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What Is Your Favorite Fm Station In Thailand?


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i recogneized,that only in big citys ,bangkok and pattaya/phuker chinag may,english music are avalible!

the bad thing in thailand is,that also with good old radios from germany,a reception of a signal that is 200 km away is not posible !

because all freqencys are not regulated like in the eu in there sending strange,its not possilbe to receive channels from far away,exept you live on the country side!

in big citys i make many tests with big fm antennas,and sometime its posible to get to fm channells on same freqency on the diffrent h and v polarity,but the most problem is that ,most channels are overlapped on same freqency,this also i see in lao ,the thai channels are so strong,that only in a circle,of 20 km,recpetion of same channels are posible!

on the isaan country side is more funny situation,,the test in this april,shows me only one english music channels that bring good old english movies!

near the cambodian boarder,when the thai fm channels swtich off after 22h evening,i got with me eqitment stuff from home got recpetion from cambodia channels at the time,the thai fm channels swtich off the signal!

is it easy to open a radio channel in thailand?

is a licence nesarsary?

can every body open one,how much does it coast?

mostly in isann i can here only molam sound:)

what i dont here to much in the citys,most channels in thailand,does not use the rds datasystem with the channel name,

in pattaya mostly i here 105 fm or the people radio,special narrow filters,get me clear reception of neae freqencys together there is also a channel on 95,90 near pattaya people radio,with todays normal radios that have no narrow filters installled you cannot here!

when i have enough from the molam song,then i use a little fm sending device for the iphone,with the iphone app wonderradio i can listen the radio from my homecountry,or any other radio sorted by country!

so its defiicult to say whats my favorite channels in bangkok to much techno and pop channels,with many advertising,for sure radio thailand is in english,sometime i can here the australia network!

but many areas in thailand ,where you not here any english sound channel:)

in future dab in thailand also starts i dont know when,but the small device of the size of a cigarett lighter waiting for signal,please review now your favorite fm station,and the land of smile:)

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I listen to 108.0 in the car. That's because I use a MP3 player/FM transmitter plugged into the cigarette lighter that plays music that I record on a flash drive. I tune it to 108.0, an unused frequency in my area. In the house, I listen to stations provided on True visions, usually 202, soft music.

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I gave up trying, with my Apple products I'm set for music and I treated myself to a Tivoli Internet radio so I can listen to stations anywhere.

Does that work in a car?

Sadly no it is connected to the internet, Tivoli is a great brand up there with BOSE. It's NOT cheap but the sound is fantastic.

UK Site http://tivoliaudio.c.../internet.html/

Thailand Site http://www.mahajakli...ate.php?brand=1

Stations you can preset; http://www.tivoliportal.com/station_search.php

Edited by WilliaminBKK
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I listen to 108.0 in the car. That's because I use a MP3 player/FM transmitter plugged into the cigarette lighter that plays music that I record on a flash drive. I tune it to 108.0, an unused frequency in my area. In the house, I listen to stations provided on True visions, usually 202, soft music.

I thought True was discontinuing the radio stations.

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I listen to 108.0 in the car. That's because I use a MP3 player/FM transmitter plugged into the cigarette lighter that plays music that I record on a flash drive. I tune it to 108.0, an unused frequency in my area. In the house, I listen to stations provided on True visions, usually 202, soft music.

I thought True was discontinuing the radio stations.

Heard those rumors too, but still playing now! I don't believe anything that True says other than they will cut it off if you don't pay even if they forget to send you a bill!

Edited by wayned
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I listen to 108.0 in the car. That's because I use a MP3 player/FM transmitter plugged into the cigarette lighter that plays music that I record on a flash drive. I tune it to 108.0, an unused frequency in my area. In the house, I listen to stations provided on True visions, usually 202, soft music.

I thought True was discontinuing the radio stations.

Heard those rumors too, but still playing now! I don't believe anything that True says other than they will cut it off if you don't pay even if they forget to send you a bill!

Funny, I have the same problem with TrueOnline internet. They are spasmodic about sending bills and when I question why I haven't received one, they tell me I should remember when I have to pay!

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