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Abdmonal Pain Lower Groin .


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hi i went to see a doctor about my abdmonal lower left and stomach pain comes anmd goes , i had a blood test xrays urine tests white blood cell count every came back good on every thing no blood in stool they aet an appointment for a colonscopy i am afraid for cancer ,,,,like i said white bloode cell count is good and no blood i am afraid.

the doctor does not think cancer because every test so far is negative , and normal white blood cell count is that a indicator of what

any other person every get this ,

any info would be grateful

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Can you be more specific about where the pain is exactly (lower left abdomen -- how far lower, i.e. is it your groin, or the left side of the navel or where? "stomach" pain = where ecxactly?) and also what it feels like (aching, buning, stabbing etc?)

Also, any relation to eating i.e. does it improve or worsen after eating?

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