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Learn To Operate A Motorcycle


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EVERYONE here knows someone or knows of someone killed or injured on scooters/bikes-often folks without helmets.

You can be a competent, experienced rider and still get a whack from some other crazy trying to save 10 seconds to nowhere

In a car you get a fixable dent if you are lucky; on a bike you get a hospital bed-if you are lucky. If unlucky, a bbq at the wat

You are right but i know plenty of people driving a bike without accidents too. I have been driving bikes and cars here for years and i prefer the bike over the car much better in traffic.

Anyway its a risk assessment we all have to make, your not bullet proof in a car either.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

I agree with you- motorbike much quicker in traffic. We use both for that reason.

But we are talking about the OP planning to learn here and I just want him to be aware of the risks.

Off the bat, I can think of 6 people killed on bikes this year but no one in a car. For sure there have been car deaths, I just dont know of any personally. Oh yes, I can think of one who drove into the Ping at 3am.

If your new to bikes its dangerous, but if you look how some people drive bikes the nr of deaths is explainable.

I drive a big bike and a scooter but even on the big bike i see scooters flying past zig zagging in traffic with no forward planning. That they die is normal in a car you cant put you in danger like that.

Also many idiot foreigners think its ok to drink and drive a motorcycle.

So yes there are reasons for the higher death rate and even if you drive safe its easier for you to get killed on a bike.

The OP needs to know the risks and it would be great if there was a real bike driving school. I myself might take lessons as i never had any formal training. I am sure i could learn more.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Which big bike do you drive and do you belong to a club

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OK, Here we go again. There's never too much of this IMHO.

Always brake using your front brake for at least 60% of your braking. This is because weight transfer will go onto your front tire and give it the most traction. If you use your rear tire, it will get no weight transfer and just skid. You can cut your stopping distance in 1/2 with proper braking.

To make a really sharp slow turn such as a U-turn or even a tight circle, add a little power while slightly riding the rear brake. If it's standard tranny, slip the clutch a little. Keep both feet on the floorboards or pegs. As you turn, if it starts turning too tight and falling to the inside, release the rear brake momentarily. If it starts to go wide outside your turn, increase pressure on the rear brake. Just practice. It's not hard.

To turn a motorcycle at any speed above about 10 mph (15 kh) turn the handlebars in the opposite direction you want to go. It sounds crazy to newcomers, but once you try it you'll never go back. To dodge an obstacle, first turn in the opposite direction you want to go, and as you go around the obstacle, reverse your steering to go in the other direction, steering opposite the way you want to go. I can best show you with this video. This is critical and can save your life.

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