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A Few Translations Required...


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Baking soda: เบคกิ้งโซดา

That made me LOL.smile.png

Ha, yeah i guess we can call that a dorect translation!

I was talking to the reception girl and she said bi-carb soda was called 'soda fi' but she'd never heard of the powder one..

For the record i have found the corn starch and baking soda in the shops but still looking for the powder... Ever seen any around in the stores.. More precisously bangkok?

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For the record i have found the corn starch and baking soda in the shops but still looking for the powder... Ever seen any around in the stores.. More precisously bangkok?

Tops in Chantaburi has (or had it 2 years ago the last time I checked) it so I am sure they would in Bangkok. It comes in a small white can similar to the size and shape common in the US.

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