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Bangkok Administration Told To Pay Bt3.4M Over Santika Nightclub Fire


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Having a venue with no, few, locked, or inconspicuous exits is downright negligent and shows that nobody thought of the consequence of such things, and probably these people still don't give a dam_n about what happened.

That, carra, is the really sickening thing about this whole tragedy. Go back over the whole story and the same pathetic old crap repeats itself......

First off, we find that the "owner" is the parking lot boy!

Second, what happened to that top cop who just happened to become a major shareholder the day the cops stopped raiding this sleeze-hole?

Thirdly, what disciplinary action are the BMA officials who issued false certificates of fire safety, etc., in return for fat juicy bribes facing?

Sadly, millions of Bahts which could have been used for something more useful will instead be lost by Bangkok's taxpayers, and then don't forget the millions which will be wasted on legal fees.

I am sure there are hundreds more 'santikas' dotted throughout the city that are just being fortunate and getting away with it every time they open, but sometimes their luck runs out and we end up with disasters like this and the same scenario will play out again, false claims from the BMA about clamping down, a piss poor investigation, and the owners will walk away relatively scott free again

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Dunno where you are from but in the west where I am from you don't have a chance of bail on a murder charge.

Actually you might want to do some checking about your home country because there is a presumption of innocence and bail can and often is granted for suspects accused of murder.

You are correct yes it is theoretically possible to get bail on murder but in actuality 99 times out of 100 its no bail just jail. Sorry I should have been clearer for you, you have a tiny chance of getting bail no matter how much cash you have.

Weather bail is offered or not has little to do with if you are rich or not except for as it pertains to the likelihood of your appearing in court. If you can afford the bail is an all together different thing.

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Dunno where you are from but in the west where I am from you don't have a chance of bail on a murder charge.

Actually you might want to do some checking about your home country because there is a presumption of innocence and bail can and often is granted for suspects accused of murder.

You are correct yes it is theoretically possible to get bail on murder but in actuality 99 times out of 100 its no bail just jail. Sorry I should have been clearer for you, you have a tiny chance of getting bail no matter how much cash you have.

Weather bail is offered or not has little to do with if you are rich or not except for as it pertains to the likelihood of your appearing in court. If you can afford the bail is an all together different thing.

Agreed yes, in most other countries than Thailand that is!

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Dunno where you are from but in the west where I am from you don't have a chance of bail on a murder charge.

Actually you might want to do some checking about your home country because there is a presumption of innocence and bail can and often is granted for suspects accused of murder.

He's already been found guilty, he's on bail as he has appealed. Usual saffron stuff from you as per always.

Despite you changing the point (the question was about a "murder charge" and not "murder conviction" - the same is true that in England, you can be granted bail even when charged with murder or being convicted of murder while appealing. I am not from England nor am I very knowledgeable of their legal system but I do know these things to be true and even recall a story that made national headlines about a young man freed "on bail" earlier this year for a murder conviction that happened when he was 18.

However the chances of being granted bail after any conviction in much of the west is slim as the appeal process is used much more here than in many western countries. An appeal seems almost to be part of the normal process.

But the bottom line is this isn't the west (thankfully) and one should get used to it.

Does this mean you condone the actions of the owners of Santika, and the way that the legal process is working?

As for someone getting bail in England on a conviction like this, no chance.

P.S I have been hear 8 years, so I am used to BS like this, doesn't mean that I am going to change my beliefs on certain issues if I don't agree with them.

Edited by mrtoad
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  • 11 months later...

Anyone know exactly what crimes you cannot get bail on if you are a wealthy Thai in Thailand? been looking for 9 years and I don't remember finding any.........

I seem to recall a case in the 90s where a wealthy individual was posthumously put on trial for vehicular homicide and did not receive bail.

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