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The End Of An Era


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The original article is the biggest load of rubbish I have ever read in Thailand. "Disorientated 65 year old's walking around in a daze" who is kidding who.

Ever heard of irony ? Methinks this was an attempt at humour, it works for me ( as an American )

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Responding to the crisis, Bangkok Governor Sukhumband Paribatra has promised to quickly find new places for the refugees to drink, carouse, and feel unthreatened by anything new, with sois 22 and 9 being vetted as prime candidates.

Hope he can build a giant tunnel connecting Sukh 22 to Cowboy and Nana. rolleyes.gif

No need for a tunnel. Just walk across the road to the Queens Park Plaza. Be careful crossing the road though!

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"The possibility that the refugee patrons are suffering from a medical or psychiatric condition has caught the attention of the city government, which has sent in a team of doctors and a medical bus to provide basic services to the estimated 450 bar-less men, who have been reported to be suffering from dehydration, disorientation, and early signs of age-related dementia.

“These people need to be treated as patients,” said Dr Janapat Ruenpongrat, a psychologist on the team who has interviewed and treated many of the victims"

This is a joke right? This looks like it came straight out of "The Onion."

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I lived in Soi 22 when it was a slum in the early 80s and eventually married there Washinton Square had an old picture theatre and not alot else in those days. 'Cowboy' moved out of Soi Cowboy and set up his bar and VFW Chapter there (upstairs)at this time. Soi Cowboy wasn't too flash in those days. Everything in Bangkok happened at Patpong in those days. Then the owners, both Pommies, can't remember their names now, Peter?, of the Rufifi Bar in Patpong decided to go into the english pub business and opened the Ex Pats Retreat at Washington Square, VCRs were the big thing in those days and they played tapes of the English Football. My young sister in law became the Manager there - even when the American Doug Harrison bought it and turned it into the Bourbon Street Restaurant she remained for many years.

I don't get downtown too much these days and was unaware of the reputation it had acquired.

I have fond memories of my days there. And I was not a broke, geriatric Sex Pat in those days either.

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I know this is a joke article but has Washington Square actually finally been demolished? What of Bourbon Street? I loved that placed as it had some great Western food.

Edited by Jimjim
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I'm in there now, wandering around lost.

How do I get out?

Does anyone know where I can find another 80 year old hooker?

What can I do about my skin condition?

Sent from my 15 pound, 1980's era cell phone.

Not sure about your skin but you'll find the 'girl' you're looking for at the cocktail lounge in NaNa's largest hotel.

Also try Songkhla for a very aged 'girl' they are wandering around lost also, since some of the of offshore industry packed up and moved....lol

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I could only think of this article as a satire, old men wandering around, lost in the city without an old bar. I have been in Thailand for a long long time and it was pre-Washington SQ and now post Washington SQ. The few times I went there out of curiosity were to Bourbon St. for food, Mexican buffets etc. Only one time did I enter a bar, Silver Dollar. It seemed an unfriendly place, sort of a loser type of place no matter what the era. The great highlights over the years were Gaysorn and Petchburi Rd(late 60's) Patpong, the Thermae, then Soi Cowboy, Nana and Patpong, Clinton Plaza, Ashoke plaza etc. Washington SQ was nothing more than a footnote. Any lost old guy can find a bar, even if blind, very easily.

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i can't wait until the movie comes out. i guess it will look like a zombie appocolips movie but the walking dead will not be looking for brains, but something a little more south of the border

Edited by stevehaigh
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While "notthenation" is listed at the end of this original content here taken from the "Not The Nation" website: http://notthenation.com/2012/10/washington-square-demolition-leaves-bangkoks-elderly-sexpats-lost-confused/

And, the "Not The Nation"'s website policy is:

"Redistribution of Not The Nation content with attribution is permitted."

Don't you think "fair attribution" would have been at least to include a link to the source material, and to spell the name of the website correctly, not just give the all lower-case name used in a url ? You do that with other content that you use, from the Nation, and other sources.

How about also giving readers of your daily e-mail a clue in article titles that the link points to "fictional" content ?


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Told you the bile would flow tinfoilhat....

That should have been no surprise for someone who thinks "Notthenation" is "satire".

Notthenation tend to deal in unfunny cliche and stereotype. Satire has to subtle and clever. NTN fail in all counts regularly on that score.

I'd also say none of the replies here are satirical in the least so where's your satire now...?

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I lived in Soi 22 when it was a slum in the early 80s and eventually married there Washinton Square had an old picture theatre and not alot else in those days. 'Cowboy' moved out of Soi Cowboy and set up his bar and VFW Chapter there (upstairs)at this time. Soi Cowboy wasn't too flash in those days. Everything in Bangkok happened at Patpong in those days. Then the owners, both Pommies, can't remember their names now, Peter?, of the Rufifi Bar in Patpong decided to go into the english pub business and opened the Ex Pats Retreat at Washington Square, VCRs were the big thing in those days and they played tapes of the English Football. My young sister in law became the Manager there - even when the American Doug Harrison bought it and turned it into the Bourbon Street Restaurant she remained for many years.

I don't get downtown too much these days and was unaware of the reputation it had acquired.

I have fond memories of my days there. And I was not a broke, geriatric Sex Pat in those days either.

Just now then?thumbsup.gif

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At first I thought this was an early April Fool's write up, but then got to thinking, now that I am rapidly approaching 60 years and 96 months (I know, I know I am in age denial!!) and thought that for the grace of God, there goes many people who have sadly lost their way in life and without the comfort of exactly the same routine, location, associates and so on, life must get very pretty scary for them. Loved the comment by Bangkok Governor and hope he is serious about giving them a gentle hand to re-socialise.

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Guess some people can not accept change. I did like the musical video tribute.... Never hung in any of these areas... Always liked the North East part better... It is called Issan..... Just my opinion......

Have a great day.........w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

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The moron who wrote this bull needs to be banned , its not even the slightest bit funny. Im sure the oil industry expats who were the most to frequent the bars, would like to talk to the author about being call balding sex tourists. The square was a great place for a lot of expats and regular visiters to drink without getting bothered by twits like the author. Business deals and jobs in the oil and construction industry were sought and made in the square over a cold one. The Thai hi so and military big wigs ate and drank at the square. So any one reading the post write it off as a piece of dribble writen by a person who has been to the square once and was most likely told to clear off because he was a idiot.

There are still 4 bars left where a good time, can be had

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you are aware we are discussing satire, right?

Do you mean you were being satirical?

I somehow doubt that....

The snag is that threads like these tend to give the delusional the chance to bleat on about "those vile bars" (not to mention their hideous, Satanic customers), when we all know they probably spend most of their free time in...or at least they would if they could afford to....

It won't be long before we get a good long "thank God they've been knocked down...it's about time too....they were an eyesore/embarrassment/error..what will those perverts do now" post...

Oh wait....

Carry on...

i still don't see the hypocrisy. The piece is an excellent satire

I for one hate to se the places of old with some character disappear. Before you know it Bangkok will be rebuilt to look exactly like so many major cities in Western countries. Those who resent the existence of bars should simply stay away from them.

who resents the existence of the bars? though Washington square most certainly was not my cup of tea, i could not say i resented it. In fact i never gave it much thought.

Apparently the article hits so close to home that some miss the humor.

And i dont think we are in any danger of Bangkok become a western city -- give the dirty old slut some credit.

FYI the original post, is NOT what i posted it has changed at least 3 times in both title and content since i put it up.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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