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British Consulate In Pattaya To Close


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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Why do I pay UK taxes on my pension for what?? At least I felt I was getting some service for my money with the Pattaya Consulate office being there where it is truly needed adn where it offered a pretty good service to the.thousands of UK nationals in the area I reckon there are probably more UK guys living or on holiday in Pattaya than even Bangkok at a guess, so why make the much needed consular service inferior ??? . Hague visiting here, so is it any wonder he wants to save money and sod the UK nationals here .

Come on now ow much do you think that tiny office in Soi 5 Jomtien costs to rent hmm ?? Bugger all I am certain knowing Thai rental costs in areas such as that. Then the cost of one or two at most locally employed staff who they will continue to need anyway to either relocate to Bangkok or replace them up there to deal with the extra workload from Pattaya. The costings really must be very small for sure and money so well spent for the huge benefit it gives to thousands of UK nationals living in Pattaya and the large surrounding areas. If they added say 100 Baht local excess charge to each and every customer paying service then with the amount of customers here that would easily pay their added costs to keep the office open here I am sure. And it would save so many elderly guys for instance a whole day of their remaining lives dragging themselves up to Bangkok each year for their pension letter or whatever they need and still be cheaper than the Bangkok return journey and taxis etc too.


Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

What a self centred opinion you have. Every government department in the UK have been forced to cut costs. This

is because the country is broke. Gordon Brown spent very nearly every last penny.

You pay tax on your pension for a variety of services including consular services in BANGKOK. You also pay taxes

for law and order. This, in turn, protects democracy . Thats why there is a coalition government which the lib dems

were invited to join but only in a minority way. Thats because not enough people voted for them.

Your opinion is that it costs little to run the Pattaya office but supply no facts so rather than rant, do the research,

come up with facts so your opinion has credibility.

Organise the elderly guys and have a day or two out. You might just enjoy broadening your views. Get on the bus/train/

shared taxiand go to Bangkok. Its quite simple and its not far. It is certainly tolerable. Or would you like to have the UK broke,

unable to pay your pension?

Gordon Brown my arse! did he spend all Greece's Italy's Portugal's Americas etc etc money as well? It's an American caused global economic crisis! Grow up.

No, he didn't spend Greek, Italian, Portuguese etc etc money but then I didn't state or imply he did. As for it all being America's fault, did they spend all the Greek, Italian, Portuguese etc etc or UK money either. Google 'Gordons Bottom' where the former PM, despite all expert advice,

sold the majority of UK gold reserves having ensured, by announcing his plans earlier, the price fell through the floor. Was that America's fault too?

America created an issue, nobody forced Europe to to spend money they did not have apart from themselves. Thanks for the advice on

growing up.

''As for it all being America's fault, did they spend all the Greek, Italian, Portuguese etc etc or UK money either''

Well yes actually! see sub prime mortgages.

As for the advice, you're welcome, good luck with it!

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Fast Eddie ' Well yes actually'

Most of Europe was heavily in debt way before the sub prime mortgage issue. Infact most european countries

have never met the rules as set out by the Maastricht agreement. Did America force Europe to spend

or do the spending for them and if so, since when?

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May I humbly post a request that as the consul will soon no longer be able to provide income letters,

If information can be made available and updated that include how to apply ect.

Possible a dedicated reference could be pinned in the local Pattaya section and kept current as and when any changes are made.




Edited by evadgib
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It would be most interesting to know what the real cost of running the consular office is and also the income generated (there have been a number of posts in this thread opining that the cost is minimal - but without justification). Perhaps a letter to the Embassy in Bangkok would be appropriate (signed by those opposed to the closure of the consulate) so that the reason for the closure can be correctly understood. A reasoned arguement for non closure be presented in response. I'm sure the cost of running a consulate is more thanjust office rental and employment of staff there!

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So what if the Pattaya office made a profit? That profit will now just be transferred to Bangkok minus the cost of the rent on an office.

Really don't see what the fuss is about. Those living in Pattaya are still closer to the embassy than most other expat Brits living all over Thailand.

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I was told a year or so ago that the letter needed for the Thai Immigration, confirming that we have sufficient funds from our pensions in UK, can be prepared by any consulate in Pattaya, of which there are a few and they only charge 1,500 baht ????

looks like they closed all those consulates too

there used to be one on almost every street corner..........

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when you're in need of help, as is so often the case down there for some reason

Just what do you mean by your statement? Sound very general and inflammatory to me. Please keep your Pattaya/Brit bashing comments, no matter how subtle you try and make them, to yourself. Most Brits in Pattaya would never have had to call upon consular services other than for retirement visa documentation.

Personally you wouldn't get me living in Chiang Mai even if face masks were issued free and it was the last place on Earth to get a beer.

Glad to hear it old chap!

BTW, we don't issue facemasks in CM.

Is that a Pattaya thing?

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May I humbly post a request that as the consul will soon no longer be able to provide income letters,

If information can be made available and updated that include how to apply ect.

Possible a dedicated reference could be pinned in the local Pattaya section and kept current as and when any changes are made.




Apologies for any confusion as to what I am suggesting in the post you have part quoted.

I am referring to a possible dedicated reference that can be pinned in the local Pattaya forum and kept current so members can access it as and when they need to.

Before contacting the embassy it would be useful and convenient to have all related info re visa,s requirements you need for a particular visa as pre the local imm.office


I,m sure you will appreciate that while there is a national directive on the requirements for visa information ect. ( Thai Immigration )

Each local immigration office has and enforces it,s own interpretations as to what is required, it is for this reason I thought may / would be an asset to everyone within the Pattaya catchment areas.

Surely having a pinned facility everyone can access would be appreciated and beneficial to the local members.

It may well be that what immigration requires may differ from what is on the embassies website ect.

At present both the consulate and the immigration office are conveniently situated but after it closes it means a trip to Bangkok for many.

We are all familiar with those who sadly get a little confused with what they have to do and need, so what better than to be able to access up to date, current info before going / applying.

It is not very nice to return from the embassy and find out what you have is not enough and finish up have to return to Bangkok.

marshbags thumbsup.gif

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Smells of Thai Immigration - the more they can frustrate, obstruct and hinder farangs the happier they are.

Personally never had a problem with Immigration anywhere in Thailand and I have had to conduct business with a few different one in 10 yrs here. I have nothing but good words for them.

Further to that, Aussies have always had to travel from all over Thailand to the OZ Embassy in Bangkok and that includes travelling from Phuket to Bangers. So I dont know what you Brits are winging about.

Edited by OZEMADE
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Oh dear. Well, the main task for the British Embassy in Bangkok and in any city is not to look after you and other citizens who may have chosen to live in a foreign country. Nor is its purpose to make your lives easier just because you have chosen not to live in your mother country but despite that require to be given every service you may feel suited to your needs in your lives in foreign country that may have some rules for expatriats to follow. Stop whining and grow up!

Perhaps for the benefit of Expats and in the interests of avoiding further confusion the British Embassy could list what its real purposes are?

The name "The British Embassy" might give you a hint. Or maybe not. Countries keep embassies in fforeign countries to facitiliate bilateral contacts on many levels. However, none of these levels include to be nanny for immature citizens who maintain the ability to get themselves into trouble while being guests in the foreign country. Being an adult means you are supposed to take care of yourself and be responsible for your doing. Looking at how many Brits are killed and get into other kinds of trouble while in other countries every year, you might get the impression that responsibility is not in high demand with those Brits.

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Once again the great british government SHITS on its pensioners, there was a time when they suposedly looked after them, now its asilum seekers and ileagal immigrants who are top of the heap reaping the benifits that were payed for by the pensioners hard work .

True as this may be, what is the connection to the consulate in Pattaya and the embassy in Bangkok?

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Smells of Thai Immigration - the more they can frustrate, obstruct and hinder farangs the happier they are.

Personally never had a problem with Immigration anywhere in Thailand and I have had to conduct business with a few different one in 10 yrs here. I have nothing but good words for them.

Further to that, Aussies have always had to travel from all over Thailand to the OZ Embassy in Bangkok and that includes travelling from Phuket to Bangers. So I dont know what you Brits are winging about.

I am often assailed by Orstralians for being a winging pommie bastard whereupon I inform that I am actually a naturalised Ossie, i then lift my fringe to reveal the lobotomy scar to prove it

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The whole thing stinks as a set-up job.

Howard Miller was elbowed out as Honorary Consul last year when the post was "upgraded" to that of Vice Consul due to the supposed "increased workload" which necessitated two full-time staff rather than one full time and one "honorary" post. After 3 months training in Bangkok and only 6 months on the job in Pattaya BOTH the new Vice Consul AND the new Consular Officer left, for undisclosed reasons. 3 months later the Consulate is to close completely and a NEW Honorary Consul is to be appointed directly by the Embassy without their even going through the motions of advertising it.

Rather than complain here, I would strongly suggest e-mailing the Embassy, the Ambassador, etc.

(Edit: his e-mail address is [removed by mig16 as per forum rules. No email addresses allowed].


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Should be shut. Waste of taxpayers money. There's a consulate in Bangkok, so no need for another one so close.

I think the problem is not lack of cash. I am informed income from services topped 350,000 baht a month two consuls ago. It can hardly have gone down - unless incompetence was involved. Assuming you pay the Hon Con or local staff consular officer 100,000 baht a month and deputy 50,000, plus rent 20,000 / utilities - max it means that consulate was more than breaking even quite some time ago.

The real reasons may be:(a) Consular officials do not want to leave Bangkok and go to Pattaya - let the riff raff come to us (2) its a security risk - too much leakage of info (3) nobody ever thought it out and how much extra work it might create and 'we have set a dangerous precedent' (4) having the consulate staffed by a Brit of Thai extraction while politically correct had failed in its application (5) The old system where one did not actually pay the Hon Con more than 8000 baht a month for working like a navvy is tried and tested.

I live on the outskirts of Bangkok. I have to time my trip carefully. Too early and I will spend 2-3 hours in a traffic jam. Too late and i will not make the 11 am closing time. This is because they apply rigid rules - applications am - pick ups in the afternoon.

Much better if they just opened between 3 and 5 pm and took the rest of the short day off. That way Brits and consular officials will have hopefully recovered from their collective hang-overs and can get their application in before heading to the bar - and then the çustomers'can pick 'em up the following day before heading to the bar again. For Pattaya Brits though it will require two hotel night stays. But bulk discounts could be arranged with the Nana Hotel. Sold by the Pattaya Hon Con.

Maybe the Embassy could do three problems for the price of two. Five problems - win a free night at the Nana.

It is a business they are running. There are reasons for those rigid rules preventing overservicing.

Actually if Foreign Secretary William Hague stayed at home - the cost of his latest trip - would probably pay for an office in Phuket too

Edited by Gang Warily
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Smells of Thai Immigration - the more they can frustrate, obstruct and hinder farangs the happier they are.

Personally never had a problem with Immigration anywhere in Thailand and I have had to conduct business with a few different one in 10 yrs here. I have nothing but good words for them.

Further to that, Aussies have always had to travel from all over Thailand to the OZ Embassy in Bangkok and that includes travelling from Phuket to Bangers. So I dont know what you Brits are winging about.

Totally agree Ozemade. Its a pleasure to live in Thailand. Make the most of it and stop whinging, from a Brit.

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Much better if they just opened between 3 and 5 pm and took the rest of the short day off. That way Brits and consular officials will have hopefully recovered from their collective hang-overs and can get their application in before heading to the bar - and then the çustomers'can pick 'em up the following day before heading to the bar again. For Pattaya Brits though it will require two hotel night stays. But bulk discounts could be arranged with the Nana Hotel. Sold by the Pattaya Hon Con.

Maybe the Embassy could do three problems for the price of two. Five problems - win a free night at the Nana.

Do you believe this is an accurate view of Pattaya Brit's ?

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Smells of Thai Immigration - the more they can frustrate, obstruct and hinder farangs the happier they are.

Personally never had a problem with Immigration anywhere in Thailand and I have had to conduct business with a few different one in 10 yrs here. I have nothing but good words for them.

Further to that, Aussies have always had to travel from all over Thailand to the OZ Embassy in Bangkok and that includes travelling from Phuket to Bangers. So I dont know what you Brits are winging about.

Please don't include all Brits with that ludicrous post about Thai immigration. Has nothing to do with them. To be honest, Phuket would be a better place to put an Consulate, after all Pattay ain't far from BKK.

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Should be shut. Waste of taxpayers money. There's a consulate in Bangkok, so no need for another one so close.

I and I'm pretty sure plenty of other Brits in Pattaya paid plenty of tax in the past and wouldn't consider it a waste of their money. How would you like it if something you had paid for in the past was taken away from you in the future?

I think you have answered your own question, you have paid tax in the past meaning you are not paying now, yes I do think they are wrong to close the consulate in Pattaya but paying tax in the past should not give you equal rights to those paying now, if you are not paying tax to the UK then whoever you are paying tax to should be looking after you.

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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Why do I pay UK taxes on my pension for what?? At least I felt I was getting some service for my money with the Pattaya Consulate office being there where it is truly needed adn where it offered a pretty good service to the.thousands of UK nationals in the area I reckon there are probably more UK guys living or on holiday in Pattaya than even Bangkok at a guess, so why make the much needed consular service inferior ??? . Hague visiting here, so is it any wonder he wants to save money and sod the UK nationals here .

Come on now ow much do you think that tiny office in Soi 5 Jomtien costs to rent hmm ?? Bugger all I am certain knowing Thai rental costs in areas such as that. Then the cost of one or two at most locally employed staff who they will continue to need anyway to either relocate to Bangkok or replace them up there to deal with the extra workload from Pattaya. The costings really must be very small for sure and money so well spent for the huge benefit it gives to thousands of UK nationals living in Pattaya and the large surrounding areas. If they added say 100 Baht local excess charge to each and every customer paying service then with the amount of customers here that would easily pay their added costs to keep the office open here I am sure. And it would save so many elderly guys for instance a whole day of their remaining lives dragging themselves up to Bangkok each year for their pension letter or whatever they need and still be cheaper than the Bangkok return journey and taxis etc too.


Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

Here ends the party political broadcast on behalf of the loony left!

Pattaya - Bangkok - motorway. Not exactly a massive distance or difficult journey. The UK, like most other "developed" countries is in deep financial trouble. Doesn't matter which party is in, austerity measures and cuts will be made, the poor will be squeazed, the rich will get richer and the corrupt bankers will keep scamming. Sad, but that's how it is.

Closing this might inconvenience you and mean that you have to travel to the embassy. Always a queue and shut at 11.00 am so go early.

Pattaya ex-pats have been blessed to have such an easy accessable consulate for such a small population ratio of people..no wonder you are all kicking up a stink!!When I walked down in Sydney recently to the Gateway building of the British Consulate... all the information that I requested I was directed to forms /flyers on the walls or a phone number in Canberra...No one would talk to me!!!!Get over it guys it aint the end of the world !!!passifier.gif

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The Belgian Consulate in Bangkok sends most documents, such as income affidavits, by post.

About one week after I send the necessary documents and the money, I receive the signed and stamped affidavits, etc.

Sometimes they call me to check if I am still alive.

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.... I think the problem is not lack of cash. I am informed income from services topped 350,000 baht a month two consuls ago. It can hardly have gone down - unless incompetence was involved. Assuming you pay the Hon Con or local staff consular officer 100,000 baht a month and deputy 50,000, plus rent 20,000 / utilities - max it means that consulate was more than breaking even quite some time ago. ....

Pretty generous pay scales!

The Vice Consul was on 50,000 (less tax!) and the Consular Officer 30,000.

Prior to that, when HM was doing the job, the running costs of the Consulate were no more than 50,000 baht a month (forget his minimal stipend, as the new Honorary Consul will still be getting that no matter how little he/she does).

If you assume that all those going to the Consulate in Pattaya will still go to the Embassy in Bangkok they will need to take on more staff there instead - particularly for a same day service. If, say, 25% don't go to Bangkok but put money in the bank for pension letters instead, etc, consular fees will drop from 350,000 baht a month to 262,500 - a loss of 87,500 baht. Either way it will actually be MORE expensive to close the Consulate and do the job from Bangkok, not less.

"Real reason" ? Almost certainly "(3) Nobody thought it out", then or now, and its just in the "too difficult" tray.

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Loony left.??? I think I said Lib Dem Alternative Government of THE CENTRE may help which acknowledges money AND PEOPLE. Where did I say anything about left wing extreme socialist doctrines, or the so called loony left you mentioned??. I am against BOTH the loony left and the intolerable uncaring right wing mate, which is clear if you read what is written before making such inane grossly inaccurate comments which I resent. Jeez it is getting as bad as some non thinking Americans who feel anyone who is not extreme right wing has to somehow be a communist with nothing in between, totally crass and stupid of course. Anyway it IS all very relevant as it is the usual right wing sod the service level cost saving that is behind this move as pointed out, and if you do not realise that then you probably have your head in the sand..

Anyway back to the more direct and immediate problem. Some of us hate Bangkok as much as we do Manchester and London and Birmingham and other noisy, smelly overcrowded tiresome cities and they are the last places we want to waste a day of our remaining lives in. . Sure some love it and that is good too as is anything that makes folk smile a little more. Some of us are getting too old and frail for such tiresome journeys, still okay for me but I know of many who would find it very difficult to make such an unnecessary journey.. So think about others my friend not just about what you personally can and want to do. What is surely also most important is it SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY.to have to make that journey to Bangkok or risk losing your documents in the post, as we are talking peanuts I am sure to keep the Soi 5 office open.

One positive compromise would be for them to simply collect the needed completed forms and documents from folk daily in Jomtien and courier them safely to and from the UK Bangkok Embassy as I think they did before, and even if for a very small fee like 100 Baht if really needed. Certainly an inferior service and unnecessary kludge but better than folk having to trail up to Bangkok when it really should not be necessary.


you sound like a bit of a loony to me, posting a letter is not hard and neither is getting a train or a taxi, unfortunatly the UK economy have a few other issues on their mind at the moment than a few old gits having a moan

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Smells of Thai Immigration - the more they can frustrate, obstruct and hinder farangs the happier they are.

Personally never had a problem with Immigration anywhere in Thailand and I have had to conduct business with a few different one in 10 yrs here. I have nothing but good words for them.

Further to that, Aussies have always had to travel from all over Thailand to the OZ Embassy in Bangkok and that includes travelling from Phuket to Bangers. So I dont know what you Brits are winging about.

orssies have bigger things to worry about....


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