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No Spying In Nasa Study, Plodprasob Tells Mps


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No spying in Nasa study, Plodprasob tells MPs

The Nation

Thai officials will control climate research flights, mostly over sea

BANGKOK: -- Science Minister Plodprasob Surassawadee sought to allay suspicions yesterday that the US space agency's planned study of climate patterns in Thailand was actually cover for a spying mission, although he acknowledged that one of the aircraft to be used had the capability for espionage.

He insisted that the project was not involved with security issues and should therefore not be discussed under Article 190 of the Constitution, as has been suggested by the opposition Democrat Party.

Plodprasob said the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) would give Thailand records of the US military pilots who will fly the planes in Thai airspace and said Thai officials would "control all the flights". He said there would be regular briefings about the survey till it was completed.

"As to the question if there will be espionage, the answer is definitely no. As far as I know, 90 per cent of the survey will be conducted over the sea, and you may get nothing from spying over the sea," the science minister said.

Plodprasob admitted that one of the three US aircraft to be used in the Nasa study had a history of being used on reconnaissance missions, "but as far as I know, it has not used [for that purpose] anymore".

He was speaking to a joint meeting of Parliament on the government's urgent motion to discuss whether to grant Nasa permission to conduct the survey as part of its Southeast Asia Composition, Cloud, Climate Coupling Regional Study (SEAC4RS).

Plodprasob made a seven-point explanation to answer questions involving the controversial project, such as why Thailand was chosen, whether there would be spying, whether Nasa would conduct this study straightforwardly and what benefits the Thai people would receive.

He said Thailand was chosen because of its unique geographical and climatic features - the country has land and sea, it is located between two oceans, and it is in an area affected by both the southwesterly and northeasterly winds. Thailand was not capable of conducting such a study by itself, due to a lack of satellites, aircraft, computers and scientific knowledge possessed by the US, he added.

The minister said U-tapao, the Royal Thai Navy airbase, was chosen because its hangar could accommodate the planes to be used in the study and it had efficient maintenance facilities. The airbase was close to Bangkok and Pattaya, which was also an advantage.

"I think any foreigner who has to stay in Thailand for two to three months is happy when he is close to Pattaya," Plodprasob said, without elaborating.

As to the question what the Thai public would gain from this project, he said: "Scientific knowledge. And Thailand will be a leader in this region."

In response to possible concerns by China or other neighbouring countries, the science minister said the Foreign Affairs Ministry would call a meeting of ambassadors from the countries concerned to explain the US mission to them. Nasa representatives would also be on hand to answer questions.

Scientists from China and other Asean countries would be allowed to join the project, he said.


-- The Nation 2012-10-03

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Endless, tedious, Thai circular talk about the same things over and over. Going back on what they already stated was rejected because it compromised their standing with China and it wasn't a "sovereign Thai issue," so it needn't go through parliament. What a preposterous joke to watch them - Those Thais,boy oh boy those Thais are they clever knowing how to back track and bluster and blow a lot of hot air. Boy oh boy - these Thais, they are something else.

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Plodprasob admitted that one of the three US aircraft to be used in the Nasa study had a history of being used on reconnaissance missions, "but as far as I know, it has not used [for that purpose] anymore".

Isn't this the same guy who brought you the "Boats on the river to move the water faster" solution to flooding? I put to you this guy doesn't know jack sh*t!

He said Thailand was chosen because of its unique geographical and climatic features - the country has land and sea, it is located between two oceans

Oh hang on a moment, i could be wrong about this guy... he seems fairly clued up...

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"I think any foreigner who has to stay in Thailand for two to three months is happy when he is close to Pattaya," Plodprasob said, without elaborating.

He's got his finger on the pulse, this guy. rolleyes.gif

or you could interpret as a backhanded insult to foreigners

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Plodprasob admitted that one of the three US aircraft to be used in the Nasa study had a history of being used on reconnaissance missions, "but as far as I know, it has not used [for that purpose] anymore".

Isn't this the same guy who brought you the "Boats on the river to move the water faster" solution to flooding? I put to you this guy doesn't know jack sh*t!

He said Thailand was chosen because of its unique geographical and climatic features - the country has land and sea, it is located between two oceans

Oh hang on a moment, i could be wrong about this guy... he seems fairly clued up...

Let me add another startling achievement of the esteemed Science Minister Plodprasop:

After endles consultaions, reports, foreign field trips and the spending of millions of baht on a flood contingency plan following last years flooding of Ayuttaya, Plodprasop released his plan for dealing with future flooding which basically said that "if water levels started to rise north of Ayuttaya then the people of the Ayuttaya area should evacuate". Simple translation for his flood disaster management plan being,.. "if you see water coming,- RUN"

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I doubt the Chinese Govt will believe this load of codswhollop. I wouldn't if I was them ... anymore than I believe to Yanks @ the Ban Dung VOA Station, that routinely blasts Propoganda messages into China every mornining @ 7am and evening @ 6pm. The signal knocks out all the Air Cards in our neighbourhood. "We do weather reports and help Thai Technicians on site". Ya sure guys ... I know it was the main Vietnam War Era Listening Post, for intercepting North Vietnamese uncrypted military Messaging ... but really no one cares a fig about Vietnam these days. China, on the other hand, is an international competitor and makes all our underwear .. well ... everything we wear/drive/golf/ski/HDTV ... Mitt's Buddies. He will sell them a few more US Flagship Companies, after he looses the US Election ... I digress off topic ....


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Spy Mission, what Morons. No need for NASA to be used as a cover for spy missions. We have the US military specifically the USAF with technology designed for espionage. We are always watching and have the world basically under surveillance anytime and anyplace through satellite, drones, air recon, humint and other various sources the Thai people could not even imagine in their wildest fantasies. The aircraft that they could be worried about is probably the SR-71 Blackbird (worldest fastest and highest flying manned aircraft to date). I seriously doubt they will use this aircraft for their work. The Blackbird has been decommissioned from the USAF since the 90s and given to NASA for basically testing data of sonic speed aircraft for future models. NASA would not waste time, and money using the SR71 in Thailand.

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"I think any foreigner who has to stay in Thailand for two to three months is happy when he is close to Pattaya," Plodprasob said, without elaborating.

He's got his finger on the pulse, this guy. rolleyes.gif

or you could interpret as a backhanded insult to foreigners


you could interpret as a backhanded insult to foreigners Thai women and men.


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"As to the question if there will be espionage, the answer is definitely no. As far as I know, 90 per cent of the survey will be conducted over the sea, and you may get nothing from spying over the sea," the science minister said.

With apologies to Bill Nye, the clueless Boat Propellers To Control A Raging River Science Guy is at it again. :rolleyes:

Actually, it is "you will get a lot from spying over the sea"..... ;)

Disclaimer: No, I'm not saying NASA is spying, just that the Science Guy knows as much about the sea as he does about a river.


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Why worry about China, they do not give a rats ass about any other country in the region either. They have screwed up all natural resources including the Mekong. China does not give a hood about Thailand either, just have a look at their representatives in Thailand (Sonthi cs).

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I doubt the Chinese Govt will believe this load of codswhollop. I wouldn't if I was them ... anymore than I believe to Yanks @ the Ban Dung VOA Station, that routinely blasts Propoganda messages into China every mornining @ 7am and evening @ 6pm. The signal knocks out all the Air Cards in our neighbourhood. "We do weather reports and help Thai Technicians on site". Ya sure guys ... I know it was the main Vietnam War Era Listening Post, for intercepting North Vietnamese uncrypted military Messaging ... but really no one cares a fig about Vietnam these days. China, on the other hand, is an international competitor and makes all our underwear .. well ... everything we wear/drive/golf/ski/HDTV ... Mitt's Buddies. He will sell them a few more US Flagship Companies, after he looses the US Election ... I digress off topic ....


VOA was not the "main Vietnam War Era Listening Post, for intercepting North Vietnamese uncrypted military Messaging". That was at Non Sung. You can still see part of the FLR/9 antenna system that was used for monitoring radio communications.

Post Script:

I forgot to add, I talked to the VOA site manager a few years ago. I believe he told me that the transmitter output up there, can go as high as 125,000 watts!

With that kind of output power, any electronic equipment not adequately protected from off frequency signals will most likely fail to operate properly.

Edited by radiochaser
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Spy Mission, what Morons. No need for NASA to be used as a cover for spy missions. We have the US military specifically the USAF with technology designed for espionage. We are always watching and have the world basically under surveillance anytime and anyplace through satellite, drones, air recon, humint and other various sources the Thai people could not even imagine in their wildest fantasies. The aircraft that they could be worried about is probably the SR-71 Blackbird (worldest fastest and highest flying manned aircraft to date). I seriously doubt they will use this aircraft for their work. The Blackbird has been decommissioned from the USAF since the 90s and given to NASA for basically testing data of sonic speed aircraft for future models. NASA would not waste time, and money using the SR71 in Thailand.

I have seen pictures taken by the SR71 during the Vietnam war, supposedly from an altitude of 80,000 feet. You could tell if a man was wearing sandals or boots!

Even though the aircraft was flying over Vietnam, it could have taken pictures of Thailand if there was a need for it.

Edited by radiochaser
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I'm afraid that Plodprasop is one of the worst (among many) politicians as far as credibility goes.

On the face of it, I don't know if this would be beneficial or not, or if it could lead to spying. But when Plod says it's ok, then the chances are it's not. What he & his corrupt mates seem to be afraid of is a parliamentary debate, followed by a vote.

But that would be too democratic, would'nt it?

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Anyone used Google Earth? Satellite pictures covering the entire globe. If you have used it, you know that you can zoom down to a certain level, after that it is a blur. This is intentional by NASA. They have full definition pics where you can actually read a number plate of a car anywhere. These are still pictures of course and if someone needs to have real time pics, they need to have clearance for satellite time but then there are no problems. Provided it is not too clouded which may present a dfficulty but not impossible. The US would use "spyplanes" over Thailand? Yeah, right.

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I doubt the Chinese Govt will believe this load of codswhollop. I wouldn't if I was them ... anymore than I believe to Yanks @ the Ban Dung VOA Station, that routinely blasts Propoganda messages into China every mornining @ 7am and evening @ 6pm. The signal knocks out all the Air Cards in our neighbourhood. "We do weather reports and help Thai Technicians on site". Ya sure guys ... I know it was the main Vietnam War Era Listening Post, for intercepting North Vietnamese uncrypted military Messaging ... but really no one cares a fig about Vietnam these days. China, on the other hand, is an international competitor and makes all our underwear .. well ... everything we wear/drive/golf/ski/HDTV ... Mitt's Buddies. He will sell them a few more US Flagship Companies, after he looses the US Election ... I digress off topic ....


VOA was not the "main Vietnam War Era Listening Post, for intercepting North Vietnamese uncrypted military Messaging". That was at Non Sung. You can still see part of the FLR/9 antenna system that was used for monitoring radio communications.

Post Script:

I forgot to add, I talked to the VOA site manager a few years ago. I believe he told me that the transmitter output up there, can go as high as 125,000 watts!

With that kind of output power, any electronic equipment not adequately protected from off frequency signals will most likely fail to operate properly.

7th RRFS, was there in 71-72, before that at the 83rd RRSOU in Bangkok, Seri Court.

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Anyone used Google Earth? Satellite pictures covering the entire globe. If you have used it, you know that you can zoom down to a certain level, after that it is a blur. This is intentional by NASA. They have full definition pics where you can actually read a number plate of a car anywhere. These are still pictures of course and if someone needs to have real time pics, they need to have clearance for satellite time but then there are no problems. Provided it is not too clouded which may present a dfficulty but not impossible. The US would use "spyplanes" over Thailand? Yeah, right.

You can study the weather from google earth?

You have explained exactly why they don't need to fly planes around to spy on anyone.

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"I think any foreigner who has to stay in Thailand for two to three months is happy when he is close to Pattaya," Plodprasob said, without elaborating.

He's got his finger on the pulse, this guy. rolleyes.gif

What a stupid thing to say; can you imagine a US senator saying publicly that any foreigner (and we know he means the white kind) who has to stay in the US is happy when they are close to Nevada?

They would be crucified.

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Well Of course they are going to spy on the other Asian countries, they dont have to spy here as the Thai's are onside and money talks all languages.

Apart from that yes the hangars are more than capable of holding the NASA/Weather/Spy planes as they use to hold B52 bombers that flew out of Utapao to bomb the s**t out of Vietnam. The Thai Military were also fighting in Vietnam at the time.

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Ooooohhhhhhh Noooooooooooooo!

Since "The Plod's" been wrong about pretty much everything else he's expounded on,

are we all to assume ....

A tip o' the hat to ya' on this one Khunken.

Edited by Dap
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Seriously, what is there to spy on in Thailand?? Thailand would be the last thing from a security concern to the US.

Sorry maybe I need to correct myself. If it's under instructions from China, Thailand may want to prevent NASA.

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Lets see.......Thai says "No" ......... PM and big brother travel to New York... Now this is back on the table........

Yep, thought exactly same same ... The decision was a clear NO. After Shinawatra family travelled to the USA and afterwards all is fine and done.

I think that not only they Sh... families banking account abroad got a little boost, but the very famous (for it's corruption) Science Minister also got a his kickback too ;-)

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I'm afraid that Plodprasop is one of the worst (among many) politicians as far as credibility goes.

On the face of it, I don't know if this would be beneficial or not, or if it could lead to spying. But when Plod says it's ok, then the chances are it's not. What he & his corrupt mates seem to be afraid of is a parliamentary debate, followed by a vote.

But that would be too democratic, would'nt it?

Shure he is one the very worst politicians ... but he is also one of the richest politicians. No, he never worked for private industries - all his life he served the Kingdom of Thailand. First working as an officer in different ministries (e.g. for agriculture and forest management, what turned him rich guy already), then going to politics to get even richer by more corruption.

This guy has neither credibility nor face at all, he is ridiculous and stupid only, but he got rich. Nobody asks how, everybody knows.

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"I think any foreigner who has to stay in Thailand for two to three months is happy when he is close to Pattaya," Plodprasob said, without elaborating.

He's got his finger on the pulse, this guy. rolleyes.gif

What a stupid thing to say; can you imagine a US senator saying publicly that any foreigner (and we know he means the white kind) who has to stay in the US is happy when they are close to Nevada?

They would be crucified.

You got it right - a stupid thing to say. But from Plad there is nothing else to be expected.

He is rich and politician, so there is no requirement for intelligence at all.

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Lets see.......Thai says "No" ......... PM and big brother travel to New York... Now this is back on the table........

Yep, thought exactly same same ... The decision was a clear NO. After Shinawatra family travelled to the USA and afterwards all is fine and done.

I think that not only they Sh... families banking account abroad got a little boost, but the very famous (for it's corruption) Science Minister also got a his kickback too ;-)

Not from America, surely.............

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