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Wealthy 75-Yr-Old Thai Seeks Fountain Of Youth


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Why are a lot of people here hating over an old chap who wants to use his money to give him more time? Is it the fact that he's a billionaire? Or because he's Thai?

Maybe niether. Maybe just suggesting alternatives. I am sure that most on here couldn't really care less how he spends his wealth and I am sure there is no hatred of him or his nationality. The story was posted on here for comment and that is what it is getting. I maybe be wrong but I thought that was the whole idea of the this forum. Maybe you would like Thaivisa to make it a read only site, but then there are plenty of those already.

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Bloody hell wants to live to 98, to spend all his money, how could you spend a billion baht in 23 years i think impossible, unless he ends up marrying a bargirl.biggrin.png

Don't know for sure but give me 1,000.000,000 baht and I will give it a go and I won't even talk to a bar girl.giggle.gif

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There has been a significant amount of research in recent decades as to why cells lose their ability to reproduce - a 'planned obsolecense' as it were - over time. Research into telomeres (reactivating their growth by activating telomerase) would suggest that it is very possible to slow down (or even reverse the damage of) the ageing process. North Korea's former president was said to have had regular blood transfusions of "virgin's blood", and science suggests it's not entirely bunkum.

Don't be surprised if there are significant breakthroughs in this field in the next decade or two.

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75 and still demanding more !!... phew.. well he may stay ahead of his diabetes and maybe avoid a few other deteriorations.....but doubt the mental processes will be preserved and from this story , i suspect that he is already losing that. We are only here to procreate and after that , well, mark time creating a social network for same. Sounds like he has a a full enough life, perhaps nows a good time to reflect and shuffle off quietly, redistributing his wealth as necessary to more deserving cases.

Perhaps he can be sold on Cryogenics or simple embalming.......wisdom is something he has not been able to accrue.

Edited by metisdead
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All I can think of in response to this is.... "Good on him and Good Luck !"...

There are so many jealous and plain stupid posters on this forum sometimes. Don't you same naysayers realise that if it wasn't for these pioneering rich folk procedures such as this which might just work may never receive the funding they require for the research to continue.. one day this technology could help us or our children...

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Quite why someone would want to remain looking young or live longer, when you have something like Diabetes, somewhat baffles me; Surely spending his money on anti Diabetes treatments is going to extend and improve the quality of his life further than any stem-cell potions will. On the other hand, seeking advice from Cliff Richard or/and the Dali Llama, (and not because they both have strongly religious views) is likely to have a far more positive impact on his life, than wasting it on the snake-oil doctors dishing out stem-cell preparations?

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i was looking carefully for the 'notthenation' tag on this story, not least given the guy's name: Nut Sri-feungfung.

Must admit I never heard of him though I think I'd remember the name. Anyone know how he made his billion?

Good luck to him, anyway.

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Why would anyone be injected with "sheep" placenta stem cells when human placenta stem cells are so readily available??? Sounds like a baaaaaad idea to me.

Seriously, non-embroyonic stem cells can readily be harvested from the patient ... then incubated in bio-reactor (very much like making yogurt) to increase amount of stem-cells ... then injected into the patient. Also, non-embroyonic human umbilical-cord and placenta stem cells are readily available.

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Clinic staff used a tablet computer to explain to Nut the treatment and showed him many photos of celebrities and politicians who had undergone stem-cell treatment at the Luxembourg clinic.

Before and After... whistling.gif .... w00t.gif

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He could move to Monaco average life expectancy is now 94 that would give him some time to give his money to some good causes and maybe save a few poo children’s lives, rather than give it to some younger relatives who would never appreciate money and would not know what to do with so much money besides just squandering it, easy come easy go attitude, after he probably spent his whole working life using his brain and financial skills to amass the fortune best to enjoy it when you can.

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I don't know if the expensive Luxembourg deal will work, but I know that he could save his money with two energy techniques:

1. The 5 Tibetans - a set of ancient, anti-aging exercises from Tibet.

2. The Healing Codes to heal his physical problems.

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Bloody hell wants to live to 98, to spend all his money, how could you spend a billion baht in 23 years i think impossible, unless he ends up marrying a bargirl.biggrin.png

About $2.50 (AUD) a day and you can have a 18 yr old Thai bargirl.

Bar name please! cheesy.gif


never used one myself no need at this point in life , but have heard that for less than the price of a cup of coffee girls in the bar will tell you anything and give themselves to you to do what ever you desire. The guy could save billions.

2.50 AUD That's gotta be pre 1950 prices.

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Guess he will now be the black sheep of the family. wink.png

Funny enough, and I absolutely kid you not, this man is called the 'black sheep' because he's the darkest out of all his siblings. How do I know this? He's my great uncle! The article sounded familiar because I know this man kept coming up to my grandmother and brainwashing her about stem cells, much to the chagrin of my neurosurgeon dad (unfortunately not the one being interviewed in the article) who kept saying that it's a placebo, so imagine my surprise when I open the email only to see it being actually about him! However, in no way shape or form is a billionaire. The family (Srifuengfung) is incredulously rich, but it's all self-made from the different siblings, and there's 11 of them; he isn't as rich as the others and he certainly doesn't have a billion baht stored somewhere. And yes, they were all chinese migrants :)

However I myself have doubled eyelids, so I am not Chinese >.>

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i was looking carefully for the 'notthenation' tag on this story, not least given the guy's name: Nut Sri-feungfung.

Must admit I never heard of him though I think I'd remember the name. Anyone know how he made his billion?

Good luck to him, anyway.

He owned a jet ski which he hired out to tourists on weekends.wink.png

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