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Nukes Must Be Part Of Thailand's Energy Policy


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Ladies and gentlemen it seems we have a self proclaimed Nuclear physicist amongst us here in TV. Glad you have the time to log in all day to lecture and enlighten us all with your knowledge.

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Ladies and gentlemen it seems we have a self proclaimed Nuclear physicist amongst us here in TV. Glad you have the time to log in all day to lecture and enlighten us all with your knowledge.

Who exactly are you directing your comments at ? me ....I dont profess to be a nuclear physicist, however I have been involved in nuclear construction, maintenance and operations on PWR & BWR type reactors in China, Africa and the US.

So if your comment is directed at me...what would you like to know ?, but I am still waiting in anticiptation for your response to my previous question ?...whistling.gif

And yes I do have time to be logged in all day while at work...wink.png

I thought you would have booked your tickets out the country by now ?

Edited by Soutpeel
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Are special qualifications and licenses required to operate these facilities? In which case where would they find them in Thailand anyway? this way if it goes wrong they can blame the farangs if anything goes wrong.

Yes reactor operators have to pass an international licensing exam, no licenses cannot operate the plant

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Ladies and gentlemen it seems we have a self proclaimed Nuclear physicist amongst us here in TV. Glad you have the time to log in all day to lecture and enlighten us all with your knowledge.

Who exactly are you directing your comments at ? me ....I dont profess to be a nuclear physicist, however I have been involved in nuclear construction, maintenance and operations on PWR & BWR type reactors in China, Africa and the US.

So if your comment is directed at me...what would you like to know ?, but I am still waiting in anticiptation for your response to my previous question ?...whistling.gif

And yes I do have time to be logged in all day while at work...wink.png

I see. giggle.gif

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Are special qualifications and licenses required to operate these facilities? In which case where would they find them in Thailand anyway? this way if it goes wrong they can blame the farangs if anything goes wrong.

Yes reactor operators have to pass an international licensing exam, no licenses cannot operate the plant

That's what I thought, so unless Somchai Simpson wants to repatriate from Springfield, at last for the first few years, it would most likely be run by expats.

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Are special qualifications and licenses required to operate these facilities? In which case where would they find them in Thailand anyway? this way if it goes wrong they can blame the farangs if anything goes wrong.

Yes reactor operators have to pass an international licensing exam, no licenses cannot operate the plant

That's what I thought, so unless Somchai Simpson wants to repatriate from Springfield, at last for the first few years, it would most likely be run by expats.


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Thailand with nuclear energy would be like Homer Simpson running a nuke plant, hell they can't even lay a decent pavement or install safe electrical systems.

They are already running a nuclear reactor..rolleyes.gif etc without too many problems

And letting children visit without protective equipment or radiation monitors!!


Edited by Chopperboy
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Are special qualifications and licenses required to operate these facilities? In which case where would they find them in Thailand anyway? this way if it goes wrong they can blame the farangs if anything goes wrong.

Yes reactor operators have to pass an international licensing exam, no licenses cannot operate the plant

There were several Japanese reactors running last year with no licenses it was reported in the media & well documented in the Fukushima thread.

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Thailand with nuclear energy would be like Homer Simpson running a nuke plant, hell they can't even lay a decent pavement or install safe electrical systems.

They are already running a nuclear reactor..rolleyes.gif and manage to run chemical plants, oil refineries, car manufacturing plants, natural gas etc without too many problems,,,but I understand what your saying Thai's are only good for picking rice in the paddies...whistling.gif

Lesson learned from Co-60 accident in Thailand in January 2000

Thongpraparn T, Chaudakshetrin P, Buranapong P.


Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. [email protected]

The causes and consequences of a Co-60 radiation accident in Samutprakarn Province, Thailand, were scrutinized to learn lessons aimed at preventing future radiation accidents. "Orphan sources" may end up in scrapyards.

An out-of-use Co-60 medical teletherapy source, left unattended in a disused parking area belonging to a Medical Dealer, was stolen and sold to a scrap dealer in Samutprakarn Province at the end of January 2000.

Because of its valuable appearance, a number of workers in the scrap trade who were not aware of radiation hazards managed to dismantle all parts.

The Co-60 source was removed and left unshielded among pieces of scrap metal in the yard of the scrap shop.

Some workers immediately became sick. Eighteen days later when they went to a local hospital their symptoms were recognized as radiation sickness and the incident was reported to the Office of Atomic Energy for Peace (OAEP) in Thailand.

The unshielded source, with an estimated activity of 15.7 TBq (425 Ci), was retrieved soon after by an emergency team and placed in safe storage at the OAEP premises. Ten victims developed radiation sickness symptoms, of which three died soon after the accident.

The accident alarmed the public, and has raised national concerns. The accident is similar in some ways to the 1987 radiation accident at Goiania, Brazil, involving a Cs-137 radiotherapy source. If not properly disposed of orphan radiation sources can lead to serious injury or even death.

The accident highlights the need for security of spent high activity sources and the importance of regulatory controls.

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OK, I will take a deep breath and plunge in with an alternate idea. Why not nuclear energy plant? It is relatively cheap in the long term,

Cheaper in the long run are you kidding?? no nuclear plant can exist without government support regarding waste disposal (keeping it safe for 100's of thousands of years) and insuring the plants. Fukushima will cost the Japanese government 1/4 of a trillion dollars... There is no insurance or re-insurance company in the world that could afford that loss.

Edited by Chopperboy
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Thailand with nuclear energy would be like Homer Simpson running a nuke plant, hell they can't even lay a decent pavement or install safe electrical systems.

They are already running a nuclear reactor..rolleyes.gif etc without too many problems

And letting children visit without protective equipment or radiation monitors!!

Which protective equipment would you be referring to ? lead suits..rolleyes.gif ...how can you see if there are no radiation monitors ?

What radiations monitors do you wear in a containment ? BTW

The only real problem I see with this photo, is typically people wear Tyvex type overalls over their clothes with a cap and booties, what is shown there is not particulary good practice but aint the end of the world either

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what is the location in Bkk of the toy reactor? I'd like to be as far away from it as possible!

Rangsit somewhere I think. it was involved in the "flood" of last year

About 20 miles from the dam_n thing anyway. The words Thai and safety just do not go together. Can this, we got one too device, melt down or leak radioactivity, is it dangerous at all?

Edited by sms747
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Thailand with nuclear energy would be like Homer Simpson running a nuke plant, hell they can't even lay a decent pavement or install safe electrical systems.

They are already running a nuclear reactor..rolleyes.gif and manage to run chemical plants, oil refineries, car manufacturing plants, natural gas etc without too many problems,,,but I understand what your saying Thai's are only good for picking rice in the paddies...whistling.gif

Lesson learned from Co-60 accident in Thailand in January 2000

Thongpraparn T, Chaudakshetrin P, Buranapong P.


Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. [email protected]

The causes and consequences of a Co-60 radiation accident in Samutprakarn Province, Thailand, were scrutinized to learn lessons aimed at preventing future radiation accidents. "Orphan sources" may end up in scrapyards.

An out-of-use Co-60 medical teletherapy source, left unattended in a disused parking area belonging to a Medical Dealer, was stolen and sold to a scrap dealer in Samutprakarn Province at the end of January 2000.

Because of its valuable appearance, a number of workers in the scrap trade who were not aware of radiation hazards managed to dismantle all parts.

The Co-60 source was removed and left unshielded among pieces of scrap metal in the yard of the scrap shop.

Some workers immediately became sick. Eighteen days later when they went to a local hospital their symptoms were recognized as radiation sickness and the incident was reported to the Office of Atomic Energy for Peace (OAEP) in Thailand.

The unshielded source, with an estimated activity of 15.7 TBq (425 Ci), was retrieved soon after by an emergency team and placed in safe storage at the OAEP premises. Ten victims developed radiation sickness symptoms, of which three died soon after the accident.

The accident alarmed the public, and has raised national concerns. The accident is similar in some ways to the 1987 radiation accident at Goiania, Brazil, involving a Cs-137 radiotherapy source. If not properly disposed of orphan radiation sources can lead to serious injury or even death.

The accident highlights the need for security of spent high activity sources and the importance of regulatory controls.

These are medical sources and in addtion to the incident in brazil mentioned also been other cases of similar all over the world, and lest not forget the burying of radioactive sources at sites in the UK and forgotten about, crappy disposal procedures dont just occur in Thailand

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what is the location in Bkk of the toy reactor? I'd like to be as far away from it as possible!

Rangsit somewhere I think. it was involved in the "flood" of last year

About 20 miles from the dam_n thing anyway. The words Thai and safety just do not go together. Can this, we got one too device, melt down or leak radioactivity, is it dangerous at all?

Of course it is.....loose that water out the pool in the photo and not have the control rods back in the core, could be in a a whole world of pain...

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what is the location in Bkk of the toy reactor? I'd like to be as far away from it as possible!

Rangsit somewhere I think. it was involved in the "flood" of last year

About 20 miles from the dam_n thing anyway. The words Thai and safety just do not go together. Can this, we got one too device, melt down or leak radioactivity, is it dangerous at all?

Of course it is.....loose that water out the pool in the photo and not have the control rods back in the core, could be in a a whole world of pain...

Well I hope they didn't employ the Somchai who built my neighbours swimming pool.

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OK, I will take a deep breath and plunge in with an alternate idea. Why not nuclear energy plant? It is relatively cheap in the long term,

Cheaper in the long run are you kidding?? no nuclear plant can exist without government support regarding waste disposal (keeping it safe for 100's of thousands of years) and insuring the plants. Fukushima will cost the Japanese government 1/4 of a trillion dollars... There is no insurance or re-insurance company in the world that could afford that loss.

if you read my entire post you will note I mentioned new technology, not old...

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I agree with Soutpeel, up to a point. Nuclear power is cheap when the cost of generation is only taken into account. The cost of building a generator/reactor, decomissioning & waste disposal make it rather less competetive with other methods.

I don't accept the 'Thais are all incompetent' argument - as Soutpeel says, they have been running a reactor near Don Muang for years, without problems. More than can be said for Japan, USSR, USA & the UK for example. Only Japan from that lot is reducing the number of its reactors.

The issue not mentioned so far is: where would it/they be located? The NIMBY factor is (rightly) very strong against building any coal-fired generators in Thailand. I suspect it would be equally strong about a nuclear reactor.

Personally, given a lousy choice, I would live near a nuclear reactor in preference to a coal-fired generator.

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With all the hydro electric dams in the works or on the drawing board, why would Thailand need a nuke power plant? just run more transmission lines from the north.

on a side note. After reading this article http://www.thaivisa....m/topic/589902. These XXXXXXX morons cant figure out how to clean a drainage system, no less build and operate (safely) a nuclear power plant.

Edited by metisdead
: Profanity
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Thailand with nuclear energy would be like Homer Simpson running a nuke plant, hell they can't even lay a decent pavement or install safe electrical systems.

They are already running a nuclear reactor..rolleyes.gif and manage to run chemical plants, oil refineries, car manufacturing plants, natural gas etc without too many problems,,,but I understand what your saying Thai's are only good for picking rice in the paddies...whistling.gif

.......Exactly where are these nuclear facillities??? Chemical facilities, car manufacturing etc, all with FDI OK, but nuclear energy ???

There is a reactor in BKK, and been running for many years

You're being a bit naive if you think that minuscule nuclear device qualifies.

There was a Bangkok-based (unbelievable but true) refinery that burned down this year.

Chemical plants - Luke Map Ta Phut and others with massive pollution to the environs?

Car plants? Run by the Japanese?

I don't want to knock the Thais but their track record is very poor when it comes to maintenance and safety.

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Thailand, nuclear power and Science Minister Plopadop.

There's an unholy trinity to conjure with.

That would be scary he of the water pushing machines...biggrin.png

I would love to see him on TV explaining it to the nation.

He's moving upmarket to gamma ray pushing devices

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