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Hello Everyone, following on from this thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/588028-british-citizenship-ukba-response/ and how successful the settlement waiting times thread is, I have decided to create a thread on BRITISH CITIZENSHIP waiting times.

So, please feel free to add your name and the dates of your partner's submission or, alternatively, just add your partner's experiences if their citizenship was already granted.

Thanks and here goes.

feasantplukka Submitted 31st July - awaiting

DonW Submitted 5th September, via nationality checking service in Peterborough - awaiting

Gents, when you post submission dates etc, please cut and paste the previous ones and and add yours to the list



Anyone else been through this? And , if so, how long did you wait?

Well, my wife and step-daughter's applications took, if memory serves, about 10 weeks and we managed to book their citizenship ceremony for two weeks after that.

But this was in 2004, so may not have much bearing on current waiting times.


Great thread I have subscribed as we will be going through this process in May 14. Maybe by then I will have gleamed enough insight in the process etc.

You, and anyone else about to apply, may find British Citizenship Basics useful. But check again nearer the time as procedures etc. may have changed by then


Yeh, 7by7 I guess they are a bit busier than that now if the news is anything to go by.

The application really is very easy,EnglishinSiam

The application really is very easy,EnglishinSiam

Great ta the ILR seems pretty straightforward too. Just seems ludicrous you pay a fortune for that then got to pay loads again for Citizenship.

Still at least it means we can travel the world freely with few restrictions as a family.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Just seems ludicrous you pay a fortune for that then got to pay loads again for Citizenship.

Agree totally.

When my wife and daughter applied for settlement in September 2000 the fee for a settlement visa was, if memory serves, £270 and a visit visa was £60.

I asked an ECO, you could talk to them in those days, why a settlement visa was over four times more expensive than a visit. She explained that the cost of a settlement visa included the cost of any future in UK LTR applications; FLR if required and ILR. This seemed reasonable.

Then Messrs Blair and Brown decided that visa, LTR and naturalisation applications should make a profit and introduced fees for LTR applications without reducing the initial visa fee and increased most visa fees and naturalisation fees. They also introduced a system whereby all fees are increased once a year above inflation.

Despite vociferous opposition from both the Tories and LibDems at the time, the coalition has continued with this policy.

I should stress that I firmly believe that visa, LTR and citizenship applicants should pay the full cost of processing their applications. However the government's own figures show that for nearly all applications the fee is way above cost.

The tables in Charging for Immigration and Nationality Services 2012-13 show the unit cost. For example:

Settlement visa: unit cost, £391; fee from April 2012, £826.

ILR by post: unit cost, £255; fee from April 2012, £991.

ILR at PEO: unit cost, £255; fee from April 2012, £1377.

Naturalisation (Spouse): unit cost, £181; fee from April 2012, £851 (includes £80 toward cost of citizenship ceremony).

To be fair, 6 month visit visa fees are actually below the unit cost. Unit cost, £140; fee from April 2012, £78.


Can we keep this on track please Gents and not derail the purpose of this thread?

7by7, suggest you start a new thread if you wish to discuss the rights and wrongs of visa fees or the vociferous opposition from both the Tories and LibDems.

Thank you Gentlemen.


feasantplukka Submitted 31st July - awaiting

DonW Submitted 5th September, via nationality checking service in Peterborough - awaiting

7by7 - submitted in 2004 - 10 weeks

Gents, when you post submission dates etc, please cut and paste the previous ones and and add yours to the list


The post was a response to englishinsiam's remark; as the quote shows, and is no more inappropriate than posts by you in the visa waiting times topic about Kiggs' tribulations.

However, if you feel that it doesn't belong here I suggest you use the report button and then a Mod can decide.

BTW, I suggest you read the forum rules and netiquette about not posting all in bold.


The post was a response to englishinsiam's remark; as the quote shows, and is no more inappropriate than posts by you in the visa waiting times topic about Kiggs' tribulations.

His was an off the cuff remark, yours opens the floor for discussion on fees. Please don't take it personally, 7by7. I just want the thread to keep focussed. Agreed, my posts on the waiting times thread about Kigg's tribulations are indeed of topic and should not be there. Two wrongs.

However, if you feel that it doesn't belong here I suggest you use the report button and then a Mod can decide.

Its back on track now, no need for that..


TW, I suggest you read the forum rules and netiquette about not posting all in bold.

Life is too short, you have inferred posting in bold is not allowed - that is enough.

Now, Gents, lets get back on topic.


OK, as you say in another topic that English isn't your first language, and in yet another one that you are British; why not tell us how long your naturalisation application took?


My naturalization was, for a number of reasons, a complicated process, as I am originally from Kurdistan and it took place in 1994. As this forum is mainly concerned with all things Thai and, in particular, this section is concerned with naturalization of Thai spouses I think we should stick to that subject. In particular, how long Thai spouses naturalisation took.

So, thank you for your input - your family's took 10 weeks.

Lets stay on topic.

feasantplukka Submitted 31st July - awaiting

DonW Submitted 5th September, via nationality checking service in Peterborough - awaiting

7by7 - submitted in 2004 - 10 weeks

Gents, when you post submission dates etc, please cut and paste the previous ones and and add yours to the list


A naturalisation application takes the same length of time regardless of the applicant's other nationality. Of course, each application is looked at individually and some take longer than others; especially if further enquiries need to be made.

But as you don't want to say, let's leave it there.


A post containing a link to another forum has been removed as per forum rule:

10) Not to post commercial spam or to post any promotional links, URLs or addresses to a member's own business or that would lead people to your site. Not to post URL links to other forums . Not to flood, post commercial or for-profit advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and similar solicitations. Any member who violates this prohibition will be banned from all forums on this website.Advertisers are the only members allowed to post links, URL's or addresses to their sites.

Other posts have edited to remove overuse of bold font, there is no need to shout.

Posting in all capitals or in all bold, and using large or unusual fonts and colors is bad netiquette.

feasantplukka Submitted 31st July - awaiting

DonW Submitted 5th September, via nationality checking service in Peterborough - awaiting

Waterloos mates - submitted approx June - granted appox Sept (appor 3 months give or take a week)

7by7 - submitted in 2004 - 10 weeks



Basic mistake 101 applied for citizenship prior to getting ILR, they are currently applying for ILR which should be a shoe in but needs to be done quickley or she will be deemed an over stayer.

They are a tad pissed off as they did e-mail the border agency to clarifie this clearly stating the wifes status & were not told they were making a mistake, I suspect they will complain once the ILR is in the bag.

Interestingly one of the couples who were succesful made the same mistake had an almost identical application (were not eaa nationals) & the Border Agency approved there application.

I have seen there paperwork & I can only assume the Border Agency made a mistake in approving it.

Indicidentally if you ring your MP's constituency office they have a hotline number for the agency & they can make inquiries on your behalf, they have for me in the past.


Posts with an excessive amount of print in bold have been deleted. If you wish your post to remain in view, then do not use bold or large fonts or colors.


You know, your sentence doesn't flow properly without the elusive 'please'.

Waterloos mates - submitted approx June - granted appox Sept (appor 3 months give or take a week)

Donw's Mate - UAE nation with Brit passport / Thai Mrs. Submitted start of June / - gratned Mid Oct

Feasantplukka Submitted 31st July - awaiting

Submited for wife and Stepdaughter via checking service in Lincoln on 23 Aug - awaiting

DonW Submitted 5th September, via nationality checking service in Peterborough - awaiting

7by7 - submitted in 2004 - 10 weeks

Gents, when you post submission dates etc, please cut and paste the previous ones and and add yours to the list


Posts with an excessive amount of print in bold have been deleted. If you wish your post to remain in view, then do not use bold or large fonts or colors.

Some more posts have been removed for over usage of bold fonts:

From the forum rules:

Posting in all capitals or in all bold, and using large or unusual fonts and colors is bad netiquette.

Waterloos mates - submitted approx June - granted appox Sept (appor 3 months give or take a week)

Donw's Mate - UAE nation with Brit passport / Thai Mrs. Submitted start of June / - gratned Mid Oct

Feasantplukka Submitted 31st July - awaiting

Submited for wife and Stepdaughter via checking service in Lincoln on 23 Aug - awaiting

DonW Submitted 5th September, via nationality checking service in Peterborough - Received 18 October.Resssssssssuuuullllllt 43 Days or, if you prefer 6 weeks give or take postal time. Sorted. No more bullshit

7by7 - submitted in 2004 - 10 weeks

If anyone else wants to maintain this thread, be my guest. (I hope you can see this without the highlight)

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