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I too took a large chang bottle to the head once after just talking to a thai girl--her "BF" ran up and went crazy--before i knew it..boom..bottle smashed on my head--of course he got away with it as i have gotten in fights before and not stupid enough to take on every thai standing there watching...

Maybe it the smile society..have to keep cool..smile..jai yen yen..greng jai..all pent up emothions as u do not show anger or talk about problems--just a ton of ticking time bombs walking around ready to explode on a hair trigger-people need express emotions or it seems this is the result-im guessing

But yes after 3 years here the violence and thefts seem to have greatly increased--bad economy??

Economy has gone up every year for the past three years in Thailand. Look somewhere else.smile.png

Has it or was it just white lies. Did any one ever release the real economic numbers after dude admitted figures were white lies.

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I too took a large chang bottle to the head once after just talking to a thai girl--her "BF" ran up and went crazy--before i knew it..boom..bottle smashed on my head--of course he got away with it as i have gotten in fights before and not stupid enough to take on every thai standing there watching...

Maybe it the smile society..have to keep cool..smile..jai yen yen..greng jai..all pent up emothions as u do not show anger or talk about problems--just a ton of ticking time bombs walking around ready to explode on a hair trigger-people need express emotions or it seems this is the result-im guessing

But yes after 3 years here the violence and thefts seem to have greatly increased--bad economy??

Economy has gone up every year for the past three years in Thailand. Look somewhere else.smile.png

Has it or was it just white lies. Did any one ever release the real economic numbers after dude admitted figures were white lies.

I live on the East coast industrial area. Full employment all the factories busy. Recruiters out at every market and will hire almost anyone. Labor shortage. Malls filled with Thai people eating at the expensive restaurants. New cars everywhere. Best I have seen in 10 years.


I have a standing rule when getting acquainted with a Thai woman in a romantic way: If she jokes about killing me (finger dragged across the throat, ha ha), or cutting off my willie - I let it go the initial time with a stern warning that it's no joke. If she jokes about it a second time, I show her the door and she's out of my life.

I know a young chap out here from Oz, and the young lady he was with for quite some time could get in to some quite intense rages, he seemed a very cool character and just seemed to take it all in his stride and never got bothered. He even smiled when he told me that she sleeps with a knife under her pillow....incase of intruders he added w00t.gif Would anyone else here sleep with a young woman with a surfeit of hormones with a large kitchen knife under her pillow. Perish the thought.

Was the friends name Clipper? Or Nick? Or Dice?
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The entire society needs to learn how to disagree without becoming homicidal

Canadian Gay Porn star who cut off man's torso, and ate his body parts was bullied as a schoolkid.smile.png

If you are trying to infer that Canadians handle disagreements in a way similar to Thais, you have a lot of work cut out for you. We are more likely to apologize each other to death.

But as you point out we have had some psychopaths too.

i think they were trying to point out the violence that incites one to violence, with a ballsy example indeed!

Awaiting the arrival of the RIP-brigade, or is that reserved for "whites only"?

Knee-jerk, herd-minded decency compels me to pause in my daily routine and "do the right thing". And then the ugly truths (as another poster on another thread put it) kick-in instead. Your implication upset me, because I get the sense that you believe I should fulfill some role of preconceived decency that gains your approval. By not replying, I fall in line of your accusing finger. And so...:

I have the view that developed minds are not shocked when they read of events that they would otherwise expect to come from the behaviors and actions of those whom they already have a prior opinion of, and whom the more developed consider in all likelihood to be less developed than they, the more developed are. I could be wrong, but I think not.

Whether being continually subjected to their behavior in traffic, interpersonal communications, business dealings, issues that require trust, honesty, commitment, conflict / resolution, responsibility, rationality, logic and so on; ...what makes you feel compelled to imply that foreigners of more developed mindsets and upbringing (who live here and have been subject to this continual onslaught of lunacy) should RIP the ones responsible for this sort of behavior? Is it merely for the saying of it? Will it serve any purpose beyond the utterance or to remind us more developed people that we are "still human" and have enough in our larder of charity to dole out an insincere RIP or implied sympathetic gesture for the mere sake of doing so?

Implying that "they" should know better, and tricking my mind into believing it odd or grisly that they would resort to this sub-bestial behavior creates an absurd irony. It makes the opinion ironic when I step back and view the heavy handed posts (myself included) against their seemingly stupid, corrupt and idiotic behavior against themselves and other humans when it comes to issues of obeying laws merely for the principle that those laws are there for their protection and edification; of which they continuously demonstrate they do not have the ability to perform in the same degree or proportion to more developed minds.

It is emphatically unquestionable that Thais have, by now, been illuminated with enough foreign opportunities to utilize valuable, life-changing information in science, technology, hygiene, all manners of health and so on. I point out as a reminder that there really are no more excuses to justify what we foreigners consider undeveloped and uncouth behavior at all levels of their society. They have the information at their fingertips to learn great things, to be self-willed, industrious, practical, creative, imaginative, forthright, intelligent, and basically every good thing that actualized the better part of human nature; but all to no avail. They contently refuse change and use the things we gladly provide to self-serve and corrode their lives. The world is ready to help and with intentions of good-will introduce into their culture the assistance necessary to make their "quality of life" better and more edifying. Instead they remain as developed as they were 2556 years ago; the only differences being material things like soap, iPads, Rolex's, and Isuzu's.

In short, I do not RIP because I truly do expect this sort of thing from them. I establish this view based on years of seeing and reading of behaviors that defy the imagination of someone more educated and raised with a sense of fair play and integrity, among other characteristics of a developed mind. Regrettably, my expectations of the behavior amongst these native peoples never falls short; whereas my expectations of foreigners from developed nations (hence minds) are higher, and hence the shock factor greater when foreigners behave in the same manner which I am certain their culture and society did not condone.

If you cannot see the difference and liken yourself at their level, then I guess then it is acceptable to RIP away blindly and with no justification of sincerity or reason.

A very good and insightfull post. And even if I don't agree with you on all points, I will leave it there, so we don't end up in a pissingcontest, all to common here. Thank you! wai.gif

(Darwinism in action??)

I think the great Dr. Pigeonhole has emerged, or the guy has had astronomical bad odds of meeting all the WRONG people here. Another GODHEAD to set us straight? But i liked the post , of course i like quicksand and stitches too!

I can only imagine the suffering of the paralysed man and also the unbearable pressure that would impose on his wife, but my God, couldn't she just have administered sleeping pills

Police investigators believe she may have committed the murder because of drug-induced delusion or a cult. Pornsuree told police she was the medium of a deity.

Now what's the name of that popular cult in Thailand, with a leader who thinks he is a deity and who sacrifices its own members at public violent protests?

As for the second couple, do they have marriage guidance in Thailand, something like 'Relate' maybe? It's got to be easier.

Maybe she did and was just disposing of the body, or not.. Seems she didn't want forensics to lead back to her, head and hands cut off.. Shows a definite premeditation. There would be quite a mess if she beheaded him while alive.


I can only imagine the suffering of the paralysed man and also the unbearable pressure that would impose on his wife, but my God, couldn't she just have administered sleeping pills

Police investigators believe she may have committed the murder because of drug-induced delusion or a cult. Pornsuree told police she was the medium of a deity.

Now what's the name of that popular cult in Thailand, with a leader who thinks he is a deity and who sacrifices its own members at public violent protests?

As for the second couple, do they have marriage guidance in Thailand, something like 'Relate' maybe? It's got to be easier.

Maybe she did and was just disposing of the body, or not.. Seems she didn't want forensics to lead back to her, head and hands cut off.. Shows a definite premeditation. There would be quite a mess if she beheaded him while alive.

Which bits did she cut off first?


Horrific crime.

This is one of those cases that highlights the number of very violent and often unreported (in the Thailand English language newspapers at least). and frequent grisly and barbaric Thai on Thai murders that occur almost daily here.

Just worth remembering that this is a dangerous place to live and expats should look out for one another.

A Thai lawyer friend says that domestic abuse cases (Thai on Thai) are by far the number one cause of court cases in Thailand.


Awaiting the arrival of the RIP-brigade, or is that reserved for "whites only"?

Agreed... Its strange, isnt it? When a death is reported on TV most of the thread consists of random ex-pats, who have never know the victim or anyone associated with them, saying 'R.I.P you poor soul, you are at peace now'.

I mean, who on earth are they talking to? Who is going to READ there message of condolance? Not the dead person. He is unable to read an ex-pat forum. Not because he cant read English and not because he would have no inclination to read a ferang life in Thailand forum. Its because he is dead and according to the basic o-level i have in biology, that means he probably wont read ever again.

Its one of those things that I always find so strange about TV.

What's wrong with a sign or respect for the deceased?

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I can only imagine the suffering of the paralysed man and also the unbearable pressure that would impose on his wife, but my God, couldn't she just have administered sleeping pills

I don't think there is anything to indicate the cause of death yet let alone he died by beheading but conveniently the news doesn't want to say that but rather avoids even mentioning cause of death or that it is being investigated or if the body may have simply been cut up for easier disposal.


I have a standing rule when getting acquainted with a Thai woman in a romantic way: If she jokes about killing me (finger dragged across the throat, ha ha), or cutting off my willie - I let it go the initial time with a stern warning that it's no joke. If she jokes about it a second time, I show her the door and she's out of my life.

Sounds like you hang out with very low-class women. But each to his own.


  • Like 1

Awaiting the arrival of the RIP-brigade, or is that reserved for "whites only"?

Knee-jerk, herd-minded decency compels me to pause in my daily routine and "do the right thing". And then the ugly truths (as another poster on another thread put it) kick-in instead. Your implication upset me, because I get the sense that you believe I should fulfill some role of preconceived decency that gains your approval. By not replying, I fall in line of your accusing finger. And so...:

I have the view that developed minds are not shocked when they read of events that they would otherwise expect to come from the behaviors and actions of those whom they already have a prior opinion of, and whom the more developed consider in all likelihood to be less developed than they, the more developed are. I could be wrong, but I think not.

Whether being continually subjected to their behavior in traffic, interpersonal communications, business dealings, issues that require trust, honesty, commitment, conflict / resolution, responsibility, rationality, logic and so on; ...what makes you feel compelled to imply that foreigners of more developed mindsets and upbringing (who live here and have been subject to this continual onslaught of lunacy) should RIP the ones responsible for this sort of behavior? Is it merely for the saying of it? Will it serve any purpose beyond the utterance or to remind us more developed people that we are "still human" and have enough in our larder of charity to dole out an insincere RIP or implied sympathetic gesture for the mere sake of doing so?

Implying that "they" should know better, and tricking my mind into believing it odd or grisly that they would resort to this sub-bestial behavior creates an absurd irony. It makes the opinion ironic when I step back and view the heavy handed posts (myself included) against their seemingly stupid, corrupt and idiotic behavior against themselves and other humans when it comes to issues of obeying laws merely for the principle that those laws are there for their protection and edification; of which they continuously demonstrate they do not have the ability to perform in the same degree or proportion to more developed minds.

It is emphatically unquestionable that Thais have, by now, been illuminated with enough foreign opportunities to utilize valuable, life-changing information in science, technology, hygiene, all manners of health and so on. I point out as a reminder that there really are no more excuses to justify what we foreigners consider undeveloped and uncouth behavior at all levels of their society. They have the information at their fingertips to learn great things, to be self-willed, industrious, practical, creative, imaginative, forthright, intelligent, and basically every good thing that actualized the better part of human nature; but all to no avail. They contently refuse change and use the things we gladly provide to self-serve and corrode their lives. The world is ready to help and with intentions of good-will introduce into their culture the assistance necessary to make their "quality of life" better and more edifying. Instead they remain as developed as they were 2556 years ago; the only differences being material things like soap, iPads, Rolex's, and Isuzu's.

In short, I do not RIP because I truly do expect this sort of thing from them. I establish this view based on years of seeing and reading of behaviors that defy the imagination of someone more educated and raised with a sense of fair play and integrity, among other characteristics of a developed mind. Regrettably, my expectations of the behavior amongst these native peoples never falls short; whereas my expectations of foreigners from developed nations (hence minds) are higher, and hence the shock factor greater when foreigners behave in the same manner which I am certain their culture and society did not condone.

If you cannot see the difference and liken yourself at their level, then I guess then it is acceptable to RIP away blindly and with no justification of sincerity or reason.

For a person who claims to be from a superior background, higher development and status compared to Thais (or just the ones you associate with), you sure don't sound like one to me.

If ever there was a person I expected to wind up his post with, ".... and for all the aforementioned reasons, I am leaving Thailand very soon, and forever", I thought you were a sure candidate. I feel cheated. coffee1.gif

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i'm so fed up with the apologists both here and in pi ... sure there r many murders in other countries ...we just had a vicious murder in oz ....but surely here and in pi there has to be an acknowledgement that RIDICULOUS murders occur ....my german neighbour 20 years ago sold his house and was planning to return to germany with his thai wife .....he had the best house in the street ...he told his gardener of his plans and tried to get the new owner to keep him on...the new owner didnt want to ...so the german guy gave the gardener a very generous severance payment ...and invited him and his family to the farewell party ..attended by the street ...several days later the german and his wife and maid all found slaughtered .....the murderer .......the gardeners wife ..a chronic gambler who had blown the money and had gotten her BOYFRIEND ...to rob and extort the family and had strangled them with wire .....most expats have not got a clue about the jungle that is out there ..thai on thai ...and the ...up to budha mentality


i'm so fed up with the apologists both here and in pi ... sure there r many murders in other countries ...we just had a vicious murder in oz ....but surely here and in pi there has to be an acknowledgement that RIDICULOUS murders occur ....my german neighbour 20 years ago sold his house and was planning to return to germany with his thai wife .....he had the best house in the street ...he told his gardener of his plans and tried to get the new owner to keep him on...the new owner didnt want to ...so the german guy gave the gardener a very generous severance payment ...and invited him and his family to the farewell party ..attended by the street ...several days later the german and his wife and maid all found slaughtered .....the murderer .......the gardeners wife ..a chronic gambler who had blown the money and had gotten her BOYFRIEND ...to rob and extort the family and had strangled them with wire .....most expats have not got a clue about the jungle that is out there ..thai on thai ...and the ...up to budha mentality

wow. i guess the gardener should not have given all that cashola to his wife. And a shame the german's thai wife did not keep a bush knife hidden under her pillow. Bush knive vs Piano Wire......


Woman re-enacts killing, dismembering husband



BANGKOK: -- Police yesterday took a woman who allegedly killed and cut up the body of her ailing husband on Sunday to re-enact the crime at their rented apartment in Bangkok Noi.

Pornsuree Deepaew, 26, claimed she was possessed by a god to kill her ailing husband Prasit Srisomboonyanont, 47, a designer, to release him from misery. She was alleged to have disposed of some body parts into a canal after killing him. Pornsuree claimed earlier that her husband had been beating her.

A urine test yielded positive for drug abuse and she reportedly confessed to taking several 'ya ba' pills a day.

Police will send Pornsuree to Galaya Rajanagarindra Institute for a mental health check before charging her with murder and dismembering a body in a bid to conceal the crime.

Police divers were still looking for the hands and right foot of Prasit, which were reportedly dumped in the Chao Phraya.

As part of the re-enactment at the Thitiwong Apartment block at 11.30am, the suspect showed police that she stabbed her husband with a screwdriver in bed, then dragged him to the middle of room, where she dismembered him and stuffed parts of his body into bags.

Police had planned to take her to re-enact the crime at other spots but she fainted, so they had to halt the re-enactment.

City police deputy chief Pol Maj-General Parinya Chansuriya said the suspect confessed to killing her husband, saying a god possessed her and told her that her husband was suffering so she had to kill him. She said she stabbed him with a screwdriver at 2am before going back to sleep, then woke up early to dismember him and dispose of his body parts in bags in the afternoon.

Pornsuree's claim Prasit abused her was in contrast to a comment by neighbor Amporn Chaiwan, who said she saw Pornsuree often start arguments with Prasit and hit him. Lately, he had appeared unable to walk due to illness.


-- The Nation 2012-10-09


RIP to the victims!

I never understand, why a life her is worth so little!

For the same reason that it's worth so little in other countries, including USA.

Actually, Thailand's murder rate is worse than the USA. But then each is only about 1/5 of the horrendous records of Mexico and Central and S. America and the Caribbean countries. Africa sucks.



RIP to the victims!

I never understand, why a life her is worth so little!

For the same reason that it's worth so little in other countries, including USA.

Actually, Thailand's murder rate is worse than the USA. But then each is only about 1/5 of the horrendous records of Mexico and Central and S. America and the Caribbean countries. Africa sucks.


Honestly...i didn't want to turn this into the "Olympics of Homicide"....


"Police yesterday uncovered two grisly killings - in one case a wife

beheaded her bedridden spouse and in the other a husband slashed

and stabbed his wife to death in a jealous rage." ...and drugs are involved

too....Oh Boy....Reminds me of a song from long ago....


I would suggest going to Thai Visa Brigades it is running in the General forum right now. You might find yourself there. Posting about nothing but crime in Thailand might give one a rather narrow attitude. Maybe if you joined one of the other brigades you might even start your own threads one day. smile.png

Thank you for the suggestion. Albeit, the observation of contracting a narrow attitude is something I feel immune to (I could be in err), I'll re-evaluate my decisions to click into those links and instead go over to the sunny side of life, where unicorns and rainbows exist in plenty [just joking]. Thank you for your kind words.

I think the great Dr. Pigeonhole has emerged, or the guy has had astronomical bad odds of meeting all the WRONG people here. Another GODHEAD to set us straight? But i liked the post , of course i like quicksand and stitches too!

Thank you. Sincerely. I guess I like compliments with crap flakes on them as well; to a degree.wink.png

For a person who claims to be from a superior background, higher development and status compared to Thais (or just the ones you associate with), you sure don't sound like one to me.

If ever there was a person I expected to wind up his post with, ".... and for all the aforementioned reasons, I am leaving Thailand very soon, and forever", I thought you were a sure candidate. I feel cheated. coffee1.gif

Your opinion is noted. Thank you, but I choose to remain here and excuse myself from casting a shadow over your small yet happy life.


snip irrelevant stuff to reveal the main message

Now what's the name of that popular cult in Thailand, with a leader who thinks he is a deity and who sacrifices its own members at public violent protests?

Congratulations for being not only the first member to attempt to politicise a non political thread, but also to be the first one to post. I bet you feel proud of yourself. How childish.

I think he was joking as I don't know of any cults in Thailand. The Red Shirts come as close to a cult as possible. I took his comment as tongue in cheek not as a political statement.


Awaiting the arrival of the RIP-brigade, or is that reserved for "whites only"?

Agreed... Its strange, isnt it? When a death is reported on TV most of the thread consists of random ex-pats, who have never know the victim or anyone associated with them, saying 'R.I.P you poor soul, you are at peace now'.

I mean, who on earth are they talking to? Who is going to READ there message of condolance? Not the dead person. He is unable to read an ex-pat forum. Not because he cant read English and not because he would have no inclination to read a ferang life in Thailand forum. Its because he is dead and according to the basic o-level i have in biology, that means he probably wont read ever again.

Its one of those things that I always find so strange about TV.

What's wrong with a sign or respect for the deceased?

I totally agree with you.

As funerals are for the living to help them grieve and move on, RIP is also for the living, family and friends who may read these posts.

Even though the deceased may be unknown to you, the RIP may be a small comfort to someone else and why should it matter if the RIP involves a foreigner or a local - are we not all human?

Maybe it would be nice if we all had a little more compassion.

Courtesy and civility never cost a penny!

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snip irrelevant stuff to reveal the main message

Now what's the name of that popular cult in Thailand, with a leader who thinks he is a deity and who sacrifices its own members at public violent protests?

Congratulations for being not only the first member to attempt to politicise a non political thread, but also to be the first one to post. I bet you feel proud of yourself. How childish.

I think he was joking as I don't know of any cults in Thailand. The Red Shirts come as close to a cult as possible. I took his comment as tongue in cheek not as a political statement.

And what exactly were the yellows doing? You have to take your hat off to Sondhi, he did a great job, he knows how to whip a crowd up when he wants to, after that, the rest was mere poor imitation.


I have a standing rule when getting acquainted with a Thai woman in a romantic way: If she jokes about killing me (finger dragged across the throat, ha ha), or cutting off my willie - I let it go the initial time with a stern warning that it's no joke. If she jokes about it a second time, I show her the door and she's out of my life.

I know a young chap out here from Oz, and the young lady he was with for quite some time could get in to some quite intense rages, he seemed a very cool character and just seemed to take it all in his stride and never got bothered. He even smiled when he told me that she sleeps with a knife under her pillow....incase of intruders he added w00t.gif Would anyone else here sleep with a young woman with a surfeit of hormones with a large kitchen knife under her pillow. Perish the thought.

No no no no noooo, that's just all wrong.

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As for the second couple, do they have marriage guidance in Thailand, something like 'Relate' maybe? It's got to be easier.

I haven't heard about marriage guidance here (bah.gif ) but Thai culture frowns upon unwed couples living together. So they get married and it's like testing how deep is the pond with both feet.

As far as I know the curent Prime Minister has not registered their marriage and, more than less of the Thai couples I know have not as well. Would seem to be the rule rather than exception. Just what I see around me.



As for the second couple, do they have marriage guidance in Thailand, something like 'Relate' maybe? It's got to be easier.

I haven't heard about marriage guidance here (bah.gif ) but Thai culture frowns upon unwed couples living together. So they get married and it's like testing how deep is the pond with both feet.

As far as I know the curent Prime Minister has not registered their marriage and, more than less of the Thai couples I know have not as well. Would seem to be the rule rather than exception. Just what I see around me.

Hence why divorces and legal obligation and court rarely comes into it.

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The entire society needs to learn how to disagree without becoming homicidal

Canadian Gay Porn star who cut off man's torso, and ate his body parts was bullied as a schoolkid.smile.png

Whoa, this dude did have some issues and I'm guessing not all caused by a school bully.

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I have a standing rule when getting acquainted with a Thai woman in a romantic way: If she jokes about killing me (finger dragged across the throat, ha ha), or cutting off my willie - I let it go the initial time with a stern warning that it's no joke. If she jokes about it a second time, I show her the door and she's out of my life.

Sounds like you hang out with very low-class women. But each to his own.

Nearly all Thai women do it with their bf's and husbands. see below.....

Was watching a stupid tv show about celebs last night, and the female presenter as a joke, put her hand across her throat to the fellow presenter and said "Dai nair", in some kind of playful jokey way. This threat of killing people, is given out all over the place in the media and jokes among kids here, but it is odd that it is such a common occurence. Even the All Blacks took flack for changing their haka. Making light of such issues as killing someone is a very strange trait here.

I have an acquaintance, who is a very friendly farmer who always smiles when he sees me, it's almost uncanny, but he has a child-like demeanor, so it's refreshing. So happens, he hangs out with a sheep farmer who I also know. The sheep farmer had been stealing from my rural properties at a steady clip. He's now in jail. But when I heard from the first guy that the thief was being let out, I told him v. clearly, that if he steals from me again, I'll..... (I drew my finger across my throat.) He saw I was dead serious, and his (the very friendly guy's) demeanor changed to very serious right at that instant. He understood.

When in Rome.......... Since then, nothing stolen, and the friendly guy keeps smiling and waving to me every time we pass on the dirt road.

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