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Hoping someone can help in here as I'm short of time to take to a computer repair shop.

I noticed last week that my clock was the wrong time and the date was also wrong by a few days on my laptop. I clicked on the time in the bottom right hand corner and changed the date and time. Kept glancing at it for about 20 minutes and all was fine. Later on I looked down again and it just seems like it's stuck in a time warp and doesn't advance by an hour. If I chnage it to say 06:23, it will tick along nicely and then when it gets to about 07:23, it reverts to 06:23. Therefore, not advancing in days either.

Anybody got any ideas? wai.gif


Possible low voltage on the battery that keeps CMOS data alive and clock running.

Usually LI-ion and 3v.

Edit...Posted same time as Kevjohn.


Cheers for the replies gents. I would have thought the same if the clock had actually stopped but it's happily ticking away but just not advancing more than an hour.


If the voltage is marginal some elements on the ic will work and some may not which can result in very odd symptoms. It would be unusual for the clock to just suddenly stop, and if the CMOS battery was zero volts you could well get BIOS probs as well.

Of course it could be something else entirely. If you can get the battery out and measure its voltage would verify.


If you are using win7, Start>Control Panel> Date and Time, adjust from there.

If you are using linux - not sure, if you dual boot your linux system will check in with win.

Otherwise, for linux, google 'linux set date and time'. AA


The o/s time only initially reads from the cmos clock once on boot up. After that, it is the o/s that tracks time.

Sounds like your system has a clock program glitch in your windows.


Where are you syncing your server from? Your time source could be off, which is why your clock changes after 5 minutes.


Where are you syncing your server from? Your time source could be off, which is why your clock changes after 5 minutes.

I'm in Saudi but I turned off the automatic sync function when I first noticed the problem


Where are you syncing your server from? Your time source could be off, which is why your clock changes after 5 minutes.

I'm in Saudi but I turned off the automatic sync function when I first noticed the problem

Time sync or file sync? Two different processes. By default, IIRC, time will sync to the site time.windows.com. You can check by going to regedit and looking in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters.. w32time is the service, w32tm is the "manager" access.

You can compare your machine to the time source or another source by using (in a cmd window) w32tm /stripchart /computer:<computer or IP> e.g. w32tm /stripchart /computer:time.windows.com or w32tm /stripchart /computer:0.pool.ntp.org The output will give your computers time relative to the time source.

I found the time.windows.com uses time.microsoft.akadns.net, so you may find a different location and a different time at your locale.

More neat features can be seen with w32tm /?

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