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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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Romney's "too soon" response criticized the Twitter statement by the US Embassy in Egypt apologizing [in advance] for the video. The Obama admin agreed with him and had the statement removed from the Embassy Twitter account.

I criticized Romney for coming out so early considering the tragedy (we should unite at times of tragedy). But the way the media hounded Romney for DAYS while giving Obama a free pass as he flew off to LAS VEGAS for a fundraiser after his Rose Garden speech, maybe even before we had recovered the body of our ambassador is inexcusable.

You know putting it in red doesn't make it any more impressive - it was covered in the debate and Obama was there when the bodies arrived on US soil. Romney was rightly hounded for making a politicial issue out of a tragedy just to try and win a few votes. That is just bottom feeding in my book.

Yes, by the time the bodies had been recovered and shipped to the USA, Obama was back from his fundraising tour in Las Vegas. But the fact is why they were still unaccounted for Obama was out in Sin City, smiling, laughing and raising money.

When we were attacked on 9/11, President Bush was not allowed to return to Washington DC by the Secret Service and people on the Left criticized him for being absent even though it was out of his control. But when we get attacked by terrorists on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 and 4 Americans die including an ambassador for the first time in over 30 years, President Obama can go straight to Vegas to raise money for his political campaign and all the Left and their MSM friends can do is go after candidate Romney. If there is any bottom feeding going on here, it is by people with Obama/Biden bumper stickers on their cars.

One thing I will say about that is that I don't blame Bush for not walking the streets right after 9/11, he's the commander in chief and should be protected at all costs in those circumstances. However, in this instance America itself was not under attack. I don't think Obama could have visited Libya, and he had no need to hide. He went to greet the bodies arriving back on U.S. soil, so as far as I'm concerned he discharged his duties and commitments as he should have done. Romney would have been better off just shutting up until afterwards instead of his crude and misguided attempt at point scoring, don't you think?

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It isn't the Democrats that wheedled their way into the voting system to try and find creative ways to put off the elderly and disenfranchised from voting (many simply don't have drivers licenses) and hired voter registration companies to throw away Democrat voters' registration forms.


Wrong in so many ways.

1. Look up Obama's former employer and see how many convictions have been issued to them for Voter Registration Fraud. The acronym for this organization is ACORN. http://www.washingto...again/?page=all

2. Go back to Lyndon Johnson's first Senate election when the Democratic party suddenly found enough votes in a small county in Texas to win him his election. http://www.reformati...on-johnson.html

3. Look up John Kennedy's election when it was found that Joe Kennedy bought off some Illinois officials to somehow produce enough votes for Kennedy to carry Illinois. http://stonezone.com...icle.php?id=391

4. Check out the New Black Panther Party's intimidation of voters in the 2008 election. They had been charged when the Obama administration's Attorney General chose to drop all charges. http://washingtonexa...00#.UIemU2_BuTQ

5. Anybody can get a photo ID by going to the appropriate state government office and requesting one. Voter ID laws DO NOT require the ID to be a driver's license. A photo ID can be a library card or nearly any sort of photo ID card.

On this one I have to agree: They both appear to be untrustworthy bastards.

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Sorry to make yet another post on this but I'm afraid a previous post by me may have been misleading as to my position: I want to add that I personally believe -- with lots of identifiable and explicable reasons to support my belief -- that the Benghazi issue (ie what it was called and how it was discussed afterwards) is even at its worst NOT as big a deal as Romney partisans wish it was or pretend it is.

And the opposite can be said of Obama supporters.

So basically one side puts too much importance on lying to the American people about a terrorist attack which killed 4 Americans and the other side puts too little importance on it. Yeah, that's a winning position for Obama, I hope he runs with it the next two weeks.

I'm afraid I don't quite understand your post and suspect you have misunderstood mine (certainly you haven't accurately summarized it).

But are you under the mistaken impression that I am proposing a campaign stratagem for the President? How odd.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Romney's "too soon" response criticized the Twitter statement by the US Embassy in Egypt apologizing [in advance] for the video. The Obama admin agreed with him and had the statement removed from the Embassy Twitter account.

I criticized Romney for coming out so early considering the tragedy (we should unite at times of tragedy). But the way the media hounded Romney for DAYS while giving Obama a free pass as he flew off to LAS VEGAS for a fundraiser after his Rose Garden speech, maybe even before we had recovered the body of our ambassador is inexcusable.

You know putting it in red doesn't make it any more impressive - it was covered in the debate and Obama was there when the bodies arrived on US soil. Romney was rightly hounded for making a politicial issue out of a tragedy just to try and win a few votes. That is just bottom feeding in my book.

Yes, by the time the bodies had been recovered and shipped to the USA, Obama was back from his fundraising tour in Las Vegas. But the fact is why they were still unaccounted for Obama was out in Sin City, smiling, laughing and raising money.

When we were attacked on 9/11, President Bush was not allowed to return to Washington DC by the Secret Service and people on the Left criticized him for being absent even though it was out of his control. But when we get attacked by terrorists on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 and 4 Americans die including an ambassador for the first time in over 30 years, President Obama can go straight to Vegas to raise money for his political campaign and all the Left and their MSM friends can do is go after candidate Romney. If there is any bottom feeding going on here, it is by people with Obama/Biden bumper stickers on their cars.

One thing I will say about that is that I don't blame Bush for not walking the streets right after 9/11, he's the commander in chief and should be protected at all costs in those circumstances. However, in this instance America itself was not under attack. I don't think Obama could have visited Libya, and he had no need to hide. He went to greet the bodies arriving back on U.S. soil, so as far as I'm concerned he discharged his duties and commitments as he should have done. Romney would have been better off just shutting up until afterwards instead of his crude and misguided attempt at point scoring, don't you think?

Romney should have shut up for a few days and Obama should have cancelled his Las Vegas trip. As President of the United States, Obama's is a bigger screw-up.

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Romney has released a couple of years of tax returns that show he pays less than average tax, gives his money to the Mormon church and writes a large chunk of it off; but he daren't release the rest, or the tax loopholes - which Dems have NOT shut up about - will very much come to the fore.

Romney's tax rate was higher than someone making $50,000/year and that's another reason Obama has shut up about it. Other Dems may not have because they are low information, uninformed voters.

Romney pays higher tax rate than someone earning $50,000 per year

IRS data, though, shows that Romney’s effective income tax rate — that’s what he pays as a percentage of his income once deductions and other benefits are factored in — is actually far higher than what most Americans pay.

And it’s certainly higher than what someone making $50,000 pays

I found a different calculation:


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Obama wins - takes Ohio and takes 52 % of the vote. I'll be back on the 7th to remind you I said this, and accept your congratulations at my impressive prognostication skills.

It's not enough. I need more. The only place Obama has been ahead in the polls is this outdated news story on Thai Visa.

Romney will be the next President of the USA. If he is not elected I will not post about politics for a year and will include in my avatar the phrase "I don't know Jack Shit about American politics." I will do this if JT, you and whoever liked your post will do the same with the Obama choice.

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You are getting quite desperate to get away from the real issue, but let's keep the facts out there, shall we? The Gulf of Oman is accepted as a branch of the Arabian Sea, much like the Gulf of Mexico is part of the American Mediterranean Sea. Your quibbling is rather pointless, since you can verify these facts for yourself.

American Mediterranean Sea??

I thought you were nuts but whaddayaknow...


Edited by koheesti
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And we certainly don't want to mention that Iran borders the Arabian Gulf, Arabian Sea and the Caspian sea as sea routes to the world as some have posted. Particularly when Iran borders the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Caspian Sea is actually the largest LAKE in the world.

Have you consulted that globe yet?

Had Romney said "routes to the world" your three bodies of water would only have one error. However, since he specifically said "routes to the sea", you were incorrect with the Caspian Sea (aka Lake) and the Gulf of Oman. One out of three isn't very good.

My point is the Caspian Sea is a landlocked lake and does not provide naval access to any other body of water, other than by road of course. You were incorrect on that.

Iran does not border the Arabian Sea. It borders the Gulf of Oman. You were incorrect on that as well.

Up to you whether you admit your mistakes or not but I know what I would do.

You are getting quite desperate to get away from the real issue, but let's keep the facts out there, shall we? The Gulf of Oman is accepted as a branch of the Arabian Sea, much like the Gulf of Mexico is part of the American Mediterranean Sea. Your quibbling is rather pointless, since you can verify these facts for yourself.

As for the Caspian not being a Sea, well whoop de do, I'm afraid that's what it's called so you'll have to get over it. I've never worked out the Sargasso myself, so I just accept that it's called a "Sea" and move on.

More importantly, and this is something perhaps you could forward to Mr. Romney, the Caspian Sea is of significant strategic importance, since it forms a direct sea route from Russia to Iran, which I would imagine probably carries some cargo that might be of interest to the Commander-in-Chief - especially considering some of it might be used in forthcoming military skirmishes.

Again, you are using Fox News tactics to try and (I might say quite poorly) criticise my choice of maritime terms - and bend the truth about me misquoting Romney - to deflect from the fact that FIVE TIMES Romney has repeated that Syria is Iran's "Route to the Sea", which illustrates that (a) he does not understand Iran's borders and coasts, and (cool.png he seems to have forgotten about the fact that there is no border between Iran and Syria.

If anyone needs to admit something it's you.... that Romney is an ignoramus when it comes to Foreign Affairs. I'm sure he knows every good resort in the Cayman Islands, if that's some consolation to you.

Just to clarify, here's a map. I think it would be a good idea if you forwarded it to "[email protected]" and told him him which one is Iran, which one is Syria, and which one is Iraq (you might want to point out the Caspian and Russia while you are at it).


Added: I'd like to hear what both of them have to say about the Amir of Qatar arriving in Gaza waving his chequebook around. That is a most surprising turn of events.

Talk about getting desperate...

I am not avoiding the real issue at all. You quoted Romney in an earlier post and then stated incorrect data to try and minimize Romney's remark.

Now you are spinning like a top. Have fun in your total confusion.

Edited by chuckd
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Talk about getting desperate...

I am not avoiding the real issue at all. You quoted Romney in an earlier post and then stated incorrect data to try and minimize Romney's remark.

Now you are spinning like a top. Have fun in your total confusion.

Please point out the incorrect data. Because you, like Romney, are simply wrong, and instead of learning and avoiding the mistake, seem to want to keep repeating the lie. I'm more than happy to keep educating you.

By the way, what do you mean by "minimize Romney's remark", I'm simply pointing out that is it wrong (and it's been wrong on five separate occasions that I've read).

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You are getting quite desperate to get away from the real issue, but let's keep the facts out there, shall we? The Gulf of Oman is accepted as a branch of the Arabian Sea, much like the Gulf of Mexico is part of the American Mediterranean Sea. Your quibbling is rather pointless, since you can verify these facts for yourself.

American Mediterranean Sea??

I thought you were nuts but whaddayaknow...


You'd be amazed how many people initially chuckle when you mention West Asia instead of the Middle East....


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The world poll spoken about earlier.


Not that their opinion matters, but I wonder if they are based on how good (or bad) each cadidate is for America, how good he is for their own country, or how good he is for the world?

Good question. I would say for the most part none of the above as they don't really know that much about either candidate.

Lets look at the people I know around the world but remove the ones who have a good knowledge of America and its politics, none of which would vote for Romney anyway. The remainder couldn't tell the diference between a Democrat and a Republican so all they see is an individual. They see Obama as the first black president, they see that since he has been in office, investments in their own country stopped nose diving, they see a man who helped create global stability. With Romney they know very little, they know he is a Mormon which puts a lot of people off and they also see him as a man who constantly changes his mind and this scares them. Sure they would like to see more growth etc. but they have no desire to see markets crashing around their ears again and this is what they think will happen if Romney wins. Why do you think Pakistan showed a positive for Romney? I suggest it is because they WANT the US to collapse.

One other thing I guess is that people are pretty sure that if Romney visits their country, he will offend everyone in that country.

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The world poll spoken about earlier.


Not that their opinion matters, but I wonder if they are based on how good (or bad) each cadidate is for America, how good he is for their own country, or how good he is for the world?

Good question. I would say for the most part none of the above as they don't really know that much about either candidate.

Lets look at the people I know around the world but remove the ones who have a good knowledge of America and its politics, none of which would vote for Romney anyway. The remainder couldn't tell the diference between a Democrat and a Republican so all they see is an individual. They see Obama as the first black president, they see that since he has been in office, investments in their own country stopped nose diving, they see a man who helped create global stability. With Romney they know very little, they know he is a Mormon which puts a lot of people off and they also see him as a man who constantly changes his mind and this scares them. Sure they would like to see more growth etc. but they have no desire to see markets crashing around their ears again and this is what they think will happen if Romney wins. Why do you think Pakistan showed a positive for Romney? I suggest it is because they WANT the US to collapse.

One other thing I guess is that people are pretty sure that if Romney visits their country, he will offend everyone in that country.

He bows better. Everyone knows that. It is why he is ahead in the global polls.



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And we certainly don't want to mention that Iran borders the Arabian Gulf, Arabian Sea and the Caspian sea as sea routes to the world as some have posted. Particularly when Iran borders the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Caspian Sea is actually the largest LAKE in the world.

Have you consulted that globe yet?

Had Romney said "routes to the world" your three bodies of water would only have one error. However, since he specifically said "routes to the sea", you were incorrect with the Caspian Sea (aka Lake) and the Gulf of Oman. One out of three isn't very good.

My point is the Caspian Sea is a landlocked lake and does not provide naval access to any other body of water, other than by road of course. You were incorrect on that.

Iran does not border the Arabian Sea. It borders the Gulf of Oman. You were incorrect on that as well.

Up to you whether you admit your mistakes or not but I know what I would do.

You are getting quite desperate to get away from the real issue, but let's keep the facts out there, shall we? The Gulf of Oman is accepted as a branch of the Arabian Sea, much like the Gulf of Mexico is part of the American Mediterranean Sea. Your quibbling is rather pointless, since you can verify these facts for yourself.

As for the Caspian not being a Sea, well whoop de do, I'm afraid that's what it's called so you'll have to get over it. I've never worked out the Sargasso myself, so I just accept that it's called a "Sea" and move on.

More importantly, and this is something perhaps you could forward to Mr. Romney, the Caspian Sea is of significant strategic importance, since it forms a direct sea route from Russia to Iran, which I would imagine probably carries some cargo that might be of interest to the Commander-in-Chief - especially considering some of it might be used in forthcoming military skirmishes.

Again, you are using Fox News tactics to try and (I might say quite poorly) criticise my choice of maritime terms - and bend the truth about me misquoting Romney - to deflect from the fact that FIVE TIMES Romney has repeated that Syria is Iran's "Route to the Sea", which illustrates that (a) he does not understand Iran's borders and coasts, and (cool.png he seems to have forgotten about the fact that there is no border between Iran and Syria.

If anyone needs to admit something it's you.... that Romney is an ignoramus when it comes to Foreign Affairs. I'm sure he knows every good resort in the Cayman Islands, if that's some consolation to you.

Just to clarify, here's a map. I think it would be a good idea if you forwarded it to "[email protected]" and told him him which one is Iran, which one is Syria, and which one is Iraq (you might want to point out the Caspian and Russia while you are at it).


Added: I'd like to hear what both of them have to say about the Amir of Qatar arriving in Gaza waving his chequebook around. That is a most surprising turn of events.

Talk about getting desperate...

I am not avoiding the real issue at all. You quoted Romney in an earlier post and then stated incorrect data to try and minimize Romney's remark.

Now you are spinning like a top. Have fun in your total confusion.

I LOVE geography even more than politics but this is starting to get silly to the point I am starting to see seas of women in binders covered with big, yellow feathers. smile.png

btw - looking at that great map, Syria is clearly Iran's link to the Mediterranean Sea.

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The world poll spoken about earlier.


Not that their opinion matters, but I wonder if they are based on how good (or bad) each cadidate is for America, how good he is for their own country, or how good he is for the world?

Good question. I would say for the most part none of the above as they don't really know that much about either candidate.

Lets look at the people I know around the world but remove the ones who have a good knowledge of America and its politics, none of which would vote for Romney anyway. The remainder couldn't tell the diference between a Democrat and a Republican so all they see is an individual. They see Obama as the first black president, they see that since he has been in office, investments in their own country stopped nose diving, they see a man who helped create global stability. With Romney they know very little, they know he is a Mormon which puts a lot of people off and they also see him as a man who constantly changes his mind and this scares them. Sure they would like to see more growth etc. but they have no desire to see markets crashing around their ears again and this is what they think will happen if Romney wins. Why do you think Pakistan showed a positive for Romney? I suggest it is because they WANT the US to collapse.

One other thing I guess is that people are pretty sure that if Romney visits their country, he will offend everyone in that country.

He bows better. Everyone knows that. It is why he is ahead in the global polls.


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Donald Trump set the hare running on Monday by claiming that he was set to make an announcement on Wednesday that would be ‘bordering on gigantic' and that it would ‘possibly’ change the Presidential race.

" Stay tuned for my big Obama announcement--- probably on Wednesday. "

Edited by Asiantravel
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Donald Trump set the hare running on Monday by claiming that he was set to make an announcement on Wednesday that would be ‘bordering on gigantic' and that it would ‘possibly’ change the Presidential race.

There was a programme on UK TV recently showing all the scams that Trump pulled to build his golf course in Scotland. I wouldn't trust that man to clean my drains.

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Donald Trump set the hare running on Monday by claiming that he was set to make an announcement on Wednesday that would be ‘bordering on gigantic' and that it would ‘possibly’ change the Presidential race.

" Stay tuned for my big Obama announcement--- probably on Wednesday. "


Maybe he is going to offer Obama a spot on "The Apprentice"?

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Some interesting news came out today:


White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails

By Mark Hosenball

WASHINGTON | Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:11pm EDT

(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

The emails, obtained by Reuters from government sources not connected with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department and who requested anonymity, specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.

The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.





Emails detail unfolding Benghazi attack on Sept. 11

(CBS News) It was six weeks ago on Tuesday that terrorists attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Now, CBS News has obtained email alerts that were put out by the State Department as the attack unfolded. Four Americans were killed in the attack, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

These emails contain the earliest description so far of what happened at Benghazi the night of the attack.

At 4:05 p.m. Eastern time, on September 11, an alert from the State Department Operations Center was issued to a number government and intelligence agencies. Included were the White House Situation Room, the office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the FBI.


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btw - looking at that great map, Syria is clearly Iran's link to the Mediterranean Sea.

With that I would not disagree. But does Romney know it's called the "Mediterranean Sea", and does he know that Iran has to go through Turkey or Iraq+Syria to get to it?

No he bloody well does not (well he probably does now if he's reading this thread <heh>).

By the way, of all these pictures of politicians sucking up to billionaire sheikhs, none of them make me shudder like this puppy did. And that's as far off this topic as I intend to go. I must admit, I don't think Romney would accept a hairy Arab tongue down his throat.


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Some interesting news came out today:


White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails

By Mark Hosenball

WASHINGTON | Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:11pm EDT

(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

The emails, obtained by Reuters from government sources not connected with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department and who requested anonymity, specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.

The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.





Emails detail unfolding Benghazi attack on Sept. 11

(CBS News) It was six weeks ago on Tuesday that terrorists attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Now, CBS News has obtained email alerts that were put out by the State Department as the attack unfolded. Four Americans were killed in the attack, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

These emails contain the earliest description so far of what happened at Benghazi the night of the attack.

At 4:05 p.m. Eastern time, on September 11, an alert from the State Department Operations Center was issued to a number government and intelligence agencies. Included were the White House Situation Room, the office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the FBI.


All that shows is that the people doing the attacking were militants. But how can we be sure that the militants weren't motivated that evening by the video? The Obama campaign has my permission to use that spin if they want. ;)

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Some interesting news came out today:


(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

An Islamic militant group taking credit for a terrorist attack is "interesting", chuck?

Do you know how many such groups claim responsibility for each and every attack? That's more often than not just line noise.

We already know who is responsible. Barack Obama.

He stood up and told 60+ million Americans that he's responsible, remember?

He also said he's going to hunt them down (apparently one person "linked" to the attack is already in custody in Tunisia).

Hold on, haven't we covered this before?

How about answering post #705 before you start the Benghazi circus again?

Noticed from the NY Times:

Interviewed at the scene on Tuesday night, many attackers and those who backed them said they were determined to defend their faith from the video’s insults. Some recalled an earlier episode when protesters in Benghazi had burned down the Italian consulate after an Italian minister had worn a T-shirt emblazoned with cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad. Ten people were reportedly killed in clashes with Colonel Qaddafi’s police force.

That assault was led by a brigade of Islamist fighters known as Ansar al-Sharia, or the Supporters of Islamic Law. Brigade members emphasized at the time that they were not acting alone. On Wednesday, perhaps apprehensive over Mr. Stevens’s death, the brigade said in a statement that its supporters “were not officially involved or were not ordered to be involved” in the attack.

At the same time, the brigade praised those who protested as “the best of the best” of the Libyan people and supported their response to the video “in the strongest possible terms.”

So who posted on Facebook and Twitter? And can they be believed, i.e. is that really a credible claim these days?

Another question that no-one seems to be asking is how did the attackers know the Ambassador would be there? It would seem he was only visiting Benghazi to open a US cultural centre (whatever that is).

Edited by Chicog
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Donald Trump set the hare running on Monday by claiming that he was set to make an announcement on Wednesday that would be ‘bordering on gigantic' and that it would ‘possibly’ change the Presidential race.

" Stay tuned for my big Obama announcement--- probably on Wednesday. "


Maybe he is going to offer Obama a spot on "The Apprentice"?


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Donald Trump set the hare running on Monday by claiming that he was set to make an announcement on Wednesday that would be ‘bordering on gigantic' and that it would ‘possibly’ change the Presidential race.

" Stay tuned for my big Obama announcement--- probably on Wednesday. "


Maybe he is going to offer Obama a spot on "The Apprentice"?


I thought it was about Obama's divorce.

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Not that Trump carries much weight outside the US, but if you are interested in a punt, Paddy Power have a list:

  • Obama is not an American - 4/6
  • Evidence of illegal drug use by Obama - 7/2
  • Trump to 'fire an Obama Impersonator' - 4/1
  • Barack and Michelle have started divorce proceedings - 5/1
  • Trump to endorse Obama - 15/2
  • Obama to guest on 'Celebrity Apprentice' - 50/1
  • Obama to be given Honary Membership of Trump International Golf Links - 75/1
  • Obama to host 'The Apprentice' if Romney takes the White House - 250/1
  • Obama knows the Moon landing was staged - 250/1
  • Obama is an alien - 250/1
  • Obama wears a wig - 500/1
  • Trump: "I'm your father Obama" - 500/1

And yes, you can seriously bet on these, although I definitely would skip a few of them.

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Obama wins - takes Ohio and takes 52 % of the vote. I'll be back on the 7th to remind you I said this, and accept your congratulations at my impressive prognostication skills.

It's not enough. I need more. The only place Obama has been ahead in the polls is this outdated news story on Thai Visa.

Romney will be the next President of the USA. If he is not elected I will not post about politics for a year and will include in my avatar the phrase "I don't know Jack Shit about American politics." I will do this if JT, you and whoever liked your post will do the same with the Obama choice.

No, because I don't have any investment in what you do or don't do, like or don't like. Do as you want - run naked in the street. I'll be back on the 7th to accept my due.

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You are under no obligation to answer anything you do not wish to answer.

Do not try to cite another post by the post number. If any intervening posts have been deleted, then the post number will change. The same if a deleted post is restored.

Stick to the topic.

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