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Nato Warns Alliance Is Ready To Defend Turkey If Necessary


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Add to that the delicate state of the Eu economy and we have the recipe for a global crisis if Turkey acts hastily.

And I have little doubt the twelvers in Tehran know this very well. I would not put it past Iranian forces already active in Syria to provoke Turkey to bring about exactly what everyone else fears.

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Add to that the delicate state of the Eu economy and we have the recipe for a global crisis if Turkey acts hastily.

And I have little doubt the twelvers in Tehran know this very well. I would not put it past Iranian forces already active in Syria to provoke Turkey to bring about exactly what everyone else fears.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

Anyway the topic is:

NATO warns alliance is ready to defend Turkey if necessary ...

and not an alleged "Iranian sabre rattling" (geriatrickid).

Atm, afaik, it isn't even really clear who fired the few rockets across the Syrian Turkey border.

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and now to add to the complexity we even have Iraq warning NATO not to get involved


Russia warms up to Iraq with arms deal

Amid a visit to Russia, Mr. Maliki has warned Turkey not to blow-up its differences with Syria and drag NATO into the conflict.

The veiled support for the Syrian government came soon after Baghdad revived its military ties with Moscow. Mr. Maliki, a close ally of Iran, asserted that Syria was not threatening Turkey, which should not seek NATO’s intervention.


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Add to that the delicate state of the Eu economy and we have the recipe for a global crisis if Turkey acts hastily.

And I have little doubt the twelvers in Tehran know this very well. I would not put it past Iranian forces already active in Syria to provoke Turkey to bring about exactly what everyone else fears.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

Anyway the topic is:

NATO warns alliance is ready to defend Turkey if necessary ...

and not an alleged "Iranian sabre rattling" (geriatrickid).

Atm, afaik, it isn't even really clear who fired the few rockets across the Syrian Turkey border.

Conspiracy theory; We don't know the half of it, something is going to blow and soon.


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It's all about Iran. It hasn't gone the way The US has planned, they expected it to be all over by now, but Assad is not Gaddafi, he is not going to roll over in the face of Islamic terrorists, funded and armed by the West. The latest news from Syria is the two brigades fighting there called the Saddam Hussain Martyrs. Is this what our servicemen have died for? It is estimated that only 1 in 20 of the FSA are Syrian, the rest are from all over the Arab world and beyond, including the UK, on wages, "non lethal aid" i think the political correct term is. God, it is hard not to be cynical. And now we have Mitt Romney ratcheting it up saying that if he becomes President he will invade Syria, accusing Obama of being weak, it is laughable. When Mr Romney had his chance to show his credentials back in the days of the Vietnam war, what did he do? He fled to France, as a Mormon missionary, obviously decided he would be safer amongst the "Cheese eating surrender monkey's" as his colleague's in the Republican party liked to call them when they,( very sensibly), declined to join in Bush Junior's coalition of the stupid, willing. Who can forget his answer in 2007 when he was asked why neither of his four sons had enlisted in the forces to fight the ' evils of terrorism' which he was railing against. He said," My son's are demonstrating their commitment to this country by campaigning for my election" Ha Ha Ha. What a joke. What on earth are the West doing aligning themselves with Islamic Jihadi terrorists? The ends justifies the means? That's about the size of it. But there will be a price to be paid.

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Turkey is not under attack from Syria, and can defend itself against any spillover from that internal conflict, saying NATO should defend Turkey is an excuse for the hawks to intervene in Syria, its not our business or in our interests to "defend Turkey"

Sad to say after the American election this November no mater who wins we shall be in Syria for some stupid reason.

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Add to that the delicate state of the Eu economy and we have the recipe for a global crisis if Turkey acts hastily.

And I have little doubt the twelvers in Tehran know this very well. I would not put it past Iranian forces already active in Syria to provoke Turkey to bring about exactly what everyone else fears.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

Anyway the topic is:

NATO warns alliance is ready to defend Turkey if necessary ...

and not an alleged "Iranian sabre rattling" (geriatrickid).

Atm, afaik, it isn't even really clear who fired the few rockets across the Syrian Turkey border.

Conspiracy theory; We don't know the half of it, something is going to blow and soon.



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It's all about Iran. It hasn't gone the way The US has planned, they expected it to be all over by now, but Assad is not Gaddafi, he is not going to roll over in the face of Islamic terrorists, funded and armed by the West. The latest news from Syria is the two brigades fighting there called the Saddam Hussain Martyrs. Is this what our servicemen have died for? It is estimated that only 1 in 20 of the FSA are Syrian, the rest are from all over the Arab world and beyond, including the UK, on wages, "non lethal aid" i think the political correct term is. God, it is hard not to be cynical. And now we have Mitt Romney ratcheting it up saying that if he becomes President he will invade Syria, accusing Obama of being weak, it is laughable. When Mr Romney had his chance to show his credentials back in the days of the Vietnam war, what did he do? He fled to France, as a Mormon missionary, obviously decided he would be safer amongst the "Cheese eating surrender monkey's" as his colleague's in the Republican party liked to call them when they,( very sensibly), declined to join in Bush Junior's coalition of the stupid, willing. Who can forget his answer in 2007 when he was asked why neither of his four sons had enlisted in the forces to fight the ' evils of terrorism' which he was railing against. He said," My son's are demonstrating their commitment to this country by campaigning for my election" Ha Ha Ha. What a joke. What on earth are the West doing aligning themselves with Islamic Jihadi terrorists? The ends justifies the means? That's about the size of it. But there will be a price to be paid.

Started of with "it's all about Iran", then seem to wandered of a bit. Or did I miss something?

It is estimated that only 1 in 20 of the FSA are Syrian, the rest are from all over the Arab world and beyond, including the UK,

Estimated by whom?

Edited by Morch
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If you are implying that Press TV are unreliable or are some form of propaganda machine, the likes of CNBC, CNN and even Fox News are no better at providing real independent journalism.

One difference is that USA media are free to criticize and even ridicule their own government, its actions and policy. Don't recall much of that on PressTV.

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And now we have Mitt Romney ratcheting it up saying that if he becomes President he will invade Syria

No we don't. He said he would supply arms to the rebels. If he said he was going to invade another Middle East country, I think that would put a rather large dent in his campaign.

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If you are implying that Press TV are unreliable or are some form of propaganda machine, the likes of CNBC, CNN and even Fox News are no better at providing real independent journalism.

One difference is that USA media are free to criticize and even ridicule their own government, its actions and policy. Don't recall much of that on PressTV.

Press TV is an absolute joke. It is nothing more than a Mad Mullah mouthpiece.

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If you are implying that Press TV are unreliable or are some form of propaganda machine, the likes of CNBC, CNN and even Fox News are no better at providing real independent journalism.

One difference is that USA media are free to criticize and even ridicule their own government, its actions and policy. Don't recall much of that on PressTV.

Press TV is an absolute joke. It is nothing more than a Mad Mullah mouthpiece.

Watch Nato in Syria after American election for sure France and Germany want it

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Press TV is an absolute joke. It is nothing more than a Mad Mullah mouthpiece.

Watch Nato in Syria after American election for sure France and Germany want it

i dont think so

USA can least afford to enter into a conflict with China, on whom it relies majorly for financial cooperation, both for its own finances as well as NATO's.

Edited by Asiantravel
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Press TV is an absolute joke. It is nothing more than a Mad Mullah mouthpiece.

Watch Nato in Syria after American election for sure France and Germany want it

i dont think so

USA can least afford to enter into a conflict with China, on whom it relies majorly for financial cooperation, both for its own finances as well as NATO's.

The three biggest kids on the block are having a face off, two against one, the two have drawn a line in the sand and are saying 'c'mon, we dare you, c'mon'.

Sent from my GT-I9003

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If you are implying that Press TV are unreliable or are some form of propaganda machine, the likes of CNBC, CNN and even Fox News are no better at providing real independent journalism.

One difference is that USA media are free to criticize and even ridicule their own government, its actions and policy. Don't recall much of that on PressTV.

Press TV is an absolute joke. It is nothing more than a Mad Mullah mouthpiece.

Watch Nato in Syria after American election for sure France and Germany want it

Would be a disaster on so many levels and they know it.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Press TV is an absolute joke. It is nothing more than a Mad Mullah mouthpiece.

Watch Nato in Syria after American election for sure France and Germany want it

i dont think so

USA can least afford to enter into a conflict with China, on whom it relies majorly for financial cooperation, both for its own finances as well as NATO's.

Link leads to a forum post....?

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Watch Nato in Syria after American election for sure France and Germany want it

i dont think so

USA can least afford to enter into a conflict with China, on whom it relies majorly for financial cooperation, both for its own finances as well as NATO's.

Link leads to a forum post....?


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The link you posted http://www.pakalertpress.com/about/ appears to be an American extremist web site. Contradicting the content in the link, the Jerusalem Post states "Russian and Syrian officials dismissed as provocation on Tuesday Iranian media reports that Iran, Russia, China and Syria are planning to conduct joint military exercises in Syria next month; refer http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=274452

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Press TV is an absolute joke. It is nothing more than a Mad Mullah mouthpiece.

Watch Nato in Syria after American election for sure France and Germany want it

i dont think so

USA can least afford to enter into a conflict with China, on whom it relies majorly for financial cooperation, both for its own finances as well as NATO's.

Who writes this stuff. They either have very little understanding of the economic raltionship between the two countries and why China's is so dependent upon US investments or just more rhetoric to argue their position.

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The link you posted http://www.pakalertpress.com/about/ appears to be an American extremist web site. Contradicting the content in the link, the Jerusalem Post states "Russian and Syrian officials dismissed as provocation on Tuesday Iranian media reports that Iran, Russia, China and Syria are planning to conduct joint military exercises in Syria next month; refer http://www.jpost.com....aspx?id=274452

I think you are confusing ' wargames' with what could be the ' endgame ' if the West attacks Syria or Iran sad.png

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In view of these latest developments is anyone able to comment as to which country Iran regards as the strongest and most important ally-Turkey or Syria?

Because one of the is going to be let down

As Turkey is a member of NATO Turkey would be the strongest potential ally. This will never formally happen unless their is a regime change in Iran, so to answer your question, right now Iran's only option out of the two countries for a formal alliance is Syria.

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In view of these latest developments is anyone able to comment as to which country Iran regards as the strongest and most important ally-Turkey or Syria?

Because one of the is going to be let down

As Turkey is a member of NATO Turkey would be the strongest potential ally. This will never formally happen unless their is a regime change in Iran, so to answer your question, right now Iran's only option out of the two countries for a formal alliance is Syria.

Thanks! This is what I thought so it surprises me why Ahmadinejad would even bother to have talks with the Prime Minister of Turkey if Turkey is part of a group who might end up being involved with attacking them or their best ally?

Edited by midas
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In view of these latest developments is anyone able to comment as to which country Iran regards as the strongest and most important ally-Turkey or Syria?

Because one of the is going to be let down

As Turkey is a member of NATO Turkey would be the strongest potential ally. This will never formally happen unless their is a regime change in Iran, so to answer your question, right now Iran's only option out of the two countries for a formal alliance is Syria.

Thanks! This is what I thought so it surprises me why Ahmadinejad would even bother to have talks with the Prime Minister of Turkey if Turkey is part of a group who might end up being involved with attacking them or their best ally?

Keeping the lines of communication open to reduce the possibility of misunderstandings that may lead to further escalation of tensions. Would also provide Iran with a backdoor communications with NATO - obviously we just don't know what happens in secret in these meeting

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It is well worth Iran's time to talk to Turkey. NATO will tread very, very lightly on the Syrian issue. Turkey, however, is a neighbor and they have issues with refugees, borders and fighting spilling over into Turkey. If Turkey decides to defend itself, then NATO could get involved. If Turkey backs-off, then NATO likely will stay out.

Turkey is pivotal in this situation.

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The link you posted http://www.pakalertpress.com/about/ appears to be an American extremist web site. Contradicting the content in the link, the Jerusalem Post states "Russian and Syrian officials dismissed as provocation on Tuesday Iranian media reports that Iran, Russia, China and Syria are planning to conduct joint military exercises in Syria next month; refer http://www.jpost.com....aspx?id=274452

I read

"Russia and China vow to protect Syria from becoming another Libya"

and instead of "Libya" I see "lost customer".

Edited by Chicog
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