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Bush Support Slumps

the gentleman

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What is the average mental age of a poster on this forum ?

The winner will be invited to enjoy a bottle of Beaujolais with a civiliezd frenchman.

Send your answer before today 3 p.m (thai time)

Either the stone age or the stoned age.

(If I win I choose the Beaujolais)

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There you go again Mr.Gentleman - having delusions of adequacy...

care to join him Boon Mee, then we will see whos inadequate - off to the Phillipines for some whoring with Georgie - says it all - you guys have a lot of class - lbfms - grow up!

The difference with me and you two are that I didnt cone to Thailand to whore it up and whatever I say on this forum, is what I would say to anyones face and let be known also in business circles - I dont know what you do Boom Mee, because in the most part I ignore you, but, can you imagine letting your child near Georgie with the way he seems to live his life, do you tell your associates in education/business that you call girls lbfms - quality guy, with quality posts!

Another old fat and ugly bloke, with no past or future in Asia to shag women.

Khun Mai mee Suksee, Chai mai farang?, mai mee fum kit dooay. Yet meer whoodoor, Pom kit, khun narkliat - Kow Jai Mai?

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My my goodness fellas. Did this topic turn into Kindergarten???????

Listen up. Bush now is beginning to realize he made big baddie boo boo and trying to save his arse. What's he doing, now he is blaming NSA (National Security Agency) for giving him bad information etc etc etc.

Also he now has admitted Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and blah blah blah. So its surprise surpise!!!!!!!! :o

As I have said before and I will say it again, Bush is the most Dangerous person on this frigin Earth and he is a fuking Terrorist Himself. What do people do???? simply slap his wrist and say BAD Boy, BAD Boy, Naughty, Naughty!!!!!!!

Us street people already knew what he was going to do the day he won by de facto B/S., and also knew he was going to wipe out our surplus in record time. :D

It is a wonder that these Republicans cannot ever get their fuking basic shiti together and admit that they are fuking morons. :D

It took Clinton 8 years to wipe out the debt caused by extensive Republican B/S the past 12 years before him. Actor President R was no better as his head shook jokingly to the public.

521 billion in debt and still climbing. Jobs going down the drain. SS is getting wiped out. And Republicans don't give a dam. Oh the speech focused on Iraq for a good solid half hour. Half of the house never applauded this arsehold. Kennedy was disgusted and knew Bush stood there telling the public nothing but ball face lies the entire night. It is one of the worst State of the Unions I have ever witnessed in 50 years. Now he threatens the house with Veto if they don't continue with his 9/11 security act. What a bunch of rubbish.

Oh he did a good job in scaring everybody who thought he is great. Now-a-days, the public could care less if security went red alert. Too many false alarms. Oh NSA got good intelligence??? Come on wise up man.

We are probably looking at junior Sieg Heil himself :D and this joker will be a pain in the neck for the world for another 11 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way I am an American in case you don't know and disgusted with politics as usual in DC. To me that is Joke Town USA right now.

Also Bush is the Executioner from Texas. As Governor He allowed people to be put to death and never once flinched as those drugs killed hundreds during his term. Need I say more????

Do tell me just one good thing this bastard did for the world or for USA itself that has any truth at all??????? :D


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Can I go?

I don't really care to watch the gentleman get pounded into the ground. That happens every day on here and I don't get blood on my shoes, but I'm all for some much needed R & R (I & I) with the LBFMs. I like that part!

Sure Georgie - we'll drink some cold San Miguels and eat a few "Baaluuts"! Sincerely doubt Mr. REMF will show since his motives for coming to Thailand/Asia are "PURE" - wouldn't enjoy himself anyway... :o

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There you go again Mr.Gentleman - having delusions of adequacy...

care to join him Boon Mee, then we will see whos inadequate - off to the Phillipines for some whoring with Georgie - says it all - you guys have a lot of class - lbfms - grow up!

The difference with me and you two are that I didnt cone to Thailand to whore it up and whatever I say on this forum, is what I would say to anyones face and let be known also in business circles - I dont know what you do Boom Mee, because in the most part I ignore you, but, can you imagine letting your child near Georgie with the way he seems to live his life, do you tell your associates in education/business that you call girls lbfms - quality guy, with quality posts!

Another old fat and ugly bloke, with no past or future in Asia to shag women.

Khun Mai mee Suksee, Chai mai farang?, mai mee fum kit dooay. Yet meer whoodoor, Pom kit, khun narkliat - Kow Jai Mai?

It is amazing how many of you guys "aren't in Thailand for the girls", but you are here for some reason aren't you? Why not Singapore? Why not Bali? Why not the South of France, for that matter; You keep talking about how much money you, supposedly have. Thailand's a great place, but invariably, men live here because of the way Thai women treat us. Bullsh1t yourself if you want, but don't try to bullsh1t everyone else.

As far as you being so handsome, intelligent and altogether, wonderful. Someone on an old thread, who said that they had met you, referred to you as, something like, "a goofy old bald guy". I think that really says it all.

You say that anything you say on this forum, you would say to someone's face. As far as all the violent, tough guy stuff goes, if you are what you say you are, as far as being an elite soldier -and to be honest, I am not at all convinced - I am sure you would be happy to go around threatening people, because, as we have proven over and over on this web-site, you are quite thick. Violence is the only chance that you would have to win an argument with one of us.

And by the way, I was an elite soldier once too, but I quickly learned that it doesn't help much against a skuzzy-ass civilian with a loaded 45 (so I decided to become one).

Anyway, you couldn't go one on one, toe-to-toe with Boon Mee, or Membrane, or Jeepz, or me in an real argument, person to person, because we are all far more intelligent and have had a better education than you. You might think about that next time you go around spouting off about how " stupid Americans are". That is how you got yourself in this position in the first place.

However, I would have no problem discussing this stuff with someone in person, because the truth is, I might not win an argument about America with someone who is genuinely intelligent and well read, someone like ajarn jb or ######, but, no one would need to threaten anyone, and most likely, we would end up drinking a few beers, having a long enjoyable conversation and end up agreeing to disagree. You, I would just trounce the sh1t out of in about 5 minutes.

Now for your Thai message. We had two people who are pretty good at Thai here, and couldn't make out your terrible phonetics; Something about "ugly".

What is that about? A childish taunt to someone you have never seen.

Even you should be able to manage more than that.

Kow Jai Mai dummy?

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... off to the Phillipines for some whoring - says it all - you guys have a lot of class - lbfms - grow up!

The difference with me and you two are that I didnt cone to Thailand to whore it up

How many straight Special Forces soldiers get horrified at the idea of a little I & I (Intoxication and Intercourse)? Particularly Australian Special Forces? :o

Proof positive, you are either a Don't Ask, Don't Tell Closet Case or a want-to-be SF phony :D

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ok :o , well really get going on daveyo post then Georgie, he sounds like an American who cares about whats going on - nice to see!

yes Nakliat = ugly - well done George give yourself an early minute.

The two people you had, that are "pretty good at Thai" are probably pretty good in your eyes, but to us fluent "dummy" speakers - if they dont understand those basic words Georgie, well they dont speak Thai! Isnt it sad a barhound in Thailand, who is reportedly in education here doesnt speak the language - whos the dummy Georgie boy, 500 baht and expensive said in Thai, wont cut it Im afraid mate - educator - lbfms, dont speak Thai and minority views on actually how the world thinks - mmm - :D:D:D I should of added chivit next to Nakliat as that would of probably been more to the point - now get your homework out, dont go to the bar and learn a bit about the country you live in.

By the way Georgie, a marine isnt an elite soldier, your not ranked in any top five elite units in the world - stop pulling your dick sailor!

Sawadee, farang, bi rongrian took wan deequa, me shamong mai? khun nung-suer took wan, = khun pud Thai dai - pom bi non - fun dee whoodoor!

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Can I go?

I don't really care to watch the gentleman get pounded into the ground. That happens every day on here and I don't get blood on my shoes, but I'm all for some much needed R & R (I & I) with the LBFMs. I like that part!

Sure Georgie - we'll drink some cold San Miguels and eat a few "Baaluuts"! Sincerely doubt Mr. REMF will show since his motives for coming to Thailand/Asia are "PURE" - wouldn't enjoy himself anyway... :D

sounds a blast, georgie and boon mee - I suppose you two allies have got to stick together - they speak English there as well, so you c a n u n d e r s t a n d, what they are saying - not pure - married and faithfull! :o

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Tonight, I am a bit disappointed. Only DaveYo makes sense. But than, he can vote, I cannot, but I would give him my proxy.

Why? After reading all your valuable contributions, he is the one who makes sense.

Well done DaveYo!

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gentleman, There is the Marine Corps and there is the Marine Corps. For example, I would imagine that most people would consider Force Recon to be an elite unit, as much as the The Navy Seals or the SAS anyway. Maybe you've been training Super-Heroes in the comic books, like Superman and Spiderman for example?

About the Thai language. The problem is your lousy phonetics, not my Thai. First of all, any Farang who has been here more that a few years knows that it is foolish to "speak" Thai to another Farang, and you aren't even "speaking" it. You are transliterating it. If you knew anything, anyway, you would be writing in Thai, using Thai characters, but you can't even write proper English, so trying to slip out of the moron category just isn't going to happen.

Also, I can make out enough of what you are trying to say, to know that your phonetics are terrible, for example:"khun pud Thai dai". I would imagine that you are saying "You can speak Thai", but "pud" is pronounced "phut", so of course I can't translate some of the other gibberish that you are typing..

Anyway, Joe Cummings speaks better Thai than anyone I've met. He isn't a friend, but I know him (friend of a friend). If he comes by in the next few days, I'll ask him what he thinks of your mess.

Once again, and most importantly:

One more thing, "gentleman", we fight with our brains here, and you don't have any ammunition.
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Thank you Axel. Please read the Chicken coop on our forum being posted by me and Mr. Vietnam.

As to you guys, perhaps maybe you should start another forum called Farang Head Bashing to vent out your disagreements between each other.

Whewwwwwwwwwwww or maybe re-activate the New Jersey and get the 22 inch guns ready and point it directly to each other end to end. May the best win!!!!!! :o


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gentleman, There is the Marine Corps and there is the Marine Corps. For example, I would imagine that most people would consider Force Recon to be an elite unit, as much as the The Navy Seals or the SAS anyway. Maybe you've been training Super-Heroes in the comic books, like Superman and Spiderman for example?

About the Thai language. The problem is your lousy phonetics, not my Thai. First of all, any Farang who has been here more that a few years knows that it is foolish to "speak" Thai to another Farang, and you aren't even "speaking" it. You are transliterating it. If you knew anything, anyway, you would be writing in Thai, using Thai characters, but you can't even write proper English, so trying to slip out of the moron category just isn't going to happen.

Also, I can make out enough of what you are trying to say, to know that your phonetics are terrible, for example:"khun pud Thai dai". I would imagine that you are saying "You can speak Thai", but "pud" is pronounced "phut", so of course I can't translate some of the other gibberish that you are typing..

Anyway, Joe Cummings speaks better Thai than anyone I've met. He isn't a friend, but I know him (friend of a friend). If he comes by in the next few days, I'll ask him what he thinks of your mess.

Once again, and most importantly:

One more thing, "gentleman", we fight with our brains here, and you don't have any ammunition.

well know one actually does consider the marines/the navy seal or force recon to be elite - as I said no Amercian elite forces is ranked in the top 5 - that is a fact!

My Thai language is lousy hey, you think you say phut with a t on the end do you - I speak Thai Georgie - dont even enter this arena! I never said I wrote it, I speak it. Your mate either speaks Thai or he doesnt - maybe he speaks bar Thai, like you - a lot of difference.

When will your learn Georgie, spelling and grammar, doesnt make you smart or eductated, you should know that - as I have said before - the A grade students work for the B grade students and the C grade students work for the government.I think the D grade students enter Thailand and teach english.

As is evident by your posts on this forum, you are not an educated man, you might teach and have some form of certificate, but you are to narrow minded in your thoughts - thats not educated, that is stupidity - you only know what you may of learned, but nothing other than that.

By the way Georgie, you always threaten to fight with your brains - have you ever posted some enlightning fact about any topic - all you do is refute claims made by others - make a post for gods sake and try to keep up with us all.

Anyway, going for sail today Georgie, so Ill bid you farewell - clock in and pay your rent - Its great to be dumb! :o

navy seals - elite :D:D:D

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Well, if the Navy Seals aren't elite, I guess you were training Superman!!! :o (I think maybe we've been giving you way too much credit).

OK you can't read Thai, and you can't speak it very well, but can go on imagining that you speak it better than I do with absolutely no evidence if you like. That is settled.

Yes, I'm completely stupid. All the proof is there when one compares your posts with mine, and by the way, I've written about 3 fairly lengthy posts on the history of modern Israel that not one person has disputed. You could consider those to be enlightening facts. :D

Lastly, when one owns a business (that is doing quite well thank you), one doesn't have to clock in.

Well you did say one thing on this post that you actually know for a fact:

the gentleman  Posted on Fri 2004-02-06, 17:21:16

Its great to be dumb!

คุณมันโง่ !

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One has to go to the Philippines for LBFMs. You really are clueless aren't you? :o

By the way, I've been thinking of a new "nick" for you. Let's face it "the gentleman" just doesn't fit, now that you've shown everyone your true colors.. Let's see, how about ...

Well, we knock you out over and over. You don't ever get in even one effective shot. You get up and we knock you down again. You get up and we knock you down again. You don't ever score any points. You get up and we knock you down again.

How about Pop-up Dummy? :D It really does fit.

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Gentleman, nice to see you again, and even nicer to see you are still up to you old tricks, rousing the troops to a frenzy, just like the old days isn't it. :o

Yeah Basher, thanks for the email, hows the shoulder mate and sunny Africa, I am guessing you are in town now, with a wound like that... Give my best to the fellas.

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The shoulder isn't as bad as 1st reported, and I now have a weeks R & R back in town, but the guy who loosed off the round is in the bin now, he will be down the road for messing up like that. But like I say I get the time in town now, so things are cool :o Nigeria wouldn't be Nigeria without cockups like this....

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Have to say I agree with the gent on that one. What's the difference between Filipina and Thai bar girls? Or Indonesian, Cambodian and Vietnamese?

Tell us davidm. I tried and still try for years to find out. Just cannot find much difference.

Yeah, Tea i.o.COOOLAAAH, but guess, that's not the point :o

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I'ms sorry but Daveyo, whom I like, doesn't make much sense to me at all. Sort of frustrating, but so it goes. That you think he's on the money, so to speak surprises me. Oh well, so that goes too.

The Gentleman is pretty much a wind up these days. Primarily due to his on-going feud with Georgie-Porgie and others. I guess I occasionally get lumped in there too. He didn't start out that way, so I rather suspect that much of his rhetoric is not so much what he believes, but what he believes will punch our (US citizens) buttons.

US political parties have always had agendas, usually stated as "planks" in the "platform" they ran on. Traditionally Democrats were seen as big spenders, big government advocates and tilted toward labor and populist interests. Republicans were for less spending, smaller government, but tilted toward business interests.

And while most US citizens register to one party or the other, I suspect that many are not single issue individuals or even single party voters. They often support some planks in one party, some planks in the other party.

However, it is well pointed out here that the Republicans seem to have a problem with budgets. And budgets always go to "heck in a handbasket" when war comes into the picture. While many Americans (as we often refer to ourselves while in the States) supported Bush, ever more so after 9/11, the fallout from the WMD fiasco is just starting to be felt.

My magic 8 ball says that Bush is in deep doodoo and he will spend most of the time between now and the election dealing with it. If the Democrats put up a centerist candidate that will not look like a dove in self-defense, but doesn't war monger either, they will have a very good shot at taking the White House back.

If they run someone that public perceives as too liberal (gay marriage), too dove-ish (weak on terrorism), pro-tax increase, then they may well watch Bush spend another 4 years doing what ever the heck seems to make sense to him at the moment. Time will tell.

Sorry, I didn't really mean to turn this into a lecture. But I did want to share some ideas and history about how some of us in the States view things.


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Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh jeepz :D Your input of the other side was just as good.

So which plank you want, left or right. We both will jump the same time heh???

Since we got no choice and they have the sword prickin our backs. God forbid a Bush for another 4 years. Vote Democratic anyway. Its sunnier on that side. :D

Sigh :o


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Good to hear from you! Yeah, it's hard to say at this point. I'm certainly disappointed with the WMD issue. And there have been other issues I've been extremely concerned with in Bush's administration.

How I vote will depend on who the Democrats nominate. If they get somebody I can support, I very probably will vote Democratic this time. Hey, I'm a union guy. But there have been times I've been very disappointed with my union, it's conduct and so forth. But I'm still a member, simply because I know what I'd be getting paid if it were up to management. And benefits, heh, what benefits, they (managment) would have all of us as temporary workers, no bennies, no overtime, no sick leave. But even with that, it doesn't lock up my vote.

So I am not by nature a Republican. But I'm not a knee jerk Democrat either. Nor am I anti-gay. Some of the best people in the smoke shack are gays, both sexes included in that.

But I do have a bit of a feel for the pulse of some of the voters. And various issues can effect how they line up on election day. I think the Democrats have about as good an opportunity of winning the White House back from an encumbent as they have ever had. But it will ultimately depend on how they run their campaign. Time will tell.


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