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I recently hired a car from a person whom have rented before, i did ask for the same car had before which was an older car but she insisted I take a brand new car it only had 900K when I got it.

Unfortunately I had small accident, not my fault at all, now she is claiming big money from me. I did not sign any contract whatsoever, did not pay deposit, just rent in advance, all because I am good customer. I have agreed to assist with a reasonable amount to help out if required and have made a comprehensive statement for the Insurance Company. How do I stand with this situation?


If the vehicle was insured where's the problem ? I dont see she has any claim against you at all, that's what insurance is for. If she had 1st class then every penny would be well covered. If she had 2nd or 3rd then that's her problem for not insuring adequately as the owner of the vehicle.

I am sure you were under the impression that the car was fully insured when you "rented" it, you have complied with necessary claim forms etc.

Nothing to discuss is there ?


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Far as I see it, and Im not a lawyer or expert by any means.

You didnt sign any contract.

She therefore cant do much.

Am I right?


You 'borrowed' a car and shunted it, so it's reasonable for her to ask you to top-up any imbalance between the insurance payout and the cost of repairs (the excess or deductible). I'm sure you would do the same if you lent me your car and I bent it. There was no rental agreement so it wasn't 'rented'.

Is the insurance refusing to pay for some reason? Did you follow the requirements of calling the insurance company before moving the vehicle after the accident?

Exactly how much damage did you do to her car? The other vehicle? (if there was one).

How much is the 'big money' being asked?

EDIT I'm going to move this to Motoring even though it's actually insurance related.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Even the dodgy rental places have a contract and offer all-but-2000 coverage for just a little more, in this country worth every penny.

I can't imagine actually taking responsibility for someone's car without knowing I was covered, unless it was a very very close trusted friend - but I guess if I did, I'd feel obligated to make the reasonable offer as outlined above.

But really TIT you should know better.


Crossy is absolutely right. We could do with knowing some more details though, like how much is big money? The deductible for most rental companies in Pattaya is 8000 baht so this is the most you can expect to pay, if any more then this, she is having you over. I always rent from an actual car rental company in Pattaya to avoid such problems, I normally use Pattaya Rent a Car and have never had an issue


Crossy is absolutely right. We could do with knowing some more details though, like how much is big money? The deductible for most rental companies in Pattaya is 8000 baht so this is the most you can expect to pay, if any more then this, she is having you over. I always rent from an actual car rental company in Pattaya to avoid such problems, I normally use Pattaya Rent a Car and have never had an issue

This as far as I know is a legitimate rental company.and the lady who runs it is very nice, but she is looking for 30000bt which seems a stupid amount, did not hit another car, was pushed into a wall, small scrape, by Bart Bus, who shot thru. Have given all details for insurance.

all very simple really!


I'm willing to bet that like many backstreet rental "agencies" in Pattaya, this one did not have full insurance cover for rentals. Rental cover is specifically excluded from normal "first class" insurance, and even "first class" insurance will come with an excess which will vary according to the premium paid.

And who ever heard of a legitimate rental company letting you take a car away without signing for it?

I dont rent here any more but when I did it was only from Hertz who charged less than the backstreet people in the first place and provided full cover with zero excess for just 200B extra per day. I would never even consider renting/borrowing here unless I had zero excess cover.

Beats me why anyone wastes their time and money with the backstreet people.


This as far as I know is a legitimate rental company.and the lady who runs it is very nice, but she is looking for 30000bt which seems a stupid amount, did not hit another car, was pushed into a wall, small scrape, by Bart Bus, who shot thru. Have given all details for insurance.

My car got hit whilst parked in the short-stay at Swampy, came back to a car halfway into the next space, a stove in nearside rear door and a note on the windshield with a phone number. Wifey called the number and got a very apologetic lady whose son had 'lost control' and hit my truck. Offered to pay for repairs.

We went to our local body basher (who had done a great job when I bent the Beamer some years earlier). New rear door skin, tap out a small dent in the sill and respray the area, you'd never know it had been damaged, total cost 15,000 Baht and 3 days off the road.

IMHO 30k is taking the Michael, see if she will go for you getting an independent quote and getting the vehicle repaired yourself.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


This as far as I know is a legitimate rental company.and the lady who runs it is very nice, but she is looking for 30000bt which seems a stupid amount, did not hit another car, was pushed into a wall, small scrape, by Bart Bus, who shot thru. Have given all details for insurance.

My car got hit whilst parked in the short-stay at Swampy, came back to a car halfway into the next space, a stove in nearside rear door and a note on the windshield with a phone number. Wifey called the number and got a very apologetic lady whose son had 'lost control' and hit my truck. Offered to pay for repairs.

We went to our local body basher (who had done a great job when I bent the Beamer some years earlier). New rear door skin, tap out a small dent in the sill and respray the area, you'd never know it had been damaged, total cost 15,000 Baht and 3 days off the road.

IMHO 30k is taking the Michael, see if she will go for you getting an independent quote and getting the vehicle repaired yourself.

3 days to repair = five days of lost revenue as a rental.

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