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Amlo ' Helpless' About Foreign Banks Refusing Transactions

Lite Beer

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If the Thai embassy staff cannot get their cheques cashed, simply close the embassy there and also ensure that no US companies can get their cheques cashed in Thailand too and expel all their citizens and businesses here. Enough is enough.....Asian countries should stop dancing to the tunes of the US or Europe which are already economically dying. Instead a strong Asian Bloc and internal trading is enough plus affliations with other Non European and Non US blocs.Stop letting the US or Europe tell other countries how to run theirs !


This must win the prize for dumbest post of the day.

Obviously the ramblings of a product of the Thai education system.

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I am seeking enlightenment - no, I don't mean from the the warblings of some strange guy wrapped in a saffron coloured sheet. I am wondering why a Thai embassy official in NYC or Washington would want to cash a cheque drawn on a Thai bank. Wouldn't the staff be paid in greenbacks? Wouldn't any private financial transactions be going in the direction of Thailand or a tax haven of the employees choice? wai2.gif

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So i guess you are saying that the people who died in the uk, bali and spain bombings got what they deserved right? If it wasnt terrorism then they must have been legitimate targets right?

I guess? Interesting fantasy you have there.

And no, terrorism does not exist. It is either a criminal act or it is not. "Terrorism" is a term used to influence behavior and nothing more.

It has influenced the (published) thoughts and actions of our politicians.

But, one is inclined to agree that it is a convenient smokescreen for increased taxation, and control.

The 'terrorists' have been successul. The lives of normal citizens in many countries have changed, as a result of their activities.

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