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What You Didn't Do


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I am still young enough to dream about things not done and to maybe even plan to do a few of these things before I die. However, for some time might be running out. I was thinking about all of you TV members who seem to have done so much, or you are lying which I know I should keep in mind :o .

I want to know what are some of the things you always wanted to do but have not, or not yet?

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I agree that it's sometimes difficult to fit in all the things you want to do! However, for many years I had a list of things, nothing that wild: take up horse riding, visit Iceland, take up diving, that sort of thing. You know, you just have to sit down and prioritise, I took up riding, visited Iceland, took up diving, and now I wonder why I didn't do them all sooner! So just go for it - live life to the fullest...

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I agree that it's sometimes difficult to fit in all the things you want to do! However, for many years I had a list of things, nothing that wild: take up horse riding, visit Iceland, take up diving, that sort of thing. You know, you just have to sit down and prioritise, I took up riding, visited Iceland, took up diving, and now I wonder why I didn't do them all sooner! So just go for it - live life to the fullest...

I am stuck right now. Trying to finish school and pay the rent, which is turning out to be harder than school. So, everything is on hold right now. One day is the mantra over here.

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A brilliant quote and so true...

"Before you cross the street, take my hand.. "

Also good advise :o

Here's the tune if anyone is wondering what we are going on about :D

Absolute class tune, enjoy!

Edited by Rj 81
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I am doing what i always wanted to do DANCE & TEACHING...however i want to do it more hours a day...

Have I told you that i am a flamenco freak and that i am going to give up my job to use most of my time dancing? :o I ´ve just took that decision few days ago...But i am so happy with it... :D

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I am doing what i always wanted to do DANCE & TEACHING...however i want to do it more hours a day...

Have I told you that i am a flamenco freak and that i am going to give up my job to use most of my time dancing? :o I ´ve just took that decision few days ago...But i am so happy with it... :D

What haven't you done that you would like to do, then? It doesn't have to be an ultimate thing, just something you really want to do.

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I am doing what i always wanted to do DANCE & TEACHING...however i want to do it more hours a day...

Have I told you that i am a flamenco freak and that i am going to give up my job to use most of my time dancing? :o I ´ve just took that decision few days ago...But i am so happy with it... :D

What haven't you done that you would like to do, then? It doesn't have to be an ultimate thing, just something you really want to do.

I can´t recall anything...maybe...I wanted to be vivien leigh in "Gone with the wind"

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This is life long quest?! :D

Dude, slow down and sit by that lake of yours for awhile.

I spend time almost every day on the shores of the most beautiful lake in the world.... Sit on the beach, watch the sunset on the other side, behind the volcanoes, and the beautiful colours.... Then i take another sip of beer, down the last of the zacapa and get back to the bar for another drink... Not Hurriedly though.

I'm sometimes very slow with my feelings. But once you are considered a friend, I'll die for you rather than see you wronged!

I agree. I use the word friend very rarely. A friend should be like a brother or sister and that level of commitment should come from both people.

Cue: Baan TBBSuegha Harem :o

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The important word is 'yet'. If there is something you want to do, then do it. If you like it, great. If not - so what, you've tried it.

Don't have regrets. I've done lots of things and, as a consequence, I couldn't do certain other things. So be it. I wanted to travel and then go to university, but when I was 18 it wasn't an option. So I got a job that I loved and gained friends and experiences. I went to uni when I was 32 and I now travel the world.

I have a whole selection of things I want to do - if you have no ambition/goals/aims, then where is the fun in life?

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Totally, Sadman..... you are not so sad after all (are you? :D ) I am yet to visit South America. Have been wanting to get there all my life but I keep getting distracted. :o

I made a promise to a man - who is no longer on this planet- that I would kayak up the Amazon for him ( he was dying at the time and knew that I'd always wanted to go there). I still haven't made it ... but I will. For both of us!!!! :D

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