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Why Are Thai Girls Good Dancers?

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I don't mean ladies in Go go bars. Lord it has been years since I have been to a Go go. I mean the Thai girls at Thai shows and Thai clubs and Thai discos. Maybe it's the legs. Thai and Korean and Japanese women are short but Thai women have long legs. Know what I mean? Long legs seem to me to dance better.

Say what you want about the Thai education system but they sure can teach them how to bend their hands backwards and dance.

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hi kelly,

you know the old saying on TV, mines different,,lol

my wife couldnt tap her foot to the beat of a song,,lol,

but she can put her arm up a pigs whatsit to see if there is any piglets,,lol,

im sorry my wife is only 5ft 1, so the legs are out too,

i must admit i used to like watching good dancers,,and i do know what you mean about the fingers, bloody hell looks painfull


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I've been told they get the rhythm from watching the rice growing in the fields...........wink.png

I better add that this really is second hand info, otherwise someone will be teaching me how to bend my hands backwards..........blink.png

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I think it is because they start so young at school.

So you can easily verify it:

Look at a dancing Thai lady, with short legs.

Maybe one, having a bit overweight, also.

So you can find out, if it is the early start, or you point of view!

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So you can easily verify it:

Look at a dancing Thai lady, with short legs.

Maybe one, having a bit overweight, also.

So you can find out, if it is the early start, or your point of view!

Sorry noob you lost me there.

Why Are Thai Girls Good Dancers?

"Thai and Korean and Japanese women are short but Thai women have long legs. Know what I mean? Long legs seem to me to dance better."

Man, why don't you read your own topic?

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I hear what you are saying about long legs and good dancing.....looks great.

My wife hates me whenever I refer to her short stature as having "ducks disease"......for those unfamiliar, it means your arse is too close to the ground.

But I've also seen great looking gals with legs that go all the way up to their armpits......and ......dance, more like a giraffe having a fit.

When it comes to dancing, you've either got it or you haven't....or depends how pissed you are.

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They aren't. Black girls are the best dancers. After that people with black blood. Thais are pathetic dancers. Dance isn't about gymnastics or preconceived moves, it's about expressing your soul through physical movement. In some ways the old middle-aged fat guys shuffling about on the floor are good dancers, cos they're expressing their souls. You can fool people with words but you can't fool people with dance. If you're young and strong your movements will be young and strong, if you're old and decrepit your movements will be be old and decrepit. If you lack imagination, your movements will lack imagination. If you fall back on cliches, your movements will be cliched. It's the highest art form, above poetry, above painting. It's immediate and without solace. It needs young, strong souls and has always been the refuge of the poor and disadvantaged. May it always be so.

Seen a lot of black blood lately? Where does Thai Visa get all these peopleblink.png After you have been around a while try going to a Thai school and watch the children learn to dance. They have some serious rhythm. And the old ladies at the holiday shows, still dancing.

Your stereotypes are Western and outdated and without any Thai experience. Go to Thailand and take a look around. Japanese men can't dance. Thai men can. Not as funny as watching a Brit dance but close. Take your young strong soul to Burma. They can't dance there either.

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Why Are Thai Girls Good Dancers?

They're not. Unless your definition of good dancing is moving body weight from one hip to another and throwing in a few pelvic thrusts to the veritable commercial crap hip-hop played in most clubs. No sense of dancing to a beat. Though the perception of dancing skills by Thai women is often directly proportional to the number of alcoholic beverages consumed at the time by the observer.

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Are you sure about Korean women?

They look OK to me.

that shit is addictive. IMO th only one that can dance is the one in the green shorts, and she is not brilliant.

I always had the impression thai women were going through the motions with dance, i dont think i have ever seen one that just "popped"

caveat: when i say dance, i do not mean around a pole

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Why Are Thai Girls Good Dancers?

They're not. Unless your definition of good dancing is moving body weight from one hip to another and throwing in a few pelvic thrusts to the veritable commercial crap hip-hop played in most clubs. No sense of dancing to a beat. Though the perception of dancing skills by Thai women is often directly proportional to the number of alcoholic beverages consumed at the time by the observer.

Go back and read the OP. It says not Go go dancers!w00t.gif

Only a small proportion of Thai women are Go go dancers and only a small proportion of Farang men cavort with them. Save your inexperiece for the others in the bar.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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HyunA is pretty dam_n fine as well.

Here you go Psy and Hyuna

Although IMHO she's a rubbish dancer, he's much better.

I'm pretty sure, she's already in the original video:

The girl in the subway!

They know, how to take advantage of the moment, it looks likeclap2.gif

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