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Thais Must Realise Dangers Of Hate Speech


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That is defamation. In Thailand it's a criminal offense. The charge would have to be proved, and the accuser is in serious trouble when the facts prove otherwise.

An a lynch mob? Really? Not saying it can't happen but in this day an age, at least in developed and emerging nations, that's pretty far out there. But let's say that a lynch mob is incited to kill someone. OK. Then probably multiple individuals are going to face murder charges in the criminal justice system.

For me, I prefer to live in a country with less legal restrictions on it's populace. That's just me.

Yes, lynch mobs can happen:

Another example of TKT's point that Thaksin used organised violence and murder to control the populace.

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That is defamation. In Thailand it's a criminal offense. The charge would have to be proved, and the accuser is in serious trouble when the facts prove otherwise.

An a lynch mob? Really? Not saying it can't happen but in this day an age, at least in developed and emerging nations, that's pretty far out there. But let's say that a lynch mob is incited to kill someone. OK. Then probably multiple individuals are going to face murder charges in the criminal justice system.

For me, I prefer to live in a country with less legal restrictions on it's populace. That's just me.

Yes, lynch mobs can happen:

Yeah, I saw this when it was first released. Brutal. Mobs do get out of control. The entire sequence was videoed.

Were the gunman and mob members prosecuted? Would imposing draconian restrictions on free speech have prevented this senseless violence?

Rhetorical questions. What do ya think?

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That is defamation. In Thailand it's a criminal offense. The charge would have to be proved, and the accuser is in serious trouble when the facts prove otherwise.

An a lynch mob? Really? Not saying it can't happen but in this day an age, at least in developed and emerging nations, that's pretty far out there. But let's say that a lynch mob is incited to kill someone. OK. Then probably multiple individuals are going to face murder charges in the criminal justice system.

For me, I prefer to live in a country with less legal restrictions on it's populace. That's just me.

Yes, lynch mobs can happen:

Yeah, I saw this when it was first released. Brutal. Mobs do get out of control. The entire sequence was videoed.

Were the gunman and mob members prosecuted? Would imposing draconian restrictions on free speech have prevented this senseless violence?

Rhetorical questions. What do ya think?

I think that hate speech by Red Shirt leaders and media people helped set the tone for violent confrontation. For example, someone urging people to burn down a city should be immediately arrested, that would give the clear message that sort of incitement will not be tolerated.

Relentlessly portraying Abhisit as a brutal dictator helped to inflame people into unnecessary rebellion against a boogieman created by the UDD/Thaksin PR and perception management machine.

As I said before, quoting Voltaire: If you can make people believe absurdities, you can make them commit atrocities. Hate speech, as a form of political manipulation, needs to be controlled.

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Great talk by Vilasinee Adulyanond, director for campaign and public communication for Thai Health Fund. Thai people need to hear more of this kind of talk. Works are like weapons. They have tremendous power, especially when coming from political leaders. Take heed, those in power. You are tearing your country asunder when you utter idiotic nonsense in the name of collecting votes. Believe nothing you hear from these hatemongers.

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I learned this at about age 5:

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

If someone calls me names, really, I don't care. Big deal. For example, I've been called whitey, cracker, honky, gringo, howlee, SOB, pr**k and loads of other stuff -- some of it pretty nasty and demeaning.. Am I offended to the point that I want the government to step in a control speech??? Absolutely not! I just understand that people who indulge in name calling have issues. I can choose to let it bother me, or to let it go. I tend to let it go.

Now, if your feelings are so easily hurt, consider developing a thicker skin and a tougher emotional outlook. Or consider seeking counseling from a mental health professional to deal with your feelings of inadequacy.

However, I do believe that individuals should have legal recourse to file suit in civil court over defamation issues. I don't believe that defamation belongs in the realm of criminal justice imho (as is the case in Thailand and The Philippians), but people should have the ability to clear their name and seek damages in the case of outright lies that are publicly disseminated regarding that individual.

Resorting to calling people after animals is really rather banal, and you are right people should grow a thicker skin.


Hate speech against westerners is usually with us poor guys they call us bird poop, so when say that

I say " Mai Pen Rai, Kee Nok Bin Dai, tae kee kong kwai loey nai prathet thai talod pai!

That really gets them speechless!

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