child with birth defects, due to the egg being too old and "stale." Women are born with all their eggs, they don't make fresh stock like men.

Now, I am not saying a woman over 40 cannot have a perfectly normal child with no complications or fertility treatments. I am saying it is the exception. In the 1960s women over 40 were not given birth control pills when they became available, because their risk of conception was considered to be too low.

Quite frankly, the delayed childbearing frequently contributes to the obesity problem, too. How many have seen a mother of three under 25, with a figure that looks like she has never been pregnant? How many have seen a 36 year old mother of one fashionably delayed child who cannot lose the "baby fat?"

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I was only thinking the other day that it's a good thing my partner and I are the same age, as neither one of us will be too old for a child. It scares me to think that my father could pass away in a maximum of 20 years - I'll only be 45! A good age for a female is 30, whereas the maximum age for a male should be 35 for the first child.

Welcome to Female Biology 101, or, The Things They Don't Tell You Until It's Too Late.

Women are designed to have children young. A 30 year old having her first child is called an "elderly primipara" and is a high medical risk. Fertility drops very sharply for women at the age of 25. Yes, I said 25. It continues to decline rapidly from there on out. From a strictly biological point of view, the optimal childbearing years are ages 19 to 21.

The current trend to delay childbearing is the absolute and direct cause of the high rate of infertility in women desiring to start a family. If you wait until you are 36, the odds are high that you will never have a child without spending tens of thousands of dollars in fertility treatments. Women over 35 have a steeply increased risk of having a child with birth defects, due to the egg being too old and "stale." Women are born with all their eggs, they don't make fresh stock like men.

Now, I am not saying a woman over 40 cannot have a perfectly normal child with no complications or fertility treatments. I am saying it is the exception. In the 1960s women over 40 were not given birth control pills when they became available, because their risk of conception was considered to be too low.

Quite frankly, the delayed childbearing frequently contributes to the obesity problem, too. How many have seen a mother of three under 25, with a figure that looks like she has never been pregnant? How many have seen a 36 year old mother of one fashionably delayed child who cannot lose the "baby fat?"

My wife and I got married this past year, and she just went off the pill three months ago, and is pregnant. She is 40, I'm 30. Maybe its because I am such a superstud!

From all the primary source research I have read, it is erronious to suggest that women over 40 having a normal child is the exception. Perhaps the odds are not as good as if she were 20, but the chances of having a normal pregnancy are still very high. In a March of Dimes study, the odds for a women of 40 having a problem were 1 in 105. That means that 104 women would have perfectly normal children. Now the odds for an 18 year old were 1 in 1,100. So the odds are better, surely. But things are not quite as bleak as you paint them.


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I was 34 and my first wife 32 in the UK when we had our son and I was fairly fit then but due to work commitments I was not always around. Eventually we divorced and I am still my sons Dad and we email and talk ocassionally.

I married my Thai wife 5 years ago after being together 7 years and 18 months ago today she gave me a son. She was 39 ans I was 60 and she did not realise she was pregnant for about 5 months and he was born 6 weeks premature.

Now I am 61 and virtually retired and I can spend all the time I want with him (if I can pry him away form his mum, aunts, uncles etc) and I love it.

I have the time to listen and play, bath him, change his pampers etc and do the things I never had the time to do before.

If I am lucky and Buddha spares me I hope to see him into university.

He is surrounded by family and is rarely out of at least 2 pairs of eyes watching for him all the time but he still manages to get the usual cuts, scrapes and bruises of a child pushing to his limits.

He has dual nationality and will be able to speak, read and write in at least 2 languages and a lot of support wherever he goes in life.

The only cloud on the horizon for him is that as I am changing his dirty pampers, his turn will come when I am wearing them.

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The only cloud on the horizon for him is that as I am changing his dirty pampers, his turn will come when I am wearing them.

ha ha, fair enough.

I must have been in Thailand too long - as I am now thinking the same way, regarding my kids being my pension plan. I don't have any retirement/pension plan other than that.

I'd like to do a bit of renunciation when I am 60-80. I'd like my kids to be at least 20 by then.

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Click here for my first post ...

I saw a remark from someone who said he felt he'd die round 55. Then I can agree, not to wait too long.

I also saw a remark from someone who'd like to roll and play with his son, and therefor wanted a child at a younger age than 40. I say : If you keep your body in the right condition, you can run a maraton at 80 (some 42 km.) or older ! (See sportsreviews, one even did at 98 ! Okee, he didn't win ...). It's just upto yourselves !

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First question for a man or woman to really, seriously ask is, "Do I really want a kid? Do I really need one? Does the world need another baby who will grow up to be an adult?"

Second question is the original post. I was 23, 25, 32, 35, 38, and 38 (Yes, twins). Once they started popping out two at a time, I had my tubes tied. Years later, I asked myself what I wasn't thinking of at the time, to keep making so many babies, so late (actually, one morning my wife came home and raped me, thus the twins).

My wife was born when her father was turning 48. He was an old man within a year. He was never able to be a real father to her. Even the mother was then 43, and she got old fairly fast, too. My (ex) wife now has a last baby, aged about 17, whose grandfather served in the first world war and who's been dead since 1985.

Looking back now - aside from the fact that I'm gay - I probably should have stopped at 2 or 3 babies, when I was 35. So, I chose age 36.

Maybe you'll live to be 90. But there is such a thing as a generation gap, and you don't want to try bridging two of them.

But maybe we're all wrong, for your situation.

Are you sure you even want to have one?

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I made this thread to see the poll result, and it's not per my expectation

The poll question was geared toward males only, not ladies in this forum, and it's very surprising to have many voted under 36 yo? my guess is some ladies have voted here :o

Am i right? why would any male marry mid 30s while living in country like los? what is the point of living in Thailand and early marriage? I'm saying this because bachlor life seem to be more demanding than family life for young age in Los

Edited by BKKDUDE
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I think that the ideal age for a man to have children is when he is financially secure, emotionally mature but relatively young, in any country (except maybe Zimbabwe given how low life expenctancy there has become!)

As for what cathyy said, it is true women are more fertile at around 16 to 21 as per fertility charts. I am well aware that the rate of Down's Syndrome in babies in women over 40 is 1 in 12. However, an innumerable women have healthy babies over the age of thirty with no trouble getting pregnant at all, whether these be their first baby or their tenth. Many women in my family have had healthy babies over the age of 30. As for my Great Uncle, he was a 'Change Of Life' baby where the woman in her late 40s/early 50s thinks she's got the menopause but is in fact pregnant. Again, not so extraordinary!

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I made this thread to see the poll result, and it's not per my expectation

The poll question was geared toward males only, not ladies in this forum, and it's very surprising to have many voted under 36 yo? my guess is some ladies have voted here :o

Am i right? why would any male marry mid 30s while living in country like los? what is the point of living in Thailand and early marriage? I'm saying this because bachlor life seem to be more demanding than family life for young age in Los

Also wanted to know why one need any childern? Do we benifit from it or it's an social obligation?

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I made this thread to see the poll result, and it's not per my expectation

The poll question was geared toward males only, not ladies in this forum, and it's very surprising to have many voted under 36 yo? my guess is some ladies have voted here :o

Am i right? why would any male marry mid 30s while living in country like los? what is the point of living in Thailand and early marriage? I'm saying this because bachlor life seem to be more demanding than family life for young age in Los

Tough tits then. You should have stated it in your opening post. Anyway, you couldn't care less about others' opinions unless they justify your own ideas. Are you right? Are you right? Look at the posts above. Also, not every farang male lives exactly the same lifestyle you are accustomed to or expect of them simply because they live in Thailand.

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From all the primary source research I have read, it is erronious to suggest that women over 40 having a normal child is the exception. Perhaps the odds are not as good as if she were 20, but the chances of having a normal pregnancy are still very high.

I didn't specify just having a normal child, I also specified no complications with the pregnancy and birth, and no fertility issues. 40 year old women who get pregnant easily -within 6 months- are rare, you're a lucky man indeed, and I fully expect you to have a perfect and healthy baby. I hope your wife continues in an uneventful pregnancy and has an easy labor and delivery. May you have the trifecta of the over-40 childbearing experience. I didn't say it never happens.

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I made this thread to see the poll result, and it's not per my expectation

The poll question was geared toward males only, not ladies in this forum, and it's very surprising to have many voted under 36 yo? my guess is some ladies have voted here :o

Am i right? why would any male marry mid 30s while living in country like los? what is the point of living in Thailand and early marriage? I'm saying this because bachlor life seem to be more demanding than family life for young age in Los

Perhaps not everyone thinks that sleeping around and partying every night is the funniest thing you can do?

Perhaps some just grow up later then others and have to be like kids in a candy-store for longer...

I'm 28 and would expect a child around 12 months from now (we are working on it).

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I made this thread to see the poll result, and it's not per my expectation

The poll question was geared toward males only, not ladies in this forum, and it's very surprising to have many voted under 36 yo? my guess is some ladies have voted here :o

Am i right? why would any male marry mid 30s while living in country like los? what is the point of living in Thailand and early marriage? I'm saying this because bachlor life seem to be more demanding than family life for young age in Los

Perhaps not everyone thinks that sleeping around and partying every night is the funniest thing you can do?

Perhaps some just grow up later then others and have to be like kids in a candy-store for longer...

I'm 28 and would expect a child around 12 months from now (we are working on it).

Good to hear you are getting married early, I had this question in mind always for people like you, why is it that you like to marry early and have childern? Is it because you enjoy family life or there are kind of advantages to it compare to remaining single

Kid in a candy store, is a perfect discribtion, I know some guys who play the field even after getting

married, that's not my personality, i think one should remain faitfull once married, it can cause all

sort of problems too

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