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Thai-chinese Business Practices


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I've been in Thailand for years and am still surprised at many things - one being the way Thai-Chinese do business. I used to have a Chinese landlady with billions of baht - the week after she was telling me of selling some land on Sathorn Road for 500 million, she congratulated me on the birth of my daughter and put up my rent. Her stinginess was amazing - I'd say a sickness.

I've seen countless other examples - like hotel owners never giving discount on a room even if they are empty - they'd rather their business went bust than give discount.

This morning I returned a rented car in Khon Kaen, which I've had all month, paying weekly. The female owner, who knows that I need to rent for another month cheated me out of 1000 baht.

Why? Lat week she made a mistake of one day, which I dishonesty never said anything about. She did find out, which I was sure she would, and was so upset at making a financial mistake she tried to say that I didn't give her a deposit, which of course I did. She didn't want to admit her error, so tried to get it another way. if she had said that she was one day wrong and gave me just 1000 baht back, I'd have said "fine". However when she was just about blowing her top and said, "farang ba" to another customer - I said "jek kee gong", and realised that I had no chance of her giving me the money she was due me, walked out to take my business elsewhere. Who is losing here? her of course. She is missing out on 25,000 baht on rent for this month, plus any future rents from I(I've rented on and off for 2 years). I've told many visiting friends to rent from there too. We had a good relationship, her knowing my family also in Khon Kaen.

It's sad that these Chinese people will lose good custom and 'friends' all over a measly amount of money.

She has been calling me at home trying to speak with my wife, as she knows mother-in-law is a very influential person in the city. All for cheating me out of 1000 baht, man, I'll let her suffer a while, wondering what I am going to do, which is absolutely nothing, well apart from telling everyone I know not to trust her!

Always be very careful when doing business with the Chinese Thais!

Anyone got anything good to say about business with the Chinese?

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It's sad that these Chinese people will lose good custom and 'friends' all over a measly amount of money.

Friends? C'mon Neeranam, you kept quiet about one days rent to save yourself some cash, when you could have been honest about it. I expect if you was then you wouldn't have a problem now. Looks to me like you was dishonest with her, so she threw it right back at you. Bit of a Som nom na situation this one isn't it? :o

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It's sad that these Chinese people will lose good custom and 'friends' all over a measly amount of money.

Friends? C'mon Neeranam, you kept quiet about one days rent to save yourself some cash, when you could have been honest about it. I expect if you was then you wouldn't have a problem now. Looks to me like you was dishonest with her, so she threw it right back at you. Bit of a Som nom na situation this one isn't it? wink.gif

Yeah good point Madness. One reason I didn't say anything at the time was because I thought that she would surely be right, or if she were wrong, she could take it off the deposit. Also I was in a rush and my daughter was playing up in the shop. But c'mon if you are renting a car and they give you a bill that was less than you expect, wouldn't you do the same? Would make a good poll.

There is a difference about keeping quiet and downright theft, isn't there?

But yeah, I was wrong and every action eventually has an equal and opposite one.

Maybe I should spend some time on the Buddhist forum to learn how to be a better person. :o:D

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Ifit was someone I rented off for two years and even to a certain degree considered a 'friend' then I would have owned up and paid it. Its just a good practice because if you do get caught out on it then you gotta expect a comeback off that, which is what you got dude. Also, I bet you being honest would have put you in a better position with the woman in the future not only on shop/customer terms but in general as well.

If you'd been honest this wouldn't have happened to you, nothing to do with her being Chinese Thai, its a story of two people trying it on, problem was in this case she had a bit more swing. You tried it on, you got caught out man, better luck next time. :D

I bet theres a thread on some Chinese-Thai forum now "Scottish Business Practices". :o

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I've a Thai/Chinese friend who runs a business in Sriracha, I've known him for 15 years, been doing business together on and off with out a hitch, a genuinely honest businessman.

Much the same as the guy who runs the hardware store I use.

I guess its who you meet and how you treat them as much as anything else.

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well, it's quite common to hear comments from Thai friends that the Thai-Chinese are generally thrifty. Some even say that they are 'kee niao', penny-pinching every satang from their employees. With 20-30% of population as Thai Chinese, it's not surprising that the satang-pinching group run most of the business in LOS. Even the $2b PM Thaksin has chinese blood.

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the PM is 100% Chinese, I believe.

As for the Chinese business person, well we have a store in town run by Chinese Thais and they will always give a discount to a good customer. So, I guess it just depends on the person, as always, don't you think?

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I canceleld my rent last week with thai owners, I brought the new renters who were asking the owners to increase the rent by 1k baht if they would buy my airco and carport for 15k.

No they said, we will put a new airco into the house, the car port must be taken out and we will increase the rent for the airco by 2k/month.

WHAT??? said the new renter?

He bought my old airco for 5k, a betetr deal.

The he tried to get a new front door or some painting done for free, the owners proposed to close the house. So better business to get zero income anmd have a rotting house than make some investments to protct your assets. I explained to the owners that it was better to have some farangs staying in the house than have it rotten. For oce they agreed...

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"........a Chinese - Thai forum discussing Scottish business practices...".

Heh-heh - they're just going to have to pay us for the info.

I'm Aberdonian and you all use fuse wire or fuses right?.

Know how it was invented?.

Two Aberdonians arguing over a penny. :o

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"........a Chinese - Thai forum discussing Scottish business practices...".

Heh-heh - they're just going to have to pay us for the info.

I'm Aberdonian and you all use fuse wire or fuses right?.

Know how it was invented?.

Two Aberdonians arguing over a penny. ph34r.gif

:o Fit like bro - foos yer doos?

I used tae bide in Aberdeen. Still mind a bit o the Doric.

It ain't true about Aberdonians!

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I've been in Thailand for years and am still surprised at many things - one being the way Thai-Chinese do business. I used to have a Chinese landlady with billions of baht - the week after she was telling me of selling some land on Sathorn Road for 500 million, she congratulated me on the birth of my daughter and put up my rent. Her stinginess was amazing - I'd say a sickness.

I've seen countless other examples - like hotel owners never giving discount on a room even if they are empty - they'd rather their business went bust than give discount.

This morning I returned a rented car in Khon Kaen, which I've had all month, paying weekly. The female owner, who knows that I need to rent for another month cheated me out of 1000 baht.

Why? Lat week she made a mistake of one day, which I dishonesty never said anything about. She did find out, which I was sure she would, and was so upset at making a financial mistake she tried to say that I didn't give her a deposit, which of course I did. 1. She didn't want to admit her error, so tried to get it another way. if she had said that she was one day wrong and gave me just 1000 baht back, I'd have said "fine". However when she was just about blowing her top and said, "farang ba" to another customer - I said "jek kee gong", and realised that I had no chance of her giving me the money she was due me, walked out to take my business elsewhere. Who is losing here? her of course. 2. She is missing out on 25,000 baht on rent for this month, plus any future rents from I(I've rented on and off for 2 years). I've told many visiting friends to rent from there too. We had a good relationship, her knowing my family also in Khon Kaen.

It's sad that these Chinese people will lose good custom and 'friends' all over a measly amount of money.

3. She has been calling me at home trying to speak with my wife, as she knows mother-in-law is a very influential person in the city. All for cheating me out of 1000 baht, man, I'll let her suffer a while, wondering what I am going to do, which is absolutely nothing, well apart from telling everyone I know not to trust her!

Always be very careful when doing business with the Chinese Thais!

4. Anyone got anything good to say about business with the Chinese?

1. she lost 'face' and knew it..... :o and tried to blame you. :D

2. her 'face' is a lot more important to her than money (in this case) and that's also why...

3...she phoned your wife and tried to 'iron' her mistake away, so to speak.

4. Yes; I did business with Chinese for a long time; with HK/Chinese, Chinese/Chinese, USA-California/Chinese and have never been cheated; I even did business with Thai/Chinese :D . Maybe I do understand them a little better, but I also always 'joke' with them which they find very hilarious.

As a matter of fact.....my wife (since 3 years) is Chinese/Chinese :D and a very honest business-lady as well, and........also: we both LOVE Thailand very much :D, but I agree with you that quite a few Chinese are very harsh and unpleasant businessmen/ladies...I know one Chaweng beach-resort owner on Samui :D he's a real pain in the _ss :D

But I also know quite a few business people in my own country...being the same (and no Chinese :D )


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yeah, I liked that too :o

IMO you can't generalise, I had Indians try to rip me off in UK once, they didn't suceed, but they yried very hard, other Indians I have had dealing with have been 100% straight, same applies in LOS with Thai and Thai-chinese alike, and the Indians in LOS, and as for the farangs, well plenty of them had tried too, but some of them are OK :D

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Good thai.....bad thai

Good chinese.....bad chinese

Good thai-chinese.....bad thai-chinese

Good indian.....bad indian

Good farang.....bad farang

We have them everywhere! Unfortunately you just happened to be dealing with the "bad thai-chinese" at that moment!

Edited by BKK90210
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I only know that my wife loaths selling to thais and chinese-thais and that my father-in-law tend to say "don't bother" when it comes to dealing with chinese and tawianese biz-contacts for deals. The ones that visit on location usually try to haggle so much that it's giving my wife headache, since they are never happy, and it's mentally tiresum to handle it when the other person has no respect for you whatsoever and only are trying to 'eat from you' as much as possible.

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'Patent rights?' - eh?. That costs money. Possession is 9/10ths of the law.

Well, that what the drug squad say.

Knew an Aussie guy lived in Huay Khwang - he decorated/ painted his room and his landlord

(Chinese/ Thai) threatened to put his rent up.

We never did work out if the guy was serious or not. Aussie didn't hang around long enough to find out. :D

" and I'm sure they are still trying to exercise patent rights :D:o

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