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Britain, Scotland Sign Deal For Independence Referendum


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So, phuketjock, what in the report, written by Anthony Baxter; the film's director, is so funny?

Trump's despicable treatment of the local residents?

Salmond's refusal to talk to the local residents; who happen to be his constituents?

The destruction of a site of special scientific interest so rich Americans can play golf?


You obviously don't care for the Daily Record; how about The Guardian?

It it extraordinary that Trump's monstrosity ever got the green light – given that planning was denied by the council on the grounds that it was unsustainable and messed with an SSSI (the decision was overturned in the Scottish government). "We've had tremendous support from environmental groups," says Trump. Of course you have – for a project that involves messing with an ancient ecosystem to build a leisure complex that will mainly be used by people who will get there by flying across the Atlantic. The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage, World Wildlife Fund, the RSPB aren't among those groups; they all vigorously opposed it.

It's not just the sand and the birds Trump interferes with, it's the people who live there and have always lived there – Michael, Molly, Susan, Finlay, David. They are bullied and intimidated, their water and power cut off. And their houses surrounded by huge mounds of sand – he's putting them in one of his bloody golf bunkers.

I really don't care or believe in general what politicians or in particular what journalists say, it is rare to find a

newspaper that does not have a political motive and as such they grind no ones axe but their own, and they

will go to any length they deem necessary to denegrate anyone and anything that does not agree with their

view. Not unlike many here on this Thaivisa.

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And of course folium you just happened to miss the fact that the Scottish government led by Mr Salmond

recently threw out a move by Trump to stop the erection of a wind farm off the coast of his golf course!!!

No, they didn't. A decision has not yet been made.

What happened was that some objectors to the scheme have changed their minds and withdrawn their objections.

From the Ellon Times, 5/10/12.

Last week four statutory bodies confirmed they had withdrawn their objections to the proposals following discussions with the developers - a consortium of Vattenfall, Technip and Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group.

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), the Ministry of Defence, National Air Traffic Services (NATS) and RSPB Scotland have all now lifted their opposition to the scheme after receiving assurances over their concerns.

The objections were lifted subject to a number of conditions to minimise impacts during construction and operation.

As Salmond totally ignored objections to Trump's golf course, it is almost certain that he will ensure his mate gets his way on the wind farm as well.

So much for the SNP's renewable energy policy. Like most of Salmond's eructions; it's just hot air.

Ah 7by7 welcome back, I see you have brought your crystal ball with you again and your vivid imagination.

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So, phuketjock, in your view:

The local residents are wrong.

The local paper is wrong.

The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency are wrong.

Scottish Natural Heritage are wrong.

The World Wildlife Fund are wrong.

The RSPB are wrong.

But Trump and his puppet Salmond are right!

Maybe you should talk to the people who live there and seek their view. Their MSP, one Alex Salmond, has no interest in doing so!

No crystal ball needed, just commenting on the facts as reported in, among other places, the local paper for the area.

I see that your attitude to facts which you don't like hasn't changed; you still ignore them!

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So, phuketjock, in your view:

The local residents are wrong.

The local paper is wrong.

The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency are wrong.

Scottish Natural Heritage are wrong.

The World Wildlife Fund are wrong.

The RSPB are wrong.

But Trump and his puppet Salmond are right!

Maybe you should talk to the people who live there and seek their view. Their MSP, one Alex Salmond, has no interest in doing so!

No crystal ball needed, just commenting on the facts as reported in, among other places, the local paper for the area.

I see that your attitude to facts which you don't like hasn't changed; you still ignore them!

7by7 You have no idea what my view is and it is highly unlikely that you ever will.

I have made no declaration of what or who I think is right or wrong but you in your

infinite wisdom can apparently read my mind and have managed to declare my

views. Again it must be the crystal ball or are you clairvoyant???

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So, phuketjock, in your view:

The local residents are wrong.

The local paper is wrong.

The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency are wrong.

Scottish Natural Heritage are wrong.

The World Wildlife Fund are wrong.

The RSPB are wrong.

But Trump and his puppet Salmond are right!

Maybe you should talk to the people who live there and seek their view. Their MSP, one Alex Salmond, has no interest in doing so!

No crystal ball needed, just commenting on the facts as reported in, among other places, the local paper for the area.

I see that your attitude to facts which you don't like hasn't changed; you still ignore them!

7by7 You have no idea what my view is and it is highly unlikely that you ever will.

I have made no declaration of what or who I think is right or wrong but you in your

infinite wisdom can apparebtly read my mind and have managed to declare my

views. Again it must be the crystall ball or are you clairvoyant???

It might help if you answered questions, instead of side stepping those questions you find embarrassing.

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So, phuketjock, in your view:

The local residents are wrong.

The local paper is wrong.

The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency are wrong.

Scottish Natural Heritage are wrong.

The World Wildlife Fund are wrong.

The RSPB are wrong.

But Trump and his puppet Salmond are right!

Maybe you should talk to the people who live there and seek their view. Their MSP, one Alex Salmond, has no interest in doing so!

No crystal ball needed, just commenting on the facts as reported in, among other places, the local paper for the area.

I see that your attitude to facts which you don't like hasn't changed; you still ignore them!

7by7 You have no idea what my view is and it is highly unlikely that you ever will.

I have made no declaration of what or who I think is right or wrong but you in your

infinite wisdom can apparebtly read my mind and have managed to declare my

views. Again it must be the crystall ball or are you clairvoyant???

It might help if you answered questions, instead of side stepping those questions you find embarrassing.


Does David cameron or Clegg sit on their home constituency planning committee or any other planning

committee, no, so why would you think Alex Salmond would? As I said sensation journalism involving

any first minister in something he has no say in, how handy for the anti-independance press.

A basic knowledge of how government, local and national, works would assist you greatly in assessing the

validity of your arguments before jumping in. The embarrassment is all yours!!

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Neither Cameron nor Clegg nor Salmond nor any other MP or MSP sits on their home constituency planning committee; and nobody has suggested that any of them do.

What you have either forgotten, or more likely are choosing to ignore, are two important facts.

1) Every MP and MSP has a duty to listen to and address the concerns of their constituents. Even if all they can then say is "Sorry, nothing I can do." By all accounts, Salmond has not done so on this issue; he has ignored the residents' complaints about their treatment.

I freely admit that I do not know the stance of Malcolm Bruce, the Lib Dem MP for the area, on this issue and what his response to the atrocious treatment of the residents has been.

2) The local planning authority rejected Trump's original planning application.

This rejection was overturned and planning permission granted by the Scottish government; leader and first minister, Alex Salmond.

So, bearing in mind the objections of the local residents, many of whom are being intimidated in efforts to make them leave their homes or face compulsory purchase orders to force them out; bearing in mind the objections of many environmental groups; bearing in mind that the area is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, do you agree with Salmond that all this should be destroyed to make golf courses for rich Americans?

Straight question; will you give a straight answer; yes or no?

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Neither Cameron nor Clegg nor Salmond nor any other MP or MSP sits on their home constituency planning committee; and nobody has suggested that any of them do.

What you have either forgotten, or more likely are choosing to ignore, are two important facts.

1) Every MP and MSP has a duty to listen to and address the concerns of their constituents. Even if all they can then say is "Sorry, nothing I can do." By all accounts, Salmond has not done so on this issue; he has ignored the residents' complaints about their treatment.

I freely admit that I do not know the stance of Malcolm Bruce, the Lib Dem MP for the area, on this issue and what his response to the atrocious treatment of the residents has been.

2) The local planning authority rejected Trump's original planning application.

This rejection was overturned and planning permission granted by the Scottish government; leader and first minister, Alex Salmond.

So, bearing in mind the objections of the local residents, many of whom are being intimidated in efforts to make them leave their homes or face compulsory purchase orders to force them out; bearing in mind the objections of many environmental groups; bearing in mind that the area is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, do you agree with Salmond that all this should be destroyed to make golf courses for rich Americans?

Straight question; will you give a straight answer; yes or no?

Not quite " by all accounts " , but certainly by yours. Where is your source or in fact evidence that,

1/ That the local plannig rejected all Trumps planning applications?

2/ That Alex Salmond granted planning permission to anyone.

I do hope it is not the press again or indeed your crystal ball.

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Neither Cameron nor Clegg nor Salmond nor any other MP or MSP sits on their home constituency planning committee; and nobody has suggested that any of them do.

What you have either forgotten, or more likely are choosing to ignore, are two important facts.

1) Every MP and MSP has a duty to listen to and address the concerns of their constituents. Even if all they can then say is "Sorry, nothing I can do." By all accounts, Salmond has not done so on this issue; he has ignored the residents' complaints about their treatment.

I freely admit that I do not know the stance of Malcolm Bruce, the Lib Dem MP for the area, on this issue and what his response to the atrocious treatment of the residents has been.

2) The local planning authority rejected Trump's original planning application.

This rejection was overturned and planning permission granted by the Scottish government; leader and first minister, Alex Salmond.

So, bearing in mind the objections of the local residents, many of whom are being intimidated in efforts to make them leave their homes or face compulsory purchase orders to force them out; bearing in mind the objections of many environmental groups; bearing in mind that the area is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, do you agree with Salmond that all this should be destroyed to make golf courses for rich Americans?

Straight question; will you give a straight answer; yes or no?

Not quite " by all accounts " , but certainly by yours. Where is your source or in fact evidence that,

1/ That the local plannig rejected all Trumps planning applications?

2/ That Alex Salmond granted planning permission to anyone.

I do hope it is not the press again or indeed your crystal ball.

So are you saying that the Scottish press cannot be trusted? Surely that is the strongest argument against independence ever?


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Neither Cameron nor Clegg nor Salmond nor any other MP or MSP sits on their home constituency planning committee; and nobody has suggested that any of them do.

What you have either forgotten, or more likely are choosing to ignore, are two important facts.

1) Every MP and MSP has a duty to listen to and address the concerns of their constituents. Even if all they can then say is "Sorry, nothing I can do." By all accounts, Salmond has not done so on this issue; he has ignored the residents' complaints about their treatment.

I freely admit that I do not know the stance of Malcolm Bruce, the Lib Dem MP for the area, on this issue and what his response to the atrocious treatment of the residents has been.

2) The local planning authority rejected Trump's original planning application.

This rejection was overturned and planning permission granted by the Scottish government; leader and first minister, Alex Salmond.

So, bearing in mind the objections of the local residents, many of whom are being intimidated in efforts to make them leave their homes or face compulsory purchase orders to force them out; bearing in mind the objections of many environmental groups; bearing in mind that the area is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, do you agree with Salmond that all this should be destroyed to make golf courses for rich Americans?

Straight question; will you give a straight answer; yes or no?

Not quite " by all accounts " , but certainly by yours. Where is your source or in fact evidence that,

1/ That the local plannig rejected all Trumps planning applications?

2/ That Alex Salmond granted planning permission to anyone.

I do hope it is not the press again or indeed your crystal ball.

So are you saying that the Scottish press cannot be trusted? Surely that is the strongest argument against independence ever?


Trustworthy press......now there's a novel idea eh?

A newspaper without a political agenda is as rare as hen's teeth.

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1) Every MP and MSP has a duty to listen to and address the concerns of their constituents. Even if all they can then say is "Sorry, nothing I can do." By all accounts, Salmond has not done so on this issue; he has ignored the residents' complaints about their treatment.

2) The local planning authority rejected Trump's original planning application.

This rejection was overturned and planning permission granted by the Scottish government; leader and first minister, Alex Salmond.

Not quite " by all accounts " , but certainly by yours. Where is your source or in fact evidence that,

1/ That the local plannig rejected all Trumps planning applications?

2/ That Alex Salmond granted planning permission to anyone.

Not quite by all accounts?

OK, show us one which says Salmond even acknowledged his constituents concerns before the film was shown, let alone did anything about them.

Trump, I understand, put in quite a few applications at various times for various projects on the estate. If you want to find out which were accepted and which rejected by Aberdeenshire County Council then you can search their website.

But, at least one of those applications, the main one, was rejected by the council, and subsequently allowed by the Scottish Government.

Salmond may not have personally granted the permission, almost certainly didn't, but he is First Minister and so bears ultimate responsibility. Particularly as one hopes he was taking a close interest as the site is in his constituency!

The residents who are being forced out of their homes, who have had their water and electricity illegally cut off by Trump's bully boys, who have had construction waste illegally dumped outside their homes; they're sure Salmond was paying close attention; to make sure his mate Trump got what he wanted.

Maybe you should have a look at the website set up by locals opposed to the scheme and to Trumps tactics, Tripping Up Trump. I say it's locals taking action; but you will doubtless dismiss it as politically biased!

Still, one good thing that will hopefully come out of this scandal is that after the next election to the Scottish Parliament Salmond will no longer be an MSP; I can't see many people in his constituency voting for him after the way he has ignore them!

Then again, he'll probably find himself a nice safe SNP seat and stand there instead.

So, bearing in mind the objections of the local residents, many of whom are being intimidated in efforts to make them leave their homes or face compulsory purchase orders to force them out; bearing in mind the objections of many environmental groups; bearing in mind that the area is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, do you agree with Salmond that all this should be destroyed to make golf courses for rich Americans?

Straight question; will you give a straight answer; yes or no?

Obviously not!


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1) Every MP and MSP has a duty to listen to and address the concerns of their constituents. Even if all they can then say is "Sorry, nothing I can do." By all accounts, Salmond has not done so on this issue; he has ignored the residents' complaints about their treatment.

2) The local planning authority rejected Trump's original planning application.

This rejection was overturned and planning permission granted by the Scottish government; leader and first minister, Alex Salmond.

Not quite " by all accounts " , but certainly by yours. Where is your source or in fact evidence that,

1/ That the local plannig rejected all Trumps planning applications?

2/ That Alex Salmond granted planning permission to anyone.

Not quite by all accounts?

OK, show us one which says Salmond even acknowledged his constituents concerns before the film was shown, let alone did anything about them.

Trump, I understand, put in quite a few applications at various times for various projects on the estate. If you want to find out which were accepted and which rejected by Aberdeenshire County Council then you can search their website.

But, at least one of those applications, the main one, was rejected by the council, and subsequently allowed by the Scottish Government.

Salmond may not have personally granted the permission, almost certainly didn't, but he is First Minister and so bears ultimate responsibility. Particularly as one hopes he was taking a close interest as the site is in his constituency!

The residents who are being forced out of their homes, who have had their water and electricity illegally cut off by Trump's bully boys, who have had construction waste illegally dumped outside their homes; they're sure Salmond was paying close attention; to make sure his mate Trump got what he wanted.

Maybe you should have a look at the website set up by locals opposed to the scheme and to Trumps tactics, Tripping Up Trump. I say it's locals taking action; but you will doubtless dismiss it as politically biased!

Still, one good thing that will hopefully come out of this scandal is that after the next election to the Scottish Parliament Salmond will no longer be an MSP; I can't see many people in his constituency voting for him after the way he has ignore them!

Then again, he'll probably find himself a nice safe SNP seat and stand there instead.

So, bearing in mind the objections of the local residents, many of whom are being intimidated in efforts to make them leave their homes or face compulsory purchase orders to force them out; bearing in mind the objections of many environmental groups; bearing in mind that the area is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, do you agree with Salmond that all this should be destroyed to make golf courses for rich Americans?

Straight question; will you give a straight answer; yes or no?

Obviously not!

So , what's new ?

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Well, it shows that Salmond puts money ahead of his constituents and the environment.

It shows that Salmond is not the knight in shining armour destined to lead Scotland into a bright, prosperous and green future that some would have us believe.

Oh, it will be bright and prosperous for his mates with money; but not for the ordinary Scottish citizen.

But, you're right; that's not new.

He is a politician, after all.

How can you tell when a politician is lying?

Their lips are moving.

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Well, it shows that Salmond puts money ahead of his constituents and the environment.

It shows that Salmond is not the knight in shining armour destined to lead Scotland into a bright, prosperous and green future that some would have us believe.

Oh, it will be bright and prosperous for his mates with money; but not for the ordinary Scottish citizen.

But, you're right; that's not new.

He is a politician, after all.

How can you tell when a politician is lying?

Their lips are moving.

That's garbage, the Scottish media and political class were all over this story in minute detail from the get go. Salmond admitted very early in the process that he had contact with Trump, then he walked away from the process. I don't think you have any idea at the level of scrutiny and controversy that accompanied this application all the way through.

All you need to know 7x7 is that after the application was passed the SNP created Scottish political history by becoming the first fully enfranchised majority government in Scottish political history. The Scottish electorate were fully aware of the precious sand dunes blah blah blah, and guess what? The SNP still won.

So put away your Guardian, set aside Google, and ask yourself...........how did that happen?

I know for a fact you don't know. coffee1.gif

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Does Sean Connery get to vote ? whistling.gif


What about Mel Gibson,after all the Historical lies he told for the Scots?thumbsup.gif

It was just a film. I've never seen it in fact.

True! and if you like factual films,then give Gibson ones a miss,he sells his films on controversy and little factual evidence.

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Away from silly fake heritage myths a more serious point is highlighted by Salmond's nasty little love-in with developer Donald Trump and his desire to trash one of Scotland's most magnificent stretches of coastline in order to line his and a few others pockets.

Anyone who has spent anytime in Ireland in the last 20 years can hardly fail to miss the destruction caused by cosy relationships between greedy politicians and greedy developers. So much of Ireland has been trashed as a consequence and that process now seems to be well underway in Scotland.

Take a glance at any coverage of this story or even a look at "You've been trumped", and they give an interesting insight into how the "greatest ever politician", aka Mr Salmond, operates. The similarities with Bertie Ahern are quite alarming to put it mildly.

And of course folium you just happened to miss the fact that the Scottish government led by Mr Salmond

recently threw out a move by Trump to stop the erection of a wind farm off the coast of his golf course!!!

Anyone can select information that supports their view but it is the whole picture that is relevant to any debate

or discussion not some one-sided byassed view like yours.

And an update on this destruction of a stunning stretch of Scottish coastline and a classic case of lies, bending over for money and an utter contempt/disregard of local opinion, and all within the "greatest ever politician's" constituency....


How could anyone do business with such a....................................................write along the dotted line!

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Far be it from me to help the Unionists in their campaign to hold the UK together, however being a gentleman I would kindly suggest that they up the level of debate from Hollywood movies and tartan myths and deal with the issues that matter.

I've read some of the submissions on this thread in the last couple of weeks and quite frankly I wouldn't want my name next them, they are so childish and appalling.

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There's far too much made about Trump and AS, Trump bought land, made an application which was accepted, ( in the end ) and that's it. As PhuketJock pointed out Trump was recently slapped down for his views on the wind farm. If he thought he had the SNP and AS in his pocket he's just had a proper slapping.

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The golf course was many years opposed by the locals around Inverurie....I know one lass who liked to walk her dogs along the beach there back in 2003 when the proposals were being considered then.

Trump is relentless...the money involved huge....and barring the site having been sacred every local knew persistence would eventually pay off.

Jobs hae been created let's not forget....its a bit of NIMBYism but also a loss for local people....of whom few in fact used the area of the total population.

A minor issue....but the political furore of the windfarms is one to ponder...I saw them in Fife recently and think its better than plumes of smoke rising into the sky every night.

Onwards and upwards for Scotland!

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I agree with that Smokie......we've no shortage of wild open spaces and coast line......we could afford to lose a bit to a golf development of this profile. There's always a balance between nature and commerce, in this case commerce won out. It doesn't always do so, there's a proposal going through for a new town to be called Owenstown next to Lanark.......in my opinion it's an absurdity. The initial planning application will be heard on Thursday and I will be astounded if it gets permission.

I blame this other short sighted absurdity for a lot of the ills of the UK.......


I'm never too keen on civil servants putting their oar in the water, it doesn't normally turn out well. However I am fully in favour of the planning system in Scotland, the Trump battle was a vicious battle, and in the end IMHO the correct decision was made in that case. That doesn't mean that every proposal meets the correct criteria though.

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Incidentally, I was involved in a public meeting recently, where a wonderful new facility was opened up, without any strategy as to how to use the top two tiers. Another absurdity and you better believe I ripped the assorted worthies to shreds.

End result? I was approached by three organisations after the event looking for some input, I have a meeting scheduled next week where the germ of my idea has made a massive organization jump to attention. I know at times some of you guys think I'm some kind of rambling idiot but that cannot be further from the truth. The germ of the idea is so simple it's breathtaking, as all good ideas tend to be.

When I meet with the agency in question next week we will enter into discussions as to how to organize it. The bottom line is the agency will have to pay me a healthy sum to run this idea for them. What's the relevance to Scotland? This will get people back to work in substantial numbers, it's exactly the strategy required to get us back on our feet.

The first centre will open in Glasgow, I will be looking for the same centres to open in every single substantial town and city in the UK within three years. You'll be stunned at how simplistic it is......what's the idea?

Let me do the deal with this agency, then I'll announce it......this is the difference between businessmen and bureaucrats......a quote from the Director of the Agency involved.....

" I've been involved in European Development funds for 20 years, I've never seen such a clear strategy for getting people back to work".

At the end of the day, that's what's at the root of the anger and turmoil in Scotland......we lost our jobs and the UK government lost it's way. We thought that labour would go into power and turn the economy around, in reality they bust the economy. We really do need to go back to basics.....

Build it, Bake it, Design it. Make it.

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Well, it shows that Salmond puts money ahead of his constituents and the environment.

It shows that Salmond is not the knight in shining armour destined to lead Scotland into a bright, prosperous and green future that some would have us believe.

Oh, it will be bright and prosperous for his mates with money; but not for the ordinary Scottish citizen.

But, you're right; that's not new.

He is a politician, after all.

How can you tell when a politician is lying?

Their lips are moving.

That's garbage, the Scottish media and political class were all over this story in minute detail from the get go. Salmond admitted very early in the process that he had contact with Trump, then he walked away from the process. I don't think you have any idea at the level of scrutiny and controversy that accompanied this application all the way through.

All you need to know 7x7 is that after the application was passed the SNP created Scottish political history by becoming the first fully enfranchised majority government in Scottish political history. The Scottish electorate were fully aware of the precious sand dunes blah blah blah, and guess what? The SNP still won.

So put away your Guardian, set aside Google, and ask yourself...........how did that happen?

I know for a fact you don't know. coffee1.gif

So as far as you are concerned the Trump development is all fine and dandy and a few "precious sand dunes blah blah blah..." are not really worth worrying about.

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Well, it shows that Salmond puts money ahead of his constituents and the environment.

It shows that Salmond is not the knight in shining armour destined to lead Scotland into a bright, prosperous and green future that some would have us believe.

Oh, it will be bright and prosperous for his mates with money; but not for the ordinary Scottish citizen.

But, you're right; that's not new.

He is a politician, after all.

How can you tell when a politician is lying?

Their lips are moving.

That's garbage, the Scottish media and political class were all over this story in minute detail from the get go. Salmond admitted very early in the process that he had contact with Trump, then he walked away from the process. I don't think you have any idea at the level of scrutiny and controversy that accompanied this application all the way through.

All you need to know 7x7 is that after the application was passed the SNP created Scottish political history by becoming the first fully enfranchised majority government in Scottish political history. The Scottish electorate were fully aware of the precious sand dunes blah blah blah, and guess what? The SNP still won.

So put away your Guardian, set aside Google, and ask yourself...........how did that happen?

I know for a fact you don't know. coffee1.gif

So as far as you are concerned the Trump development is all fine and dandy and a few "precious sand dunes blah blah blah..." are not really worth worrying about.


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Every major environmental group in Scotland disagrees with you.

You obviously know nothing of the area, theblether. It's wasn't just a few sand dunes!

From The Independent

Was Foveran Links the greatest giant sand dome in the world? Jonny Hughes, director of conservation at the Scottish Wildlife Trust, is in no doubt that it was certainly pretty special, and unique in the UK, though there is something similar in Denmark. It was constantly in motion, moving several metres a year. "It was a great shifting system, changing all the time," he explains. "As the sand moves, it exposes the water table; the dry sand blows away until you get the wet sand, which is where the water table is. Then the plants colonise the bare, wet sand. That colonisation can happen over a period of months or years – then these communities get buried again as the wind direction changes. It's a continual succession of new communities, and this gives rise to a unique assemblage of plants."

Foveran Links was an SSSI, a "Site of Special Scientific Interest", of which there are more than 1,400 in Scotland and 4,000 in England. The idea of designating a place as an SSSI, says Scottish Natural Heritage, is "to protect the best of our natural heritage by making sure that decision-makers, managers of land and their advisers, as well as the planning authorities and other public bodies, are aware of them when considering changes in land-use or other activities which might affect them".

You will now, doubtless, dismiss the report, as you have all others you don't care for, and accuse The Independent of being politically biased.

Tell us; do you think that it is acceptable for a MSP to ignore the concerns of his constituents and to ignore the illegal harassment of those constituents?

We know Salmond thinks it is, because that is exactly what he has done!

Hopefully his constituents will, now that his role is becoming more widely known, will let him know their disgust at the next election.

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You know nothing about the planning system in Scotland.......you would need to be wired to the moon to believe that any local MSP had the power to over-rule local public opinion, the local council, the press, the courts, et al.

Give up on this 7x7 and Folium, you are barking in the wrong forest, not even up the wrong tree.

I feel compelled to ask.......who is feeding you this crap? Is there some panic stricken Guardian / News Statesman PR guru peddling this garbage? This is now a non story in Scotland........the only interest in this issue is the conceit of Trump being punctured by the SNP telling him to take a hike in regards to the offshore wind farms.

The only comments about the course now are about how good it is........so go hug your sand dunes elsewhere if you don't mind.

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You know nothing about the planning system in Scotland.......you would need to be wired to the moon to believe that any local MSP had the power to over-rule local public opinion, the local council, the press, the courts, et al.

Give up on this 7x7 and Folium, you are barking in the wrong forest, not even up the wrong tree.

I feel compelled to ask.......who is feeding you this crap? Is there some panic stricken Guardian / News Statesman PR guru peddling this garbage? This is now a non story in Scotland........the only interest in this issue is the conceit of Trump being punctured by the SNP telling him to take a hike in regards to the offshore wind farms.

The only comments about the course now are about how good it is........so go hug your sand dunes elsewhere if you don't mind.

And you have the nerve to call Trump conceited....!! Pot, kettle etc

Interesting piece below. must admit I love the idea of Trump's course being buried under the dunes....

Hole In Trump’s Golf Course Investment

Evidence has mounted which suggests that the tycoon may have overlooked a number of factors which will negatively impact on Mr Trump’s investment.

Speaking to Scottish Times, Andy Wightman, a land reform campaigner, explained why he believes Mr Trump may be set to lose millions on his investment in the course, with the magnate basing the course’s environmental sustainability on assumption and wishful-thinking.

  • Mr Wightman referenced a Scottish National Heritage-issued report by Dr Jim Hansom, which shows the dunes have been in the process of migrating northward by 550m since 1949. Whilst this shift is declining in speed, the golfing green, which is entirely surrounded by dunes will eventually be buried as sand is transported north by the wind. This is a naturally occurring process which will be costly and protracted to prevent.
  • Despite his vast fortune, Mr Trump has no apparent grounds to prevent the construction of the EOWDE, with the final decision resting only on Scottish Ministers. The billionaire has warned on many occasions that he will not make any other developments to the course, including the building of a clubhouse and hotel, should the wind farm go ahead.
  • A ‘world-class’ golf course may not be feasible, as neither the course nor the surrounding area could facilitate a championship event. Large events attract larger numbers of spectators which will require local infrastructure including accommodation. However Mr Trump has warned that the infrastructure developments which he promised, are to be predicated on the cancellation of the offshore wind farm - an event which is unlikely to transpire.
  • In a competitive sense the course itself has also been labelled as too challenging by professional golfers. Furthermore, future major golfing events will be accredited by Golf Environment Organisation (GEO) - the same body which refused to attend the opening of Mr Trump’s course.

Mr Wightman, who is also a author of Who Owns Scotland, told ST: "This vanity project will end in tears on a rock of hubris and recrimination.

“When it does, at least the long suffering residents of the Menie Estate will be able to live in peace once more and those responsible for bringing about this saga can reflect on their role and consider whether this is in fact the kind of sustainable development we want in the new Scotland."

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Incidentally, I was involved in a public meeting recently, where a wonderful new facility was opened up, without any strategy as to how to use the top two tiers. Another absurdity and you better believe I ripped the assorted worthies to shreds.

End result? I was approached by three organisations after the event looking for some input, I have a meeting scheduled next week where the germ of my idea has made a massive organization jump to attention. I know at times some of you guys think I'm some kind of rambling idiot but that cannot be further from the truth. The germ of the idea is so simple it's breathtaking, as all good ideas tend to be.

When I meet with the agency in question next week we will enter into discussions as to how to organize it. The bottom line is the agency will have to pay me a healthy sum to run this idea for them. What's the relevance to Scotland? This will get people back to work in substantial numbers, it's exactly the strategy required to get us back on our feet.

The first centre will open in Glasgow, I will be looking for the same centres to open in every single substantial town and city in the UK within three years. You'll be stunned at how simplistic it is......what's the idea?

Let me do the deal with this agency, then I'll announce it......this is the difference between businessmen and bureaucrats......a quote from the Director of the Agency involved.....

" I've been involved in European Development funds for 20 years, I've never seen such a clear strategy for getting people back to work".

At the end of the day, that's what's at the root of the anger and turmoil in Scotland......we lost our jobs and the UK government lost it's way. We thought that labour would go into power and turn the economy around, in reality they bust the economy. We really do need to go back to basics.....

Build it, Bake it, Design it. Make it.


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Well, it shows that Salmond puts money ahead of his constituents and the environment.

It shows that Salmond is not the knight in shining armour destined to lead Scotland into a bright, prosperous and green future that some would have us believe.

Oh, it will be bright and prosperous for his mates with money; but not for the ordinary Scottish citizen.

But, you're right; that's not new.

He is a politician, after all.

How can you tell when a politician is lying?

Their lips are moving.

That's garbage, the Scottish media and political class were all over this story in minute detail from the get go. Salmond admitted very early in the process that he had contact with Trump, then he walked away from the process. I don't think you have any idea at the level of scrutiny and controversy that accompanied this application all the way through.

All you need to know 7x7 is that after the application was passed the SNP created Scottish political history by becoming the first fully enfranchised majority government in Scottish political history. The Scottish electorate were fully aware of the precious sand dunes blah blah blah, and guess what? The SNP still won.

So put away your Guardian, set aside Google, and ask yourself...........how did that happen?

I know for a fact you don't know. coffee1.gif


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