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Thai A380, Online Check-In Issues


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Anyone tried to use the Thai on-line check-in when the aircraft is their shiny new A380?

I just tried to check-in for my flight tonight Singapore-Bangkok (TG410) and whilst the check-in worked it would not let me change my seat (came up with an error). Of course it's lumbered me with a centre seat which I will try to change at the airport.


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Some people have been complaining/commenting that TG is swapping 747s into the 409/410 slots recently - if it is an equipment swap then advanced seat options might have some default?

Right now many engines show it still as a 380 but TG's site is wedged which can mean a last minute swap, or just the usual TG website issues.

Once you are checked in maybe wait an hour then try to change your seat, or ring TG especially if you have ROP status?

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Yeah, I was thinking about re-doing the check-in later, I'll give it a try later in the morning. Not worried if they change the aircraft, unless it means getting bumped off coz it's then over-booked. I do have ROP Silver (never quite get enough miles to get on to gold sad.png ).

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Yeah, I was thinking about re-doing the check-in later, I'll give it a try later in the morning. Not worried if they change the aircraft, unless it means getting bumped off coz it's then over-booked. I do have ROP Silver (never quite get enough miles to get on to gold sad.png ).

I had a similar problem on the same flight check-in recently, when I tried the 2nd time it worked OK.

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Mine didn't work on a retry, but changed at the airport, got a seat at the back upstairs. Big plus, you get to follow Business and First out across the upper airbridge :) Immigration was 2 minutes :) Sadly the bags took 30 mins :(

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No your not on your own

Bit different to changing seats , had been trying for a month to update profile (email) so I could change dates

All i got was Unavailable try later

Then i thought i had it - to discover its telling me to fill in everything (which i checked several times)

In the end i sent of an email with a reply of Try again Or Reply email with new address & copy of passport


Web sight is sh****te

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