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Choice Of Woman?


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But, we have all seen the train-wreck about to happen and some of us and the Op are wondering why these guys do it.

If you're that interested why ask here, why not ask the people themselves, on an anonymous forum you will get nowhere, you have to get to the heart of the matter.

Go up to a guy in Pattaya who fits your profile, and ask him why he is living his life like he is, I am sure you will get into some very interesting conversations.

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The young woman he discusses would rather have a young guy - OK perhaps she wants the old man to pay the bills and buy the pretties but why on earth would you imagine she might not prefer a younger man in bed?

Do you think your maid enjoys washing your undies, or your gardener enjoys cutting your grass.

Why would you care what preferences any of your servants had (or what they do in their time off)?

I don't disagree with that at all.

If an old guy establishes a marriage / relationship with a young woman based on financial payments up to him, but he can hardly complain if she regards this as her day job while keeping an eye out for a bit of fun, or even overtime on the side.

Edited by GuestHouse
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My point is that these women have sex with thousands of men (some really shady men too). The sheer mental toll that takes on a person no doubt leads to personality issues (much like my example).

The term is 'Damaged Goods' but for the premise to be accepted you'd need to get people to accept that damage is actually done.

Not an easy task if talking to Johns.

I'm not holding my breath you'll get far on that one.

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For her to start feeling you up you must have been coming on a bit strong yourself don't you think?

Not in the slightest. If you observe the typical old farang, young Thai girl relationship then it should not be surprising.

Generally the man sits around with all of his older friends drinking beer while the woman sits there quietly being ignored while he shoots the s**t with his friends.

People of similar ages generally have more in common. That's why back in the "real" world people usually marry those in a similar age range.

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Generally the man sits around with all of his older friends drinking beer while the woman sits there quietly being ignored while he shoots the s**t with his friends.

Have you ever hung out with Thais?

The men all sit around together shooting the shit, while the women wait on them, but sit somewhere else ignored by the men.

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For her to start feeling you up you must have been coming on a bit strong yourself don't you think?

Not in the slightest. If you observe the typical old farang, young Thai girl relationship then it should not be surprising.

Generally the man sits around with all of his older friends drinking beer while the woman sits there quietly being ignored while he shoots the s**t with his friends.

People of similar ages generally have more in common. That's why back in the "real" world people usually marry those in a similar age range.

I don't know how much in common a young British/Australian/American guy would have with a similarly aged Thai woman. Not much I suspect, and from what I've seen it's more likely for the young western guy to be bar hopping with his mates and doing short times than the older guys.

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Me and the Mrs were in some western bar the other day and decide to have a bit of a giggle.

We both spotted this young guy sitting in the corner picking his spots.

You know the type - late 20's, polyester trousers, white shirt (sometimes with cheap tie) smug "look at me, I work in Thailand, I'm not a tourist" grin on his face.

He was blatantly staring at us, obviously infatuated with our relationship, my wife's good looks and slender body.

The plan was for the wife to strike up a conversation.in Thai along the lines of 'I hate my old husband' and see the guys reaction.

I played along, pretending not to understand what was being said. The Mrs played a blinder, even touching the poor guys leg at one stage. You should've seen the look on his face, obviously the type of guy who can't get a girlfriend because he looks at every Thai woman as a bargirl, doesn't really understand what is going on around him and doesn't earn enough money to give a woman the finer things in life.

After watching the poor kid squirm for a while we both got a bit bored of his terrible comprehension of the Thai language and decided to go home and have mind blowing sex. As we were leaving, I heard him say to his mate "I'm going to post about this on Thaivisa"

the best sex you ever had resulted from her sexual tension caused by finally having the chance to touch a young man for a fleeting moment.

the horror sex with an elder could now be shut out for a night and she could just close her eyes and imagine the man who's strong muscular leg she had been touching as she played her husbands game for a while.

long enough to just cop a feel to fuel her fantasy tonight and block out her husband during sex.

And the sad little boy went home, had a w*nk, thought about how sad his life is because he can't understand why women are not attracted to him, then posted his rant on the internet to make himself feel better.

Perhaps when he grows up, opens his eyes and stops judging all Thai women with western men as prostitutes, he will then start to attract the opposite sex.

then hestopped wanking because he remembered, hey i love thai woman, been married to one my own age for years, andwe have 2 children together, how did that slip my mind, being that i am not senile yet.

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I don't know how much in common a young British/Australian/American guy would have with a similarly aged Thai woman. Not much I suspect,

Why would they have little in common?

Aside from possible language issues I would say there is no more or less in common than with any other woman.

You can kid yourself that women in Thailand are somehow "different"....but its not really true now is it?

Apart from the obvious physical advantages many of them enjoy. :D

Edited by smokie36
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Given that the only women "back home" that would go out/ have sex with me at my age look like my granny used to, I think I'll pass on that ( I'm not interested in going out with Thai grannies either ).

On second thoughts, they probably wouldn't have sex with me either, as they would probably just be looking for "company" in their old age.

Does the average TV poster defending the age gap relationship actually give a monkey's whether or not the younger woman he grunts and slobbers atop wants him as much sexually as he wants her?

I'm not saying an older guy can't be trim and fit - there are quite a few of them at my gym - but given that so many of them are as fat and ropey as hell, I'd say the answer is no.

Personally, if I was in the kinda shape that so many Thailand expats are in, I wouldn't dream of subjecting a young woman to the "walrus-in-shorts" smothering I'm sure many posters' partners endure and I most certainly wouldn't be surprised if she was taking a portion off a young, fit bloke all the while she was collecting her monthly stipend.


Edited by HardenedSoul
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I don't know how much in common a young British/Australian/American guy would have with a similarly aged Thai woman. Not much I suspect,

Why would they have little in common?

You're kidding right?

Not at all Tommo. I'm sure if you have half a brain you can find some common ground.

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Not at all Tommo. I'm sure if you have half a brain you can find some common ground.

Suggest some topics I could discuss with a Thai lady?

Avoid education (obey teacher), health care (obey doctor), authority (obey everyone), etc.

Food, farming and sex are the only topics I have managed to find.

OK, so lakorn TV too, but not many foreigners could participate in such a conversation.

Most Thai/foreigner activity is physical rather than mental.

Some of the stuff you post, Smokie, makes me wonder if you have ever been to Thailand, and ever actually talked with a Thai person, even if they can speak perfect English.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I'd like to know the OP's and others opinion of what age gap is acceptable to them. If, for example I was 40 years old and my Thai wife or girlfriend was let's say 30 years old is that ok with you? What do you see as an acceptable gap?

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@ Nietzche Post No 9

Too many quotes to reply to your Post in sequence.......So

I don't see who or why a person marries someone should bother you so much,(and many others on Tv for that matter) and no I didn't marry one,my wife is University Educated and never worked in a Bar,and got a job in Electronic sales on completion of her education, for the next 10 years,so I have no personal axe to grind,it's just that everyone makes their own choices,and can do without the self righteous looking down their noses,and it's nobody elses business, Fella's make their own choices! is that so hard to understand???

My sentiments exactly.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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I'd like to know the OP's and others opinion of what age gap is acceptable to them. If, for example I was 40 years old and my Thai wife or girlfriend was let's say 30 years old is that ok with you? What do you see as an acceptable gap?

about 10 years

at least so they look the part, look like a couple, rather then looking like acheap bussiness transaction

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Me and the Mrs were in some western bar the other day and decide to have a bit of a giggle.

We both spotted this young guy sitting in the corner picking his spots.

You know the type - late 20's, polyester trousers, white shirt (sometimes with cheap tie) smug "look at me, I work in Thailand, I'm not a tourist" grin on his face.

He was blatantly staring at us, obviously infatuated with our relationship, my wife's good looks and slender body.

The plan was for the wife to strike up a conversation.in Thai along the lines of 'I hate my old husband' and see the guys reaction.

I played along, pretending not to understand what was being said. The Mrs played a blinder, even touching the poor guys leg at one stage. You should've seen the look on his face, obviously the type of guy who can't get a girlfriend because he looks at every Thai woman as a bargirl, doesn't really understand what is going on around him and doesn't earn enough money to give a woman the finer things in life.

After watching the poor kid squirm for a while we both got a bit bored of his terrible comprehension of the Thai language and decided to go home and have mind blowing sex. As we were leaving, I heard him say to his mate "I'm going to post about this on Thaivisa"

the best sex you ever had resulted from her sexual tension caused by finally having the chance to touch a young man for a fleeting moment.

the horror sex with an elder could now be shut out for a night and she could just close her eyes and imagine the man who's strong muscular leg she had been touching as she played her husbands game for a while.

long enough to just cop a feel to fuel her fantasy tonight and block out her husband during sex.

And the sad little boy went home, had a w*nk, thought about how sad his life is because he can't understand why women are not attracted to him, then posted his rant on the internet to make himself feel better.

Perhaps when he grows up, opens his eyes and stops judging all Thai women with western men as prostitutes, he will then start to attract the opposite sex.

Maybe he is gay and afraid to come out of the closet!!! Or is it just a low IQ???

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Me and the Mrs were in some western bar the other day and decide to have a bit of a giggle.

We both spotted this young guy sitting in the corner picking his spots.

You know the type - late 20's, polyester trousers, white shirt (sometimes with cheap tie) smug "look at me, I work in Thailand, I'm not a tourist" grin on his face.

He was blatantly staring at us, obviously infatuated with our relationship, my wife's good looks and slender body.

The plan was for the wife to strike up a conversation.in Thai along the lines of 'I hate my old husband' and see the guys reaction.

I played along, pretending not to understand what was being said. The Mrs played a blinder, even touching the poor guys leg at one stage. You should've seen the look on his face, obviously the type of guy who can't get a girlfriend because he looks at every Thai woman as a bargirl, doesn't really understand what is going on around him and doesn't earn enough money to give a woman the finer things in life.

After watching the poor kid squirm for a while we both got a bit bored of his terrible comprehension of the Thai language and decided to go home and have mind blowing sex. As we were leaving, I heard him say to his mate "I'm going to post about this on Thaivisa"

the best sex you ever had resulted from her sexual tension caused by finally having the chance to touch a young man for a fleeting moment.

the horror sex with an elder could now be shut out for a night and she could just close her eyes and imagine the man who's strong muscular leg she had been touching as she played her husbands game for a while.

long enough to just cop a feel to fuel her fantasy tonight and block out her husband during sex.

And the sad little boy went home, had a w*nk, thought about how sad his life is because he can't understand why women are not attracted to him, then posted his rant on the internet to make himself feel better.

Perhaps when he grows up, opens his eyes and stops judging all Thai women with western men as prostitutes, he will then start to attract the opposite sex.

Maybe he is gay and afraid to come out of the closet!!! Or is it just a low IQ???

sorry cant help you, but if your looking for a gay man bkk should not be to difficult a place for you to find one, happy hunting friend.

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I'd like to know the OP's and others opinion of what age gap is acceptable to them. If, for example I was 40 years old and my Thai wife or girlfriend was let's say 30 years old is that ok with you? What do you see as an acceptable gap?

about 10 years

at least so they look the part, look like a couple, rather then looking like acheap bussiness transaction

So, 10 years age difference is ok. How about 12 years? 14 years? When does it become unacceptable in your opinion?

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I am left to ponder the ambivalence of the women you associate with Tommo.

I'm a farmer, I live on a small farm and I associate with other farmers in a rural Thai village, what would you expect such people to talk about? Not everyone is a tourist associating with hookers in the big cities.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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