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Media " Study Trip " Little More Than A Govt Bribe: Thailand


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Media 'study trip' little more than a govt bribe

By Pravit Rojanaphruk

The Nation



BANGKOK: -- If you were a journalist and were "somehow" invited on a week-long "study-trip" sponsored by the Parliament and funded by taxpayers' money - to England, France and Belgium - and which includes dining at a posh restaurant in Bloomsbury in London, a visit to the dreaming spires of Oxford, staying at the posh four-star Park Plaza Westminster Hotel overlooking Big Ben, dining on a cruise on the Seine, visiting the Louvre and more, even though you are not even a Parliament-beat reporter, would you take it?

More than 20 journalists said "yes" and took the trip, which is still unfolding as this article appears in print. Since last week there has been a barrage of questions on whether the trip, led by no less than House Speaker Somsak Kiatsuranont, was appropriate and justifiable.

Many odds are against Somsak and the journalists taking part in this junket, however. Four out of 25 journalists invited were from Voice TV, the pro-government and pro-red television station owned by the ousted former premier Thaksin Shinawatra's son, Panthongtae. And two more guests, although not full-time employees of Voice TV, are regular co-hosts of the same morning news talk show programme called 'Wake-up Thailand'. One of the pair is the editor of prachatai.com alternative online newspaper.

What's more, none from the so-called opposition media such as Thai Post, Naew Na or ASTV Manager Daily newspapers or yellow-shirt ASTV were invited except a journalist from Nation Television, a sister organisation of this newspaper.

Young journo @noppatjak turned down the invite, however, stating via Twitter that he felt "uncomfortable" after seeing the "recreational" itinerary that includes watching a Premier League football match. The organiser insisted that this football opportunity was funded by a private company and was not taxpayers' money. But again, is it inappropriate - as it's scheduled while these people are in England on taxpayer's money to supposedly engage in a 'study trip'?

The organiser has never been able to convincingly explain why no parliamentary reporter was invited. The budget of Bt7 million, or Bt180,000 per journalist invited (the total trip covers 37 people), is a substantial sum and could definitely be better and more wisely spent on things like intensive study-trips for fewer select journalists judged to be outstanding or at least competent Parliament-beat reporters.

The sum could also be channelled easily into giving one or two grants for Parliament-beat reporters to either further their study in a related discipline or fund a competitive and merit-based fellowship.

What we end up with instead is an abusive use of taxpayers' money for a lavish junket that selectively picks mostly government-friendly journalists.

If this is not a soft bribe, or a reward for being friendly to the Yingluck Shinawatra administration, or an attempt to incur a debt of gratitude among the invited media, then I don't know what is. And all this is made possible through taxpayers' money, not the House Speaker's own personal purse.

Both government agencies and media organisations need clear rules that are readily accessible to the public over what kind of trip is appropriate and justifiable and what constitutes good and effective use of taxpayers' money. Let this trip, which is probably just a tip of the iceberg in terms of abuse of taxpayer-funded junkets, be a turning point.


-- The Nation 2012-09-26

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It is well proven this Govt is a spendthrift with no accountability in mind. But 10M Baht is minimal compared to the billions splurged on other projects. It appears the 20 journo's invited are simply insurance against bad press. It is too late already in the first term of Yingluck to really account for the compounding massive debt being laid upon Thailand following other countries Government examples of USA and Australia. Just spend and let future politicians worry about fiscal responsibility.

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a week-long [media] "study-trip" sponsored by the Parliament and funded by taxpayers' money - to England...

Learning from Rupert Murdoch and Co. or just helping Lord Leveson with the paperwork?

Edited by Morakot
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Oh c'mon,

Why deprive them of a good time in lavish hotels eating lobster and watching Premier league games???

So what, if desparate people are wading around in waist high water trying to save the few possessions they have.

Don't you realise that if this money is not spent then if will affect next years budget allocation and their future junkets (thoroughly well earned and deserved after all of the hard work put in) will consist of staying in 2/3 star hotels eating fish and chips and watching league one games!!!

Please consider this before decrying their actions and have a heart!!!

Another thing, the primary reason for this worthy visit is the cultural exchanges and educational side of things ie: learn what lobster tastes like and pass on some tips to the Thai football coaches about how to play proper football.

There you go!!! I think I've fully justified everything with these two aspects.

So no sniping please - leave them alone otherwise you will start to make them feel guilty and they don't deserve that, do they - after all, they are sacrificing a couple of weeks of their lives for the sake of Thailand - how very noble of them, bravo!!!thumbsup.gif.

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So, who are the other 14 Journalists that are not pro government that went on the junket? It seems The Nation knows - perhaps The Nation should speak up. Maybe one of their parliamentary "specialists" could help, who were they again?

Why don't you ask the PT government this question? They are the ones organizing this bribe tour.

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So, "More than 20 jounalists said yes" and "the total trip covers 37". That's almost... what shall we call them... Handlers? So, almost one handler per journo to help them with luggage, make sure the stadium seats are correct, stuff like that?

Maybe that's why they don't go around highlighting the corruption or power abuse by those in power or doing the corrupting. A weeks quality holiday like this is probably considered value for non-effort on thier part.

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