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Why So Many Europeans, Americans And Canadians Want To Live In Thailand?

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In what way is the visa hassle convenient if you retired early ?

Go to a country abroad every 3rd month ?

or forced to study thai & get interrogated every 3rd month ?

Over 50. Thailand has about the easiest retirement visa system on the planet.

Most countries that do have programs require PENSIONS.

BTW, one thing that can drive people crazy about the visa systems in general in Latin America is they are bonkers about "legalizing" needed documents in your home country. Much more complicated than just using a notary. Generally, people NEED to hire lawyers and often spend thousands of dollars and take lots of time getting things done. I am only generalizing but I really hate that stuff.

No it doesn't. You get a 1-year extendable visa, whereas Malaysia gives out 10-year retirement visas (My Second Home) and Sri Lanka 2 year ones.

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No it doesn't. You get a 1-year extendable visa, whereas Malaysia gives out 10-year retirement visas (My Second Home) and Sri Lanka 2 year ones.

Little more expensive though innit


Like you, it is the woman. My Thai wife and her family are the best thing that ever happened to me

I am 61, retired police/military retired.

Traveled to 17 countries.

When I was 18,19, and 20 years old I was serving in Vietnam.

I wanted to go back to Vietnam. I never did anything I feel ashamed of, but I feel great shame my country abadoned the South Vietnamese. I exchanged many emails with Vietnamese woman, when I said I was a Vietnam vet, some would ask "How many Vietnamese did you kill?'. None. They sure tried to kill me on occasion. I decided I did not want to put up with that and did not want to be in a communist country. I did not want to be thought of as "An American Impearlist baby killer".

But Southeast Asia was calling me and I went to Thailand and met the most wonerful woman.

Yes, somethings are difficult here. Language, Visa's, work rules.

But my woman and family treat me so darn good. Most Tais are exceptionally nice, and it is beautiful. I meet so many people from so many countries, it is so rich in diversity and culture here.

I have been to Mexico, Puerto Rico,Virgin Islands, Panama, did 500 miles on the Amazon, Santeram to Manous, also did Belem, Sal Palo and Curritibo.

Yes, you are right, Latino woman are just as beautiful as Asian.

Should my life fall apart here I would go to a Latin country. Hell, I could live much more cheaply in many places in America than on Phuket.

But then I would have to put up with American bitches again. They have thrown their femininety along with their babies in the shit hole.

I like strong, intelligent, educated women that still want to be a lady partnered to a masculine man.


are you paying for poon?

Most men do one way or another. Of course you may know some women who support their male partrners that contributed nothing but their genitals to the relationship, in which case I stand corrected.

True, Thailand is a nice country with lots of nice friendly people. But there comes a point when you become a bit bored with everything here and it no longer holds the same appeal as it once did. At least I do. I still very much enjoy the ease with which you can just call a friend and invite them to have dinner with you 2 hours before your proposed dinner meeting and they will happily show up (and they might even pay for your meal as well, though that's not something I would expect, but it happens to me quite a lot). Not many people use diaries here. Nearly everything is a spur of the moment thing and if you have a good relationship with someone, even a busy executive (Thai executive not expat one) you can still try the same thing and they would probably be delighted to accommodate you. It's hard to do that in the west, where everyone prioritizes themselves first, even though it's comparatively easier to do such things in the USA and Canada compared to Europe, where you rarely get to meet your friends (or even family), but it's easier still in Thailand. Unfortunately, as Thailand develops, there is a moderate tendency for people to start adopting more western values and behavior and unfortunately some people here are starting to mimic their European counterparts, particularly people in their 30s and 40s.

The disadvantages are that once you realize that living in Thailand isn't the same as the fantasy experience of beautiful women and massage everywhere, cheap drinks and not a care in the world etc. that many tourists experience, you start to face the reality of a country that although it is generally welcoming, still kinda has it's own agenda. If you speak Thai and I don't mean drunk expat Thai, but I mean if you're like me and you refuse to speak English with the Thais (and you should, because after all, Thailand is not an English speaking country and few Thais speak good English) and you speak Thai well and with a proper accent, you'll start to understand what Thai people are really like...and how they really think. However, that won't mean you can change them, it just means you can properly understand the people and the country. The only exceptions to this would be Thais who have lived abroad for long periods who you can voice your opinions with, who can understand you if you speak English or another foreign language with, but unlike their Vietnamese and Chinese counterparts, they are far and few between.

Then finally as you've already pointed out, visa rules, work rules, overpricing, dual pricing, the inability to own land unless you become a citizen (very difficult, but at least possible), work ethic and work culture are all not very conducive towards keeping all the foreigners that come to Thailand here. Given that Latin America, Europe and other places make all these things so much easier for us, I too have difficulty understanding why so many foreigners come here, claim to "love everything about Thailand" and rubbish their own countries. Yes, Thailand is nice, but I can't see how an inclusive society like the USA could be a worse place to live than Thailand. It's not. Yesterday I met a very experienced African-American diplomat currently working at the US Embassy in Bangkok. Although his family is here now, he pointed out that there is no way in hell he would retire in Thailand. He is much happier back home in the good 'ol USA and I don't blame him. Despite everything, the USA is an inclusive, fair country that has world class infrastructure, lower levels of pollution and noise and people who are easy to figure out, people who will help you if you ever need helping and where you don't feel like you are in Disneyland or a permanent tourist everytime you walk to the store.

BTW these days nobody in Vietnam except perhaps some of the older generation who experienced the war care about whether you shot some of their country folk 40 years ago so those people you exchanged emails with are probably the exception rather than the rule. The Vietnamese let bygones be bygones. Having said that, Vietnam is a bit of a challenging place to live, but for very different reasons that have nothing to do with the war but mostly with poverty, poor infrastructure and other factors.

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No it doesn't. You get a 1-year extendable visa, whereas Malaysia gives out 10-year retirement visas (My Second Home) and Sri Lanka 2 year ones.

Little more expensive though innit

Could be, I don't know the conditions because I'm a long way away from retirement so retirement visas don't concern me. However, if a 10-year visa is more expensive and has more conditions than a 1-year visa, that should be little surprise. However, once you have your visa, it lasts for 10 years and you don't have to worry about all the hassles that Thai immigration gives you. Why don't they follow suit and offer longer term visas, like 3, 5 or 10 year ones, not just retirement but also working visas.


For me personally


Even with the various warts Thailand has it feels much more free IMHO

Feeling free is quite different than having freedom and guaranteed rights. Thailand can seem like a playground for deviants or those that think a bit of dosh can lubricate the cogs of officialdom. The reality is that foreign guests have no rights or freedoms. They are tolerated. A foreigner does not discover this until the day he or she has a serious problem and finds that one's status quickly goes from welcome guest to dirty farang.

Well luckily I inserted that get out of jail free card "IMHO"

As it is my opinion based on My experiences I stand by it.

I assure you I fit into none of the categories you mentioned

Yet I still find this country much more free than the one I came from.

As I said I like the sink or swim none nannied state of things here.

As you say perhaps those that have a serious problem ? May not have certain rights

afforded elsewhere, but let me tell you the rights afforded elsewhere are quickly decaying

and came with a load of baggage & frivolous byproducts to begin with.

Corruption? Yes sure same as any other country I imagine.

But again I do not fall into the categories you mentioned so cannot say 1st hand.

If you do & are speaking from your own actual experiences you have my condolences.

Let's deal with your points;

1. Yet I still find this country much more free than the one I came from.

Fair enough, Thailand does seem free for some. However, in most of the western world, people have their basic rights protected. There is a right to a fair trial and legal representation. If a cop abuses his authority, there is redress. A cop cannot come up to someone randomly and demand a urine sample. In Thailand, they can do that. Despite the Thai laws that require basic legal process such as a warrant, or an appearance before a judge within 48 hrs. subsequent to an arrest, the reality is that the procedure is not respected.

2. As I said I like the sink or swim none nannied state of things here.

Thailand is much more of a nanny state than many western countries. It is manifested in the arcane laws that relate to commerce and general business. . Look at how the courts interpret the law when it comes to an aggrieved Thai vs. a foreign guest. In practice, the foreigner is presumed liable at the start of the process. Are you aware that the state can order the vaccination of children in Thailand? I am in favour of vaccinations, but such an intervention crosses the line. Kids can screw up. That's what kids do. If a poor kid screws up, he or she is swallowed by the state and sent to a government facility. Look at the schools. It's like a virtual brainwashing campaign to teach a Thai version of history. What greater manifestation of an intrusive approach can there be than some of the laws on the books that relate to expressing an opinion on certain taboo subjects. If the banning of certain news magazines isn't nany state, then what is? What if I wish to bring you a dildo for christmas? An innocuous item that you might use as a door stop. I can't because the state says it is forbidden.

3. As you say perhaps those that have a serious problem ? May not have certain rights afforded elsewhere, but let me tell you the rights afforded elsewhere are quickly decayingand came with a load of baggage & frivolous byproducts to begin with.

Really? If a cop criminaly kills someone in Japan, or Australia, or Singapore, or the USA, chances are that cop is going to be dealt with. Have a look at all the recent cases and show me one case in Thailand in the past 5 years where justice was done.

As much as I lament the state of affairs in the west, I know that my basic civil rights will be protected in most western countries.The police and military do not operate brothels in Sydney. They do not traffic in humans in the USA and they do not aid and abet the smuggling of endangered species in Scandanavia. Can you name one government official in any western country that has engaged in the encroachment on natural reserves? How many cabinet ministers in the west have been alleged to have profited from this type of theft?

4, Corruption? Yes sure same as any other country I imagine.

Your imagination is rose tinted. Thailand has dismal rankings on the corruption index. Don't even dare to compare Thailand to Denmark or Australia or Hong Kong, because the conduct of Thai officials would not be tolerated. We all pay the cost of the corruption. You do realize that your airfare is inflated because the AoT is still paying for the bloated construction costs of BKK. Phuket couldn't even attract respectable firms to bid on its airport expansion. Raw sewage is dumped into the waters off Phuket, not because the technology isn't there, and not because the money isn't there either. It is. The problem is that the oligarchy that controls Phuket doesn't want to deal with the problem.

5. But again I do not fall into the categories you mentioned so cannot say 1st hand.If you do & are speaking from your own actual experiences you have my condolences.

Really? I think anyone that has a basic modicum of ethics and integrity recoils in disgust at the way things are done here. Almost nothing of significance gets done unless a bribe is paid. Almost everone has his hand out waiting to get greased.

Well said. Absolutely 100% correct and these kind of things are exactly what one should consider when comparing quality of life and security in Thailand vs. other countries. If you are ever in trouble here, things can get a bit dicey.


US Price Quail Eggs 16 Dozen (192 eggs)

$64.00 Thailand 16 Dozen 130 baht farm fresh. US $4.30

For me it's the quail eggs.

Cost of Goods in Thailand VS USA

this is almost total BS. sorry. obviously the clowns on sunbelt want as many people as possible to move to Thailand.

Like comparing a few essential food items + gasoline is going to convince one that Thailand is cheaper than the USA. The main things that are cheaper in Thailand compared to the USA are food items. But...it's far more complicated than that. It is entirely possible to spend as much, if not more for a meal in Thailand than in the USA, depending on where you eat or what you purchase.

If we compare prices on a few more items here's what I can come up with:

Cost of renting a small apartment...cheaper in Thailand BUT there is no equivalent to a 1-room shack with no kitchen in the USA. Unless you count some cheap hotel of course.

Cost of public transport: cheaper in Thailand BUT public transport is not a strong point in the USA.

Cost of buying a car: definately cheaper in the USA, often much cheaper. Even locally manufactured Corolla's are much more expensive in Thailand than in the USA.

Cost of imported food products: usually significantly cheaper in the USA.

Cost of brand name manufactured products, including everything from electronics such as iPhones to Billabong t-shirts always MUCH CHEAPER in the USA than in Thailand. Also, there is more variety to choose from in the USA in everything from food to clothing to electronics, just more variety over there than here in Thailand.

In short: Thailand is cheap if you stick to a local diet of noodles or rice, served in small serving sizes; if you catch the bus or skytrain for local transport rather than drive (or if you must drive, you choose a small scooter rather than a car or a chopper); if you stick to mostly buses or trains for long-distance transport including to neighboring countries; if you live in an outlying district of Bangkok or an upcountry city in a small 1 room apartment rather than a mansion, or a house in a housing estate, also located in an outlying district or city and you lead the kind of lifestyle most locals follow.


US Price Quail Eggs 16 Dozen (192 eggs)

$64.00 Thailand 16 Dozen 130 baht farm fresh. US $4.30

For me it's the quail eggs.

Cost of Goods in Thailand VS USA

this is almost total BS. sorry. obviously the clowns on sunbelt want as many people as possible to move to Thailand.

Like comparing a few essential food items + gasoline is going to convince one that Thailand is cheaper than the USA. The main things that are cheaper in Thailand compared to the USA are food items. But...it's far more complicated than that. It is entirely possible to spend as much, if not more for a meal in Thailand than in the USA, depending on where you eat or what you purchase.

If we compare prices on a few more items here's what I can come up with:

Cost of renting a small apartment...cheaper in Thailand BUT there is no equivalent to a 1-room shack with no kitchen in the USA. Unless you count some cheap hotel of course.

Cost of public transport: cheaper in Thailand BUT public transport is not a strong point in the USA.

Cost of buying a car: definately cheaper in the USA, often much cheaper. Even locally manufactured Corolla's are much more expensive in Thailand than in the USA.

Cost of imported food products: usually significantly cheaper in the USA.

Cost of brand name manufactured products, including everything from electronics such as iPhones to Billabong t-shirts always MUCH CHEAPER in the USA than in Thailand. Also, there is more variety to choose from in the USA in everything from food to clothing to electronics, just more variety over there than here in Thailand.

In short: Thailand is cheap if you stick to a local diet of noodles or rice, served in small serving sizes; if you catch the bus or skytrain for local transport rather than drive (or if you must drive, you choose a small scooter rather than a car or a chopper); if you stick to mostly buses or trains for long-distance transport including to neighboring countries; if you live in an outlying district of Bangkok or an upcountry city in a small 1 room apartment rather than a mansion, or a house in a housing estate, also located in an outlying district or city and you lead the kind of lifestyle most locals follow.

You can't live in Thailand. New house with everything 14,000baht per month. Motorcycle 50,000b. Good dinner out for two 200 baht and no not noodles. You are nuts. Or you have no idea of what is going on around you. Go home man. Nothing for you here. If you don't even see the basics there is no hope for you. Before we built our house we lived in a nice condo with an ocean view built well 35 years ago and still maintained for 4000 baht a month. I took 6 women out for dinner and drinks this weeks for 1500 baht. I can't remember the last time I went out with less than 3 women. Why would I? Remember that movie, "It's cheaper by the dozen?" Well it is.



Feeling free is quite different than having freedom and guaranteed rights. Thailand can seem like a playground for deviants or those that think a bit of dosh can lubricate the cogs of officialdom. The reality is that foreign guests have no rights or freedoms. They are tolerated. A foreigner does not discover this until the day he or she has a serious problem and finds that one's status quickly goes from welcome guest to dirty farang.

Well luckily I inserted that get out of jail free card "IMHO"

As it is my opinion based on My experiences I stand by it.

I assure you I fit into none of the categories you mentioned

Yet I still find this country much more free than the one I came from.

As I said I like the sink or swim none nannied state of things here.

As you say perhaps those that have a serious problem ? May not have certain rights

afforded elsewhere, but let me tell you the rights afforded elsewhere are quickly decaying

and came with a load of baggage & frivolous byproducts to begin with.

Corruption? Yes sure same as any other country I imagine.

But again I do not fall into the categories you mentioned so cannot say 1st hand.

If you do & are speaking from your own actual experiences you have my condolences.

Let's deal with your points;

1. Yet I still find this country much more free than the one I came from.

Fair enough, Thailand does seem free for some. However, in most of the western world, people have their basic rights protected. There is a right to a fair trial and legal representation. If a cop abuses his authority, there is redress. A cop cannot come up to someone randomly and demand a urine sample. In Thailand, they can do that. Despite the Thai laws that require basic legal process such as a warrant, or an appearance before a judge within 48 hrs. subsequent to an arrest, the reality is that the procedure is not respected.

2. As I said I like the sink or swim none nannied state of things here.

Thailand is much more of a nanny state than many western countries. It is manifested in the arcane laws that relate to commerce and general business. . Look at how the courts interpret the law when it comes to an aggrieved Thai vs. a foreign guest. In practice, the foreigner is presumed liable at the start of the process. Are you aware that the state can order the vaccination of children in Thailand? I am in favour of vaccinations, but such an intervention crosses the line. Kids can screw up. That's what kids do. If a poor kid screws up, he or she is swallowed by the state and sent to a government facility. Look at the schools. It's like a virtual brainwashing campaign to teach a Thai version of history. What greater manifestation of an intrusive approach can there be than some of the laws on the books that relate to expressing an opinion on certain taboo subjects. If the banning of certain news magazines isn't nany state, then what is? What if I wish to bring you a dildo for christmas? An innocuous item that you might use as a door stop. I can't because the state says it is forbidden.

3. As you say perhaps those that have a serious problem ? May not have certain rights afforded elsewhere, but let me tell you the rights afforded elsewhere are quickly decayingand came with a load of baggage & frivolous byproducts to begin with.

Really? If a cop criminaly kills someone in Japan, or Australia, or Singapore, or the USA, chances are that cop is going to be dealt with. Have a look at all the recent cases and show me one case in Thailand in the past 5 years where justice was done.

As much as I lament the state of affairs in the west, I know that my basic civil rights will be protected in most western countries.The police and military do not operate brothels in Sydney. They do not traffic in humans in the USA and they do not aid and abet the smuggling of endangered species in Scandanavia. Can you name one government official in any western country that has engaged in the encroachment on natural reserves? How many cabinet ministers in the west have been alleged to have profited from this type of theft?

4, Corruption? Yes sure same as any other country I imagine.

Your imagination is rose tinted. Thailand has dismal rankings on the corruption index. Don't even dare to compare Thailand to Denmark or Australia or Hong Kong, because the conduct of Thai officials would not be tolerated. We all pay the cost of the corruption. You do realize that your airfare is inflated because the AoT is still paying for the bloated construction costs of BKK. Phuket couldn't even attract respectable firms to bid on its airport expansion. Raw sewage is dumped into the waters off Phuket, not because the technology isn't there, and not because the money isn't there either. It is. The problem is that the oligarchy that controls Phuket doesn't want to deal with the problem.

5. But again I do not fall into the categories you mentioned so cannot say 1st hand.If you do & are speaking from your own actual experiences you have my condolences.

Really? I think anyone that has a basic modicum of ethics and integrity recoils in disgust at the way things are done here. Almost nothing of significance gets done unless a bribe is paid. Almost everone has his hand out waiting to get greased.

Well said. Absolutely 100% correct and these kind of things are exactly what one should consider when comparing quality of life and security in Thailand vs. other countries. If you are ever in trouble here, things can get a bit dicey.

Just a quickie here. To reply to points 1 through 5 above.

1. I can advertise for a 20 year old attractive woman to work in my restaurant.

2. I can ride my motorcycle without a helmet or drive without a seat belt for a minimal fee.

3. I can pay all my bills, all my bills hear me? All my bills in cash.

4. Corruption: U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who handily won re-election Tuesday despite a lengthy stay at Mayo Clinic for depression and bipolar disorder, is in the midst of plea discussions with the feds probing his alleged misuse of campaign funds.

5. I have lived here for 10 years and never paid a bribe.

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I was born in the UK and raised in Canada, so in a way my parents adventure prompted me to explore a happy life. There are only three country's I would ever live in - Thailand, Canada & the UK in that order so I'm here for selfish reasons I want to be happy. My pathetic attempts at learning the language is only my fault, culture I get and most of all respect.

I also believe in the "old days" travel was a major expense, nowadays the world is smaller and you can fly almost anywhere for $1500 so it's affordable - location doesn't matter happiness does.

Well then you would know that the UK is Extremely crowded as is Thailand with overpopulation and that is an easy obstacle to overcome for these expats living in heavily congested areas. For Americans and Canadians we live in vast lush forests of open spaces and clean air. Its a much deadlier burden to overcome for us in North America to make the transition to Thailand. I think Australians would also agree!

Well, I'm an Aussie and wouldn't live anywhere aside from tier one cities, or tier two cities if I had to in Australia. Ask any Aussie city-dweller (and that's about 95% of the population) id they'd move to these lush and open spaces . . . umm . . . NO.

To say that Americans and Canadians live in vast lush forests of open spaces is also simply ridiculous . . clean air? I've lived and worked in a total of five American cities over the years . . . they are cities with lots of people and zero lush forests nor open spaces . . . clean air?

The UK (though I'd rather have my left testicle cut off with a blunt fruit knife than live there) has large swathes of beautiful countryside - lush and open . . . clean air. (And heaps of rain)

France, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia, Italy etc . . . the same.

As to why so 'many' want to come and live in Thailand . . . I think you'll find the number is actually tiny, very tiny, compared to the population

Sing sing you are a bit of a nut nut. The US has more open spaces than the UK, France, Germany and Thailand combined. 8.5 percent of the US is national forest. 52 million acres are national parks and also a total of 787 National Marine Protected Areas, covering an additional 627,830 km (242,410 sq mi), or 67 percent of the total marine area of the United States.

I refer to BigJohnnyBKK's answers, which are quite spot on. The amount of open spaces is completely and absolutely irrelevant, as is hunting etc... (Oh, there are many hunters in Europe as well - and not only the English kind).

Thank you for calling me a 'nut nut', though. I liked that smile.png

Point and fact is that not many Europeans, Americans, Canadians etc.. want to live in Thailand . . . and the ensuing discussion regarding people wanting open spaces is rubbish . . . the examples I gave stand




Well, I'm an Aussie and wouldn't live anywhere aside from tier one cities, or tier two cities if I had to in Australia. Ask any Aussie city-dweller (and that's about 95% of the population) id they'd move to these lush and open spaces . . . umm . . . NO.

To say that Americans and Canadians live in vast lush forests of open spaces is also simply ridiculous . . clean air? I've lived and worked in a total of five American cities over the years . . . they are cities with lots of people and zero lush forests nor open spaces . . . clean air?

The UK (though I'd rather have my left testicle cut off with a blunt fruit knife than live there) has large swathes of beautiful countryside - lush and open . . . clean air. (And heaps of rain)

France, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia, Italy etc . . . the same.

As to why so 'many' want to come and live in Thailand . . . I think you'll find the number is actually tiny, very tiny, compared to the population

Sing sing you are a bit of a nut nut. The US has more open spaces than the UK, France, Germany and Thailand combined. 8.5 percent of the US is national forest. 52 million acres are national parks and also a total of 787 National Marine Protected Areas, covering an additional 627,830 km (242,410 sq mi), or 67 percent of the total marine area of the United States.

I refer to BigJohnnyBKK's answers, which are quite spot on. The amount of open spaces is completely and absolutely irrelevant, as is hunting etc... (Oh, there are many hunters in Europe as well - and not only the English kind).

Thank you for calling me a 'nut nut', though. I liked that smile.png

Point and fact is that not many Europeans, Americans, Canadians etc.. want to live in Thailand . . . and the ensuing discussion regarding people wanting open spaces is rubbish . . . the examples I gave stand

If people wanted open spaces they'd live there. It's quite clear to me that what the majority of people really want is suburban sprawl.

You might be interested to know (or believe, since the truth of it I can't be bothered to check), that Hong Kong is the country (or administrative region) with the highest proportion of its land covered by national parks.



Well luckily I inserted that get out of jail free card "IMHO"

As it is my opinion based on My experiences I stand by it.

I assure you I fit into none of the categories you mentioned

Yet I still find this country much more free than the one I came from.

As I said I like the sink or swim none nannied state of things here.

As you say perhaps those that have a serious problem ? May not have certain rights

afforded elsewhere, but let me tell you the rights afforded elsewhere are quickly decaying

and came with a load of baggage & frivolous byproducts to begin with.

Corruption? Yes sure same as any other country I imagine.

But again I do not fall into the categories you mentioned so cannot say 1st hand.

If you do & are speaking from your own actual experiences you have my condolences.

Let's deal with your points;

1. Yet I still find this country much more free than the one I came from.

Fair enough, Thailand does seem free for some. However, in most of the western world, people have their basic rights protected. There is a right to a fair trial and legal representation. If a cop abuses his authority, there is redress. A cop cannot come up to someone randomly and demand a urine sample. In Thailand, they can do that. Despite the Thai laws that require basic legal process such as a warrant, or an appearance before a judge within 48 hrs. subsequent to an arrest, the reality is that the procedure is not respected.

2. As I said I like the sink or swim none nannied state of things here.

Thailand is much more of a nanny state than many western countries. It is manifested in the arcane laws that relate to commerce and general business. . Look at how the courts interpret the law when it comes to an aggrieved Thai vs. a foreign guest. In practice, the foreigner is presumed liable at the start of the process. Are you aware that the state can order the vaccination of children in Thailand? I am in favour of vaccinations, but such an intervention crosses the line. Kids can screw up. That's what kids do. If a poor kid screws up, he or she is swallowed by the state and sent to a government facility. Look at the schools. It's like a virtual brainwashing campaign to teach a Thai version of history. What greater manifestation of an intrusive approach can there be than some of the laws on the books that relate to expressing an opinion on certain taboo subjects. If the banning of certain news magazines isn't nany state, then what is? What if I wish to bring you a dildo for christmas? An innocuous item that you might use as a door stop. I can't because the state says it is forbidden.

3. As you say perhaps those that have a serious problem ? May not have certain rights afforded elsewhere, but let me tell you the rights afforded elsewhere are quickly decayingand came with a load of baggage & frivolous byproducts to begin with.

Really? If a cop criminaly kills someone in Japan, or Australia, or Singapore, or the USA, chances are that cop is going to be dealt with. Have a look at all the recent cases and show me one case in Thailand in the past 5 years where justice was done.

As much as I lament the state of affairs in the west, I know that my basic civil rights will be protected in most western countries.The police and military do not operate brothels in Sydney. They do not traffic in humans in the USA and they do not aid and abet the smuggling of endangered species in Scandanavia. Can you name one government official in any western country that has engaged in the encroachment on natural reserves? How many cabinet ministers in the west have been alleged to have profited from this type of theft?

4, Corruption? Yes sure same as any other country I imagine.

Your imagination is rose tinted. Thailand has dismal rankings on the corruption index. Don't even dare to compare Thailand to Denmark or Australia or Hong Kong, because the conduct of Thai officials would not be tolerated. We all pay the cost of the corruption. You do realize that your airfare is inflated because the AoT is still paying for the bloated construction costs of BKK. Phuket couldn't even attract respectable firms to bid on its airport expansion. Raw sewage is dumped into the waters off Phuket, not because the technology isn't there, and not because the money isn't there either. It is. The problem is that the oligarchy that controls Phuket doesn't want to deal with the problem.

5. But again I do not fall into the categories you mentioned so cannot say 1st hand.If you do & are speaking from your own actual experiences you have my condolences.

Really? I think anyone that has a basic modicum of ethics and integrity recoils in disgust at the way things are done here. Almost nothing of significance gets done unless a bribe is paid. Almost everone has his hand out waiting to get greased.

Well said. Absolutely 100% correct and these kind of things are exactly what one should consider when comparing quality of life and security in Thailand vs. other countries. If you are ever in trouble here, things can get a bit dicey.

Just a quickie here. To reply to points 1 through 5 above.

1. I can advertise for a 20 year old attractive woman to work in my restaurant.

2. I can ride my motorcycle without a helmet or drive without a seat belt for a minimal fee.

3. I can pay all my bills, all my bills hear me? All my bills in cash.

4. Corruption: U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who handily won re-election Tuesday despite a lengthy stay at Mayo Clinic for depression and bipolar disorder, is in the midst of plea discussions with the feds probing his alleged misuse of campaign funds.

5. I have lived here for 10 years and never paid a bribe.

Your item 4 actually is far less descriptive of any corruption occurrences in the United States, but rather indicative and enlightening as to the intelligence level and reasoning ability of the electorate in the Illinois 2nd Congressional District.


Let's deal with your points;

1. Yet I still find this country much more free than the one I came from.

Fair enough, Thailand does seem free for some. However, in most of the western world, people have their basic rights protected. There is a right to a fair trial and legal representation. If a cop abuses his authority, there is redress. A cop cannot come up to someone randomly and demand a urine sample. In Thailand, they can do that. Despite the Thai laws that require basic legal process such as a warrant, or an appearance before a judge within 48 hrs. subsequent to an arrest, the reality is that the procedure is not respected.

2. As I said I like the sink or swim none nannied state of things here.

Thailand is much more of a nanny state than many western countries. It is manifested in the arcane laws that relate to commerce and general business. . Look at how the courts interpret the law when it comes to an aggrieved Thai vs. a foreign guest. In practice, the foreigner is presumed liable at the start of the process. Are you aware that the state can order the vaccination of children in Thailand? I am in favour of vaccinations, but such an intervention crosses the line. Kids can screw up. That's what kids do. If a poor kid screws up, he or she is swallowed by the state and sent to a government facility. Look at the schools. It's like a virtual brainwashing campaign to teach a Thai version of history. What greater manifestation of an intrusive approach can there be than some of the laws on the books that relate to expressing an opinion on certain taboo subjects. If the banning of certain news magazines isn't nany state, then what is? What if I wish to bring you a dildo for christmas? An innocuous item that you might use as a door stop. I can't because the state says it is forbidden.

3. As you say perhaps those that have a serious problem ? May not have certain rights afforded elsewhere, but let me tell you the rights afforded elsewhere are quickly decayingand came with a load of baggage & frivolous byproducts to begin with.

Really? If a cop criminaly kills someone in Japan, or Australia, or Singapore, or the USA, chances are that cop is going to be dealt with. Have a look at all the recent cases and show me one case in Thailand in the past 5 years where justice was done.

As much as I lament the state of affairs in the west, I know that my basic civil rights will be protected in most western countries.The police and military do not operate brothels in Sydney. They do not traffic in humans in the USA and they do not aid and abet the smuggling of endangered species in Scandanavia. Can you name one government official in any western country that has engaged in the encroachment on natural reserves? How many cabinet ministers in the west have been alleged to have profited from this type of theft?

4, Corruption? Yes sure same as any other country I imagine.

Your imagination is rose tinted. Thailand has dismal rankings on the corruption index. Don't even dare to compare Thailand to Denmark or Australia or Hong Kong, because the conduct of Thai officials would not be tolerated. We all pay the cost of the corruption. You do realize that your airfare is inflated because the AoT is still paying for the bloated construction costs of BKK. Phuket couldn't even attract respectable firms to bid on its airport expansion. Raw sewage is dumped into the waters off Phuket, not because the technology isn't there, and not because the money isn't there either. It is. The problem is that the oligarchy that controls Phuket doesn't want to deal with the problem.

5. But again I do not fall into the categories you mentioned so cannot say 1st hand.If you do & are speaking from your own actual experiences you have my condolences.

Really? I think anyone that has a basic modicum of ethics and integrity recoils in disgust at the way things are done here. Almost nothing of significance gets done unless a bribe is paid. Almost everone has his hand out waiting to get greased.

Well said. Absolutely 100% correct and these kind of things are exactly what one should consider when comparing quality of life and security in Thailand vs. other countries. If you are ever in trouble here, things can get a bit dicey.

Just a quickie here. To reply to points 1 through 5 above.

1. I can advertise for a 20 year old attractive woman to work in my restaurant.

2. I can ride my motorcycle without a helmet or drive without a seat belt for a minimal fee.

3. I can pay all my bills, all my bills hear me? All my bills in cash.

4. Corruption: U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who handily won re-election Tuesday despite a lengthy stay at Mayo Clinic for depression and bipolar disorder, is in the midst of plea discussions with the feds probing his alleged misuse of campaign funds.

5. I have lived here for 10 years and never paid a bribe.

Your item 4 actually is far less descriptive of any corruption occurrences in the United States, but rather indicative and enlightening as to the intelligence level and reasoning ability of the electorate in the Illinois 2nd Congressional District.

I was referring to the feds plea bargaining.


So either all have a very lowered living standard, or there will undoubtedly be world conflict over dwindling resources.

Smart's money on both scenarios happening concurrently, already in process innit.

Sadly you are probably right. I was, however, writing from the point of view that the haves would voluntarily reduce their standard of living to avoid conflict, but snowballs in hell springs to mind.


Like you, it is the woman. My Thai wife and her family are the best thing that ever happened to me

I am 61, retired police/military retired.

Traveled to 17 countries.

When I was 18,19, and 20 years old I was serving in Vietnam.

I wanted to go back to Vietnam. I never did anything I feel ashamed of, but I feel great shame my country abadoned the South Vietnamese. I exchanged many emails with Vietnamese woman, when I said I was a Vietnam vet, some would ask "How many Vietnamese did you kill?'. None. They sure tried to kill me on occasion. I decided I did not want to put up with that and did not want to be in a communist country. I did not want to be thought of as "An American Impearlist baby killer".

But Southeast Asia was calling me and I went to Thailand and met the most wonerful woman.

Yes, somethings are difficult here. Language, Visa's, work rules.

But my woman and family treat me so darn good. Most Tais are exceptionally nice, and it is beautiful. I meet so many people from so many countries, it is so rich in diversity and culture here.

I have been to Mexico, Puerto Rico,Virgin Islands, Panama, did 500 miles on the Amazon, Santeram to Manous, also did Belem, Sal Palo and Curritibo.

Yes, you are right, Latino woman are just as beautiful as Asian.

Should my life fall apart here I would go to a Latin country. Hell, I could live much more cheaply in many places in America than on Phuket.

But then I would have to put up with American bitches again. They have thrown their femininety along with their babies in the shit hole.

I like strong, intelligent, educated women that still want to be a lady partnered to a masculine man.


are you paying for poon?

Most men do one way or another. Of course you may know some women who support their male partrners that contributed nothing but their genitals to the relationship, in which case I stand corrected.

True, Thailand is a nice country with lots of nice friendly people. But there comes a point when you become a bit bored with everything here and it no longer holds the same appeal as it once did. At least I do. I still very much enjoy the ease with which you can just call a friend and invite them to have dinner with you 2 hours before your proposed dinner meeting and they will happily show up (and they might even pay for your meal as well, though that's not something I would expect, but it happens to me quite a lot). Not many people use diaries here. Nearly everything is a spur of the moment thing and if you have a good relationship with someone, even a busy executive (Thai executive not expat one) you can still try the same thing and they would probably be delighted to accommodate you. It's hard to do that in the west, where everyone prioritizes themselves first, even though it's comparatively easier to do such things in the USA and Canada compared to Europe, where you rarely get to meet your friends (or even family), but it's easier still in Thailand. Unfortunately, as Thailand develops, there is a moderate tendency for people to start adopting more western values and behavior and unfortunately some people here are starting to mimic their European counterparts, particularly people in their 30s and 40s.

The disadvantages are that once you realize that living in Thailand isn't the same as the fantasy experience of beautiful women and massage everywhere, cheap drinks and not a care in the world etc. that many tourists experience, you start to face the reality of a country that although it is generally welcoming, still kinda has it's own agenda. If you speak Thai and I don't mean drunk expat Thai, but I mean if you're like me and you refuse to speak English with the Thais (and you should, because after all, Thailand is not an English speaking country and few Thais speak good English) and you speak Thai well and with a proper accent, you'll start to understand what Thai people are really like...and how they really think. However, that won't mean you can change them, it just means you can properly understand the people and the country. The only exceptions to this would be Thais who have lived abroad for long periods who you can voice your opinions with, who can understand you if you speak English or another foreign language with, but unlike their Vietnamese and Chinese counterparts, they are far and few between.

Then finally as you've already pointed out, visa rules, work rules, overpricing, dual pricing, the inability to own land unless you become a citizen (very difficult, but at least possible), work ethic and work culture are all not very conducive towards keeping all the foreigners that come to Thailand here. Given that Latin America, Europe and other places make all these things so much easier for us, I too have difficulty understanding why so many foreigners come here, claim to "love everything about Thailand" and rubbish their own countries. Yes, Thailand is nice, but I can't see how an inclusive society like the USA could be a worse place to live than Thailand. It's not. Yesterday I met a very experienced African-American diplomat currently working at the US Embassy in Bangkok. Although his family is here now, he pointed out that there is no way in hell he would retire in Thailand. He is much happier back home in the good 'ol USA and I don't blame him. Despite everything, the USA is an inclusive, fair country that has world class infrastructure, lower levels of pollution and noise and people who are easy to figure out, people who will help you if you ever need helping and where you don't feel like you are in Disneyland or a permanent tourist everytime you walk to the store.

BTW these days nobody in Vietnam except perhaps some of the older generation who experienced the war care about whether you shot some of their country folk 40 years ago so those people you exchanged emails with are probably the exception rather than the rule. The Vietnamese let bygones be bygones. Having said that, Vietnam is a bit of a challenging place to live, but for very different reasons that have nothing to do with the war but mostly with poverty, poor infrastructure and other factors.

<But there comes a point when you become a bit bored with everything here and it no longer holds the same appeal as it once did>

Not so far, thank goodness.

<the inability to own land unless you become a citizen>

LOL. Try buying land/ property back "home" if you're not rich. I haven't had a hope of doing that for over 20 years.

<I too have difficulty understanding why so many foreigners come here, claim to "love everything about Thailand" and rubbish their own countries>

Because it's not the expensive PC ridden trendy infested place that back home is. At least in LOS I can have a life I could never have back there because I didn't have a job that paid mega bucks.

<an inclusive society like the USA >

Thou jest, surely?


Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that many of the people posting here, seem to "love Thailand" because back in their countries they were just a bunch of losers, with no chicks, no money, and a very narrow horizont.coffee1.gif

  • Like 2

Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that many of the people posting here, seem to "love Thailand" because back in their countries they were just a bunch of losers, with no chicks, no money, and a very narrow horizont.

Judging people's worth by their financial success seems a pretty narrow horizont to me. . .


Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that many of the people posting here, seem to "love Thailand" because back in their countries they were just a bunch of losers, with no chicks, no money, and a very narrow horizont.

Judging people's worth by their financial success seems a pretty narrow horizont to me. . .

Lack of Money, lack of sexual conquests and glaucoma. Seems like a fair set of criteria for me. Although judging people's worth seems unnecessary and futile, unless you've been appointed as a Receiver by a Bankruptcy court...



Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that many of the people posting here, seem to "love Thailand" because back in their countries they were just a bunch of losers, with no chicks, no money, and a very narrow horizont.coffee1.gif

Some countries have little of offer, poor infrastructure, family dictatorships, low standards of living. GDP 9 or 10 thousand dollars per capita like Thailand or Cuba as opposed to Canada and the USA around 40 to 50 thousand. Third world or first world. I doubt any one person's experiences will be accurate to determine motivation of the many of people who choose to live here.


Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that many of the people posting here, seem to "love Thailand" because back in their countries they were just a bunch of losers, with no chicks, no money, and a very narrow horizont.

Judging people's worth by their financial success seems a pretty narrow horizont to me. . .

Totally true. Good and bad people in both situations. However, I see few wealthy Americans moving to LOS unless they are sex addicts.

To anyone who said the West would run out of resources in a growing global economy - that might be true in Europe, but only political BS could cause it in the US or Canada. A lot of people don't know that the US Federal Gummit owns most of the land in the US. The PC environmentalists have locked most of it up. Now we can't even log much of the forests which have already been logged at least twice and aren't "wilderness." Trees are a renewable resource and can be logged every 40 years. There's no reason for the US to ever buy wood products, but we now do while ours sit idle.

The US has more proven oil reserves than all of the rest of the world's countries combined. Fact. We can't touch it so we ship hundreds of billions of dollars every year to countries which hate us to buy oil. When we do that there's not only a massive transfer of wealth, but a massive loss of potential good jobs, and a massive loss of revenue in taxes paid to the government. There's also a loss of national security.

I could go on, but we no longer use our vast coal or iron deposits. The environmentalists have shut that down too along with those jobs, so we let China do it and pollute the same atmosphere we all use where in the US controls would be in place.

The US isn't broke, contrary to popular belief. It just won't go after its wealth and provide the jobs and the new wealth. Did I mention that the US has enough proven natural gas to run the whole country for 100 years? By then there should be some new technology for energy we haven't even thought of yet.

If the US goes broke, it would be like me going broke while I refused to farm a million acres of good corn growing land because I thought it was somehow wrong to do so. Income and expense stinks, but assets and liabilities look good. What if the US decided to use its wealth? The Federal government has enough land, timber, oil, coal, etc. to create the jobs and even to sell to pay debts. The budget deficits have more to do with a forced lack of tax income than with spending, although both need work.

This is still one huge, resource rich, and capable chunk of real estate with managers too stupid to get it back into gear.


Marc Faber Explains Why He Likes Living In Thailand (CLIP ...

Marc Farber is a rich guy who lives in Chiang Mai. smile.png

You can find one extremist anywhere. The guy is rich, but he's a weirdo. Let him do whatever floats his boat. Right now things are going very well for him but he hasn't tried to maintain it in a global meltdown.

If he thinks a collapse in Western countries won't cause a collapse in LOS, he's dreaming. Who's going to buy farm products with no money? Who's going to buy and transport them if there's a total collapse? Does he not know that China or India would overrun LOS to get at the rice and other crops if they were starving? Where does he run to then?

If the West collapses, there will be NO market for Asian goods, and it will still be every man for himself, or in his case every country for itself. In order to stay in power, governments have to feed their people, and here comes China and India.

IMHO he'd do better to stay in the US which at least has a bigger military than all of the rest of the world combined, and has some chance of surviving and protecting itself. There are places in the US, and I happen to be in one, where it is believed to be as safe as possible from nuclear strike or fallout. Rural so as to be of no strategic interest and close to the W. Coast so that the prevailing winds come from the ocean, not from any cities.

There is no sure thing in this world except that some day we die.

  • Like 1

Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that many of the people posting here, seem to "love Thailand" because back in their countries they were just a bunch of losers, with no chicks, no money, and a very narrow horizont.

Judging people's worth by their financial success seems a pretty narrow horizont to me. . .

Is not me the one judging here, the ones judging are the posters themselves when they say that they come here cuz here they can have a life and the chicks that they couldn't possibly have in their own countries. I've always been lucky with women(back home and here), no financial problems so far( not here neither back home), I like it here because of the culture, the temples, the food etc, but I don't feel nothing particular about Thai women, and my life here is pretty much the same like back home.

Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that many of the people posting here, seem to "love Thailand" because back in their countries they were just a bunch of losers, with no chicks, no money, and a very narrow horizont.coffee1.gif

Some countries have little of offer, poor infrastructure, family dictatorships, low standards of living. GDP 9 or 10 thousand dollars per capita like Thailand or Cuba as opposed to Canada and the USA around 40 to 50 thousand. Third world or first world. I doubt any one person's experiences will be accurate to determine motivation of the many of people who choose to live here.

Nothing to do with my post.

Marc Faber Explains Why He Likes Living In Thailand (CLIP ...

Marc Farber is a rich guy who lives in Chiang Mai. smile.png

You can find one extremist anywhere. The guy is rich, but he's a weirdo. Let him do whatever floats his boat. Right now things are going very well for him but he hasn't tried to maintain it in a global meltdown.

If he thinks a collapse in Western countries won't cause a collapse in LOS, he's dreaming. Who's going to buy farm products with no money? Who's going to buy and transport them if there's a total collapse? Does he not know that China or India would overrun LOS to get at the rice and other crops if they were starving? Where does he run to then?

If the West collapses, there will be NO market for Asian goods, and it will still be every man for himself, or in his case every country for itself. In order to stay in power, governments have to feed their people, and here comes China and India.

IMHO he'd do better to stay in the US which at least has a bigger military than all of the rest of the world combined, and has some chance of surviving and protecting itself. There are places in the US, and I happen to be in one, where it is believed to be as safe as possible from nuclear strike or fallout. Rural so as to be of no strategic interest and close to the W. Coast so that the prevailing winds come from the ocean, not from any cities.

There is no sure thing in this world except that some day we die.

Faber, rose to prominence after predicting the stock market crash of 1987. Farber is hardly an extremest.

He studied Economics at the University of Zurich and, at the age of 24, obtained a Ph.D. degree in Economics magna cum laude.

During the 1970s Faber worked for White Weld & Company Limited in New York City, Zürich, and Hong Kong. He moved to Hong Kong in 1973. He was a managing director at Drexel Burnham Lambert Ltd Hong Kong.

If you are moving to Thailand and not a troll why wouldn't you be happy about his positive views on Chiang Mai and Thailand?


Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that many of the people posting here, seem to "love Thailand" because back in their countries they were just a bunch of losers, with no chicks, no money, and a very narrow horizont.

Judging people's worth by their financial success seems a pretty narrow horizont to me. . .

Is not me the one judging here, the ones judging are the posters themselves when they say that they come here cuz here they can have a life and the chicks that they couldn't possibly have in their own countries. I've always been lucky with women(back home and here), no financial problems so far( not here neither back home), I like it here because of the culture, the temples, the food etc, but I don't feel nothing particular about Thai women, and my life here is pretty much the same like back home.

Back home is a third world country, Cuba right? Chicks in Cuba are very much like the chicks in Thailand. What's the difference? Cuba, Dominican Republic, Thailand and Brazil all at the top of the single men's tourism guidebook. I come here like you for the temples and food which I like better than Latin food.


Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that many of the people posting here, seem to "love Thailand" because back in their countries they were just a bunch of losers, with no chicks, no money, and a very narrow horizont.

Judging people's worth by their financial success seems a pretty narrow horizont to me. . .

Is not me the one judging here, the ones judging are the posters themselves when they say that they come here cuz here they can have a life and the chicks that they couldn't possibly have in their own countries. I've always been lucky with women(back home and here), no financial problems so far( not here neither back home), I like it here because of the culture, the temples, the food etc, but I don't feel nothing particular about Thai women, and my life here is pretty much the same like back home.

Back home is a third world country, Cuba right? Chicks in Cuba are very much like the chicks in Thailand. What's the difference? Cuba, Dominican Republic, Thailand and Brazil all at the top of the single men's tourism guidebook. I come here like you for the temples and food which I like better than Latin food.

Hahaha, Chiangmaikelly, you just don't get itbiggrin.png

Marc Faber Explains Why He Likes Living In Thailand (CLIP ...

Marc Farber is a rich guy who lives in Chiang Mai. smile.png

You can find one extremist anywhere. The guy is rich, but he's a weirdo. Let him do whatever floats his boat. Right now things are going very well for him but he hasn't tried to maintain it in a global meltdown.

If he thinks a collapse in Western countries won't cause a collapse in LOS, he's dreaming. Who's going to buy farm products with no money? Who's going to buy and transport them if there's a total collapse? Does he not know that China or India would overrun LOS to get at the rice and other crops if they were starving? Where does he run to then?

If the West collapses, there will be NO market for Asian goods, and it will still be every man for himself, or in his case every country for itself. In order to stay in power, governments have to feed their people, and here comes China and India.

IMHO he'd do better to stay in the US which at least has a bigger military than all of the rest of the world combined, and has some chance of surviving and protecting itself. There are places in the US, and I happen to be in one, where it is believed to be as safe as possible from nuclear strike or fallout. Rural so as to be of no strategic interest and close to the W. Coast so that the prevailing winds come from the ocean, not from any cities.

There is no sure thing in this world except that some day we die.

I can foresee a likely problem with his "When everything falls apart, I'll have my farm in Thailand" plan. Upon everything falling apart and food resources becoming scarce, he will find his falang butt booted off "his" farm and "his" farm and resources taken over by the Thai government at some level. If things get as bad as he seems to think they will, I would not count on any "farm", "homestead", or whatever, outside of my native country.


Judging people's worth by their financial success seems a pretty narrow horizont to me. . .

Is not me the one judging here, the ones judging are the posters themselves when they say that they come here cuz here they can have a life and the chicks that they couldn't possibly have in their own countries. I've always been lucky with women(back home and here), no financial problems so far( not here neither back home), I like it here because of the culture, the temples, the food etc, but I don't feel nothing particular about Thai women, and my life here is pretty much the same like back home.

Back home is a third world country, Cuba right? Chicks in Cuba are very much like the chicks in Thailand. What's the difference? Cuba, Dominican Republic, Thailand and Brazil all at the top of the single men's tourism guidebook. I come here like you for the temples and food which I like better than Latin food.

Hahaha, Chiangmaikelly, you just don't get itbiggrin.png

Ha ha ha I do. I also take the time to respond and not write trite flames. The only reason I am here instead of Cuba or the Dominican Republic is the food and temples. The young women are the same. Beautiful, friendly and like older men. My house in Florida was only 90 min away from Cuba.biggrin.png


Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that many of the people posting here, seem to "love Thailand" because back in their countries they were just a bunch of losers, with no chicks, no money, and a very narrow horizont.

Judging people's worth by their financial success seems a pretty narrow horizont to me. . .

Is not me the one judging here, the ones judging are the posters themselves when they say that they come here cuz here they can have a life and the chicks that they couldn't possibly have in their own countries. I've always been lucky with women(back home and here), no financial problems so far( not here neither back home), I like it here because of the culture, the temples, the food etc, but I don't feel nothing particular about Thai women, and my life here is pretty much the same like back home.

Just using the word "loser" in any context seems pretty clear to me, and the fact that you can't imagine basing that judgment on anything more substantial than one's ability to earn money and win women even more so.

But I'm glad that you're enjoying your time here and hope what you're doing keeps working for you. . .


If the West collapses, there will be NO market for Asian goods, and it will still be every man for himself, or in his case every country for itself. In order to stay in power, governments have to feed their people, and here comes China and India.

In a true collapse the fear is not being able to sell your food, It is having any food for your country.

In that case Thailand would do very well.

Not to mention what you said about transporting food to those 1st world countries or the lack there of.

Also in a true collapse of a 1st world country you have folks who have never had to grow their

own food or cook it in many cases. Folks that do not have their own water supply.

They cannot function in buildings without electricity etc.They do not know how to survive.

Countries that are consider 3rd world or developing? Just another day for them

not much adjustment needed.

If a true collapse were to occur would you rather be where the food is & folks know how to camp?

Or in NY?

China? They have been buying farm-able land in many places for years.

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