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Sleep Apnea Treatment In Chiang Mai?

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I have been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. I wish I took care of it sooner, but my health insurance is about to be over and I am moving to Chiang Mai in 3 months.

I will probably buy one in the states and bring it with me. The most purchased Cpap machine is like $260 with the humidifier and it's travel sized.

Are there any rules/regulations to transporting my own Cpap Machine into Thailand?

Any other tips?


Sounds like a good plan. If your budget can afford it, consider buying extra parts and even a duplicate machine. Those things are very expensive to buy here in Thailand and your choices are limited. If something goes wrong with it, it would be expensive to replace.

Bringing it in as a carry on is no problem. I'm unaware of any rules regarding it.


I have two of them. I use them as a carry on. No problem you are allowed one carry on and a medical machine. So I carry on my lap top and cpap machine. I purchased both of mine in Canada. They are a ResMed. The cost was close to two thousand dollars for the smaller newer one. The older one was arounf $1,400. I got the best I could as My medical paid the bill I was allowed one every five years. As soon as the five years was up I got the new one. That was four years ago and the old one is still working fine.

You might want to consider bringing extra filters as they do not last that long here. The idea of a spare one is a good idea at that low of a price because the chances of repair here are not good. did have a problem with my humidifier and the only service available was in KL fortunately we were headed that way any how.

My newest one you can operate with or with out the humidifier. I use it as I hate waking up with a mouth full of cotton. They can be purchased here. I had to buy a oxygen concentrator to hook up to mine. They had cpap machines there not sure if they still do or what the cost is. I will have the wife check that out today as she has to go over there and buy a new filter for my concentrator.

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There are more modern computerized machines that only give you air when you need it and a humidifier is not needed which means no filling with water or cleaning the humidifier. You might consider one of those.

Agree, except I do use a humidifier, and OP may want to check out a few different machines before coming here. I was unable to use the constant pressure machine. The totally automatic (APAP) is the one for me. Like hellodolly I bought the best I could afford. It's also made by Resmed, model S9.


Your best purchase will be an auto cpap machine. The cost is somewhat higher than the regular preset machines but in the long run will give you a more comfortable experience. You may want to check out... www.cpapsupply.com...They are located in Oregon and ship products world wide. I have no problem receiving cpap products by international mail here in Thailand.


Great post, and good information. I have ordered supplies from www.cpapsupply.com. In order to get a mask or new machine you will need a doctor's prescription. The forms are available on the website. I printed the form out and had my doctor sign it, then I scanned and emailed it to the cpapsupply. For filters and hoses you don't need a prescription. I will probably get a new machine when I can, so that I have a spare (great idea).


44,000 baht locally for one with out the humidor. I don't know any thing about the machine my wife was in there to pick up a filter for my oxygen concentrator and I had her price it.

Not knowing the quality of the different machines the only thing I could say about it is if it needs service you can get it done here.


Thanks Hello Dolly for the info as being allowed a CPAP machine as a separate carry-on piece of luggage. I usually pack mine with my computer, cameras and all the other electronic junk i travel with.

I also use Resmed S9 but the pre-set version as i couldn't afford the extra 600 AUD for the variable. There is also a travel power supply unit which is very useful , about the size of a laptop power supply . Those filters only last about 3 months . I wash mine and re-use although Resmed advises to buy and use new ones.


Thanks Hello Dolly for the info as being allowed a CPAP machine as a separate carry-on piece of luggage. I usually pack mine with my computer, cameras and all the other electronic junk i travel with.

I also use Resmed S9 but the pre-set version as i couldn't afford the extra 600 AUD for the variable. There is also a travel power supply unit which is very useful , about the size of a laptop power supply . Those filters only last about 3 months . I wash mine and re-use although Resmed advises to buy and use new ones.

The power supply must be new in the last three years. I got the top of the line about 9 years ago and another one 3 years ago. I had a insurance policy that paid for them. Both of mine are variable. They both work great and should last a lot longer. For my money ResMed is top of the line. If I had to buy a new one I would make the sacrifice. The only problem I ever had was with the humidifier. The machine still worked but I had to use the on and off switch on the back of it.


Thanks Hello Dolly for the info as being allowed a CPAP machine as a separate carry-on piece of luggage. I usually pack mine with my computer, cameras and all the other electronic junk i travel with.

I also use Resmed S9 but the pre-set version as i couldn't afford the extra 600 AUD for the variable. There is also a travel power supply unit which is very useful , about the size of a laptop power supply . Those filters only last about 3 months . I wash mine and re-use although Resmed advises to buy and use new ones.

The power supply must be new in the last three years. I got the top of the line about 9 years ago and another one 3 years ago. I had a insurance policy that paid for them. Both of mine are variable. They both work great and should last a lot longer. For my money ResMed is top of the line. If I had to buy a new one I would make the sacrifice. The only problem I ever had was with the humidifier. The machine still worked but I had to use the on and off switch on the back of it.

I would be very suspect of a 9 year old machine still working great. Especially if you are using it daily as you should. The baffle system that provides the air starts to wear down after 3 or 4 years. You may not realise it because the machine is still providing air. However if you carefully monitor the volume of air the machine is providing you will usually see that it is slowly decreasing the volume of air below the recommended level for you. Currenly I have 4 machines. 2 Resmed automatic both in semi retirement because air volume not up to necessary level. 1 new Devilbiss auto which works just as good as the Resmeds did when they were new. I also have a ZZZ Pap machine for when I travel. This is the smallest CPAP machine in the market and weighs only 1.75 lbs.

Market trader

Thanks for the heads up on that. I generally have my machine checked over when I go back for a visit. I didn't go last year so this year I will take the older one even though it is bigger. I think it has been 3 years since I had it looked at last.

Not familiar with the Devilbiss how is it for cost and does it have the automatic pressure and humidifier? I actually don't mind the bigger machines for traveling. Gives me more room for books.


Market trader

Thanks for the heads up on that. I generally have my machine checked over when I go back for a visit. I didn't go last year so this year I will take the older one even though it is bigger. I think it has been 3 years since I had it looked at last.

Not familiar with the Devilbiss how is it for cost and does it have the automatic pressure and humidifier? I actually don't mind the bigger machines for traveling. Gives me more room for books.

Devilbiss with auto adjust and humidifier plus 3 year warrantly $464.00 USD. Increasing to $545.00 with 5 year warranty. As I mentioned in earlier post just click on....wwwcpapsupply.com...You will see a large assortment of machines, masks and supplies. They ship worldwide.
  • 5 months later...

I know this is an old post, but, is there any where in Chiang Mai I can get a sleep study? Im pretty sure I have sleep apnea, I emailed a couple of hospitals , but didnt get a reply, Thanks, Chris.


The information I had was there was no place in Chiang Mai that does a sleep study but will be seeing Dr Morgan again on the 19th and will ask her again as it has been a while since my last visit, as I also have sleep apnoea and left my machine in Perth as there is no place in Chiang Mai that can service it if needed


I know this is an old post, but, is there any where in Chiang Mai I can get a sleep study? Im pretty sure I have sleep apnea, I emailed a couple of hospitals , but didnt get a reply, Thanks, Chris.

Just go into a hospital and tell them you want a sleep study done. Or ask your Doctor where to have one.

You can get a cpak machine on line fairly cheaply, I have two expensive ones because my insurance company paid for them.

A sleep study is necessary because it will determine the level of pressure to set your machine up to. It will also tell you if there are other problems. Mine showed that I also had RLM rapid leg movement. It to will also help to keep you from a deeper sleep. My ex used to complain about it and I had no idea what she was talking about. Also my sleep study showed that while I was getting enough oxygen during the day I was not at night and needed an additional 6 litters a minute.

I had taken a sleep study at home (not in a hospital) in previous years and all it said was I had sleep apnea nothing else. It also did not tell me how much pressure I needed.

If you get a machine check on the availability of re[airs on it. For mine I would have to go to K L for the closest service. I am told that some of them now just recommend buying a new one. Can't say on that.

I looked for them here in Chiang Mai and the only one I found was 45,000 baht. The one good point is that you could get it serviced here. I have no idea on its quality any more than I do on any of the others when I just read the manufactures talk.


The information I had was there was no place in Chiang Mai that does a sleep study but will be seeing Dr Morgan again on the 19th and will ask her again as it has been a while since my last visit, as I also have sleep apnoea and left my machine in Perth as there is no place in Chiang Mai that can service it if needed

i have to take mine everywhere as i just can`t sleep without any more, i brought mine from resmed origanly but when it died after 13thousand + hrs Chermside Hospital in Brisbane gave me 1 to use as i am now on a pension, so repairs not a worry now


I had a sleep study done a few months ago here. I understand they do them at RAM but it was recommended I go to Siraphat Hospital.

Meet with the doctor who arranged for someone to come to my house and hook me up for the sleep study. Cost 3K baht. Meet with the doctor to interpret the results, she recommended a machine which came from the same guy who came to my house. Machine was 65K baht adn I paid an extra 5K for a mask that I felt comfortable with. They let me try it out for a week. Their machine was at least 2x what it would cost elsewhere and they wouldn't budge on price. I researched my options and while I could have saved ordering it online I didn't know what the import tax would be and I worried how difficult it would be to get service. The guy that sold me the machine will give me replacement while fixing mine. Wasn't happy with the cost but seemed like my best option.


I had a sleep study done a few months ago here. I understand they do them at RAM but it was recommended I go to Siraphat Hospital.

Meet with the doctor who arranged for someone to come to my house and hook me up for the sleep study. Cost 3K baht. Meet with the doctor to interpret the results, she recommended a machine which came from the same guy who came to my house. Machine was 65K baht adn I paid an extra 5K for a mask that I felt comfortable with. They let me try it out for a week. Their machine was at least 2x what it would cost elsewhere and they wouldn't budge on price. I researched my options and while I could have saved ordering it online I didn't know what the import tax would be and I worried how difficult it would be to get service. The guy that sold me the machine will give me replacement while fixing mine. Wasn't happy with the cost but seemed like my best option.

I would go to the Ram. That whole situation sounds dodgy to me. and 6 months ago I checked at a pharmacy across the street from Siraphat Hospital and it was only 45,000 baht.

I have two resmeds and they are expensive but my insurance company paid for them so I am happy with them. The one now is not working properly I have to turn it on and off with the switch. But hey 10 years of use I can't complain. I am now using the newer one.


I had a sleep study done a few months ago here. I understand they do them at RAM but it was recommended I go to Siraphat Hospital.

Meet with the doctor who arranged for someone to come to my house and hook me up for the sleep study. Cost 3K baht. Meet with the doctor to interpret the results, she recommended a machine which came from the same guy who came to my house. Machine was 65K baht adn I paid an extra 5K for a mask that I felt comfortable with. They let me try it out for a week. Their machine was at least 2x what it would cost elsewhere and they wouldn't budge on price. I researched my options and while I could have saved ordering it online I didn't know what the import tax would be and I worried how difficult it would be to get service. The guy that sold me the machine will give me replacement while fixing mine. Wasn't happy with the cost but seemed like my best option.

Surely that had to be the 18ct gold one with diamonds and rubies. These machines have actually decreased in price somewhat over that past 5 years. I have 2 machines with me here in Chiang Mai. Both purchased new one year ago.. One is a devilbliss automatic Which cost $425.00 U.S. (12,325 bahts) The other is a ZZ pap which is very light and I use for travelling. It cost $199.00 U.S. (5770 bahts)) As I have mentioned before a U.S. company www.cpapsupply.com ships worldwide.


the information has been very usefull for me and thanks for the information

will look more into it now myself and get my machine when I get back to Perth

thanks again


You do not want to buy a machine here. I had a DeVilbiss shipped from USA and even with tax and duty I had a significant savings. Automatic is the way to go for sure. Recently I had Radiofrequency turbinate reduction and I am hopeful that the sleep apnea problem will be reduced or eliminated . The air pollution in Bangkok has caused swelling and blockage at night.


The smog has caused me to have asthma which I get in bad seasons normally and since i have been back here in Chiang Mai this time it has returned and so the sleep apnea is also bad


the information has been very usefull for me and thanks for the information

will look more into it now myself and get my machine when I get back to Perth

thanks again

I would strongly urge a sleep study in a hospital to make sure there are no other problems. Mine they had me so wired up that when I had to take a leak in the middle of the night they were not happy. And as I have stated earlier they found two other problems. Good luck


We often hear prices are cheaper on line and they probably are.

My question is what is the price what is the tax and what is the duty.

And when you say cheaper than here in Thailand what price are you referring to. One poster said 60,000 baht. I found one for 45,000 baht (all in) so I know there are others out there just don't know what there costs are or what the costs people are using to compare them to. Truth is I have not even tried to find them here in Thailand, I just noticed it when I was buying my oxygen concentrator.

On line I have seen some pretty cheap stuff.

One other question I would ask is the availability of repair work mine the closest is KL then Canada. Also of course replacement parts masks, filters and hoses seem to not last forever specially the filters Once a month recommendation but here in Chiang Mai more like every other week. I imagine these things can be bought on line or direct from the company.


Dolly and others. IMO CPAP machines are now like other electronics not worth repairing, I have a 5 year old ResMed auto back in Canada that started to malfunction. When I took it in to be repaired the quote was 70% the cost of a new improved version.

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Dolly and others. IMO CPAP machines are now like other electronics not worth repairing, I have a 5 year old ResMed auto back in Canada that started to malfunction. When I took it in to be repaired the quote was 70% the cost of a new improved version.

Yes I had heard that also. When it comes time to replace mine I will definatly not go with a resmed as insurance no longer pays for them. I think there new state of the art are about $2,000 Canadian. But they are a good machine no doubt about that.

As I said earlier I have had one ten years and had to replace the humidifier once and now I have to turn it on and off with the switch. Not a bad deal as I see it. It is now my back up machine.


Thank you for the replies to my bump, one more question, Im only in Chiang Mai for 10 days, and the hospitals, I emailed never answered. Will I be able to find a place to do the sleep study as soon as I get there? or should I try and swt it up before I get there. Thanks again.


Thank you for the replies to my bump, one more question, Im only in Chiang Mai for 10 days, and the hospitals, I emailed never answered. Will I be able to find a place to do the sleep study as soon as I get there? or should I try and swt it up before I get there. Thanks again.

I would try to set it up with the Ram hospital. I am sure you could go in and make an appointment and recieve it with in two days.


Dolly and others. IMO CPAP machines are now like other electronics not worth repairing, I have a 5 year old ResMed auto back in Canada that started to malfunction. When I took it in to be repaired the quote was 70% the cost of a new improved version.

Yes I had heard that also. When it comes time to replace mine I will definatly not go with a resmed as insurance no longer pays for them. I think there new state of the art are about $2,000 Canadian. But they are a good machine no doubt about that.

As I said earlier I have had one ten years and had to replace the humidifier once and now I have to turn it on and off with the switch. Not a bad deal as I see it. It is now my back up machine.

I had to have my old Resmed repaired as it would automaticlly power down after about an hour or so i went to the Resmed head office in Sydney and they gave me a quote that was exorbinet and then unchained the sales people onto me to buy a new machine which i did. Much better and quieter than the older one but it is not an outomatic so i will upgrade at some time but maybe not Resmend either . Resmed may have been the original inovators/manufacturers of CPAP machines but are now too expensive.

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