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June 12-13 Will Be Made Special Public Holidays In Bkk

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June 12-13 will be made special public holidays for agencies in BKK and vicinities on the occasion of HM the King's 60th anniversary of accession to the throne.

The government will make Monday, June the 12th and Tuesday, June the 13th special holidays for organisations and agencies in the Greater Bangkok.

Deputy government spokesperson Danuporn Punnakant (ดนุพร ปุณณกันต์) said that the cabinet meeting had agreed to arrange special holidays to celebrate His Majesty the King’s 60th anniversary of accession to the throne.

He said that Friday, June the 9th will not be a holiday, but the government will request government and public offices to allow their officials to participate in the celebrations. As for Monday, June the 12th and Tuesday June the 13th will be made special holidays for agencies located in the Greater Bangkok, as there will be state and Royal functions on both days.

Foreign Royalties will also be invited to join the celebrations on the occasion on those days.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 08 Febuary 2006

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