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I'm up near the Yacht Haven Marina and about a week ago I noticed a sailboat which had been left at anchor at high tide sitting on the bottom at a severe angle when the tide went out. This boat wasn't in the marina, but it was kind of east of it and certainly within view from there. I could see it from my place too, and I thought it would right itself when the tide came back as others in a similar predicament have in the past, but it didn't and seemed to be taking on water instead. I've kept my eye on it and it seems that no one is dealing with it. This morning at high tide I decided to motor over and have a closer look. I don't know if it's abandoned or if the owner simply is unaware of the situation. Here are few photos I took. Im curious to know if anyone knows what's going on with this boat?post-46635-0-07776600-1350016160_thumb.jpost-46635-0-36442100-1350016244_thumb.jpost-46635-0-28058100-1350016313_thumb.jpost-46635-0-07981600-1350016379_thumb.j


short answer, it appears to be sinking.

i would suggest the automatic bilge pump is out, water collected below decks while it was heeled over and once it was able to float freely again the water collected to one side caused it to remain at an angle.

A few more good rains and it could go over completely.

but that is pure specualtion

what we do know for sure is its going to cost somebody alot of money to get the damage sorted


short answer, it appears to be sinking.

i would suggest the automatic bilge pump is out, water collected below decks while it was heeled over and once it was able to float freely again the water collected to one side caused it to remain at an angle.

A few more good rains and it could go over completely.

but that is pure specualtion

what we do know for sure is its going to cost somebody alot of money to get the damage sorted

why doesn't someone go out there and pump it out,the marine police would do it,surely

short answer, it appears to be sinking.

i would suggest the automatic bilge pump is out, water collected below decks while it was heeled over and once it was able to float freely again the water collected to one side caused it to remain at an angle.

A few more good rains and it could go over completely.

but that is pure specualtion

what we do know for sure is its going to cost somebody alot of money to get the damage sorted

why doesn't someone go out there and pump it out,the marine police would do it,surely

Probably because the owner is not standing around waving bundles of cash. Marine salvage ain't cheap. Another fact I think the days of sincere camaraderie amongst fellow yachties is slowly disappearing.

I'll pass the link on to a few I know.


Surprisingly, no name or registration details either. Given it's proximity to Yacht Haven, I would imagine that the regulars/management there would have some knowledge.


Well here's the scoop. A message from Zara at Yacht Haven Marina reads as below. Tel: +66 (0) 76-206704-5


The yacht is \ was owned by a guy in prison...in fact she is now owned by

Bkk Police, we gather. He owes the marina and others a lot of money.

Despite this we regularly pumped water out of her (she has been sinking a

while...) & checked what we could to keep her floating. The boat has been

on a mooring over 3 years now; she broke her line in a storm and ended up

safely in her present place, on the mud bank clearly charted...damaging no

one else. Legally no one can touch the yacht, she is police property. The

marina endeavoured to put a light on her but this keeps goes "missing" by

the following day.

We suggest, if someone is concerned about a boat in the immidiate vicinity

of Yacht Haven Marina they should contact the marina office, even if we

are not responsible. Hopefully we can help.

Thank you.


So the marina knew the vessel was taking on water and was owed money so why didn't they simply take the vessel out of the water ? There she couldn't sink or be a hazard to other shipping and they might have been able to sell her for a reasonable price to recoup the money owed ?

How also does the vessel belong to the police ? It may well be used as evidence but just how have they become the new owners ?

Lots off things don't add up here. blink.png


So the marina knew the vessel was taking on water and was owed money so why didn't they simply take the vessel out of the water ? There she couldn't sink or be a hazard to other shipping and they might have been able to sell her for a reasonable price to recoup the money owed ?

How also does the vessel belong to the police ? It may well be used as evidence but just how have they become the new owners ?

Lots off things don't add up here. blink.png

proceeds of crime maybe,it would be better if it got struck by lightning burnt and sunk if this is the case,a shame,,there are people who would love to have that as a restoration project. i suppose there is only so much the marina can do


Lots of things don't add up here. blink.png

​This is just one of many.

​On a similar vein regarding the rights of " the owner."

Some here may remember years ago a dilapidated windmill on the banks of the lake outside the back door of Wat Chalong. It was busted up pretty good with half the fan rusted / broken but the tower and gearbox in reasonable shape. It was a viable project and It would have been perfect to circulate the water in our fishing lake and could have be repaired economically. I eventually found out who had responsibility for the mill. From memory it was the plumbing Dept. of the local Or bor Tor. Had several meetings with the guy in charge who totally agreed it was an eyesore and an unsafe structure and it should come down. So in a bid to help both parties I offered to remove the structure at no cost and also to pay 50,000 baht to the Or Bor Tor or any charity they nominated. He thought it was a great offer and would see his boss.

Next day got a phone call, sorry no can do. Why ? Well you see that over 40 years ago it was bought with public funds making the general public the owner and can never be sold to anyone. I said are you sure. He said he even offered them money himself but because of the paperwork that went with it, no one could have it. I had my doubts, I could feel some tea money may be asked for. Nah, not one baht.

It was proven about 2 weeks later when they, the Or Bor Tor, bulldozed the whole structure into the lake costing them money rather than 50,000 in front. dam_n shame, it was a piece of history that could have been saved.


Sportsman, thanks for relaying that information from the marina. I think the boat is a hazard to navigation and would be an even bigger hazard if the locals who took the warning light decide to come back and salvage the aluminum mast and boom and the stainless steel bimini structure. Then it would be hard to spot, and if it sunk completely, I think it would be just below the surface at high tide. A lot of people (like me) don't use navigation charts and could be unaware of the danger. The marine department should remove it to a hard stand somewhere, and the BKK police department, if they are indeed the owner, could deal with it from there.


There's a new marina now being developed west of the Yacht Haven (toward the bridge) that will at first specialize in boat repair. Right now it's a lot of empty land. That would be a good place to put that sailboat.

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