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Bush Support Slumps

the gentleman

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Bush support slumps

AFP - US President George W Bush's popularity has tumbled below 50 per cent, with dissatisfaction mounting sharply over his handling of the Iraq war, foreign affairs and the economy, a new poll shows.

The poll published by USA Today, CNN and the Gallup organisation shows Senator John Kerry, the leading Democratic candidate for president, opening a seven-point lead over the Republican Bush in a head-to-head matchup.

The poll was conducted from January 29 to February 1, right after the chief US arms inspector resigned and said he found no trace of the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that Bush used to justify last year's invasion.

Forty-nine per cent of the 1,001 people interviewed said they approved of the overall way Bush was doing his job, while 48 per cent disapproved and three per cent had no opinion.

A similar poll conducted January 2-5 found 60 per cent approved of Bush and 35 per cent disapproved.

The president's popularity was also down from the 70 per cent approval registered just after the fall of Baghdad last April.

The new survey showed that 46 per cent approved of the president's performance on Iraq, down from 61 per cent four weeks earlier. The disapproval rate rose from 36 to 53 per cent.

Approval of Bush's foreign policies dropped from 58 to 46 per cent, while disapproval jumped from 39 to 51 per cent.

Support for his handling of the economy fell from 54 to 43 per cent.

The new poll came with Bush increasingly on the defensive over the failure to find the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq which he said had made military action urgent to oust its leader Saddam Hussein.

It was published the same day the president bowed to growing pressure from both Republicans and Democrats and announced an independent inquiry into pre-war intelligence on Saddam's weapons capabilities.

Bush also drew heat after unveiling today a new budget with a record $US521 billion ($A684.04 billion) deficit, leaving himself open to new charges from the Democrats that he was mismanaging the economy.

The poll showed Kerry, the Massachusetts lawmaker, leading the field in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination with a 49-14 per cent edge over former Iowa governor Howard Dean.

North Carolina Senator John Edwards was third with 13 per cent.

Kerry has opened up a 53-46 per cent lead over Bush in a one-on-one contest for the White House, according to the poll.

Edwards was also on top 49-48 per cent in a face-off with the president.

But the poll showed Bush leading both Dean and former NATO commander Wesley Clark.

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I think it was Boon Mee, that corrected me in another post, regarding how well the US economy was doing :o

I think the little liar maybe on his way out - lets hope anyway!

$521 billion deficit - Now I understand why he is cutting the education money - he wants people to think 2+2=22 :D

He is a funny little bloke, the same height as Hitler - it has been reported.

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Give the man some credit: :o

"You're free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know, it'll take time to restore chaos and order—

order out of chaos. But we will."—

-G. W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 13, 2003

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Is that the best answer you can give when confronted to facts ?

You know "cynic", some of you guys must think because I've defended some of Bush's decisions, that I'm 100% pro-Bush, but you're wrong. At this point, I don't know if I really care if he's re-elected or not, to be honest. I'm not a democrat or a republican.

But I do get tired of you guys--who don't live here--always grumbling about American politics like you live here and that it affects you personally. Like you can vote here in the U.S. or like what you have to say matters to us over here. It gets boring and tiresome. There's very little creativity here. Nothing else going on except the usual grumbling about the U.S., how stupid GWB is, blah blah blah... Boring....

You live in Thailand? And you have nothing else to do but to discuss this crap all day long? Jesus--get a freakin' life!

Like I said... y-a-w-n....

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Is that the best answer you can give when confronted to facts ?

You know "cynic", some of you guys must think because I've defended some of Bush's decisions, that I'm 100% pro-Bush, but you're wrong. At this point, I don't know if I really care if he's re-elected or not, to be honest. I'm not a democrat or a republican.

But I do get tired of you guys--who don't live here--always grumbling about American politics like you live here and that it affects you personally. Like you can vote here in the U.S. or like what you have to say matters to us over here. It gets boring and tiresome. There's very little creativity here. Nothing else going on except the usual grumbling about the U.S., how stupid GWB is, blah blah blah... Boring....

You live in Thailand? And you have nothing else to do but to discuss this crap all day long? Jesus--get a freakin' life!

Like I said... y-a-w-n....

It sounds like a desperate post to me. Keep it up, Membrane, we love you.

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Is that the best answer you can give when confronted to facts ?

You know "cynic", some of you guys must think because I've defended some of Bush's decisions, that I'm 100% pro-Bush, but you're wrong. At this point, I don't know if I really care if he's re-elected or not, to be honest. I'm not a democrat or a republican.

But I do get tired of you guys--who don't live here--always grumbling about American politics like you live here and that it affects you personally. Like you can vote here in the U.S. or like what you have to say matters to us over here. It gets boring and tiresome. There's very little creativity here. Nothing else going on except the usual grumbling about the U.S., how stupid GWB is, blah blah blah... Boring....

You live in Thailand? And you have nothing else to do but to discuss this crap all day long? Jesus--get a freakin' life!

Like I said... y-a-w-n....

Membrane, I realise it isnt any of our business how your country is run, thats the point - he makes it our business, the way he throws his weight around the world, We dont like him, keep him on a short leash please :o

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But I do get tired of you guys--who don't live here--always grumbling about American politics like you live here and that it affects you personally.  Like you can vote here in the U.S. or like what you have to say matters to us over here.  It gets boring and tiresome.  There's very little creativity here.  Nothing else going on except the usual grumbling about the U.S., how stupid GWB is, blah blah blah...  Boring....

You live in Thailand?  And you have nothing else to do but to discuss this crap all day long?  Jesus--get a freakin' life!

Like I said... y-a-w-n....

No creativity is an understatement. Membrane do you think it ever occurred to any of the geniuses that these popularity polls change on almost a daily basis. Tomorrow, everyone will be in love with Bush again, the next day they won't, or they will. He'll still win the election.

Stick this post in the trivia bin; Who cares really?

....y-a-w-n.... :o

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But I do get tired of you guys--who don't live here--always grumbling about American politics like you live here and that it affects you personally.  Like you can vote here in the U.S. or like what you have to say matters to us over here.  It gets boring and tiresome.  There's very little creativity here.  Nothing else going on except the usual grumbling about the U.S., how stupid GWB is, blah blah blah...  Boring....

You live in Thailand?  And you have nothing else to do but to discuss this crap all day long?  Jesus--get a freakin' life!

Like I said... y-a-w-n....

No creativity is an understatement. Membrane do you think it ever occurred to any of the geniuses that these popularity polls change on almost a daily basis. Tomorrow, everyone will be in love with Bush again, the next day they won't, or they will. He'll still win the election.

Stick this post in the trivia bin; Who cares really?

....y-a-w-n.... :o

Georgie, you have been in and out of this thread for a few hours as Ive seen you here - thats it, is it mate :D

yes polls do change daily, lets hope the deficit does to hey.

Bush will not win, other than yourself and Boon Mee, you do have a few people in the USA that dont agree with white collar terrorism and blatent liars.

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Don't pay too much attention to if I'm signed on here, or not. For one thing, I'm working, so I ignore this board for long periods of time while doing other things, also, we keep losing the server for hours at a time, but I'm still logged in, so it looks like I'm on-line, but I'm not, or I am waiting to connect with the server again.

Other than, that, I've already said everything that needs to be said about one more trite post that says just about nothing.

No creativity is an understatement. Membrane do you think it ever occurred to any of the geniuses that these popularity polls change on almost a daily basis. Tomorrow, everyone will be in love with Bush again, the next day they won't, or they will. He'll still win the election.

Stick this post in the trivia bin; Who cares really?


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I got this out of my favourite english news paper and pretty well says what I feel.


Hey gentleman, mate, the reason bush's nunbers on the poll's are going down is due to my daily prayer God Bless America. He keeps saying that but God seems to be ignoring him so I figure I should help him.

And membrane the truth is we all want to love America and when you shoot youselfs in the foot you shoot us all in the foot. The worlds leader needs to have some wisdom whjich is all we are really saying

Regards Joe Strawberry

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Well, as the axiom goes "There's liars, da*n liars and statisticians". The polls right now showing Leader of the Free World in a slump are a temporary thing. Wait 'till they roll out Bin Laden around election time... :o

Boon Mee

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1) Strawberry, Gentleman (?), Qadafi, Bin Laden, Hussein, Assad.

Yes, our enemies are afraid, and Machievelli had it right.

2) As for the polls, the Dems are running right now, not Bush. Turn on the TV, and all you hear is their blather. Of course they are leading in the polls.

Do you guys have an aversion to common sense? Sure seems that way.

3) As for Bush's proclivity to spending, I have never known a dem who does not want to spend more, and their outrage at the defecit is laughable.

Actually more laughable is Kerry's calling himself the common man, when he is one of the richest people in America.

4) Gentleman (?), are you the web police, tracking our movements? No need to fear Ashcroft, we have you.

Hopefully Bush will win, so you miserable miscreants will continue to wail at our feet at how great we are, and how unfair it is that Europe is nothing on the world stage.

Tant pis pour vous.

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1) Strawberry, Gentleman (?), Qadafi, Bin Laden, Hussein, Assad.

Yes, our enemies are afraid, and Machievelli had it right.

2) As for the polls, the Dems are running right now, not Bush. Turn on the TV, and all you hear is their blather. Of course they are leading in the polls.

Do you guys have an aversion to common sense? Sure seems that way.

3) As for Bush's proclivity to spending, I have never known a dem who does not want to spend more, and their outrage at the defecit is laughable.

Actually more laughable is Kerry's calling himself the common man, when he is one of the richest people in America.

4) Gentleman (?), are you the web police, tracking our movements? No need to fear Ashcroft, we have you.

Hopefully Bush will win, so you miserable miscreants will continue to wail at our feet at how great we are, and how unfair it is that Europe is nothing on the world stage.

Tant pis pour vous.

"Hopefully Bush will win, so you miserable miscreants will continue to wail at our feet at how great we are, and how unfair it is that Europe is nothing on the world stage."

You sound like a very nice bloke!, wake up son, you pathetic moron!

Your a great Ambassador for your Bush supporters here :o

I would love to see what you look like! :D:D:D - rodent looking I think!

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1) Strawberry, Gentleman (?), Qadafi, Bin Laden, Hussein, Assad.

Yes, our enemies are afraid, and Machievelli had it right.

2) As for the polls, the Dems are running right now, not Bush. Turn on the TV, and all you hear is their blather. Of course they are leading in the polls.

Do you guys have an aversion to common sense? Sure seems that way.

3) As for Bush's proclivity to spending, I have never known a dem who does not want to spend more, and their outrage at the defecit is laughable.

Actually more laughable is Kerry's calling himself the common man, when he is one of the richest people in America.

4) Gentleman (?), are you the web police, tracking our movements? No need to fear Ashcroft, we have you.

Hopefully Bush will win, so you miserable miscreants will continue to wail at our feet at how great we are, and how unfair it is that Europe is nothing on the world stage.

Tant pis pour vous.

Did your father marry his sister? :o

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Did your father marry his sister? :o


You are the clever intelectual aren't you?

1) I am not voting for Bush in Nov., so unsure what kind of supporter that makes me.

2) What's with the personal attacks- rodent looking, patheitc moron, etc.? You liberals forever name calling, and not a leg to stand on. I will gladly fly to your location, and you can levy your insults to me in person.

I suspect you will go hide in your cave like Bin Laden.

3) Please continue with your personal insults, and go the way of Bfly.


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It does not appear "The Gentleman" is much of one with this personal slagging & references to questionable lineage.

Perhaps some of his animosity stems from the fact his nation now has the dubious distinction of having a pale imitation of Michael Jackson in the form of a guy who nearly feeds his month-old son to a croc. Ha! :o

Boon Mee

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Wait 'till they roll out Bin Laden around election time... :D

Boon Mee

That would be something. It really would be something! :D

Dreamers. :o

If your administration really wanted to catch Ossama, They would do more police work in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan and make less war in Iraq.

Bush doesn't want to arrest him. For some reasons, a free Ossama is much more useful. It justifies the Patriot Act (sic), the Homeland Security Act and all the excessive powers given to Ashcroft (Freedom raider),the FBI and all the security agencies.

Scared people are easier to manipulate.

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adjan jb Posted on Wed 2004-02-04, 02:55:12

It justifies the Patriot Act (sic), the Homeland Security Act and all the excessive powers given to Ashcroft,the FBI and all the security agencies.

Finally, something that we agree on. I hate all the new laws that have been passed in the US giving the police broader powers, however, the truth is that, unfortunately, they are totally justified by the threat of Terrorism. :o

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adjan jb Posted on Wed 2004-02-04, 02:55:12

It justifies the Patriot Act (sic), the Homeland Security Act and all the excessive powers given to Ashcroft,the FBI and all the security agencies.

Finally, something that we agree on. I hate all the new laws that have been passed in the US giving the police broader powers, however, the truth is that, unfortunately, they are totally justified by the threat of Terrorism. :o

May I remind you that we also agreed a few weeks ago on religions. :D

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Did your father marry his sister? :o


You are the clever intelectual aren't you?

1) I am not voting for Bush in Nov., so unsure what kind of supporter that makes me.

2) What's with the personal attacks- rodent looking, patheitc moron, etc.? You liberals forever name calling, and not a leg to stand on. I will gladly fly to your location, and you can levy your insults to me in person.

I suspect you will go hide in your cave like Bin Laden.

3) Please continue with your personal insults, and go the way of Bfly.


SoCal, if you dont like insults, dont throw them - you started like this!

1) Strawberry, Gentleman (?), Qadafi, Bin Laden, Hussein, Assad.

4) Gentleman (?), are you the web police, tracking our movements? No need to fear Ashcroft, we have you.

Hopefully Bush will win, so you miserable miscreants will continue to wail at our feet at how great we are, and how unfair it is that Europe is nothing on the world stage.

You put me in the same group as Bin Laden and then all the other crap.

If you would like to fly down to Phuket - by all means do it!

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To the Yankees on this site who forever slag off other posters.

If you throw crap at people and make personal insults - you will get it back. If you reread my posts, you will see, I do not throw it first - but I will back it up with my own. If this is what you have to resort too as you have know other means to support Bush - why stand up for him, he clearly has no respect outside the USA on this forum.

If you want to make threats to me personally and want to locate me, you can via PM and yes I will meet you - I will say this and it is not ego, it is fact!

I am a professional when it comes to "altercations", I served in countries where there was no war -none that you heard of anyway. Our Unit used to teach warfare to your US elite - If you want a go at the big prize, that is up to you.

I am not a Gentleman as such, in those terms - I was given that name in Africa, for what, is my business. I might be older now, but still only 36 and love combat in any form, business and toe to toe - I am not a fat bar bloke!

Am I a guy behind a PC, spouting off, or am I the real deal - you figure it out!

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I suspect you will go hide in your cave like Bin Laden.

As far as my friend Adjan JB and I are concerned, we will go hide in the cellar. You are dealing with self respecting Frenchmen: it would never come to our minds to store wine in a cave.

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