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OK, as promised, DEXA results. I'm also going to include some info pages.









If you're looking at the results closely you may notice a K-nail in the left femur. This weighs about 400 grams and scews the BMC and BMD slightly.

There is also 2 results given for total body fat percentage, 8.9 and 9.5%. The 9.5% is a scewed result because the head is always around 20% fat. Not taking the head into consideration gives 8.9%. You cannot reduce the head below about 20%. It's essential fat in the brain.

I see that there is slightly more fat around the legs than the trunk. That is pretty good as you would expect more around the trunk than the legs normally.

Notice the BMI is 30.5 The BMI really should be scrapped as it has no benefit at all and is very misleading.

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OK, as promised, DEXA results. I'm also going to include some info pages.









If you're looking at the results closely you may notice a K-nail in the left femur. This weighs about 400 grams and scews the BMC and BMD slightly.

There is also 2 results given for total body fat percentage, 8.9 and 9.5%. The 9.5% is a scewed result because the head is always around 20% fat. Not taking the head into consideration gives 8.9%. You cannot reduce the head below about 20%. It's essential fat in the brain.

Have had a read through it all now and it is indeed very thorough.

Next time I am in Oz I might try and find out where I can get one done for motivational purposes.

Interesting about the fat visceral vs subcutaneous. I reckon the subcutaneous fat is the problem for me. And it seems that is the hardest to lose.

As for your results where can you go from here?

There really isnt any room for improvement is there?


I see that there is slightly more fat around the legs than the trunk. That is pretty good as you would expect more around the trunk than the legs normally.

Notice the BMI is 30.5 The BMI really should be scrapped as it has no benefit at all and is very misleading.

I'm very happy about this because the main reason for doing the scan was to determine my level of visceral fat. I have veins showing all over my legs and pinch about 5mm upper and lower leg, so if my trunk is lower in fat than that - that's great news.

My 2010 scan showed nearly 25% truck fat. My body fat dropped from 17.6% to 8.9%, and that was mostly since January this year. My body weight dropped from 117.5kg to 100.7kg. Muscle mass dropped 6kg too, but I discovered that nearly all of that (4.7kg) was from my legs, which is understandable as I've been struggling all year with bad knees (arthritis) and it hasn't been a result of dieting.


Have had a read through it all now and it is indeed very thorough.

Next time I am in Oz I might try and find out where I can get one done for motivational purposes.

Interesting about the fat visceral vs subcutaneous. I reckon the subcutaneous fat is the problem for me. And it seems that is the hardest to lose.

As for your results where can you go from here?

There really isnt any room for improvement is there?

I'm still keen to get a few more percent off - and build more muscle.

There's a place in Melbourne and Sydney which do DEXA scans. I paid $88 in Brisbane. All follow up scans are $66.


@tropo, that is a cheap price. Would be nice if they had something like this in Thailand.

Just a remark, if going lighter on squat caused loss in muscle.. then why your upper body has not gone down. You told me you went higher in reps lower in weight.

Was it maybe the total workload. Anyway better to discuss that in an other thread.

The things about scans like this is that they really show everything and you can really see if you are doing it right while loosing weight.. if its not fat and such. For such a price to have such good data. For me it would be worth it. Even at double prices i would do it in Thailand once ever 3 months or half year (first time 3 months and then half year)


@tropo, that is a cheap price. Would be nice if they had something like this in Thailand.

Just a remark, if going lighter on squat caused loss in muscle.. then why your upper body has not gone down. You told me you went higher in reps lower in weight.

Was it maybe the total workload. Anyway better to discuss that in an other thread.

Although I go lighter than I used to on the upper body, I have high intensity and reach failure within my rep ranges. On squats I'm going very light and way below failure weight with very little intensity. All I can do is try to hold on to the muscle mass I have. I'm trying the best I can but it is an uphill battle. My quads are many inches smaller than they were for my first scan in 2010.

It is important to note that I took 7 months off last year. During that time I lost a lot of muscle on the legs (and everywhere else), but due to the condition of my knees I was unable to get it back.

This is invaluable information gained from the scan. It was worth double what I paid. The first scan I did in 2010 was free. A lady from the university sent me down to the hospital after I had done a hydrostatic weighing - she was interested to see the difference between my hydrostatic measurement and the DEXA scan.


.. and I forgot to mention, nearly 3 months ago I pulled an adductor muscle in the groin which is forcing me to use even less weight in the squat. If that comes right I'll see what I can do about gaining back some of that lost muscle mass.


I see that there is slightly more fat around the legs than the trunk. That is pretty good as you would expect more around the trunk than the legs normally.

Notice the BMI is 30.5 The BMI really should be scrapped as it has no benefit at all and is very misleading.

I'm very happy about this because the main reason for doing the scan was to determine my level of visceral fat. I have veins showing all over my legs and pinch about 5mm upper and lower leg, so if my trunk is lower in fat than that - that's great news.

My 2010 scan showed nearly 25% truck fat. My body fat dropped from 17.6% to 8.9%, and that was mostly since January this year. My body weight dropped from 117.5kg to 100.7kg. Muscle mass dropped 6kg too, but I discovered that nearly all of that (4.7kg) was from my legs, which is understandable as I've been struggling all year with bad knees (arthritis) and it hasn't been a result of dieting.

So the big question I guess is was it the diet or the exercise program that contributed more to the fat loss?


I see that there is slightly more fat around the legs than the trunk. That is pretty good as you would expect more around the trunk than the legs normally.

Notice the BMI is 30.5 The BMI really should be scrapped as it has no benefit at all and is very misleading.

I'm very happy about this because the main reason for doing the scan was to determine my level of visceral fat. I have veins showing all over my legs and pinch about 5mm upper and lower leg, so if my trunk is lower in fat than that - that's great news.

My 2010 scan showed nearly 25% truck fat. My body fat dropped from 17.6% to 8.9%, and that was mostly since January this year. My body weight dropped from 117.5kg to 100.7kg. Muscle mass dropped 6kg too, but I discovered that nearly all of that (4.7kg) was from my legs, which is understandable as I've been struggling all year with bad knees (arthritis) and it hasn't been a result of dieting.

So the big question I guess is was it the diet or the exercise program that contributed more to the fat loss?

I can tell you that the exercise program is what helped him preserve his muscle.

But what i know of Tropo his training is that he does some pretty amazing cardio. We both own one of those concept 2 model d rowers. Difference is he has used them for years on end and i just got one in July.

But he burns a lot more at the same machine that i do. I do 10km rows and burn around 600+ calories. He does sessions where he reaches the 1000. Mind you the concept 2 really tracks the calories well unlike some machines. So im pretty sure he burns off some calories by exercising too.


I see that there is slightly more fat around the legs than the trunk. That is pretty good as you would expect more around the trunk than the legs normally.

Notice the BMI is 30.5 The BMI really should be scrapped as it has no benefit at all and is very misleading.

I'm very happy about this because the main reason for doing the scan was to determine my level of visceral fat. I have veins showing all over my legs and pinch about 5mm upper and lower leg, so if my trunk is lower in fat than that - that's great news.

My 2010 scan showed nearly 25% truck fat. My body fat dropped from 17.6% to 8.9%, and that was mostly since January this year. My body weight dropped from 117.5kg to 100.7kg. Muscle mass dropped 6kg too, but I discovered that nearly all of that (4.7kg) was from my legs, which is understandable as I've been struggling all year with bad knees (arthritis) and it hasn't been a result of dieting.

So the big question I guess is was it the diet or the exercise program that contributed more to the fat loss?

I can tell you that the exercise program is what helped him preserve his muscle.

But what i know of Tropo his training is that he does some pretty amazing cardio. We both own one of those concept 2 model d rowers. Difference is he has used them for years on end and i just got one in July.

But he burns a lot more at the same machine that i do. I do 10km rows and burn around 600+ calories. He does sessions where he reaches the 1000. Mind you the concept 2 really tracks the calories well unlike some machines. So im pretty sure he burns off some calories by exercising too.

Yes but he has been training hard for years and previously had more body fat so I am guessing it is the diet that has had the more significant impact on the body fat reduction.


So the big question I guess is was it the diet or the exercise program that contributed more to the fat loss?

I can tell you that the exercise program is what helped him preserve his muscle.

But what i know of Tropo his training is that he does some pretty amazing cardio. We both own one of those concept 2 model d rowers. Difference is he has used them for years on end and i just got one in July.

But he burns a lot more at the same machine that i do. I do 10km rows and burn around 600+ calories. He does sessions where he reaches the 1000. Mind you the concept 2 really tracks the calories well unlike some machines. So im pretty sure he burns off some calories by exercising too.

Yes but he has been training hard for years and previously had more body fat so I am guessing it is the diet that has had the more significant impact on the body fat reduction.

Of course, you can't loose weight if your eating more then you burn. But by exercising a lot he could eat more. Plus more importantly conserve muscle that helped burning calories too.

What I am seeing in my diet is that at some point its hard to eat much less, then burning more is the better option.


Yes but he has been training hard for years and previously had more body fat so I am guessing it is the diet that has had the more significant impact on the body fat reduction.

There was a huge change in my training program this year. At the time of the last DEXA scan in 2010 I didn't do any cardio at all - not for years. Currently I do equal cardio and weight sessions on alternate days. At the time I dropped most of my fat mass earlier this year, when California Wow was still open, I was doing cardio nearly every day and 1200 + calorie burning sessions on dedicated cardio days.

Obviously my results are a combination of everything I'm doing, but the major factor is probably low carbs and blood sugar control along with a generally cleaner diet. I've gone through about 15 packs of testing strips since January. I don't count calories.


Of course, you can't loose weight if your eating more then you burn. But by exercising a lot he could eat more. Plus more importantly conserve muscle that helped burning calories too.

What I am seeing in my diet is that at some point its hard to eat much less, then burning more is the better option.

Yes, I agree. If I'm training hard and burning more calories I'm able to eat more food. This makes diet control easier.

This is a big advantage, because if you can eat more you can get more protein, essential fats and other nutrients.

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