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Depends where you are but where I am in south-west Sakhon Nakhon province should be thinking of 50,000 per rai if road access. Many ask more but don't achieve much above this. Is the land main road side in which case could pay more because land could support house as well.

  • 2 months later...

Depends where you are but where I am in south-west Sakhon Nakhon province should be thinking of 50,000 per rai if road access. Many ask more but don't achieve much above this. Is the land main road side in which case could pay more because land could support house as well.

you lucky fellas

here near kranuan you will get nothing for less than 80.000 for rice land

dry land for cassave and such 100.000 per rai

to answer your question

i think it depends where you are but i would say 30-40.000 per rai,


Why would anyone want 4 rai of paddy field, not big enough to make it worth the effort.

You can not build a house on zoned farm land, no matter what paper it has, just like green belt land or farm land in the west. All you can build is a workers hut. Jim


I wish the ex-pats in Thailand would say no to buying land. Explain to them that the Thai government has made it

illegal for foreigner's to purchase land. Until this law is reversed, then I refuse to be involved in an illegal activity.

Let's be honest, you spend a small fortune on something and its illegal for you to own it Thai people must think that foreigner's are

really stupid if they accept these conditions.

I told my Thai relatives that my wife as a Thai citizen can come to my country and buy land. She doesn't need my permission and she can keep it in her name. They thought that was very good. I told them I couldn't do that in their country.

They thought that was also very good.

You are very correct in what you say, there is no legal way to own or control land in Thailand if you are not Thai, end of story.

It is even illegal to give money to a Thai to buy land for your use. All these schemes that come up to try and circumvent the law are just that, schemes and I have yet to hear off one that held up in a Thai court.

If you pay for land and it goes wrong, then you just have to kiss the money goodbye. Jim


What would be a good price to pay for 4 rai of paddie?

1000 Baht would be good

Presumably you would grow rice and earn a profit of about 3k/rai/year.

Bearing in mind what others say above about the legality of it and maybe having to walk away

you should be thinking about recouping your money as fast as possible. I would say 5 years max.

On that basis don't pay more than 15k/rai


Sorry forgot this, and in 2 or 3 years it will have at least doubled in value!

Pure speculation and nothing to do with worth.

Anyone buying paddie for 100k/rai in the expectation of building on it had better do his research well.

If he is able to do so then we are no longer talking about paddie land.

If it was going to be worth 200k in 2 years time it would be selling for about 160k+ now not 100k.

You have as much if not a better chance of doubling your money playing roulette.


In my area it is at least 100000 a rai and you can build what you like anywhere so long as you are no where near a national park

Get proper planning permission in writing from the local authorities did we after submitting your building plans for approval, or did you just go ahead and build without permission?

As for building a house on a paddy field, take a look at the building forum for some of the difficulties, especially piling, drainage and flooding.


Why would anyone want 4 rai of paddy field, not big enough to make it worth the effort.

You can not build a house on zoned farm land, no matter what paper it has, just like green belt land or farm land in the west. All you can build is a workers hut. Jim

Never heard of that. I see people put fill dirt on rice paddy land to build a home here in Ubon all the time. Regular occurance. My wife and I did it last year. PooYaBan came by every day to chat and watch the construction go up.


In my area it is at least 100000 a rai and you can build what you like anywhere so long as you are no where near a national park

No you need planning permission to build anywhere or any thing other than a workers hut. Know many people build on the no problem no one cares, but if they do come you are screwed. Planning permission can not be back dated. Local planning permission is only given to lands under there control, must farm land is not under the control of the local Amphor.

Anyone who thinks they have got away with building on farm land, just go to the Amphor and ask to get the title changed to residential and planning permission granted. Suddenly you will have a problem. Happened to a friend of mine, upset the wrong guy and received a demolition order, nothing he could do.

Laws here are very similar to the west, just because they are no enforced out in the back blocks doesn't mean they will never be enforced.

Take it from me, built a small rubber factory, locals no problem, no one cares. 3 sets of planning permission an EPA, factories and health and safety inspection later, got permission. No permission and when or if they found us they would have given 7 days notice and put a dozer through it. That's life if you don't play by the rules. Jim


Why would anyone want 4 rai of paddy field, not big enough to make it worth the effort.

You can not build a house on zoned farm land, no matter what paper it has, just like green belt land or farm land in the west. All you can build is a workers hut. Jim

Never heard of that. I see people put fill dirt on rice paddy land to build a home here in Ubon all the time. Regular occurance. My wife and I did it last year. PooYaBan came by every day to chat and watch the construction go up.

Is the land title under his control, he

can smile as he passes by and not give a shit, If the land is under BKK control, the little public servant in a cubicle may not care what the village sub district boss has to say. It's the law, the days off local administration have gone. Computers are here and the people you are dealing with are faceless office workers.

When I first came here and bought land through the local head man, it was a bit of paper signed by the buyer and seller. The local headman didn't know farangs were not allowed to own land. He put it in my name, not much chance of that holding up in a court.

You built on farm land, hope no one ever complains, or the department that controls the land ever comes around.

This does not only apply to farangs, they built a new Teco/ Lotus in my nearest town. Thais had built stalls and small shops along the road., out side the amphor area. 14 days notice and they were all bulldozed down. No permission to be there.

Just as in the west land is zoned, residential, industrial or farm land. The only exception here that I know of is untitled land or passion land. Owned by the right of usage.

Always be careful when doing anything here, if in doubt see a land lawyer. Jim


I see a lot of talk on this and the farming forum about what a great idea it is to buy land here.

As JC says you cannot own it but the greed and expectation of huge profits make many a farang ignore his advice. Some will indeed profit and indeed i read some farangs are sitting on paper profits of over 100%. Strangely I have not come across any with the sense to cash in on them yet. Land is not a liquid asset. You cannot cash in overnight on those paper profits and selling land can take for ages. This gives time for reality to set in, the bubble to burst and losses instead of profits to become the reality. Speculating buying something you cannot, by law, own seems like a crazy thing to do especially when you cannot exit your investment quickly.

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I don't take any notice of all you doom mongers, this is thailand Not the buracratic west, my uncle is head honcho at the land office and where we are there is NO need for any planning permission, I had to explain to him what it was and he had NEVER heard of it out in the sticks, just within large towns there are some minor controls.

Land prices where I am are rocketing up and up and are selling almost immediately they are made available all word of mouth.

This is fact, we are approx 350m above sea level and the area is viewed as prime land.


I wish the ex-pats in Thailand would say no to buying land. Explain to them that the Thai government has made it

illegal for foreigner's to purchase land. Until this law is reversed, then I refuse to be involved in an illegal activity.

Let's be honest, you spend a small fortune on something and its illegal for you to own it Thai people must think that foreigner's are

really stupid if they accept these conditions.

I told my Thai relatives that my wife as a Thai citizen can come to my country and buy land. She doesn't need my permission and she can keep it in her name. They thought that was very good. I told them I couldn't do that in their country.

They thought that was also very good.

65million people in a tiny country. Theres not enough room for any outsiders. Why shouldnt I buy land in my daughters name? Thats not illegal, and much cheaper investment than here in Australia.

I don't take any notice of all you doom mongers, this is thailand Not the buracratic west, my uncle is head honcho at the land office and where we are there is NO need for any planning permission, I had to explain to him what it was and he had NEVER heard of it out in the sticks, just within large towns there are some minor controls.

Land prices where I am are rocketing up and up and are selling almost immediately they are made available all word of mouth.

This is fact, we are approx 350m above sea level and the area is viewed as prime land.

You said about the Uncle before and I said go ask him to issue you a building permit if there was no problem. I take it you went and saw him and he happily changed the land title to residential and issued you a building permit.

Your Uncle may work for the land registration department, but they only register land. Big difference between that and who controls the use and issues the permits.

Think you live in the boonies, well I live as far out as you can get and we had the factories inspecrate out last week. Jim


I don't take any notice of all you doom mongers, this is thailand Not the buracratic west, my uncle is head honcho at the land office and where we are there is NO need for any planning permission, I had to explain to him what it was and he had NEVER heard of it out in the sticks, just within large towns there are some minor controls.

Land prices where I am are rocketing up and up and are selling almost immediately they are made available all word of mouth.

This is fact, we are approx 350m above sea level and the area is viewed as prime land.

Spot on. We have no need to get any planning for our house. Just went for it. Only thing was had to put the sewer system in a designated area like all houses in the village do. We got our land about 10 years ago 1/4 rai I think, just typical size village block for 1000baht, beautiful views and corner block. Land in the sticks is a wise investment if you can do it well the outlay is cheap. Some however will never trust their wife it seems, gets me why they even bothered getting married.

I don't take any notice of all you doom mongers, this is thailand Not the buracratic west, my uncle is head honcho at the land office and where we are there is NO need for any planning permission, I had to explain to him what it was and he had NEVER heard of it out in the sticks, just within large towns there are some minor controls.

Land prices where I am are rocketing up and up and are selling almost immediately they are made available all word of mouth.

This is fact, we are approx 350m above sea level and the area is viewed as prime land.

You said about the Uncle before and I said go ask him to issue you a building permit if there was no problem. I take it you went and saw him and he happily changed the land title to residential and issued you a building permit.

Your Uncle may work for the land registration department, but they only register land. Big difference between that and who controls the use and issues the permits.

Think you live in the boonies, well I live as far out as you can get and we had the factories inspecrate out last week. Jim

Sorry Jim but whats the factories inspecrate?

ํYes, you can buy land for your children, If I was in my home country, I would buy it in my name and later on when I feel comfortable, I could give it to my children or they could inherit it. Not being Thai, I can't do this.

Yes, I can buy it for the children, but they will own it right away and by the time they are 20 years old the property belongs to the child.

How many Thai father's have you met that bought land and put in the child's name. Thai men would question why you are even doing this

with your money.

Put it in the wife's name. Unfortunately some marriages in divorce.

If the land was acquired during the marriage then it would be split

between husband and wife. At this point in time, do you really think your "Tee Rak" will sell the land and

give you half its value.

Only Thai's can own land and thus is not part of the assets to be split up. It is her's 100%, end of story.

The rules of land ownership are so one sided in favor of the Thai's, that I have no interest in owning land. Make the rules fair for foreign

ownership and I will be more than happy to buy land in Thailand.

If you want to buy land and give it away then by all means do it. At least you know it will never be yours until the rules change.


I don't take any notice of all you doom mongers, this is thailand Not the buracratic west, my uncle is head honcho at the land office and where we are there is NO need for any planning permission, I had to explain to him what it was and he had NEVER heard of it out in the sticks, just within large towns there are some minor controls.

Land prices where I am are rocketing up and up and are selling almost immediately they are made available all word of mouth.

This is fact, we are approx 350m above sea level and the area is viewed as prime land.

You said about the Uncle before and I said go ask him to issue you a building permit if there was no problem. I take it you went and saw him and he happily changed the land title to residential and issued you a building permit.

Your Uncle may work for the land registration department, but they only register land. Big difference between that and who controls the use and issues the permits.

Think you live in the boonies, well I live as far out as you can get and we had the factories inspecrate out last week. Jim

Not required here


I don't take any notice of all you doom mongers, this is thailand Not the buracratic west, my uncle is head honcho at the land office and where we are there is NO need for any planning permission, I had to explain to him what it was and he had NEVER heard of it out in the sticks, just within large towns there are some minor controls.

Land prices where I am are rocketing up and up and are selling almost immediately they are made available all word of mouth.

This is fact, we are approx 350m above sea level and the area is viewed as prime land.

You said about the Uncle before and I said go ask him to issue you a building permit if there was no problem. I take it you went and saw him and he happily changed the land title to residential and issued you a building permit.

Your Uncle may work for the land registration department, but they only register land. Big difference between that and who controls the use and issues the permits.

Think you live in the boonies, well I live as far out as you can get and we had the factories inspecrate out last week. Jim

Sorry Jim but whats the factories inspecrate?

Too early for me [inspectorate], and building in a village is different than building on farm land. By definition a village is residential. Most farm land was owned by the crown and people were given a right to farm that land by several different Government departments. Even if a charnote is issued the land is still farm land and controlled by what ever agency issued or has taken control of it, you still have only the right to farm. Land office just registers who owns or is using that land and collects taxes when it is sold.

So if you build on farm land and the Government agency in control finds out, they can just come and knock it down. If it does not have charnote title you can forfeit the land as you have not used it for the purpose intended.

On the putting land in a child's name, can be a good idea, but really makes little difference to putting it in the wife's name. The wife will probably get custody of the children if a break up happens. You are on the street either way.

Stay legal and realise that your playing in their park and it's their rules not yours. No problem means there is a problem. Jim


I don't take any notice of all you doom mongers, this is thailand Not the buracratic west, my uncle is head honcho at the land office and where we are there is NO need for any planning permission, I had to explain to him what it was and he had NEVER heard of it out in the sticks, just within large towns there are some minor controls.

Land prices where I am are rocketing up and up and are selling almost immediately they are made available all word of mouth.

This is fact, we are approx 350m above sea level and the area is viewed as prime land.

You said about the Uncle before and I said go ask him to issue you a building permit if there was no problem. I take it you went and saw him and he happily changed the land title to residential and issued you a building permit.

Your Uncle may work for the land registration department, but they only register land. Big difference between that and who controls the use and issues the permits.

Think you live in the boonies, well I live as far out as you can get and we had the factories inspecrate out last week. Jim

Not required here

These are national laws, so they cover all of Thailand, go ask the Government agency that controls your land. It won't be the land office or the local Amphor, but a department in BKK. Tell them your Uncle said it was OK. Jim

I don't take any notice of all you doom mongers, this is thailand Not the buracratic west, my uncle is head honcho at the land office and where we are there is NO need for any planning permission, I had to explain to him what it was and he had NEVER heard of it out in the sticks, just within large towns there are some minor controls.

Land prices where I am are rocketing up and up and are selling almost immediately they are made available all word of mouth.

This is fact, we are approx 350m above sea level and the area is viewed as prime land.

You said about the Uncle before and I said go ask him to issue you a building permit if there was no problem. I take it you went and saw him and he happily changed the land title to residential and issued you a building permit.

Your Uncle may work for the land registration department, but they only register land. Big difference between that and who controls the use and issues the permits.

Think you live in the boonies, well I live as far out as you can get and we had the factories inspecrate out last week. Jim

Not required here

These are national laws, so they cover all of Thailand, go ask the Government agency that controls your land. It won't be the land office or the local Amphor, but a department in BKK. Tell them your Uncle said it was OK. Jim

All these laws here are about the same as immigration laws ALL interpreted differently dependent on which immigration office/officer you deal with ALL have different requirements!


Hope no one ever comes looking and you live out your days in your house.

You know when you asked the Uncle for planning permission and title change and he said [ Not required here], he meant can't have, not legal.

You are not the only person who has built on farm land, Thais and farangs do it everywhere and most never have a problem as no one really cares, Upset the wrong person or have a neighbor who wants that land and you have no leg to stand on, house is gone and if not charnote, land as well.

Out here in the boonies, if you are a landless local and you can find farm land that has not been farmed for over 3 years, you can go to the Amphor and ask to be given that land. All local title is the use it or lose it type, no charnote yet.

As to immigration laws and visa's, seem to be enforced the same nationally to me, but if up your way I can drop an envelope and get a life time visa please tell me. Jim

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