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Lineup For Yingluck's Third Cabinet Due This Week


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PM confirms reshuffle

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra conceded on Thursday she had already submitted the Cabinet reshuffle list for royal endorsement but denied any involvement by her brother Thaksin.

Yingluck said she decided to change the Cabinet lineup after the resignations of her former deputy Yongyuth Wichaidit and agriculture minister Theera Wongsamut, who had said for a long time he wanted to quit. Moreover, coalition parties also wanted a Cabinet reshuffle.

The premier said she did not change the Cabinet lineup to escape scrutiny by the opposition.

"If you look closely, the main ministries remain the same and all are doing their jobs. The government’s duty is administration, the opposition will be scrutinising us in Parliament, so we can’t escape anyway," she said.

She said she was happy with the new reshuffle. It did not mean that the ministers who were removed were incapable. The moves depended more on timing and suitability, she said.

She said the Cabinet members deserved time to work and it would take time to make the people who were not selected understand.

Asked if the selection was ordered, Yingluck said, "No. I made the list myself."

Questioned as to whether the selection "rewarded or paid back" the people who had contributed to her party, Yingluck asked the media to wait and see the list of names. She said she would be able to clarify to the public her selection of the Cabinet members. "The people picked up are capable and experienced in the relevant fields."


-- The Nation 2012-10-25

So why didn't she pick them at the very beginning..?? She is only realizing this now ...?? Duh...!!!

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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

What do you care? What is your support of the obvious cronyism and blatant nepotism of the Shinawatt clan coming from? Sounds like you got your 500 baht. LOL

I was here in Thailand before Thaskin and is ilk came to power (barely). I for one have seen what divisions this family has brought upon Thailand for personal financial gain. Try opening just one eye and see how this family is nothing more than power hungry Hi So manipulators trying to get their ill gotten wealth back and to secure Thaskin a safe return back to power. Honestly I am awe struck on how you can criticize people for speaking the obvious. To each his own I suppose

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