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Street Smart Thais And Their Sneaky Scams


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I refuse to give money to beggars, I have seen a group of beggars who I first saw in Bangkok at the dragon boat races in Chumphon, and I also saw a couple of them last time I was in Phuket. So these gangs are mobile, probably to avoid prosecution since begging is illegal (or so I've been told).

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Watching the old, blind karaoke singer walking along the beach with his wife rattling a tin cup stepping over mooring ropes for the longtail boats always brought a wry smile to my face. whistling.gif

They're everywhere. I remember seeing one in Kowloon with a cane, sunglasses and a cup ... took off like Carl Lewis when the boys in green approached him!

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Is Thailand any different to each and every country in the entire world ?

Visitors to Antartica probably get hit-on to buy an expensive lady drink at some local igloo within minutes of stepping off the ice-breaker..

Spot on.

Have a look at Cambodia, or Philippines.

Oh and whenever someone tries to cheat someone, it will be called a "Scam" here on TV.

If 2 guys try to cheat someone, those 2 guys will be called "Mafia" here on TV.

When I grew up, I guess I was scamming a lot, and belong to may mafia organizations.


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Let me see, there's that restaurant on Sukhumvit where the actual price of the food is 7% higher than advertised, that certainly must be a scam

Could that ' 7% ' be the government's VAT?

Unlike western nations, they don't advertise it in the asking price.

Just supposing ...

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As for the scam tried on me once.

Declining to pay the 50 Baht for the 'organised' taxi rank at the Airport I went to the arrivals deck and grabbed a Taxi which was exiting passengers.

The meter was no problem, but the 'flagfall' button was pressed several times ... eventually recording 70 Baht instead of the usual 35.

A little bit of Thai, and an apology from the Taxi driver, reset to correct amount and everyone happy, though me more then him.

I like the Thais ... they scam you, but smile at the same time ... biggrin.png


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Let me see, there's that restaurant on Sukhumvit where the actual price of the food is 7% higher than advertised, that certainly must be a scam

Could that ' 7% ' be the government's VAT?

Unlike western nations, they don't advertise it in the asking price.

Just supposing ...

Of course it is, that was the point of the post, not everyone realises that and many prefer to think of it as a scam.

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As for the scam tried on me once.

Declining to pay the 50 Baht for the 'organised' taxi rank at the Airport I went to the arrivals deck and grabbed a Taxi which was exiting passengers.

The meter was no problem, but the 'flagfall' button was pressed several times ... eventually recording 70 Baht instead of the usual 35.

A little bit of Thai, and an apology from the Taxi driver, reset to correct amount and everyone happy, though me more then him.

I like the Thais ... they scam you, but smile at the same time ... biggrin.png


The nicest people money can buy.

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As for the scam tried on me once.

Declining to pay the 50 Baht for the 'organised' taxi rank at the Airport I went to the arrivals deck and grabbed a Taxi which was exiting passengers.

The meter was no problem, but the 'flagfall' button was pressed several times ... eventually recording 70 Baht instead of the usual 35.

A little bit of Thai, and an apology from the Taxi driver, reset to correct amount and everyone happy, though me more then him.

I like the Thais ... they scam you, but smile at the same time ... biggrin.png


Yep thats a nice example you got there of the sneaky variety. All for 35 baht. Im sure if he was a nice taxi driver you would have tipped him until the little sleight of hand with the meter trick.
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Ive heard of the scam at the money exchange booth where the young girl was quick to slide a nice 1000baht note under the desk even though you had just watched her count your cash. Suppose it pays to re count it once its in your hands in front of the teller.

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I was kind of scammed outside the school where I teach.

There is a 5 star chicken stall and I asked for 2 sticks with look chin on them.

The advertised price was 20 baht each but 2 for 39 baht.

I was having a conversation with some of my M4 students and the seller must have realised I spoke Thai and was a teacher...unless he was dumb...as I walk past his stall everyday on my way into the school.

Anyway he charged me 50 baht with a smile - when I pointed out it was in fact 39 baht he smiled again and took the correct money.

Not even a sorry or a look of shame - a few of the students said some choice words to him but all water off a ducks back.

Ok this is a tiny amount of money but a good example of how some people here think.

I'm sure the same could happen back home but this thread is about Thailand smile.png

I went into a hardware shop recently for a couple of screws ( literally 2) I got my money out to pay and the cheeky scammer said "mai pen rai"


Im never going back there again and have told all my friends.................... Thai Basta**

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Why would I tell you this for free? Buy my next book, “How Thai people rip off dumber than dirt Farangs.”

Yes there is the obvious scams and then theres the professionals.

You must be the "you cant trick the trickster" kinda guy huh?

Nice 1 brother.

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That Rolex for a 1000 baht ain't real!

What? youve gotta be joking! course theyre real. Rolex have always had reputable licensed dealers in markets throughout Thailand.

Because it is Thailand you save average 15,000$ a watch thats all.

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I fell for the 'temple is closed today' scam (whilst on holiday), and my ex-husband fell for the 'my g/f was not a b/g, she was just working in a bar to earn money for her family'.

Think the second scam could be more expensive biggrin.png

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Ive heard of the scam at the money exchange booth where the young girl was quick to slide a nice 1000baht note under the desk even though you had just watched her count your cash. Suppose it pays to re count it once its in your hands in front of the teller.

I've heard of people flying to Mars and making mad passionate love to fifty women in one night, sadly non of those things were true.

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Let me see, there's that restaurant on Sukhumvit where the actual price of the food is 7% higher than advertised, that certainly must be a scam

Could that ' 7% ' be the government's VAT?

Unlike western nations, they don't advertise it in the asking price.

Just supposing ...


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I'm sorry but I do find this very amusing. To me a scam is where you are taken for a lump of money. Here we have a thread where people have been SCAMMED for 11 baht, 35 baht, 50 baht etc.

Real big time scammers we have in the Land of Scams then cheesy.gif

Sorry but come on now ?sorry.gif

Slow but sure wins the race, maybe they aren't so dumb after all eh?

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I'm sorry but I do find this very amusing. To me a scam is where you are taken for a lump of money. Here we have a thread where people have been SCAMMED for 11 baht, 35 baht, 50 baht etc.

Real big time scammers we have in the Land of Scams then cheesy.gif

Sorry but come on now ?sorry.gif

It's like my dad used to say, look after the satang and the baht will look after themselves.

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I'm sorry but I do find this very amusing. To me a scam is where you are taken for a lump of money. Here we have a thread where people have been SCAMMED for 11 baht, 35 baht, 50 baht etc.

Real big time scammers we have in the Land of Scams then cheesy.gif

Sorry but come on now ?sorry.gif

Double Post., 3BB apologises.

Edited by chiang mai
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No need to apologise Bertie, you're spot on pal...

The one that gets me is the " it isn't about the 10 baht it,s the principle " crap.

Once, just once I would love someone to post that it is all about the 10 baht and they are p#ssed. If it wasn't about the 10 Baht they wouldn't be posting on a forum moaning about it would they. whistling.gif

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Unfortunately you can't protect people from their own stupidity. There are still idiots falling for Nigerian scams.

There are still idiots around who marry prostitutes...bah.gif

We trust your wife was a vestal virgin when you met and if you are as yet single, we seriously hope she will be, for her sake.

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People will get away with as much as they are allowed to get away with. To pretend otherwise is blindness. Constant vigilance.

Sure i had a mirror made for my home gym (big mirror 6ft by 3ft or so). Next time i went to that shop and bought an other one it suddenly cost half the price. I was taken for a ride the first time, and he forgot what he charged first time. Needles to say i wont visit that shop anymore.

Why wouldn't you go back? It might be another 25% lower next time

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No need to apologise Bertie, you're spot on pal...

The one that gets me is the " it isn't about the 10 baht it,s the principle " crap.

Once, just once I would love someone to post that it is all about the 10 baht and they are p#ssed. If it wasn't about the 10 Baht they wouldn't be posting on a forum moaning about it would they. whistling.gif

Being 'scammed' for an extra 11 baht in front of my students was about the principle - I could barely look them in the eye had he got away with it.

ps I'm being sarcastic thumbsup.gif

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I'm sorry but I do find this very amusing. To me a scam is where you are taken for a lump of money. Here we have a thread where people have been SCAMMED for 11 baht, 35 baht, 50 baht etc.

Real big time scammers we have in the Land of Scams then cheesy.gif

Sorry but come on now ?sorry.gif

They big scammers save it for wealthy Thais, they know most farangs here haven't got the money to bother with and farangs who think with their big head wouldn't fall for it.

Same same as why the bar girls in farang areas are all small Esarn girls while the tall leggy attractive bargirls are working expensive Thai bars looking for rich married Thai man to do the favour of not telling their wife about their love in exchange for lots of gifts.

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I fell for the 'temple is closed today' scam (whilst on holiday), and my ex-husband fell for the 'my g/f was not a b/g, she was just working in a bar to earn money for her family'.

Think the second scam could be more expensive biggrin.png

It was, for both of us - but not for the usual reasons.

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I fell for the 'temple is closed today' scam (whilst on holiday), and my ex-husband fell for the 'my g/f was not a b/g, she was just working in a bar to earn money for her family'.

Think the second scam could be more expensive biggrin.png

I don't think the second scam ended well from memory

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