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After the mid-term last Semester, I tried to devise a lesson whereby I would reveal each student's results from my tests and try to motivate them to improve on their score.

I used the students with high scores to display what was possible with hard work, I also suggested they would be the ones who would go to Uni and most likely secure a good job.

I then tried to explain the material and non material advantages of a good job.

I also explained that speaking English would be a big advantage in the workplace after 2015 ( ASEAN )

Likewise I tried to show that lower grades resulted in a lower GPA and a smaller chance of a good job.

I didn't highlight the lower grade students as I didn't want to embarrass them.

Well the final results still show a lot of poor grades, I can only do so much rolleyes.gif

I would like to repeat this lesson next Semester but with a better result.

I have drawn up a chart of each class's GPA and a ladder showing the weakest to the strongest - but I am trying to find a more effective way to get the message across.

I understand now that no students fails - I was asked to mark a '2' as a minimum, and fell that this safety net stops the lazier students from bothering.

It's a real shame because some of them have the ability to get a '3' or even a '4' IMO.

Has anyone planned a lesson with this kind of objective/goal in mind - please help if you can :)

I'll probably be told to forget it and just teach what is in the book, but I'm trying to help some of the lesser motivated ones here.

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You can tell them why ASEAN would be a big advantage after 2015....

•The AEC would pave the way for the free flow of skilled labor in eight professions comprising doctors, dentists, nurses, engineers, architects, accountants, surveyors and the tourism industry in 2015*

Read more: http://www.bangkokbu.../#ixzz289rAkgLF

You can tell them

The 2008 Alien Work Act will be changed to allow foreigners to take 147 job titles.

–The law, which gives Thais sole right to work in more than 39 jobs, including hairdressing, wood carving, gem cutting and as tour guides, will be amended to allow foreigners to compete for the same jobs.

•The 2002 Labor Skill Development Act will also change so skill development services cover foreign workers.

•The 1975 Labor Relations Act and the 2000 State Enterprise Labour Relations Act will be amended to provide foreign workers with welfare and labor rights, such as the right to form their own unions.

•The 1990 Social Security Act will be amended to expand social security services to cover foreign workers.

•Singhadet Chuamnat, director of the The Labor Ministry Bureau of Coordination for International Cooperation

–Urged Thais to improve their skills to compete with their foreign counterparts.

–He encouraged Thais to learn English and the languages of other Southeast Asian nations.

http://www.bdo-thait...n-the-news/3925 (Reprint from Bangkok Post 20 Jan, 2012)

You can tell them the world they graduate to will be different from the world their parents graduated from. Instead of 60 million people to compete for jobs, they will compete for jobs with 600 million people. Tell them the smart Cambodian or Burmese educated workers will get they job they apply for because it will be legal and cheaper to hire them.

You can tell them they will be doing all the work that Thai people let Burmese and Lao people do.

The ASEAN motto: "One Vision, One Identify, One Community"....... and one very long ass unemployment line full of Thai people who can't get a job because they can't speak English.

wai2.gifTell them that!

Edited by richard10365
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