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What's Up With The Area 51 Road?


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I'm referring to the road that runs through what I presume is Air Force land along the east side of the airport from the end of Mahidol to Suthep Rd., near the Nimman intersection.

About a year ago I spotted this road on the map and it looked like a quick way to get where I was going. On that first trip, I went from the airport to Suthep without incident and with no guards or any other encumbrances at either end.

The second time was at night coming from the Suthep end. This time there was a guard at that North end who turned us back because the portable translator on the back of the bike wasn't wearing a helmet.

The third time was during the day, again coming from the Suthep end. This time we both had helmets but the guard was making a bit of a fuss about our presence. He said we cannot park but can only ride through. No problem, that's all we wanted to do. We came onto Mahidol where a young uniformed buck jumped into the road in front of the bike forcefully recommending that we stop. Many words exchanged between the guard and the translator who reported that he wanted us to turn around and go back out the Suthep end of the road. I was having none of it and simply said, no we're going to Airport Plaza, not going back the way we came, and just sat there waiting. There was a bit of a standoff. He then decided to phone the guard at the other end of the road who I presume told him he had allowed us through. We were waived away in a grumpy and officious manner.

So what's the deal with this road? Can the public use it? It's a really handy and quick way out to the CMU area from the South side of town, at least when Sergeant Sanuk doesn't get involved.

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You need a Wing 41 sticker on your vehicle to transit this road.

It is not a public road.

Lots of people slip through for years (guard distracted, shift change, etc.) and think it's OK.

Then they get turned around eventually.

In 3 more days, Nov 1, the annual opening of registering vehicles for Wing 41 passes opens.

Google (for this forum) "Wing 41" and you will read the many posts on this topic.

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You need a Wing 41 sticker on your vehicle to transit this road

hes right ... .. it looks like this .. and the guards have every right to refuse

you entry if you dont have an up to date sticker on your bike / car

or portable translators a#se : )



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It's a military facility and military police manning the gates and have a perfect right to stop and turn back any vehicle without a sticker. Actually, any vehicle period if there is something going on they don't want non military personnel access to the facility. It's convenient for me from the university for immigration or when I need to do something on Hang Dong road.

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I lucked out on the timing of posting this topic, given that stickers are issued starting this Thursday. Thanks for the info!

Just to clarify, the applications will be accepted but actual issuing/receiving them may not be until Feb-Mar.

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What are the copies of Docs Required.

Licence, Vehicle ownership Doc, Residence cert ?


We got our 2012 sticker mid-year, no hassle at all. Fill out the form and provide original + copies of vehicle book (green or blue), ID and Drivers Licence. Pay the fee and return 2 days later to collect your personalised vehicle sticker.

The issuing office is in Wing 41 Admin building, a green/khaki painted building about 1/3 of the way down from Suthep Rd entry, just north of the base petrol station.

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