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Just wondering what i can and cannot post to to Thailand from uk . My Thai fiancees family all loved the chocolate she recently took back home with her . I would like to post some but wondered if its likely to get there , and is it likely to be edible or just a melted blob ?? I planned to send it in a foil jifi bag ?

And does anyone know of a website with whats allowed to bring in or post , most Thais like to bring or have posted in there own food stuffs , I once saw a lady with more chilli powders ,dried frogs etc in her suit case ,she was flying to sweeden , but i would love clarification of what i and she can and cannot post or bring between uk and Thailand ?

Im sure lots of you have storys to tell about this . thanks


Chocolate may be a problem, post tends to sit around in containers on airport tarmac for hours, getting nice and hot. You may be able to send it via one of the couriers as perishable but it would likely end up as the worlds most expensive Mars bar sad.png

Rob gave you a good link to the UK customs site. In general anything that's commercially packed won't attract attention at the UK entry point. If in doubt it's safer to declare it (and risk losing it) than to try to get it through Green and get caught and fined.

I'll move this to travel, it will stay on page 1 longer there.

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Chocolate usually comes as a melted blob with a oily box/envelope. don't bother with it.

Friends in the UK send me the occasional Red Cross Parcel containing an assortment of goodies, including chocolate, they have always arrived promptly and in pristine condition, including the chocolate.

Maybe I've just been lucky.

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See! I told you...... Two came along together!!!! cheesy.gif

Just joking........... Mods are nice people. Not like buses at all....wai.gif

On a related point, you should be VERY careful what you take in your luggage. One year I was visiting friends in Europe, and decided to take them a haggis from the local butcher's. Unbeknown to me, my headphones cable became wrapped around it in my carry on bag. It really fouled up the security queues in gatwick and nearly had me carted away by the boys with the HK5s. Lesson learned!!


there are 2 quite different things to consider- Oh bless the ignorant and unknowing

1.what is allowed-that is practically anything a normal human being could think of sending to close friends

2.what is TAXEable at the other end-you still have to deal with anything Thai customs may levy import taxes on-this has in general both to do with value of the goods and quantity.

BTW-dont be surprised-very much the same holds for sending ex Th toward UK (and even the USA)

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