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Dear all,

We have been getting some complaints about some of the language that is being used within the Football Forum. Albeit we accept that in the main it is meant in jest and purely as banter, some members consider it offensive.

It is for that reason we have been lenient in the past. However, the forum rules are quite clear:- 3) Not to post in a manner that is vulgar, obscene or profane.

I am therefore kindly asking you all to please respect the forum rules and tone the language down. wai.gif

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That's a shame,I wonder how these particular forum members would feel if they god forbid attended an actual game.

They actually sing rude songs,swear at the ref and generally behave in an aggressive manner,after drinking copious amounts of Stella.

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I trust those "members" who have obsessive tendencies towards the forum search function wink.png will not be moderating on this forum?

Its one thing to have rules...which we can all agree are necessary....but this forum has been self moderating for a long time without the problems seen elsewhere.

Occasionally members step over the line slightly in their comments simply out of frustration or anger which is understandable given the emotional nature of the forum.

None of the regular posters has ever complained about this. Let common sense prevail on this forum please. wai2.gif

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Can someone post a list of all the bad words we are not supposed to use on herelaugh.png maybe make it a sticky at the topbiggrin.png

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i see that my use of the word sh*te in the liverpool thread has been edited bojangles. if knockabout use of the word 'sh*te' is going to start being moderated on here at the demand of non-posters then i'll probably stop posting on here to be honest.


i see that my use of the word sh*te in the liverpool thread has been edited bojangles. if knockabout use of the word 'sh*te' is going to start being moderated on here at the demand of non-posters then i'll probably stop posting on here to be honest.

Agree the world is to sanitized as it is, we use it as banter not to offend anyone.

If they not like coming on the big bad football forum where profanities may be used the can **** offbiggrin.png


i see that my use of the word sh*te in the liverpool thread has been edited bojangles. if knockabout use of the word 'sh*te' is going to start being moderated on here at the demand of non-posters then i'll probably stop posting on here to be honest.

Agree the world is to sanitized as it is, we use it as banter not to offend anyone.

If they not like coming on the big bad football forum where profanities may be used the can **** offbiggrin.png

This is all about search engine stuff by "I wonder the likes of whom might be searching for such words?" certain person/s looking for members to warn/ban/kick up the arse/irritate/be a general nuisance to.

I've already experienced it. As said before, please don't let such stupidity infect this forum as I'm sure those "pressurising" don't read the forumas such far less offer a regular contribution.


i see that my use of the word sh*te in the liverpool thread has been edited bojangles. if knockabout use of the word 'sh*te' is going to start being moderated on here at the demand of non-posters then i'll probably stop posting on here to be honest.

Agree the world is to sanitized as it is, we use it as banter not to offend anyone.

If they not like coming on the big bad football forum where profanities may be used the can **** offbiggrin.png

This is all about search engine stuff by "I wonder the likes of whom might be searching for such words?" certain person/s looking for members to warn/ban/kick up the arse/irritate/be a general nuisance to.

I've already experienced it. As said before, please don't let such stupidity infect this forum as I'm sure those "pressurising" don't read the forumas such far less offer a regular contribution.

It already has


Come on lads. Cut me some slack will ya. This is by far the best sub-forum on here and I don't want to censor it. I too want common sense to prevail, so I'm asking you guys to self censor.

Stevie. I shall ask if "sh*te" is ok. I mean, it's a good catch all word and I use it in real life too much biggrin.png

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Come on lads. Cut me some slack will ya. This is by far the best sub-forum on here and I don't want to censor it. I too want common sense to prevail, so I'm asking you guys to self censor.

Stevie. I shall ask if "sh*te" is ok. I mean, it's a good catch all word and I use it in real life too much biggrin.png

I don't think anyones blaming you mate, you're a f*c*ing good mod actuallythumbsup.gif


Come on lads. Cut me some slack will ya. This is by far the best sub-forum on here and I don't want to censor it. I too want common sense to prevail, so I'm asking you guys to self censor.

Bottom line is we already do. If someone started posting profanities in every other post we would tell them to watch their mouth.

Fact is when it is used say after a heavy defeat or a long wind up gives us all a smile when the poster is normally mild mannered.

We don't need the stupid end of moderating on this forum. Simply unnecessary. Its not slack that's needed, we need those with no interest in the football forum to simply bugger off and leave us alone. wink.png


Come on lads. Cut me some slack will ya. This is by far the best sub-forum on here and I don't want to censor it. I too want common sense to prevail, so I'm asking you guys to self censor.

Stevie. I shall ask if "sh*te" is ok. I mean, it's a good catch all word and I use it in real life too much biggrin.png

For a blue you are a top bloke and do a great job on here, i will try my best, maybe i will start using thai wordsbiggrin.png


Come on lads. Cut me some slack will ya. This is by far the best sub-forum on here and I don't want to censor it. I too want common sense to prevail, so I'm asking you guys to self censor.

Stevie. I shall ask if "sh*te" is ok. I mean, it's a good catch all word and I use it in real life too much biggrin.png

oh it's no reflection on you at all mate, think you and jockstar mod this forum brilliantly to be honest.

i get the impression that you're being dictated to by people above so again will reiterate that if site owners are going to take the views of supposedly offended non-posters - or quite possibly pure trolls as smokie says - over and above the views of the regular posters here then it's a sad day. there's almost zero personal abuse on this forum and use of swear words is done in the context you'd use them in normal life when discussing football. minute that starts being censored it kind of loses its point for me. ho hum.

  • Like 1

This has been discussed in the mods forum. Myself , mrbojangles and mig totally understand your feelings. We don't want to sanatise this forum. Far from it. But due to google search engines. Some words are not supposed to be posted. This is just a friendly heads up if you see your post deleted or modified then you know the reason. Sorry guys. Generally it's not too bad in here. Theres the odd thing like calling Suarez <deleted> diving twit(remove the I and add a) I can understand your frustrations. But this is not mine , migs or mrbojangles call.


This has been discussed in the mods forum. Myself , mrbojangles and mig totally understand your feelings. We don't want to sanatise this forum. Far from it. But due to google search engines. Some words are not supposed to be posted. This is just a friendly heads up if you see your post deleted or modified then you know the reason. Sorry guys. Generally it's not too bad in here. Theres the odd thing like calling Suarez <deleted> diving twit(remove the I and add a) I can understand your frustrations. But this is not mine , migs or mrbojangles call.

Moderators on this forum are excellent and I don't see why there is any need for a change in policy. Why would anyone be using the search engine to look for profane words?

Further to that just how much outrage can they exhibit when they find one or two? Its just hypocrisy.

We are all aware such nonsense comes from those with no interest or understanding of football whatsoever.

The usual doom and gloom suspects I know, having already experienced their stupidity and outright arrogance regarding the issue of profanity and what constitutes it over in the Pub. bah.gif

I'll stop now before I start ranting. wai2.gif


This has been discussed in the mods forum. Myself , mrbojangles and mig totally understand your feelings. We don't want to sanatise this forum. Far from it. But due to google search engines. Some words are not supposed to be posted. This is just a friendly heads up if you see your post deleted or modified then you know the reason. Sorry guys. Generally it's not too bad in here. Theres the odd thing like calling Suarez <deleted> diving twit(remove the I and add a) I can understand your frustrations. But this is not mine , migs or mrbojangles call.

my apologies to mig, who i neglected to mention earlier. another who moderates this forum really well and even-handedly.

google search engines though jock? messageboards and chat forums being filtered out of google search rankings based on profane content? really? new one on me that mate. ;)


its alright boys, calm down. I know you all wanna throw all sorts of abuse at my thread

so I hope it helps you to know that those abuses are accepted - gladly so. even if you arent able to say the words, I know what you are thinking and would like to say :lol:

does that help with letting you guys rant? :P

anytime we win, Ill know that you want to tell us to dot dot dot off :D

on a more serious note - I want to add that the footie forum is the part of ThaiVisa that feels like a real community to me, somewhere I certainly feel like I belong. Hencewhy while I dont go to any Thaivisa meetings, the footie get together with you guys are something Ive felt comfortable doing since my early days on here. I hope each of you will continue to remain active. It wouldnt be the same with even one of you disappearing!

speaking of last nights game - for once even I felt sorry for Chelsea! 9 men? really???

PS. thank you Stevie ;) funnily enough I was having a convo with someone last night, about the need to have my name put down on this forum.....I need claim to it LOL


This has been discussed in the mods forum. Myself , mrbojangles and mig totally understand your feelings. We don't want to sanatise this forum. Far from it. But due to google search engines. Some words are not supposed to be posted. This is just a friendly heads up if you see your post deleted or modified then you know the reason. Sorry guys. Generally it's not too bad in here. Theres the odd thing like calling Suarez <deleted> diving twit(remove the I and add a) I can understand your frustrations. But this is not mine , migs or mrbojangles call.

Moderators on this forum are excellent and I don't see why there is any need for a change in policy. Why would anyone be using the search engine to look for profane words?

Further to that just how much outrage can they exhibit when they find one or two? Its just hypocrisy.

We are all aware such nonsense comes from those with no interest or understanding of football whatsoever.

The usual doom and gloom suspects I know, having already experienced their stupidity and outright arrogance regarding the issue of profanity and what constitutes it over in the Pub. bah.gif

I'll stop now before I start ranting. wai2.gif

We can't discuss moderation i know.smile.png There is a problem though when theres certain visits few and far between from persons that clearly know nothing about the sport and their comments regarding posts reflect that in incorrectly translating certain comments as undesirable. I shall say no more. wai.gif

  • Like 1

This has been discussed in the mods forum. Myself , mrbojangles and mig totally understand your feelings. We don't want to sanatise this forum. Far from it. But due to google search engines. Some words are not supposed to be posted. This is just a friendly heads up if you see your post deleted or modified then you know the reason. Sorry guys. Generally it's not too bad in here. Theres the odd thing like calling Suarez <deleted> diving twit(remove the I and add a) I can understand your frustrations. But this is not mine , migs or mrbojangles call.

Moderators on this forum are excellent and I don't see why there is any need for a change in policy. Why would anyone be using the search engine to look for profane words?

Further to that just how much outrage can they exhibit when they find one or two? Its just hypocrisy.

We are all aware such nonsense comes from those with no interest or understanding of football whatsoever.

The usual doom and gloom suspects I know, having already experienced their stupidity and outright arrogance regarding the issue of profanity and what constitutes it over in the Pub. bah.gif

I'll stop now before I start ranting. wai2.gif

We can't discuss moderation i know.smile.png There is a problem though when theres certain visits few and far between from persons that clearly know nothing about the sport and their comments regarding posts reflect that in incorrectly translating certain comments as undesirable. I shall say no more. wai.gif

I shall just use the phrase "In context" to reply to that. Yes there is Queen's English and many derivatives thereof.


its alright boys, calm down. I know you all wanna throw all sorts of abuse at my thread

so I hope it helps you to know that those abuses are accepted - gladly so. even if you arent able to say the words, I know what you are thinking and would like to say laugh.png

does that help with letting you guys rant? tongue.png

anytime we win, Ill know that you want to tell us to dot dot dot off biggrin.png

on a more serious note - I want to add that the footie forum is the part of ThaiVisa that feels like a real community to me, somewhere I certainly feel like I belong. Hencewhy while I dont go to any Thaivisa meetings, the footie get together with you guys are something Ive felt comfortable doing since my early days on here. I hope each of you will continue to remain active. It wouldnt be the same with even one of you disappearing!

speaking of last nights game - for once even I felt sorry for Chelsea! 9 men? really???

PS. thank you Stevie wink.png funnily enough I was having a convo with someone last night, about the need to have my name put down on this forum.....I need claim to it LOL

Unfortunately my team mhas not challenged for the title in recent yearswhistling.gif but if we were i would be getting very "vexed" (is that allowed?) at the seemingly biased decisions handed out againsr Utd's opponents. Its gotten ridiculous. That game was handed to them on a platter.


We can't discuss moderation i know.smile.png There is a problem though when theres certain visits few and far between from persons that clearly know nothing about the sport and their comments regarding posts reflect that in incorrectly translating certain comments as undesirable. I shall say no more. wai.gif

are you talking about the sort of flipping flipper who should just flip back off to wherever they flipping well came from?


We can't discuss moderation i know.smile.png There is a problem though when theres certain visits few and far between from persons that clearly know nothing about the sport and their comments regarding posts reflect that in incorrectly translating certain comments as undesirable. I shall say no more. wai.gif

are you talking about the sort of flipping flipper who should just flip back off to wherever they flipping well came from?

If Billy Connolly can talk openly about someone being a jobby then so can I. The flipping flipper I flipping thinking of is a right proper jobby.


We can't discuss moderation i know.smile.png There is a problem though when theres certain visits few and far between from persons that clearly know nothing about the sport and their comments regarding posts reflect that in incorrectly translating certain comments as undesirable. I shall say no more. wai.gif

are you talking about the sort of flipping flipper who should just flip back off to wherever they flipping well came from?

I think i am, yes, i am.


We can't discuss moderation i know.smile.png There is a problem though when theres certain visits few and far between from persons that clearly know nothing about the sport and their comments regarding posts reflect that in incorrectly translating certain comments as undesirable. I shall say no more. wai.gif

are you talking about the sort of flipping flipper who should just flip back off to wherever they flipping well came from?

If Billy Connolly can talk openly about someone being a jobby then so can I. The flipping flipper I flipping thinking of is a right proper jobby.

Maybe someone level headed and responsible like myself should take control when theres no mods on here.

I'll start by locking the Chelsea and Arsenal threads.


We can't discuss moderation i know.smile.png There is a problem though when theres certain visits few and far between from persons that clearly know nothing about the sport and their comments regarding posts reflect that in incorrectly translating certain comments as undesirable. I shall say no more. wai.gif

are you talking about the sort of flipping flipper who should just flip back off to wherever they flipping well came from?

If Billy Connolly can talk openly about someone being a jobby then so can I. The flipping flipper I flipping thinking of is a right proper jobby.

Maybe someone level headed and responsible like myself should take control when theres no mods on here.

I'll start by locking the Chelsea and Arsenal threads.

mrboj already locked the Man Yoo one. I've no idea who unlocked it?

Maybe we should hold an internal investigation! w00t.gif


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