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Subtle Branding!


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For around the last 8 months or more now I have been buying what I thought were KFC branded eggs and other chicken products. I have no complaints about the quality of anything I have bought and the the last pack of extra large eggs gave me a double yolk in every egg. I wonder what the odds for that are ? Today in Tesco I picked up a packet of KFC egg sausages. Something I had never seen before nor heard of. It was only when I was looking closer at the package to see if there was anything on there to give me a further clue as to just what an egg sausage was I noticed that it wasn't in fact a KFC product but rather a KCF product. The exact same colour and type font used by KFC and upon a quick glance it has fooled me for months. When I checked the extra large eggs I like they were again KCF.

This isn't a rant nor complaint but rather an acknowledgement of a well designed package that has I presume done exactly what it was designed to do without breaking the law.

Well done that man / woman ! clap2.gif

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Look at the ammount of variations of 7/11 with very similar signs and colours!!laugh.png

The best one I've seen was a 71 in Chiang Rai.

Seventy One in Thai is Jed-Sib-Ed

Seven in Thai is Jed

Eleven in Thai is Sib-Ed

Seventy in Thai is Jed-Sib


It's also decked out in green and orange that is slightly off of the 7-11 shades.


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Yes those are the ones. As I said my post wasn't knocking them as the quality is top class. I especially like the jumbo sized eggs. I just preumed they were KFC products and had a little giggle when the penny dropped. Whoever designed the logo deserves a pay rise thumbsup.gif

I still haven't found out just what an egg sausage is. Perhaps I should have bought some to try ?

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This is an 'egg sausage'


Its also shown in jcw's post, centre left.

Still on the subject of branding have just bought a lawnmower with a HYNO engine.

Not the ones I was looking at. They were more like the small sausages you get in the 7/11 maybe an inch long. I will get a pack tomorrow to have a taste.

I also have a generator with the same Hyno engine.

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I can't help thinking you would need to be colour blind and illiterate not to notice these things.

If I was colour blind and illiterate then I would never have fallen for the subtle scam now would I ?

Think about it JEEEEEES !

It's not particularly subtle though. The pictures above clearly say KCF....JEEEEEES!

Did you also never question when a multinational fast food chain started to sell eggs?

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