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International Internet Charges To Go Up?....any Links To This?


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Just watched TNN and they are saying we will be paying more for internet if we use it internationally.....This is world wide not just Thailand.

Can anyone who has the link to this, please post it on this thread. I am very interested to see where it is all going...down hill with more charges by the look.


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Are you referring to the UN supported Internet tax?


Just first of many taxes the UN would like to get their hands on.

Partial Quote from Above Link:

ETNO, a lobbying organization representing European telcos like Vodafone and Telecom Italia, has been calling for companies like Google and Apple that push massive amounts of data across the Internet to be forced to pay fees linked to usage, according to media reports.

End Quote.

Me thinks some telecommunications companies are just looking for ways to create new data usage fees to save mankind from using too much data (and raise their own revenue/profits), and lobbying governments by saying it's a good way to raise government revenue (i.e., raise/create another tax).

Yes Sir, they have our best interests in mind--not!!!!!

Edited by Pib
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They've been talking about it for years, it's just a huge moneymaking scam.

Data is already being paid for twice. You are paying for your internet connection to send/recieve to the other side. The other side are paying for their internet connection to send/recieve to your side. It's like if on your phone, both parties were being charged for calls.

So now, the telcos want to be paid thrice, twice isn't enough. And who can blame them. I know I couldn't live on only $1.5 Billion a week.

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